2017-11-19 23:52:31 +00:00
package main
import (
// Version print current version
2017-11-20 13:17:01 +00:00
func (r *Realize) version() {
2017-11-19 23:52:31 +00:00
// Clean remove realize folder
2017-11-20 13:17:01 +00:00
func (r *Realize) clean() (err error) {
2017-11-19 23:52:31 +00:00
if err := r.Settings.Remove(RDir); err != nil {
return err
log.Println(r.Prefix(green.bold("folder successfully removed")))
return nil
// Add a project to an existing config or create a new one
2017-11-20 13:17:01 +00:00
func (r *Realize) add(c *cli.Context) (err error) {
2017-11-19 23:52:31 +00:00
// read a config if exist
err = r.Settings.Read(&r)
if err != nil {
return err
projects := len(r.Schema.Projects)
// create and add a new project
if len(r.Schema.Projects) > projects {
// update config
err = r.Settings.Write(r)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Println(r.Prefix(green.bold("project successfully added")))
} else {
log.Println(r.Prefix(green.bold("project can't be added")))
return nil
// Setup a new config step by step
2017-11-20 13:17:01 +00:00
func (r *Realize) setup(c *cli.Context) (err error) {
2017-11-19 23:52:31 +00:00
Before: func(context interact.Context) error {
context.SetErr(red.bold("INVALID INPUT"))
context.SetPrfx(color.Output, yellow.regular("[")+time.Now().Format("15:04:05")+yellow.regular("]")+yellow.bold("[")+strings.ToUpper(RPrefix)+yellow.bold("]"))
return nil
Questions: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
if _, err := os.Stat(RDir + "/" + RFile); err != nil {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Would you want to overwrite existing " + magenta.bold(RPrefix) + " config?",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
} else if val {
r := Realize{}
r.Server = Server{&r, false, false, Port, Host}
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Would you want to customize settings?",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(0, green.regular("(os default)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[int]"),
Msg: "Set max number of open files (root required)",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Int()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Settings.FileLimit = int32(val)
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Force polling watcher?",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(100, green.regular("(100ms)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[int]"),
Msg: "Set polling interval",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Int()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Settings.Legacy.Interval = time.Duration(int(val)) * time.Millisecond
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Settings.Legacy.Force = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Enable logging files",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Settings.Files.Errors = Resource{Name: FileErr, Status: val}
r.Settings.Files.Outputs = Resource{Name: FileOut, Status: val}
r.Settings.Files.Logs = Resource{Name: FileLog, Status: val}
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Enable web server",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(Port, green.regular("("+strconv.Itoa(Port)+")"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[int]"),
Msg: "Server port",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Int()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Server.Port = int(val)
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(Host, green.regular("("+Host+")"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Server host",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Server.Host = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Open in current browser",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Server.Open = val
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Server.Status = val
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
_, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(true, green.regular("(y)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Would you want to " + magenta.regular("add a new project") + "? (insert '!' to stop)",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
if val {
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(wdir(), green.regular("("+wdir()+")"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Project name",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Name = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
dir := wdir()
d.SetDef(dir, green.regular("("+dir+")"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Project path",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Path = filepath.Clean(val)
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Enable go vet",
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef("", green.regular("(none)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Vet additional arguments",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
if val != "" {
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Vet.Args = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Vet.Args, val)
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Vet.Status = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Enable go fmt",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef("", green.regular("(none)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Fmt additional arguments",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
if val != "" {
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Fmt.Args = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Fmt.Args, val)
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Fmt.Status = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Enable go test",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef("", green.regular("(none)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Test additional arguments",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
if val != "" {
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Test.Args = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Test.Args, val)
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Test.Status = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Enable go fix",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef("", green.regular("(none)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Fix additional arguments",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
if val != "" {
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Fix.Args = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Fix.Args, val)
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Fix.Status = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Enable go clean",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef("", green.regular("(none)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Clean additional arguments",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
if val != "" {
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Clean.Args = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Clean.Args, val)
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Clean.Status = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Enable go generate",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef("", green.regular("(none)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Generate additional arguments",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
if val != "" {
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Generate.Args = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Generate.Args, val)
