// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build android // +build android /* Android Apps are built with -buildmode=c-shared. They are loaded by a running Java process. Before any entry point is reached, a global constructor initializes the Go runtime, calling all Go init functions. All cgo calls will block until this is complete. Next JNI_OnLoad is called. When that is complete, one of two entry points is called. All-Go apps built using NativeActivity enter at ANativeActivity_onCreate. Go libraries (for example, those built with gomobile bind) do not use the app package initialization. */ package app /* #cgo LDFLAGS: -landroid -llog -lEGL -lGLESv2 #include <android/configuration.h> #include <android/input.h> #include <android/keycodes.h> #include <android/looper.h> #include <android/native_activity.h> #include <android/native_window.h> #include <EGL/egl.h> #include <jni.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> extern EGLDisplay display; extern EGLSurface surface; char* createEGLSurface(ANativeWindow* window); char* destroyEGLSurface(); int32_t getKeyRune(JNIEnv* env, AInputEvent* e); */ import "C" import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "time" "unsafe" "golang.org/x/mobile/app/internal/callfn" "golang.org/x/mobile/event/key" "golang.org/x/mobile/event/lifecycle" "golang.org/x/mobile/event/paint" "golang.org/x/mobile/event/size" "golang.org/x/mobile/event/touch" "golang.org/x/mobile/geom" "golang.org/x/mobile/internal/mobileinit" ) // RunOnJVM runs fn on a new goroutine locked to an OS thread with a JNIEnv. // // RunOnJVM blocks until the call to fn is complete. Any Java // exception or failure to attach to the JVM is returned as an error. // // The function fn takes vm, the current JavaVM*, // env, the current JNIEnv*, and // ctx, a jobject representing the global android.context.Context. func RunOnJVM(fn func(vm, jniEnv, ctx uintptr) error) error { return mobileinit.RunOnJVM(fn) } //export setCurrentContext func setCurrentContext(vm *C.JavaVM, ctx C.jobject) { mobileinit.SetCurrentContext(unsafe.Pointer(vm), uintptr(ctx)) } //export callMain func callMain(mainPC uintptr) { for _, name := range []string{"TMPDIR", "PATH", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"} { n := C.CString(name) os.Setenv(name, C.GoString(C.getenv(n))) C.free(unsafe.Pointer(n)) } // Set timezone. // // Note that Android zoneinfo is stored in /system/usr/share/zoneinfo, // but it is in some kind of packed TZiff file that we do not support // yet. As a stopgap, we build a fixed zone using the tm_zone name. var curtime C.time_t var curtm C.struct_tm C.time(&curtime) C.localtime_r(&curtime, &curtm) tzOffset := int(curtm.tm_gmtoff) tz := C.GoString(curtm.tm_zone) time.Local = time.FixedZone(tz, tzOffset) go callfn.CallFn(mainPC) } //export onStart func onStart(activity *C.ANativeActivity) { } //export onResume func onResume(activity *C.ANativeActivity) { } //export onSaveInstanceState func onSaveInstanceState(activity *C.ANativeActivity, outSize *C.size_t) unsafe.Pointer { return nil } //export onPause func onPause(activity *C.ANativeActivity) { } //export onStop func onStop(activity *C.ANativeActivity) { } //export onCreate func onCreate(activity *C.ANativeActivity) { // Set the initial configuration. // // Note we use unbuffered channels to talk to the activity loop, and // NativeActivity calls these callbacks sequentially, so configuration // will be set before <-windowRedrawNeeded is processed. windowConfigChange <- windowConfigRead(activity) } //export onDestroy func onDestroy(activity *C.ANativeActivity) { } //export onWindowFocusChanged func onWindowFocusChanged(activity *C.ANativeActivity, hasFocus C.int) { } //export onNativeWindowCreated func onNativeWindowCreated(activity *C.ANativeActivity, window *C.ANativeWindow) { } //export onNativeWindowRedrawNeeded func onNativeWindowRedrawNeeded(activity *C.ANativeActivity, window *C.ANativeWindow) { // Called on orientation change and window resize. // Send