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A Go build system with file watchers, output streams and live reload. Run, build and watch file changes with custom paths
- Highly customizable
- Config your project Step by Step
- Build, Install, Test, Fmt, Generate and Run at the same time
- Live reload on file changes (re-build, re-install...)
- Watch custom paths and specific file extensions
- Watch by FsNotify or by polling
- Support for multiple projects
- Output streams and error logs (support for save on a file)
- Web Panel (projects list, config settings, logs)
- Getting Started
- Run cmd - Run a project
- Add cmd - Add a new project
- Init cmd - Make a custom config step by step
- Remove cmd - Remove a project
- List cmd - List the projects
- Config sample
Run this to get/install:
$ go get github.com/tockins/realize
From project/projects root execute:
$ realize run
It will create a realize.yaml file if it doesn't exist already, adds the working directory as project and run the pipeline.
The Run command supports the following custom parameters:
--path="realize/server" -> Custom Path, if not specified takes the working directory name
--build -> Enable go build
--no-run -> Disable go run
--no-install -> Disable go install
--no-config -> Ignore an existing config / skip the creation of a new one
--server -> Enable the web server
--legacy -> Enable legacy watch instead of Fsnotify watch
--generate -> Enable go generate
--test -> Enable go test
$ realize run
$ realize run --path="mypath"
$ realize run --name="My Project" --build
$ realize run --path="realize" --no-run --no-config
$ realize run --path="/Users/alessio/go/src/github.com/tockins/realize-examples/coin/"
If you want, you can specify additional arguments for your project.
The additional arguments must go after the params
Run can run a project from its working directory without make a config file (--no-config).
$ realize run --path="/print/printer" --no-run yourParams --yourFlags // right
$ realize run yourParams --yourFlags --path="/print/printer" --no-run // wrong
Add a project to an existing config file or create a new one without run the pipeline.
"Add" supports the same parameters of the "Run" command.
$ realize add
Like add, but with this command you can create a configuration step by step and customize each option.
Init is the only command that supports a complete customization of all the options supported
$ realize init
Remove a project by its name
$ realize remove --name="myname"
Projects list in cli
$ realize list
Color reference
Blue: outputs of the project
Red: errors
Magenta: times or changed files
Green: successfully completed action
Config sample
For more examples check Realize Examples
status: true // legacy watch status
interval: 10s // polling interval
resources: // files names related to streams
outputs: outputs.log
logs: logs.log
errors: errors.log
status: true // server status
open: false // auto open in browser on start
host: localhost // server host
port: 5001 // server port
- name: realize
path: . // project path
fmt: true
generate: false
test: false
bin: true
build: false
run: false
params: // additional params
- --myarg
preview: false // wached files preview
paths: // paths to watch
- /
ignore_paths: // paths to ignore
- vendor
exts: // exts to watch
- .go
scripts: // custom commands after/before
- type: after // type after/before
command: go run mycmd after // command
path: "" // run from a custom path or from the working dir
streams: // enable/disable streams
cli_out: true
file_out: false
file_log: false
file_err: false
This is the configuration used for develop realize
settings: resources: outputs: outputs.log logs: logs.log errors: errors.log server: status: false open: false host: localhost port: 5001 projects: - name: realize path: /Users/alessio/go/src/github.com/tockins/realize fmt: true generate: false test: false bin: true build: false run: false watcher: preview: false paths: - / ignore_paths: - server/assets exts: - .go scripts: - type: before command: go-bindata -pkg="server" assets/... path: server - type: after command: go-bindata -pkg="server" assets/... path: server streams: cli_out: true file_out: false file_log: false file_err: false
Support us and suggest an improvement
- Chat with us Gitter
- Alessio Pracchia
- Daniele Conventi