2017-10-15 22:15:50 +02:00

223 lines
5.8 KiB

package main
import (
// GoCompile is used for compile a project
func (p *Project) goCompile(stop <-chan bool, method []string, args []string) (string, error) {
var out bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
done := make(chan error)
err := os.Setenv("GOBIN", filepath.Join(getEnvPath("GOPATH"), "bin"))
if err != nil {
return "", err
args = append(method, args...)
cmd := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(p.base, p.path)); err == nil {
p.path = filepath.Join(p.base, p.path)
cmd.Dir = p.path
cmd.Stdout = &out
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
// Start command
go func() { done <- cmd.Wait() }()
// Wait a result
select {
case <-stop:
// Stop running command
return "killed", nil
case err := <-done:
// Command completed
if err != nil {
return stderr.String(), err
return "", nil
// GoRun is an implementation of the bin execution
func (p *Project) goRun(stop <-chan bool, runner chan bool) {
var build *exec.Cmd
var args []string
isErrorText := func(string) bool {
return false
errRegexp, err := regexp.Compile(p.ErrorOutputPattern)
if err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 3), ":", blue.regular(err.Error()))
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: err.Error(), Type: "Go Run"}
p.stamp("error", out, msg, "")
} else {
isErrorText = func(t string) bool {
return errRegexp.MatchString(t)
for _, arg := range p.Args {
a := strings.FieldsFunc(arg, func(i rune) bool {
return i == '"' || i == '=' || i == '\''
args = append(args, a...)
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(p.base, p.path)); err == nil {
p.path = filepath.Join(p.base, p.path)
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(p.base, p.path+".exe")); err == nil {
p.path = filepath.Join(p.base, p.path+".exe")
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(getEnvPath("GOBIN"), filepath.Base(p.path))); err == nil {
build = exec.Command(filepath.Join(getEnvPath("GOBIN"), filepath.Base(p.path)), args...)
} else if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(getEnvPath("GOBIN"), filepath.Base(p.path)) + ".exe"); err == nil {
build = exec.Command(filepath.Join(getEnvPath("GOBIN"), filepath.Base(p.path))+".exe", args...)
} else {
p.Buffer.StdLog = append(p.Buffer.StdLog, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "Can't run a not compiled project"})
p.fatal(err, "Can't run a not compiled project", ":")
defer func() {
if err := build.Process.Kill(); err != nil {
p.Buffer.StdLog = append(p.Buffer.StdLog, BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "Failed to stop: " + err.Error()})
p.fatal(err, "Failed to stop", ":")
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 2), ":", red.regular("Ended"))
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: "Ended", Type: "Go Run"}
p.stamp("log", out, msg, "")
stdout, err := build.StdoutPipe()
stderr, err := build.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
if err := build.Start(); err != nil {
execOutput, execError := bufio.NewScanner(stdout), bufio.NewScanner(stderr)
stopOutput, stopError := make(chan bool, 1), make(chan bool, 1)
scanner := func(stop chan bool, output *bufio.Scanner, isError bool) {
for output.Scan() {
text := output.Text()
msg := fmt.Sprintln(p.pname(p.Name, 3), ":", blue.regular(text))
if isError && !isErrorText(text) {
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: text, Type: "Go Run"}
p.stamp("error", out, msg, "")
} else {
out := BufferOut{Time: time.Now(), Text: text, Type: "Go Run"}
p.stamp("out", out, msg, "")
go scanner(stopOutput, execOutput, false)
go scanner(stopError, execError, true)
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case <-stopOutput:
case <-stopError:
// Exec an additional command from a defined path if specified
func (p *Project) command(stop <-chan bool, cmd Command) (string, string) {
var stdout bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
done := make(chan error)
args := strings.Split(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(cmd.Command, "'", "", -1), "\"", "", -1), " ")
exec := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
exec.Dir = p.base
if cmd.Path != "" {
if strings.Contains(cmd.Path, p.base) {
exec.Dir = cmd.Path
} else {
exec.Dir = filepath.Join(p.base, cmd.Path)
exec.Stdout = &stdout
exec.Stderr = &stderr
// Start command
go func() { done <- exec.Wait() }()
// Wait a result
select {
case <-stop:
// Stop running command
return "", ""
case err := <-done:
// Command completed
if err != nil {
return stderr.String(), stdout.String()
return "", stdout.String()
// GoTool is used for run go tools methods such as fmt, test, generate and so on
func (p *Project) goTool(wg *sync.WaitGroup, stop <-chan bool, result chan<- tool, path string, tool tool) {
defer wg.Done()
if tool.status {
if tool.dir {
path = filepath.Dir(path)
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".go") || strings.HasSuffix(path, "") {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".go") {
tool.options = append(tool.options, path)
path = p.base
if s := ext(path); s == "" || s == "go" {
var out, stderr bytes.Buffer
done := make(chan error)
cmd := exec.Command(tool.cmd, tool.options...)
cmd.Dir = path
cmd.Stdout = &out
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
// Start command
go func() { done <- cmd.Wait() }()
// Wait a result
select {
case <-stop:
// Stop running command
case err := <-done:
// Command completed
if err != nil {
tool.err = stderr.String() + out.String()
// send command result
result <- tool