a request for redraw, and block this function // until a complete draw and buffer swap is completed. // This is required by the redraw documentation to // avoid bad draws. windowRedrawNeeded <- window <-windowRedrawDone } //export onNativeWindowDestroyed func onNativeWindowDestroyed(activity *C.ANativeActivity, window *C.ANativeWindow) { windowDestroyed <- window } //export onInputQueueCreated func onInputQueueCreated(activity *C.ANativeActivity, q *C.AInputQueue) { inputQueue <- q <-inputQueueDone } //export onInputQueueDestroyed func onInputQueueDestroyed(activity *C.ANativeActivity, q *C.AInputQueue) { inputQueue <- nil <-inputQueueDone } //export onContentRectChanged func onContentRectChanged(activity *C.ANativeActivity, rect *C.ARect) { } type windowConfig struct { orientation size.Orientation pixelsPerPt float32 } func windowConfigRead(activity *C.ANativeActivity) windowConfig { aconfig := C.AConfiguration_new() C.AConfiguration_fromAssetManager(aconfig, activity.assetManager) orient := C.AConfiguration_getOrientation(aconfig) density := C.AConfiguration_getDensity(aconfig) C.AConfiguration_delete(aconfig) // Calculate the screen resolution. This value is approximate. For example, // a physical resolution of 200 DPI may be quantized to one of the // ACONFIGURATION_DENSITY_XXX values such as 160 or 240. // // A more accurate DPI could possibly be calculated from // https://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/DisplayMetrics.html#xdpi // but this does not appear to be accessible via the NDK. In any case, the // hardware might not even provide a more accurate number, as the system // does not apparently use the reported value. See golang.org/issue/13366 // for a discussion. var dpi int switch density { case C.ACONFIGURATION_DENSITY_DEFAULT: dpi = 160 case C.ACONFIGURATION_DENSITY_LOW, C.ACONFIGURATION_DENSITY_MEDIUM, 213, // C.ACONFIGURATION_DENSITY_TV C.ACONFIGURATION_DENSITY_HIGH, 320, // ACONFIGURATION_DENSITY_XHIGH 480, // ACONFIGURATION_DENSITY_XXHIGH 640: // ACONFIGURATION_DENSITY_XXXHIGH dpi = int(density) case C.ACONFIGURATION_DENSITY_NONE: log.Print("android device reports no screen density") dpi = 72 default: log.Printf("android device reports unknown density: %d", density) // All we can do is guess. if density > 0 { dpi = int(density) } else { dpi = 72 } } o := size.OrientationUnknown switch orient { case C.ACONFIGURATION_ORIENTATION_PORT: o = size.OrientationPortrait case C.ACONFIGURATION_ORIENTATION_LAND: o = size.OrientationLandscape } return windowConfig{ orientation: o, pixelsPerPt: float32(dpi) / 72, } } //export onConfigurationChanged func onConfigurationChanged(activity *C.ANativeActivity) { // A rotation event first triggers onConfigurationChanged, then // calls onNativeWindowRedrawNeeded. We extract the orientation // here and save it for the redraw event. windowConfigChange <- windowConfigRead(activity) } //export onLowMemory func onLowMemory(activity *C.ANativeActivity) { } var ( inputQueue = make(chan *C.AInputQueue) inputQueueDone = make(chan struct{}) windowDestroyed = make(chan *C.ANativeWindow) windowRedrawNeeded = make(chan *C.ANativeWindow) windowRedrawDone = make(chan struct{}) windowConfigChange = make(chan windowConfig) ) func init() { theApp.registerGLViewportFilter() } func main(f func(App)) { mainUserFn = f // TODO: merge the runInputQueue and mainUI functions? go func() { if err := mobileinit.RunOnJVM(runInputQueue); err != nil { log.Fatalf("app: %v", err) } }() // Preserve this OS thread for: // 1. the attached JNI thread // 2. the GL context if err := mobileinit.RunOnJVM(mainUI); err != nil { log.Fatalf("app: %v", err) } } var mainUserFn func(App) func mainUI(vm, jniEnv, ctx uintptr) error { workAvailable := theApp.worker.WorkAvailable() donec := make(chan struct{}) go func() { mainUserFn(theApp) close(donec) }() var pixelsPerPt float32 var orientation size.Orientation for { select { case <-donec: return nil case cfg := <-windowConfigChange: pixelsPerPt = cfg.pixelsPerPt orientation = cfg.orientation case w := <-windowRedrawNeeded: if C.surface == nil { if errStr := C.createEGLSurface(w); errStr != