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2023-06-11 14:21:08 +00:00
package xevent
xevent/eventloop.go contains code that implements a main X event loop.
Namely, it provides facilities to read new events into xevent's event queue,
run a normal main event loop and run a main event loop that pings a channel
each time an event is about to be dequeued. The latter facility allows one to
easily include other input sources for processing in a program's main event
import (
// Read reads one or more events and queues them in XUtil.
// If 'block' is True, then call 'WaitForEvent' before sucking up
// all events that have been queued by XGB.
func Read(xu *xgbutil.XUtil, block bool) {
if block {
ev, err := xu.Conn().WaitForEvent()
if ev == nil && err == nil {
xgbutil.Logger.Fatal("BUG: Could not read an event or an error.")
Enqueue(xu, ev, err)
// Clean up anything that's in the queue
for {
ev, err := xu.Conn().PollForEvent()
// No events left...
if ev == nil && err == nil {
// We're good, queue it up
Enqueue(xu, ev, err)
// Main starts the main X event loop. It will read events and call appropriate
// callback functions.
// N.B. If you have multiple X connections in the same program, you should be
// able to run this in different goroutines concurrently. However, only
// *one* of these should run for *each* connection.
func Main(xu *xgbutil.XUtil) {
mainEventLoop(xu, nil, nil, nil)
// MainPing starts the main X event loop, and returns three "ping" channels:
// the first is pinged before an event is dequeued, the second is pinged
// after all callbacks for a particular event have been called and the last
// is pinged when the event loop stops (e.g., after a call to xevent.Quit).
// pingAfter channel.
// This is useful if your event loop needs to draw from other sources. e.g.,
// pingBefore, pingAfter, pingQuit := xevent.MainPing()
// for {
// select {
// case <-pingBefore:
// // Wait for event processing to finish.
// <-pingAfter
// case val <- someOtherChannel:
// // do some work with val
// case <-pingQuit:
// fmt.Printf("xevent loop has quit")
// return
// }
// }
// Note that an unbuffered channel is returned, which implies that any work
// done with 'val' will delay further X event processing.
// A complete example using MainPing can be found in the examples directory in
// the xgbutil package under the name multiple-source-event-loop.
func MainPing(xu *xgbutil.XUtil) (chan struct{}, chan struct{}, chan struct{}) {
pingBefore := make(chan struct{}, 0)
pingAfter := make(chan struct{}, 0)
pingQuit := make(chan struct{}, 0)
go func() {
mainEventLoop(xu, pingBefore, pingAfter, pingQuit)
return pingBefore, pingAfter, pingQuit
// mainEventLoop runs the main event loop with an optional ping channel.
func mainEventLoop(xu *xgbutil.XUtil,
pingBefore, pingAfter, pingQuit chan struct{}) {
for {
if Quitting(xu) {
if pingQuit != nil {
pingQuit <- struct{}{}
// Gobble up as many events as possible (into the queue).
// If there are no events, we block.
Read(xu, true)
// Now process every event/error in the queue.
processEventQueue(xu, pingBefore, pingAfter)
// processEventQueue processes every item in the event/error queue.
func processEventQueue(xu *xgbutil.XUtil, pingBefore, pingAfter chan struct{}) {
for !Empty(xu) {
if Quitting(xu) {
// We send the ping *before* the next event is dequeued.
// This is so the queue doesn't present a misrepresentation of which
// events haven't been processed yet.
if pingBefore != nil && pingAfter != nil {
pingBefore <- struct{}{}
ev, err := Dequeue(xu)
// If we gobbled up an error, send it to the error event handler
// and move on the next event/error.
if err != nil {
if pingBefore != nil && pingAfter != nil {
pingAfter <- struct{}{}
// We know there isn't an error. If there isn't an event either,
// then there's a bug somewhere.
if ev == nil {
xgbutil.Logger.Fatal("BUG: Expected an event but got nil.")
hooks := getHooks(xu)
for _, hook := range hooks {
if !hook.Run(xu, ev) {
goto END
switch event := ev.(type) {
case xproto.KeyPressEvent:
e := KeyPressEvent{&event}
// If we're redirecting key events, this is the place to do it!
