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2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// Package zerolog provides a lightweight logging library dedicated to JSON logging.
// A global Logger can be use for simple logging:
// import "github.com/rs/zerolog/log"
// log.Info().Msg("hello world")
// // Output: {"time":1494567715,"level":"info","message":"hello world"}
// NOTE: To import the global logger, import the "log" subpackage "github.com/rs/zerolog/log".
// Fields can be added to log messages:
// log.Info().Str("foo", "bar").Msg("hello world")
// // Output: {"time":1494567715,"level":"info","message":"hello world","foo":"bar"}
// Create logger instance to manage different outputs:
// logger := zerolog.New(os.Stderr).With().Timestamp().Logger()
// logger.Info().
// Str("foo", "bar").
// Msg("hello world")
// // Output: {"time":1494567715,"level":"info","message":"hello world","foo":"bar"}
// Sub-loggers let you chain loggers with additional context:
// sublogger := log.With().Str("component": "foo").Logger()
// sublogger.Info().Msg("hello world")
// // Output: {"time":1494567715,"level":"info","message":"hello world","component":"foo"}
// Level logging
// zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.InfoLevel)
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// log.Debug().Msg("filtered out message")
// log.Info().Msg("routed message")
// if e := log.Debug(); e.Enabled() {
// // Compute log output only if enabled.
// value := compute()
// e.Str("foo": value).Msg("some debug message")
// }
// // Output: {"level":"info","time":1494567715,"routed message"}
// Customize automatic field names:
// log.TimestampFieldName = "t"
// log.LevelFieldName = "p"
// log.MessageFieldName = "m"
// log.Info().Msg("hello world")
// // Output: {"t":1494567715,"p":"info","m":"hello world"}
// Log with no level and message:
// log.Log().Str("foo","bar").Msg("")
// // Output: {"time":1494567715,"foo":"bar"}
// Add contextual fields to global Logger:
// log.Logger = log.With().Str("foo", "bar").Logger()
// Sample logs:
2017-09-02 03:07:47 +00:00
// sampled := log.Sample(&zerolog.BasicSampler{N: 10})
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// sampled.Info().Msg("will be logged every 10 messages")
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
// Log with contextual hooks:
// // Create the hook:
// type SeverityHook struct{}
// func (h SeverityHook) Run(e *zerolog.Event, level zerolog.Level, msg string) {
// if level != zerolog.NoLevel {
// e.Str("severity", level.String())
// }
// }
// // And use it:
// var h SeverityHook
// log := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).Hook(h)
// log.Warn().Msg("")
// // Output: {"level":"warn","severity":"warn"}
// Caveats
// There is no fields deduplication out-of-the-box.
// Using the same key multiple times creates new key in final JSON each time.
// logger := zerolog.New(os.Stderr).With().Timestamp().Logger()
// logger.Info().
// Timestamp().
// Msg("dup")
// // Output: {"level":"info","time":1494567715,"time":1494567715,"message":"dup"}
// In this case, many consumers will take the last value,
// but this is not guaranteed; check yours if in doubt.
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
package zerolog
import (
2017-09-02 02:56:35 +00:00
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
2017-05-19 16:56:31 +00:00
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// Level defines log levels.
2019-11-04 19:39:22 +00:00
type Level int8
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
const (
// DebugLevel defines debug log level.
DebugLevel Level = iota
// InfoLevel defines info log level.
// WarnLevel defines warn log level.
// ErrorLevel defines error log level.
// FatalLevel defines fatal log level.
// PanicLevel defines panic log level.
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
// NoLevel defines an absent log level.
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// Disabled disables the logger.
2019-11-18 17:34:23 +00:00
// TraceLevel defines trace log level.
TraceLevel Level = -1
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
func (l Level) String() string {
switch l {
2019-11-04 19:39:22 +00:00
case TraceLevel:
return "trace"
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
case DebugLevel:
return "debug"
case InfoLevel:
return "info"
case WarnLevel:
return "warn"
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
case ErrorLevel:
return "error"
case FatalLevel:
return "fatal"
case PanicLevel:
return "panic"
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
case NoLevel:
return ""
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
return ""
// ParseLevel converts a level string into a zerolog Level value.
