Evan Jones e29f0a2d66
Don't use debug base; Add pprof handlers
Add pprof web handlers mostly for testing, not because it is needed.
Dockerfile: Use the non-debug base image. Use user nobody since
    that is a bit more standard than user "nonroot"
pprofweb-deploy.yaml: Example Kubernetes configuration
2020-01-20 10:55:01 -05:00

27 lines
784 B

FROM golang:1.13.6-buster AS builder
COPY go.mod go.sum pprofweb.go /go/src/pprofweb/
WORKDIR /go/src/pprofweb
RUN go build --mod=readonly pprofweb.go
# Extract graphviz and dependencies
FROM golang:1.13.6-buster AS deb_extractor
RUN cd /tmp && \
apt-get update && apt-get download \
graphviz libgvc6 libcgraph6 libltdl7 libxdot4 libcdt5 libpathplan4 libexpat1 zlib1g && \
mkdir /dpkg && \
for deb in *.deb; do dpkg --extract $deb /dpkg || exit 10; done
FROM gcr.io/distroless/base-debian10:latest AS run
COPY --from=builder /go/src/pprofweb/pprofweb /pprofweb
COPY --from=deb_extractor /dpkg /
# Configure dot plugins
RUN ["dot", "-c"]
# Use a non-root user: slightly more secure (defense in depth)
USER nobody
ENTRYPOINT ["/pprofweb"]