if wid := RedirectKeyGet(xu); wid > 0 {
e.Event = wid
runCallbacks(xu, e, KeyPress, e.Event)
case xproto.KeyReleaseEvent:
e := KeyReleaseEvent{&event}
// If we're redirecting key events, this is the place to do it!
if wid := RedirectKeyGet(xu); wid > 0 {
e.Event = wid
runCallbacks(xu, e, KeyRelease, e.Event)
case xproto.ButtonPressEvent:
e := ButtonPressEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, ButtonPress, e.Event)
case xproto.ButtonReleaseEvent:
e := ButtonReleaseEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, ButtonRelease, e.Event)
case xproto.MotionNotifyEvent:
e := MotionNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, MotionNotify, e.Event)
case xproto.EnterNotifyEvent:
e := EnterNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, EnterNotify, e.Event)
case xproto.LeaveNotifyEvent:
e := LeaveNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, LeaveNotify, e.Event)
case xproto.FocusInEvent:
e := FocusInEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, FocusIn, e.Event)
case xproto.FocusOutEvent:
e := FocusOutEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, FocusOut, e.Event)
case xproto.KeymapNotifyEvent:
e := KeymapNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, KeymapNotify, NoWindow)
case xproto.ExposeEvent:
e := ExposeEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, Expose, e.Window)
case xproto.GraphicsExposureEvent:
e := GraphicsExposureEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, GraphicsExposure, xproto.Window(e.Drawable))
case xproto.NoExposureEvent:
e := NoExposureEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, NoExposure, xproto.Window(e.Drawable))
case xproto.VisibilityNotifyEvent:
e := VisibilityNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, VisibilityNotify, e.Window)
case xproto.CreateNotifyEvent:
e := CreateNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, CreateNotify, e.Parent)
case xproto.DestroyNotifyEvent:
e := DestroyNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, DestroyNotify, e.Window)
case xproto.UnmapNotifyEvent:
e := UnmapNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, UnmapNotify, e.Window)
case xproto.MapNotifyEvent:
e := MapNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, MapNotify, e.Event)
case xproto.MapRequestEvent:
e := MapRequestEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, MapRequest, e.Window)
runCallbacks(xu, e, MapRequest, e.Parent)
case xproto.ReparentNotifyEvent:
e := ReparentNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, ReparentNotify, e.Window)
case xproto.ConfigureNotifyEvent:
e := ConfigureNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, ConfigureNotify, e.Window)
case xproto.ConfigureRequestEvent:
e := ConfigureRequestEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, ConfigureRequest, e.Window)
runCallbacks(xu, e, ConfigureRequest, e.Parent)
case xproto.GravityNotifyEvent:
e := GravityNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, GravityNotify, e.Window)
case xproto.ResizeRequestEvent:
e := ResizeRequestEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, ResizeRequest, e.Window)
case xproto.CirculateNotifyEvent:
e := CirculateNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, CirculateNotify, e.Window)
case xproto.CirculateRequestEvent:
e := CirculateRequestEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, CirculateRequest, e.Window)
case xproto.PropertyNotifyEvent:
e := PropertyNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, PropertyNotify, e.Window)
case xproto.SelectionClearEvent:
e := SelectionClearEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, SelectionClear, e.Owner)
case xproto.SelectionRequestEvent:
e := SelectionRequestEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, SelectionRequest, e.Owner)
case xproto.SelectionNotifyEvent:
e := SelectionNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, SelectionNotify, e.Requestor)
case xproto.ColormapNotifyEvent:
e := ColormapNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, ColormapNotify, e.Window)
case xproto.ClientMessageEvent:
e := ClientMessageEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, ClientMessage, e.Window)
case xproto.MappingNotifyEvent:
e := MappingNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, MappingNotify, NoWindow)
case shape.NotifyEvent:
e := ShapeNotifyEvent{&event}
runCallbacks(xu, e, ShapeNotify, e.AffectedWindow)
if event != nil {
xgbutil.Logger.Printf("ERROR: UNSUPPORTED EVENT TYPE: %T",
if pingBefore != nil && pingAfter != nil {
pingAfter <- struct{}{}