// returns an error if the input string does not match known values.
func ParseLevel(levelStr string) (Level, error) {
switch levelStr {
2019-11-04 19:39:22 +00:00
case LevelFieldMarshalFunc(TraceLevel):
return TraceLevel, nil
case LevelFieldMarshalFunc(DebugLevel):
return DebugLevel, nil
case LevelFieldMarshalFunc(InfoLevel):
return InfoLevel, nil
case LevelFieldMarshalFunc(WarnLevel):
return WarnLevel, nil
case LevelFieldMarshalFunc(ErrorLevel):
return ErrorLevel, nil
case LevelFieldMarshalFunc(FatalLevel):
return FatalLevel, nil
case LevelFieldMarshalFunc(PanicLevel):
return PanicLevel, nil
case LevelFieldMarshalFunc(NoLevel):
return NoLevel, nil
return NoLevel, fmt.Errorf("Unknown Level String: '%s', defaulting to NoLevel", levelStr)
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// A Logger represents an active logging object that generates lines
// of JSON output to an io.Writer. Each logging operation makes a single
2019-12-27 17:23:15 +00:00
// call to the Writer's Write method. There is no guarantee on access
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// serialization to the Writer. If your Writer is not thread safe,
// you may consider a sync wrapper.
type Logger struct {
w LevelWriter
level Level
2017-08-29 01:52:15 +00:00
sampler Sampler
context []byte
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
hooks []Hook
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// New creates a root logger with given output writer. If the output writer implements
// the LevelWriter interface, the WriteLevel method will be called instead of the Write
// one.
// Each logging operation makes a single call to the Writer's Write method. There is no
2019-12-27 17:23:15 +00:00
// guarantee on access serialization to the Writer. If your Writer is not thread safe,
// you may consider using sync wrapper.
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
func New(w io.Writer) Logger {
if w == nil {
w = ioutil.Discard
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
lw, ok := w.(LevelWriter)
if !ok {
lw = levelWriterAdapter{w}
2019-11-04 19:39:22 +00:00
return Logger{w: lw, level: TraceLevel}
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
2017-06-02 07:24:52 +00:00
// Nop returns a disabled logger for which all operation are no-op.
func Nop() Logger {
return New(nil).Level(Disabled)
// Output duplicates the current logger and sets w as its output.
func (l Logger) Output(w io.Writer) Logger {
l2 := New(w)
l2.level = l.level
2017-08-29 01:52:15 +00:00
l2.sampler = l.sampler
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
if len(l.hooks) > 0 {
l2.hooks = append(l2.hooks, l.hooks...)
if l.context != nil {
l2.context = make([]byte, len(l.context), cap(l.context))
copy(l2.context, l.context)
return l2
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// With creates a child logger with the field added to its context.
func (l Logger) With() Context {
context := l.context
l.context = make([]byte, 0, 500)
if context != nil {
l.context = append(l.context, context...)
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
return Context{l}
// UpdateContext updates the internal logger's context.
// Use this method with caution. If unsure, prefer the With method.
func (l *Logger) UpdateContext(update func(c Context) Context) {
if l == disabledLogger {
if cap(l.context) == 0 {
l.context = make([]byte, 0, 500)
c := update(Context{*l})
l.context = c.l.context
2017-06-05 19:59:25 +00:00
// Level creates a child logger with the minimum accepted level set to level.
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
func (l Logger) Level(lvl Level) Logger {
2017-09-03 18:01:28 +00:00
l.level = lvl
return l
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
2019-06-20 23:44:55 +00:00
// GetLevel returns the current Level of l.
func (l Logger) GetLevel() Level {
return l.level
2017-08-29 01:52:15 +00:00
// Sample returns a logger with the s sampler.
func (l Logger) Sample(s Sampler) Logger {
2017-09-03 18:01:28 +00:00
l.sampler = s
return l
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
// Hook returns a logger with the h Hook.
func (l Logger) Hook(h Hook) Logger {
l.hooks = append(l.hooks, h)
return l
2019-11-04 19:39:22 +00:00
// Trace starts a new message with trace level.
// You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.
func (l *Logger) Trace() *Event {
return l.newEvent(TraceLevel, nil)
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// Debug starts a new message with debug level.
// You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.
func (l *Logger) Debug() *Event {
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
return l.newEvent(DebugLevel, nil)
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// Info starts a new message with info level.
