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2022-02-21 03:53:13 +00:00
package guilds // import "git.tuxpa.in/a/gosora/extend/guilds/lib"
import (
2022-02-21 03:53:13 +00:00
c "git.tuxpa.in/a/gosora/common"
// A blank list to fill out that parameter in Page for routes which don't use it
var tList []interface{}
var ListStmt *sql.Stmt
var MemberListStmt *sql.Stmt
var MemberListJoinStmt *sql.Stmt
var GetMemberStmt *sql.Stmt
var AttachForumStmt *sql.Stmt
var UnattachForumStmt *sql.Stmt
var AddMemberStmt *sql.Stmt
// Guild is a struct representing a guild
type Guild struct {
ID int
Link string
Name string
Desc string
Active bool
Privacy int /* 0: Public, 1: Protected, 2: Private */
// Who should be able to accept applications and create invites? Mods+ or just admins? Mods is a good start, we can ponder over whether we should make this more flexible in the future.
Joinable int /* 0: Private, 1: Anyone can join, 2: Applications, 3: Invite-only */
MemberCount int
Owner int
Backdrop string
CreatedAt string
LastUpdateTime string
MainForumID int
MainForum *c.Forum
Forums []*c.Forum
ExtData c.ExtData
type Page struct {
Title string
Header *c.Header
ItemList []*c.TopicsRow
Forum *c.Forum
Guild *Guild
Page int
LastPage int
// ListPage is a page struct for constructing a list of every guild
type ListPage struct {
Title string
2022-02-21 03:53:13 +00:00
User *c.User
Header *c.Header
GuildList []*Guild
type MemberListPage struct {
Title string
Header *c.Header
ItemList []Member
Guild *Guild
Page int
LastPage int
// Member is a struct representing a specific member of a guild, not to be confused with the global User struct.
type Member struct {
Link string
Rank int /* 0: Member. 1: Mod. 2: Admin. */
RankString string /* Member, Mod, Admin, Owner */
PostCount int
JoinedAt string
Offline bool // TODO: Need to track the online states of members when WebSockets are enabled
User c.User
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
func PrebuildTmplList(user *c.User, h *c.Header) c.CTmpl {
guildList := []*Guild{
ID: 1,
Name: "lol",
Link: BuildGuildURL(c.NameToSlug("lol"), 1),
Desc: "A group for people who like to laugh",
Active: true,
MemberCount: 1,
Owner: 1,
CreatedAt: "date",
LastUpdateTime: "date",
MainForumID: 1,
MainForum: c.Forums.DirtyGet(1),
Forums: []*c.Forum{c.Forums.DirtyGet(1)},
listPage := ListPage{"Guild List", user, h, guildList}
return c.CTmpl{"guilds_guild_list", "guilds_guild_list.html", "templates/", "guilds.ListPage", listPage, []string{"./extend/guilds/lib"}}
// TODO: Do this properly via the widget system
func CommonAreaWidgets(header *c.Header) {
// TODO: Hot Groups? Featured Groups? Official Groups?
