2023-06-11 09:21:08 -05:00

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package xgraphics
xgraphics/new.go contains a few additional constructors for creating an
import (
_ "image/gif"
_ "image/jpeg"
_ "image/png"
// NewConvert converts any image satisfying the image.Image interface to an
// xgraphics.Image type.
// If 'img' is an xgraphics.Image, it will be copied and a new image will
// be returned.
// Also, NewConvert attempts to optimize image conversion for some image
// formats. (i.e., *image.RGBA.)
func NewConvert(X *xgbutil.XUtil, img image.Image) *Image {
ximg := New(X, img.Bounds())
// I've attempted to optimize this loop.
// It actually takes more time to convert an image than to send the bytes
// over the wire. (I suspect 'copy' is super fast, which can be used in
// XDraw, whereas computing each pixel is super slow.)
// But how is image decoding so much faster than this? I'll have to
// investigate... Maybe the Color interface being used here is the real
// slow down.
switch concrete := img.(type) {
case *image.NRGBA:
convertNRGBA(ximg, concrete)
case *image.NRGBA64:
convertNRGBA64(ximg, concrete)
case *image.RGBA:
convertRGBA(ximg, concrete)
case *image.RGBA64:
convertRGBA64(ximg, concrete)
case *image.YCbCr:
convertYCbCr(ximg, concrete)
case *Image:
convertXImage(ximg, concrete)
xgbutil.Logger.Printf("Converting image type %T the slow way. "+
"Optimization for this image type hasn't been added yet.", img)
convertImage(ximg, img)
return ximg
// NewFileName uses the image package's decoder and converts a file specified
// by fileName to an xgraphics.Image value.
// Opening a file or decoding an image can cause an error.
func NewFileName(X *xgbutil.XUtil, fileName string) (*Image, error) {
srcReader, err := os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer srcReader.Close()
img, _, err := image.Decode(srcReader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewConvert(X, img), nil
// NewBytes uses the image package's decoder to convert the bytes given to
// an xgraphics.Imag value.
// Decoding an image can cause an error.
func NewBytes(X *xgbutil.XUtil, bs []byte) (*Image, error) {
img, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(bs))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewConvert(X, img), nil
// NewEwmhIcon converts EWMH icon data (ARGB) to an xgraphics.Image type.
// You should probably use xgraphics.FindIcon instead of this directly.
func NewEwmhIcon(X *xgbutil.XUtil, icon *ewmh.WmIcon) *Image {
ximg := New(X, image.Rect(0, 0, int(icon.Width), int(icon.Height)))
r := ximg.Rect
width := r.Dx()
var argb, x, y int
for x = r.Min.X; x < r.Max.X; x++ {
for y = r.Min.Y; y < r.Max.Y; y++ {
argb = int(icon.Data[x+(y*width)])
ximg.SetBGRA(x, y, BGRA{
B: uint8(argb & 0x000000ff),
G: uint8((argb & 0x0000ff00) >> 8),
R: uint8((argb & 0x00ff0000) >> 16),
A: uint8(argb >> 24),
return ximg
// NewIcccmIcon converts two pixmap ids (icon_pixmap and icon_mask in the
// WM_HINTS properts) to a single xgraphics.Image.
// It is okay for one of iconPixmap or iconMask to be 0, but not both.
// You should probably use xgraphics.FindIcon instead of this directly.
func NewIcccmIcon(X *xgbutil.XUtil, iconPixmap,
iconMask xproto.Pixmap) (*Image, error) {
if iconPixmap == 0 && iconMask == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewIcccmIcon: At least one of iconPixmap or " +
"iconMask must be non-zero, but both are 0.")
var pximg, mximg *Image
var err error
// Get the xgraphics.Image for iconPixmap.
if iconPixmap != 0 {
pximg, err = NewDrawable(X, xproto.Drawable(iconPixmap))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now get the xgraphics.Image for iconMask.
if iconMask != 0 {
mximg, err = NewDrawable(X, xproto.Drawable(iconMask))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now merge them together if both were specified.
switch {
case pximg != nil && mximg != nil:
r := pximg.Bounds()
var x, y int
var bgra, maskBgra BGRA
for x = r.Min.X; x < r.Max.X; x++ {
for y = r.Min.Y; y < r.Max.Y; y++ {
maskBgra = mximg.At(x, y).(BGRA)
bgra = pximg.At(x, y).(BGRA)
if maskBgra.A == 0 {
pximg.SetBGRA(x, y, BGRA{
B: bgra.B,
G: bgra.G,
R: bgra.R,
A: 0,
return pximg, nil
case pximg != nil:
return pximg, nil
case mximg != nil:
return mximg, nil
// NewDrawable converts an X drawable into a xgraphics.Image.