// You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.
func (l *Logger) Info() *Event {
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
return l.newEvent(InfoLevel, nil)
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// Warn starts a new message with warn level.
// You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.
func (l *Logger) Warn() *Event {
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
return l.newEvent(WarnLevel, nil)
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// Error starts a new message with error level.
// You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.
func (l *Logger) Error() *Event {
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
return l.newEvent(ErrorLevel, nil)
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// Err starts a new message with error level with err as a field if not nil or
// with info level if err is nil.
// You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.
func (l *Logger) Err(err error) *Event {
if err != nil {
return l.Error().Err(err)
2019-10-04 14:31:06 +00:00
return l.Info()
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// Fatal starts a new message with fatal level. The os.Exit(1) function
// is called by the Msg method, which terminates the program immediately.
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.
func (l *Logger) Fatal() *Event {
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
return l.newEvent(FatalLevel, func(msg string) { os.Exit(1) })
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// Panic starts a new message with panic level. The panic() function
// is called by the Msg method, which stops the ordinary flow of a goroutine.
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.
func (l *Logger) Panic() *Event {
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
return l.newEvent(PanicLevel, func(msg string) { panic(msg) })
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// WithLevel starts a new message with level. Unlike Fatal and Panic
// methods, WithLevel does not terminate the program or stop the ordinary
// flow of a gourotine when used with their respective levels.
// You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.
func (l *Logger) WithLevel(level Level) *Event {
switch level {
2019-11-04 19:39:22 +00:00
case TraceLevel:
return l.Trace()
case DebugLevel:
return l.Debug()
case InfoLevel:
return l.Info()
case WarnLevel:
return l.Warn()
case ErrorLevel:
return l.Error()
case FatalLevel:
return l.newEvent(FatalLevel, nil)
case PanicLevel:
return l.newEvent(PanicLevel, nil)
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
case NoLevel:
return l.Log()
case Disabled:
return nil
panic("zerolog: WithLevel(): invalid level: " + strconv.Itoa(int(level)))
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
// Log starts a new message with no level. Setting GlobalLevel to Disabled
// will still disable events produced by this method.
// You must call Msg on the returned event in order to send the event.
func (l *Logger) Log() *Event {
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
return l.newEvent(NoLevel, nil)
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
2017-09-02 02:56:35 +00:00
// Print sends a log event using debug level and no extra field.
// Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Print.
func (l *Logger) Print(v ...interface{}) {
2017-09-02 02:56:35 +00:00
if e := l.Debug(); e.Enabled() {
// Printf sends a log event using debug level and no extra field.
// Arguments are handled in the manner of fmt.Printf.
func (l *Logger) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
2017-09-02 02:56:35 +00:00
if e := l.Debug(); e.Enabled() {
e.Msg(fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))
// Write implements the io.Writer interface. This is useful to set as a writer
// for the standard library log.
func (l Logger) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n = len(p)
if n > 0 && p[n-1] == '\n' {
// Trim CR added by stdlog.