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s (%s)", C.GoString(errStr), eglGetError()) } } theApp.sendLifecycle(lifecycle.StageFocused) widthPx := int(C.ANativeWindow_getWidth(w)) heightPx := int(C.ANativeWindow_getHeight(w)) theApp.eventsIn <- size.Event{ WidthPx: widthPx, HeightPx: heightPx, WidthPt: geom.Pt(float32(widthPx) / pixelsPerPt), HeightPt: geom.Pt(float32(heightPx) / pixelsPerPt), PixelsPerPt: pixelsPerPt, Orientation: orientation, } theApp.eventsIn <- paint.Event{External: true} case <-windowDestroyed: if C.surface != nil { if errStr := C.destroyEGLSurface(); errStr != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%s (%s)", C.GoString(errStr), eglGetError()) } } C.surface = nil theApp.sendLifecycle(lifecycle.StageAlive) case <-workAvailable: theApp.worker.DoWork() case <-theApp.publish: // TODO: compare a generation number to redrawGen for stale paints? if C.surface != nil { // eglSwapBuffers blocks until vsync. if C.eglSwapBuffers(C.display, C.surface) == C.EGL_FALSE { log.Printf("app: failed to swap buffers (%s)", eglGetError()) } } select { case windowRedrawDone <- struct{}{}: default: } theApp.publishResult <- PublishResult{} } } } func runInputQueue(vm, jniEnv, ctx uintptr) error { env := (*C.JNIEnv)(unsafe.Pointer(jniEnv)) // not a Go heap pointer // Android loopers select on OS file descriptors, not Go channels, so we // translate the inputQueue channel to an ALooper_wake call. l := C.ALooper_prepare(C.ALOOPER_PREPARE_ALLOW_NON_CALLBACKS) pending := make(chan *C.AInputQueue, 1) go func() { for q := range inputQueue { pending <- q C.ALooper_wake(l) } }() var q *C.AInputQueue for { if C.ALooper_pollAll(-1, nil, nil, nil) == C.ALOOPER_POLL_WAKE { select { default: case p := <-pending: if q != nil { processEvents(env, q) C.AInputQueue_detachLooper(q) } q = p if q != nil { C.AInputQueue_attachLooper(q, l, 0, nil, nil) } inputQueueDone <- struct{}{} } } if q != nil { processEvents(env, q) } } } func processEvents(env *C.JNIEnv, q *C.AInputQueue) { var e *C.AInputEvent for C.AInputQueue_getEvent(q, &e) >= 0 { if C.AInputQueue_preDispatchEvent(q, e) != 0 { continue } processEvent(env, e) C.AInputQueue_finishEvent(q, e, 0) } } func processEvent(env *C.JNIEnv, e *C.AInputEvent) { switch C.AInputEvent_getType(e) { case C.AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_KEY: processKey(env, e) case C.AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_MOTION: // At most one of the events in this batch is an up or down event; get its index and change. upDownIndex := C.size_t(C.AMotionEvent_getAction(e)&C.AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK) >> C.AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT upDownType := touch.TypeMove switch C.AMotionEvent_getAction(e) & C.AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MASK { case C.AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN, C.AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: upDownType = touch.TypeBegin case C.AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP, C.AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_POINTER_UP: upDownType = touch.TypeEnd } for i, n := C.size_t(0), C.AMotionEvent_getPointerCount(e); i < n; i++ { t := touch.TypeMove if i == upDownIndex { t = upDownType } theApp.eventsIn <- touch.Event{ X: float32(C.AMotionEvent_getX(e, i)), Y: float32(C.AMotionEvent_getY(e, i)), Sequence: touch.Sequence(C.AMotionEvent_getPointerId(e, i)), Type: t, } } default: log.Printf("unknown input event, type=%d", C.AInputEvent_getType(e)) } } func processKey(env *C.JNIEnv, e *C.AInputEvent) { deviceID := C.AInputEvent_getDeviceId(e) if deviceID == 0 { // Software keyboard input, leaving for scribe/IME. return } k := key.Event{ Rune: rune(C.getKeyRune(env, e)), Code: convAndroidKeyCode(int32(C.AKeyEvent_getKeyCode(e))), } switch C.AKeyEvent_getAction(e) { case