// This is used in NewIcccmIcon.
func NewDrawable(X *xgbutil.XUtil, did xproto.Drawable) (*Image, error) {
// Get the geometry of the pixmap for use in the GetImage request.
pgeom, err := xwindow.RawGeometry(X, xproto.Drawable(did))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get the image data for each pixmap.
pixmapData, err := xproto.GetImage(X.Conn(), xproto.ImageFormatZPixmap,
0, 0, uint16(pgeom.Width()), uint16(pgeom.Height()),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now create the xgraphics.Image and populate it with data from
// pixmapData and maskData.
ximg := New(X, image.Rect(0, 0, pgeom.Width(), pgeom.Height()))
// We'll try to be a little flexible with the image format returned,
// but not completely flexible.
err = readDrawableData(X, ximg, did, pixmapData,
pgeom.Width(), pgeom.Height())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ximg, nil
// readDrawableData uses Format information to read data from an X pixmap
// into an xgraphics.Image.
// readPixmapData does not take into account all information possible to read
// X pixmaps and bitmaps. Of particular note is bit order/byte order.
func readDrawableData(X *xgbutil.XUtil, ximg *Image, did xproto.Drawable,
imgData *xproto.GetImageReply, width, height int) error {
format := GetFormat(X, imgData.Depth)
if format == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not find valid format for pixmap %d "+
"with depth %d", did, imgData.Depth)
switch format.Depth {
case 1: // We read bitmaps in as alpha masks.
if format.BitsPerPixel != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("The image returned for pixmap id %d with "+
"depth %d has an unsupported value for bits-per-pixel: %d",
did, format.Depth, format.BitsPerPixel)
// Calculate the padded width of our image data.
pad := int(X.Setup().BitmapFormatScanlinePad)
paddedWidth := width
if width%pad != 0 {
paddedWidth = width + pad - (width % pad)
// Process one scanline at a time. Each 'y' represents a
// single scanline.
for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
// Each scanline has length 'width' padded to
// BitmapFormatScanlinePad, which is found in the X setup info.
// 'i' is the index to the starting byte of the yth scanline.
i := y * paddedWidth / 8
for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
b := imgData.Data[i+x/8] >> uint(x%8)
if b&1 > 0 { // opaque
ximg.Set(x, y, BGRA{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff})
} else { // transparent
ximg.Set(x, y, BGRA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0})
case 24, 32:
switch format.BitsPerPixel {
case 24:
bytesPer := int(format.BitsPerPixel) / 8
var i int
ximg.For(func(x, y int) BGRA {
i = y*width*bytesPer + x*bytesPer
return BGRA{
B: imgData.Data[i],
G: imgData.Data[i+1],
R: imgData.Data[i+2],
A: 0xff,
case 32:
bytesPer := int(format.BitsPerPixel) / 8
var i int
ximg.For(func(x, y int) BGRA {
i = y*width*bytesPer + x*bytesPer
return BGRA{
B: imgData.Data[i],
G: imgData.Data[i+1],
R: imgData.Data[i+2],
A: imgData.Data[i+3],
return fmt.Errorf("The image returned for pixmap id %d has "+
"an unsupported value for bits-per-pixel: %d",
did, format.BitsPerPixel)
return fmt.Errorf("The image returned for pixmap id %d has an "+
"unsupported value for depth: %d", did, format.Depth)
return nil
// GetFormat searches SetupInfo for a Format matching the depth provided.
func GetFormat(X *xgbutil.XUtil, depth byte) *xproto.Format {
for _, pixForm := range X.Setup().PixmapFormats {
if pixForm.Depth == depth {
return &pixForm
return nil
// getVisualInfo searches SetupInfo for a VisualInfo value matching
// the depth provided.
// XXX: This isn't used (yet).
func getVisualInfo(X *xgbutil.XUtil, depth byte,
visualid xproto.Visualid) *xproto.VisualInfo {
for _, depthInfo := range X.Screen().AllowedDepths {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", depthInfo)
// fmt.Printf("%#v\n", depthInfo.Visuals)
if depthInfo.Depth == depth {
for _, visual := range depthInfo.Visuals {
if visual.VisualId == visualid {
return &visual
return nil