p = p[0 : n-1]
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
func (l *Logger) newEvent(level Level, done func(string)) *Event {
2017-05-19 16:56:31 +00:00
enabled := l.should(level)
if !enabled {
return nil
2017-05-19 16:56:31 +00:00
e := newEvent(l.w, level)
e.done = done
e.ch = l.hooks
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
if level != NoLevel {
e.Str(LevelFieldName, LevelFieldMarshalFunc(level))
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
if l.context != nil && len(l.context) > 0 {
Get back some ns by removing the extra inferance added by binary support benchstat old new name old time/op new time/op delta LogEmpty-8 15.2ns ±14% 13.4ns ± 3% -12.11% (p=0.008 n=5+5) Disabled-8 2.50ns ± 1% 2.28ns ± 6% -8.81% (p=0.008 n=5+5) Info-8 44.4ns ± 1% 36.4ns ± 4% -17.99% (p=0.008 n=5+5) ContextFields-8 47.6ns ± 1% 39.4ns ± 7% -17.30% (p=0.008 n=5+5) ContextAppend-8 18.9ns ± 4% 15.2ns ± 4% -19.68% (p=0.008 n=5+5) LogFields-8 181ns ± 2% 173ns ± 2% -4.63% (p=0.008 n=5+5) LogArrayObject-8 530ns ± 3% 487ns ± 3% -8.11% (p=0.008 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Int-8 29.5ns ± 3% 28.8ns ± 2% ~ (p=0.167 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Interface-8 180ns ± 7% 175ns ± 4% ~ (p=0.579 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Interface(Object)-8 87.8ns ± 3% 80.5ns ± 1% -8.29% (p=0.008 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Object-8 83.7ns ± 2% 77.2ns ± 3% -7.76% (p=0.008 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Bools-8 34.6ns ± 3% 32.3ns ± 6% -6.64% (p=0.032 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Float-8 43.0ns ± 4% 40.5ns ± 4% -5.86% (p=0.016 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Str-8 29.8ns ± 2% 26.5ns ± 5% -11.01% (p=0.008 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Err-8 32.8ns ± 2% 29.8ns ± 4% -9.21% (p=0.008 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Durs-8 309ns ± 3% 304ns ± 3% ~ (p=0.238 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Floats-8 175ns ± 2% 174ns ± 3% ~ (p=0.968 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Strs-8 51.0ns ± 3% 48.4ns ± 6% -5.06% (p=0.032 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Dur-8 44.5ns ± 3% 41.3ns ± 3% -7.11% (p=0.008 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Interface(Objects)-8 758ns ± 3% 760ns ± 6% ~ (p=1.000 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Interfaces-8 772ns ± 5% 762ns ± 4% ~ (p=0.794 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Bool-8 28.0ns ± 6% 26.5ns ± 9% ~ (p=0.143 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Ints-8 49.6ns ± 2% 46.2ns ± 2% -6.70% (p=0.008 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Errs-8 46.5ns ±11% 40.9ns ± 4% -11.92% (p=0.008 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Time-8 115ns ± 3% 113ns ± 3% ~ (p=0.167 n=5+5) LogFieldType/Times-8 810ns ± 1% 811ns ± 3% ~ (p=0.889 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Errs-8 158ns ± 6% 156ns ±12% ~ (p=1.000 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Times-8 165ns ±11% 173ns ± 9% ~ (p=0.651 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Interface-8 289ns ±13% 287ns ±11% ~ (p=0.690 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Interface(Object)-8 285ns ±12% 297ns ± 6% ~ (p=0.238 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Interface(Objects)-8 941ns ± 6% 941ns ± 5% ~ (p=1.000 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Object-8 201ns ± 5% 210ns ±12% ~ (p=0.262 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Ints-8 173ns ±10% 165ns ± 9% ~ (p=0.198 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Floats-8 297ns ± 6% 292ns ± 7% ~ (p=0.579 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Timestamp-8 174ns ± 9% 174ns ±11% ~ (p=0.810 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Durs-8 445ns ± 9% 425ns ± 3% ~ (p=0.151 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Interfaces-8 944ns ± 6% 876ns ±10% ~ (p=0.095 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Strs-8 179ns ±11% 165ns ±13% ~ (p=0.135 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Dur-8 158ns ± 8% 160ns ±19% ~ (p=1.000 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Time-8 152ns ±15% 148ns ±14% ~ (p=0.952 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Str-8 146ns ±12% 147ns ±16% ~ (p=0.841 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Err-8 138ns ±12% 145ns ±17% ~ (p=0.595 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Int-8 145ns ±10% 146ns ±13% ~ (p=0.873 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Float-8 181ns ± 9% 162ns ±12% ~ (p=0.151 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Bool-8 153ns ±10% 131ns ±19% ~ (p=0.063 n=5+5) ContextFieldType/Bools-8 149ns ±11% 160ns ±16% ~ (p=0.500 n=5+5)
2018-05-10 22:01:41 +00:00
e.buf = enc.AppendObjectData(e.buf, l.context)
2017-12-01 17:52:37 +00:00
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
return e
// should returns true if the log event should be logged.
func (l *Logger) should(lvl Level) bool {
if lvl < l.level || lvl < GlobalLevel() {
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
return false
2017-08-29 01:52:15 +00:00
if l.sampler != nil && !samplingDisabled() {
return l.sampler.Sample(lvl)
2017-05-12 05:24:39 +00:00
return true