var b bytes.Buffer
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
menu := c.WidgetMenu{"Guilds", []c.WidgetMenuItem{
c.WidgetMenuItem{"Create Guild", "/guild/create/", false},
The Search and Filter Widget is now partly implemented. Just Search to go in the basic implementation. Added AJAX Pagination for the Topic List and Forum Page. A new log file pair is now created every-time Gosora starts up. Added proper per-theme template overrides. Added EasyJSON to make JSON serialisation faster. Moved a bit of boilerplate into paginator.html Improved paginator.html with a richer template with first, last and symbols instead of text. Phased out direct access to Templates.ExecuteTemplate across the software. Fixed the Live Topic List so it should work again. Added MicroAvatar to WsJSONUser for topic list JSON requests. An instance of the plugin is now passed to plugin handlers rather than having the plugins manipulate the globals directly. Added the pre_render_panel_forum_edit and pre_render_panel_forum_edit_perms hooks to replace pre_render_panel_edit_forum. Renamed the pre_render_panel_edit_user hook to pre_render_panel_user_edit Reduced the amount of noise from fsnotify. Added RawPrepare() to qgen.Accumulator. Added a temporary phrase whitelist to the phrase endpoint. Moved the location of the zone data assignments in the topic list to reduce the chances of security issues in the future. Changed the signature of routes/panel/renderTemplate() requiring some changes across the panel routes. Removed bits of boilerplate in some of the panel routes with renderTemplate() Added a BenchmarkTopicsGuestJSRouteParallelWithRouter benchmark. Removed a fair bit of boilerplate for each page struct by generating a couple of interface casts for each template file instead. Added the profile_comments_row_alt template. Added the topics_quick_topic template to reuse part of the quick topic logic for both the topic list and forum page. Tweaked the CSS for the Online Users Widget. Tweaked the CSS for Widgets in every theme with a sidebar. Refactored the template initialisers to hopefully reduce the amount of boilerplate and make things easier to maintain and follow. Add genIntTmpl in the template initialiser file to reduce the amount of boilerplate needed for the fallback template bindings. Removed the topics_head phrase. Moved the paginator_ phrases into the paginator. namespace and renamed them accordingly. Added the paginator.first_page phrase. Added the paginator.first_page_aria phrase. Added the paginator.last_page phrase. Added the paginator.last_page_aria phrase. Added the panel_forum_delete_are_you_sure phrase. Fixed a data race in LogWarning()
2019-02-10 05:52:26 +00:00
err := header.Theme.RunTmpl("widget_menu", pi, w)
if err != nil {
if header.Theme.HasDock("leftSidebar") {
header.Widgets.LeftSidebar = template.HTML(string(b.Bytes()))
} else if header.Theme.HasDock("rightSidebar") {
header.Widgets.RightSidebar = template.HTML(string(b.Bytes()))
// TODO: Do this properly via the widget system
// TODO: Make a better more customisable group widget system
func GuildWidgets(header *c.Header, guildItem *Guild) (success bool) {
return false // Disabled until the next commit
/*var b bytes.Buffer
var menu WidgetMenu = WidgetMenu{"Guild Options", []WidgetMenuItem{
WidgetMenuItem{"Join", "/guild/join/" + strconv.Itoa(guildItem.ID), false},
WidgetMenuItem{"Members", "/guild/members/" + strconv.Itoa(guildItem.ID), false},
err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b, "widget_menu.html", menu)
if err != nil {
return false
if themes[header.Theme.Name].Sidebars == "left" {
header.Widgets.LeftSidebar = template.HTML(string(b.Bytes()))
} else if themes[header.Theme.Name].Sidebars == "right" || themes[header.Theme.Name].Sidebars == "both" {
header.Widgets.RightSidebar = template.HTML(string(b.Bytes()))
} else {
return false
return true*/
Custom Pages
func RouteGuildList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *c.User) c.RouteError {
h, ferr := c.UserCheck(w, r, user)
if ferr != nil {
return ferr
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
rows, err := ListStmt.Query()
if err != nil && err != c.ErrNoRows {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
defer rows.Close()
var guildList []*Guild
for rows.Next() {
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
g := &Guild{ID: 0}
err := rows.Scan(&g.ID, &g.Name, &g.Desc, &g.Active, &g.Privacy, &g.Joinable, &g.Owner, &g.MemberCount, &g.CreatedAt, &g.LastUpdateTime)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
g.Link = BuildGuildURL(c.NameToSlug(g.Name), g.ID)
guildList = append(guildList, g)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
pi := ListPage{"Guild List", user, h, guildList}
return routes.RenderTemplate("guilds_guild_list", w, r, h, pi)
func MiddleViewGuild(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *c.User) c.RouteError {
_, guildID, err := routes.ParseSEOURL(r.URL.Path[len("/guild/"):])
if err != nil {
return c.PreError("Not a valid guild ID", w, r)
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
guildItem, err := Gstore.Get(guildID)
if err != nil {
return c.LocalError("Bad guild", w, r, user)
// TODO: Build and pass header
if !guildItem.Active {
return c.NotFound(w, r, nil)
return nil
// TODO: Re-implement this
// Re-route the request to routeForums
//var ctx = context.WithValue(r.Context(), "guilds_current_guild", guildItem)
//return routeForum(w, r.WithContext(ctx), user, strconv.Itoa(guildItem.MainForumID))
func RouteCreateGuild(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *c.User) c.RouteError {
h, ferr := c.UserCheck(w, r, user)
if ferr != nil {
return ferr
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
h.Title = "Create Guild"
// TODO: Add an approval queue mode for group creation
if !user.Loggedin || !user.PluginPerms["CreateGuild"] {
return c.NoPermissions(w, r, user)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
return routes.RenderTemplate("guilds_create_guild", w, r, h, c.Page{h, tList, nil})
func RouteCreateGuildSubmit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *c.User) c.RouteError {
// TODO: Add an approval queue mode for group creation
if !user.Loggedin || !user.PluginPerms["CreateGuild"] {
return c.NoPermissions(w, r, user)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
guildActive := true
guildName := c.SanitiseSingleLine(r.PostFormValue("group_name"))
// TODO: Allow Markdown / BBCode / Limited HTML in the description?