C.AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN: k.Direction = key.DirPress case C.AKEY_EVENT_ACTION_UP: k.Direction = key.DirRelease default: k.Direction = key.DirNone } // TODO(crawshaw): set Modifiers. theApp.eventsIn <- k } func eglGetError() string { switch errNum := C.eglGetError(); errNum { case C.EGL_SUCCESS: return "EGL_SUCCESS" case C.EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED: return "EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED" case C.EGL_BAD_ACCESS: return "EGL_BAD_ACCESS" case C.EGL_BAD_ALLOC: return "EGL_BAD_ALLOC" case C.EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE: return "EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE" case C.EGL_BAD_CONTEXT: return "EGL_BAD_CONTEXT" case C.EGL_BAD_CONFIG: return "EGL_BAD_CONFIG" case C.EGL_BAD_CURRENT_SURFACE: return "EGL_BAD_CURRENT_SURFACE" case C.EGL_BAD_DISPLAY: return "EGL_BAD_DISPLAY" case C.EGL_BAD_SURFACE: return "EGL_BAD_SURFACE" case C.EGL_BAD_MATCH: return "EGL_BAD_MATCH" case C.EGL_BAD_PARAMETER: return "EGL_BAD_PARAMETER" case C.EGL_BAD_NATIVE_PIXMAP: return "EGL_BAD_NATIVE_PIXMAP" case C.EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW: return "EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW" case C.EGL_CONTEXT_LOST: return "EGL_CONTEXT_LOST" default: return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown EGL err: %d", errNum) } } func convAndroidKeyCode(aKeyCode int32) key.Code { // Many Android key codes do not map into USB HID codes. // For those, key.CodeUnknown is returned. This switch has all // cases, even the unknown ones, to serve as a documentation // and search aid. switch aKeyCode { case C.AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN: case C.AKEYCODE_SOFT_LEFT: case C.AKEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHT: case C.AKEYCODE_HOME: return key.CodeHome case C.AKEYCODE_BACK: case C.AKEYCODE_CALL: case C.AKEYCODE_ENDCALL: case C.AKEYCODE_0: return key.Code0 case C.AKEYCODE_1: return key.Code1 case C.AKEYCODE_2: return key.Code2 case C.AKEYCODE_3: return key.Code3 case C.AKEYCODE_4: return key.Code4 case C.AKEYCODE_5: return key.Code5 case C.AKEYCODE_6: return key.Code6 case C.AKEYCODE_7: return key.Code7 case C.AKEYCODE_8: return key.Code8 case C.AKEYCODE_9: return key.Code9 case C.AKEYCODE_STAR: case C.AKEYCODE_POUND: case C.AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP: case C.AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN: case C.AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT: case C.AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT: case C.AKEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER: case C.AKEYCODE_VOLUME_UP: return key.CodeVolumeUp case C.AKEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN: return key.CodeVolumeDown case C.AKEYCODE_POWER: case C.AKEYCODE_CAMERA: case C.AKEYCODE_CLEAR: case C.AKEYCODE_A: return key.CodeA case C.AKEYCODE_B: return key.CodeB case C.AKEYCODE_C: return key.CodeC case C.AKEYCODE_D: return key.CodeD case C.AKEYCODE_E: return key.CodeE case C.AKEYCODE_F: return key.CodeF case C.AKEYCODE_G: return key.CodeG case C.AKEYCODE_H: return key.CodeH case C.AKEYCODE_I: return key.CodeI case C.AKEYCODE_J: return key.CodeJ case C.AKEYCODE_K: return key.CodeK case C.AKEYCODE_L: return key.CodeL case C.AKEYCODE_M: return key.CodeM case C.AKEYCODE_N: return key.CodeN case C.AKEYCODE_O: return key.CodeO case C.AKEYCODE_P: return key.CodeP case C.AKEYCODE_Q: return key.CodeQ case C.AKEYCODE_R: return key.CodeR case C.AKEYCODE_S: return key.CodeS case C.AKEYCODE_T: return key.CodeT case C.AKEYCODE_U: return key.CodeU case C.AKEYCODE_V: return key.CodeV case C.AKEYCODE_W: return key.CodeW case C.AKEYCODE_X: return key.CodeX case C.AKEYCODE_Y: return key.CodeY case C.AKEYCODE_Z: return key.CodeZ case C.AKEYCODE_COMMA: return key.CodeComma case C.AKEYCODE_PERIOD: return key.CodeFullStop case C.AKEYCODE_ALT_LEFT: return key.CodeLeftAlt case C.AKEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT: return key.CodeRightAlt case C.AKEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT: return key.CodeLeftShift case C.AKEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT: return key.CodeRightShift case C.AKEYCODE_TAB: return key.CodeTab case C.AKEYCODE_SPACE: return key.CodeSpacebar case C.AKEYCODE_SYM: case C.AKEYCODE_EXPLORER: case C.AKEYCODE_ENVELOPE: case C.AKEYCODE_ENTER: return key.CodeReturnEnter case C.AKEYCODE_DEL: return key.CodeDeleteBackspace case C.AKEYCODE_GRAVE: return key.CodeGraveAccent case C.AKEYCODE_MINUS: return key.CodeHyphenMinus case C.AKEYCODE_EQUALS: return key.CodeEqualSign case C.AKEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKET: return key.CodeLeftSquareBracket case C.AKEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKET: return key.CodeRightSquareBracket case C.AKEYCODE_BACKSLASH: return key.CodeBackslash case C.AKEYCODE_SEMICOLON: return key.CodeSemicolon case C.AKEYCODE_APOSTROPHE: return key.CodeApostrophe case C.AKEYCODE_SLASH: return key.CodeSlash case C.AKEYCODE_AT: case C.AKEYCODE_NUM: case C.AKEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK: case C.AKEYCODE_FOCUS: case C.AKEYCODE_PLUS: case C.AKEYCODE_MENU: case C.AKEYCODE_NOTIFICATION: case C.AKEYCODE_SEARCH: case C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE: case C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP: case C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT: case C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS: case C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_REWIND: case C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD: case C.AKEYCODE_MUTE: case C.AKEYCODE_PAGE_UP: return key.CodePageUp case C.AKEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN: return key.CodePageDown case C.AKEYCODE_PICTSYMBOLS: case C.AKEYCODE_SWITCH_CHARSET: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_A: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_B: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_C: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_X: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_Y: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_Z: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_L1: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_R1: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_L2: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_R2: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBL: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_THUMBR: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_START: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_SELECT: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_MODE: case C.AKEYCODE_ESCAPE: return key.CodeEscape case C.AKEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL: return key.CodeDeleteForward case C.AKEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT: return key.CodeLeftControl case C.AKEYCODE_CTRL_RIGHT: return key.CodeRightControl case C.AKEYCODE_CAPS_LOCK: return key.CodeCapsLock case C.AKEYCODE_SCROLL_LOCK: case C.AKEYCODE_META_LEFT: return key.CodeLeftGUI case C.AKEYCODE_META_RIGHT: return key.CodeRightGUI case C.AKEYCODE_FUNCTION: case C.AKEYCODE_SYSRQ: case C.AKEYCODE_BREAK: case C.AKEYCODE_MOVE_HOME: case C.AKEYCODE_MOVE_END: case C.AKEYCODE_INSERT: return key.CodeInsert case C.AKEYCODE_FORWARD: case C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY: case C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE: case C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_CLOSE: case C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_EJECT: case C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_RECORD: case C.AKEYCODE_F1: return key.CodeF1 case C.AKEYCODE_F2: return key.CodeF2 case C.AKEYCODE_F3: return key.CodeF3 case C.AKEYCODE_F4: return key.CodeF4 case C.AKEYCODE_F5: return key.CodeF5 case C.AKEYCODE_F6: return key.CodeF6 case C.AKEYCODE_F7: return key.CodeF7 case C.AKEYCODE_F8: return key.CodeF8 case C.AKEYCODE_F9: return