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
guildDesc := c.SanitiseBody(r.PostFormValue("group_desc"))
var guildPrivacy int
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
switch r.PostFormValue("group_privacy") {
case "0":
guildPrivacy = 0 // Public
case "1":
guildPrivacy = 1 // Protected
case "2":
guildPrivacy = 2 // private
guildPrivacy = 0
// Create the backing forum
fid, err := c.Forums.Create(guildName, "", true, "")
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
gid, err := Gstore.Create(guildName, guildDesc, guildActive, guildPrivacy, user.ID, fid)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
// Add the main backing forum to the forum list
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
err = AttachForum(gid, fid)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
_, err = AddMemberStmt.Exec(gid, user.ID, 2)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
http.Redirect(w, r, BuildGuildURL(c.NameToSlug(guildName), gid), http.StatusSeeOther)
return nil
func RouteMemberList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *c.User) c.RouteError {
header, ferr := c.UserCheck(w, r, &user)
if ferr != nil {
return ferr
_, guildID, err := routes.ParseSEOURL(r.URL.Path[len("/guild/members/"):])
if err != nil {
return c.PreError("Not a valid group ID", w, r)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
guild, err := Gstore.Get(guildID)
if err != nil {
return c.LocalError("Bad group", w, r, user)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
guild.Link = BuildGuildURL(c.NameToSlug(guild.Name), guild.ID)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
GuildWidgets(header, guild)
rows, err := MemberListJoinStmt.Query(guildID)
if err != nil && err != c.ErrNoRows {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
var guildMembers []Member
for rows.Next() {
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
gMember := Member{PostCount: 0}
err := rows.Scan(&gMember.User.ID, &gMember.Rank, &gMember.PostCount, &gMember.JoinedAt, &gMember.User.Name, &gMember.User.RawAvatar)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
gMember.Link = c.BuildProfileURL(c.NameToSlug(gMember.User.Name), gMember.User.ID)
gMember.User.Avatar, gMember.User.MicroAvatar = c.BuildAvatar(gMember.User.ID, gMember.User.RawAvatar)
gMember.JoinedAt, _ = c.RelativeTimeFromString(gMember.JoinedAt)
if guild.Owner == gMember.User.ID {
gMember.RankString = "Owner"
} else {
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
switch gMember.Rank {
case 0:
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
gMember.RankString = "Member"
case 1:
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
gMember.RankString = "Mod"
case 2:
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
gMember.RankString = "Admin"
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
guildMembers = append(guildMembers, gMember)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
pi := MemberListPage{"Guild Member List", user, header, gMembers, guild, 0, 0}
// A plugin with plugins. Pluginception!