key.CodeF9 case C.AKEYCODE_F10: return key.CodeF10 case C.AKEYCODE_F11: return key.CodeF11 case C.AKEYCODE_F12: return key.CodeF12 case C.AKEYCODE_NUM_LOCK: return key.CodeKeypadNumLock case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_0: return key.CodeKeypad0 case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_1: return key.CodeKeypad1 case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_2: return key.CodeKeypad2 case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_3: return key.CodeKeypad3 case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_4: return key.CodeKeypad4 case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_5: return key.CodeKeypad5 case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_6: return key.CodeKeypad6 case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_7: return key.CodeKeypad7 case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_8: return key.CodeKeypad8 case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_9: return key.CodeKeypad9 case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_DIVIDE: return key.CodeKeypadSlash case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY: return key.CodeKeypadAsterisk case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT: return key.CodeKeypadHyphenMinus case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_ADD: return key.CodeKeypadPlusSign case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_DOT: return key.CodeKeypadFullStop case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_COMMA: case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_ENTER: return key.CodeKeypadEnter case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_EQUALS: return key.CodeKeypadEqualSign case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_LEFT_PAREN: case C.AKEYCODE_NUMPAD_RIGHT_PAREN: case C.AKEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE: return key.CodeMute case C.AKEYCODE_INFO: case C.AKEYCODE_CHANNEL_UP: case C.AKEYCODE_CHANNEL_DOWN: case C.AKEYCODE_ZOOM_IN: case C.AKEYCODE_ZOOM_OUT: case C.AKEYCODE_TV: case C.AKEYCODE_WINDOW: case C.AKEYCODE_GUIDE: case C.AKEYCODE_DVR: case C.AKEYCODE_BOOKMARK: case C.AKEYCODE_CAPTIONS: case C.AKEYCODE_SETTINGS: case C.AKEYCODE_TV_POWER: case C.AKEYCODE_TV_INPUT: case C.AKEYCODE_STB_POWER: case C.AKEYCODE_STB_INPUT: case C.AKEYCODE_AVR_POWER: case C.AKEYCODE_AVR_INPUT: case C.AKEYCODE_PROG_RED: case C.AKEYCODE_PROG_GREEN: case C.AKEYCODE_PROG_YELLOW: case C.AKEYCODE_PROG_BLUE: case C.AKEYCODE_APP_SWITCH: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_1: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_2: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_3: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_4: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_5: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_6: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_7: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_8: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_9: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_10: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_11: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_12: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_13: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_14: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_15: case C.AKEYCODE_BUTTON_16: case C.AKEYCODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH: case C.AKEYCODE_MANNER_MODE: case C.AKEYCODE_3D_MODE: case C.AKEYCODE_CONTACTS: case C.AKEYCODE_CALENDAR: case C.AKEYCODE_MUSIC: case C.AKEYCODE_CALCULATOR: } /* Defined in an NDK API version beyond what we use today: C.AKEYCODE_ASSIST C.AKEYCODE_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN C.AKEYCODE_BRIGHTNESS_UP C.AKEYCODE_EISU C.AKEYCODE_HENKAN C.AKEYCODE_KANA C.AKEYCODE_KATAKANA_HIRAGANA C.AKEYCODE_MEDIA_AUDIO_TRACK C.AKEYCODE_MUHENKAN C.AKEYCODE_RO C.AKEYCODE_YEN C.AKEYCODE_ZENKAKU_HANKAKU */ return key.CodeUnknown }