if c.RunPreRenderHook("pre_render_guilds_member_list", w, r, user, &pi) {
return nil
err = c.RunThemeTemplate(header.Theme.Name, "guilds_member_list", pi, w)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
return nil
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
func AttachForum(guildID, fid int) error {
_, err := AttachForumStmt.Exec(guildID, fid)
return err
func UnattachForum(fid int) error {
_, err := AttachForumStmt.Exec(fid)
return err
func BuildGuildURL(slug string, id int) string {
if slug == "" || !c.Config.BuildSlugs {
return "/guild/" + strconv.Itoa(id)
return "/guild/" + slug + "." + strconv.Itoa(id)
// TODO: Prebuild this template
func PreRenderViewForum(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *c.User, data interface{}) (halt bool) {
pi := data.(*c.ForumPage)
if pi.Header.ExtData.Items != nil {
if guildData, ok := pi.Header.ExtData.Items["guilds_current_group"]; ok {
guildItem := guildData.(*Guild)
guildpi := Page{pi.Title, pi.Header, pi.ItemList, pi.Forum, guildItem, pi.Page, pi.LastPage}
err := routes.RenderTemplate("guilds_view_guild", w, r, pi.Header, guildpi)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
return false
func TrowAssign(args ...interface{}) interface{} {
var forum = args[1].(*c.Forum)
if forum.ParentType == "guild" {
var topicItem = args[0].(*c.TopicsRow)
topicItem.ForumLink = "/guild/" + strings.TrimPrefix(topicItem.ForumLink, c.GetForumURLPrefix())
return nil
// TODO: It would be nice, if you could select one of the boards in the group from that drop-down rather than just the one you got linked from
func TopicCreatePreLoop(args ...interface{}) interface{} {
var fid = args[2].(int)
if c.Forums.DirtyGet(fid).ParentType == "guild" {
var strictmode = args[5].(*bool)
*strictmode = true
return nil
// TODO: Add privacy options
// TODO: Add support for multiple boards and add per-board simplified permissions
// TODO: Take js into account for routes which expect JSON responses
func ForumCheck(args ...interface{}) (skip bool, rerr c.RouteError) {
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
r := args[1].(*http.Request)
fid := args[3].(*int)
forum := c.Forums.DirtyGet(*fid)
if forum.ParentType == "guild" {
var err error
w := args[0].(http.ResponseWriter)
guildItem, ok := r.Context().Value("guilds_current_group").(*Guild)
if !ok {
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
guildItem, err = Gstore.Get(forum.ParentID)
if err != nil {
return true, c.InternalError(errors.New("Unable to find the parent group for a forum"), w, r)
if !guildItem.Active {
return true, c.NotFound(w, r, nil) // TODO: Can we pull header out of args?
r = r.WithContext(context.WithValue(r.Context(), "guilds_current_group", guildItem))
user := args[2].(*c.User)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
var rank, posts int
var joinedAt string
// TODO: Group privacy settings. For now, groups are all globally visible
// Clear the default group permissions
// TODO: Do this more efficiently, doing it quick and dirty for now to get this out quickly
c.OverrideForumPerms(&user.Perms, false)
user.Perms.ViewTopic = true
err = GetMemberStmt.QueryRow(guildItem.ID, user.ID).Scan(&rank, &posts, &joinedAt)
if err != nil && err != c.ErrNoRows {
return true, c.InternalError(err, w, r)
} else if err != nil {
// TODO: Should we let admins / guests into public groups?
return true, c.LocalError("You're not part of this group!", w, r, user)
// TODO: Implement bans properly by adding the Local Ban API in the next commit
// TODO: How does this even work? Refactor it along with the rest of this plugin!
if rank < 0 {
return true, c.LocalError("You've been banned from this group!", w, r, user)
// Basic permissions for members, more complicated permissions coming in the next commit!
if guildItem.Owner == user.ID {
c.OverrideForumPerms(&user.Perms, true)
} else if rank == 0 {
user.Perms.LikeItem = true
user.Perms.CreateTopic = true
user.Perms.CreateReply = true
} else {
c.OverrideForumPerms(&user.Perms, true)
return true, nil
return false, nil
// TODO: Override redirects? I don't think this is needed quite yet
func Widgets(args ...interface{}) interface{} {
zone := args[0].(string)
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
h := args[2].(*c.Header)
request := args[3].(*http.Request)
if zone != "view_forum" {
return false
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
f := args[1].(*c.Forum)
if f.ParentType == "guild" {
// This is why I hate using contexts, all the daisy chains and interface casts x.x
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
guild, ok := request.Context().Value("guilds_current_group").(*Guild)
if !ok {
c.LogError(errors.New("Unable to find a parent group in the context data"))
return false
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
if h.ExtData.Items == nil {
h.ExtData.Items = make(map[string]interface{})
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
h.ExtData.Items["guilds_current_group"] = guild
2020-02-05 02:48:35 +00:00
return GuildWidgets(h, guild)
return false