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Generate.Status = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(true, green.regular("(y)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Enable go install",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef("", green.regular("(none)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Install additional arguments",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
if val != "" {
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Install.Args = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Install.Args, val)
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Install.Status = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Enable go build",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef("", green.regular("(none)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Build additional arguments",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
if val != "" {
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Build.Args = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Build.Args, val)
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Build.Status = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(true, green.regular("(y)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Enable go run",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Tools.Run = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Customize watching paths",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
if val {
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Paths = r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Paths[:len(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Paths)-1]
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Insert a path to watch (insert '!' to stop)",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Paths = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Paths, val)
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
_, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Customize ignore paths",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
if val {
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Ignore = r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Ignore[:len(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Ignore)-1]
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Insert a path to ignore (insert '!' to stop)",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Ignore = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Ignore, val)
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
_, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Add an additional argument",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Add another argument (insert '!' to stop)",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Args = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Args, val)
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
_, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(none)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Add a 'before' custom command (insert '!' to stop)",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Insert a command",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts, Command{Type: "before", Cmd: val})
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef("", green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Launch from a specific path",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts[len(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts)-1].Path = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Tag as global command",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts[len(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts)-1].Global = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Display command output",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts[len(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts)-1].Output = val
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
if val {
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(none)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Add an 'after' custom commands (insert '!' to stop)",
Resolve: func(d interact.Context) bool {
val, _ := d.Ans().Bool()
return val
Subs: []*interact.Question{
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Insert a command",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts = append(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts, Command{Type: "after", Cmd: val})
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef("", green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Launch from a specific path",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts[len(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts)-1].Path = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Tag as global command",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts[len(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts)-1].Global = val
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef(false, green.regular("(n)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[y/n]"),
Msg: "Display command output",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts[len(r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].Watcher.Scripts)-1].Output = val
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().Bool()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
if val {
return nil
Before: func(d interact.Context) error {
d.SetDef("", green.regular("(none)"))
return nil
Quest: interact.Quest{
Options: yellow.regular("[string]"),
Msg: "Set an error output pattern",
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
val, err := d.Ans().String()
if err != nil {
return d.Err()
r.Schema.Projects[len(r.Schema.Projects)-1].ErrorOutputPattern = val
return nil
Action: func(d interact.Context) interface{} {
if val, err := d.Ans().Bool(); err != nil {
return d.Err()
} else if val {
return nil
After: func(d interact.Context) error {
if val, _ := d.Qns().Get(0).Ans().Bool(); val {
err := r.Settings.Remove(RDir)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// create config
err = r.Settings.Write(r)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Println(r.Prefix(green.bold("Config successfully created")))
return nil
// Start realize workflow
2017-11-20 13:17:01 +00:00
func (r *Realize) start(c *cli.Context) (err error) {
r.Server = Server{r, false, false, Port, Host}
2017-11-19 23:52:31 +00:00
// check no-config and read
if !c.Bool("no-config") {
// read a config if exist
err = r.Settings.Read(&r)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.String("name") != "" {
// filter by name flag if exist
r.Schema.Filter("name", c.String("name"))
// increase file limit
if r.Settings.FileLimit != 0 {
if err = r.Settings.Flimit(); err != nil {
return err
// check project list length
if len(r.Schema.Projects) <= 0 {
// create a new project based on given params
project := r.Schema.New(c)
// Add to projects list
2017-11-20 08:18:18 +00:00
// save config
if !c.Bool("no-config") {
err = r.Settings.Write(r)
if err != nil {
return err
2017-11-19 23:52:31 +00:00
// config and start server
if c.Bool("server") || r.Server.Status {
r.Server.Status = true
if c.Bool("open") || r.Server.Open {
r.Server.Open = true
err = r.Server.Start()
if err != nil {
return err
// start workflow
// Remove a project from an existing config
2017-11-20 13:17:01 +00:00
func (r *Realize) remove(c *cli.Context) (err error) {
2017-11-19 23:52:31 +00:00
// read a config if exist
err = r.Settings.Read(&r)
if err != nil {
return err
if c.String("name") != "" {
err := r.Schema.Remove(c.String("name"))
if err != nil {
return err
// update config
err = r.Settings.Write(r)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Println(r.Prefix(green.bold("project successfully removed")))
} else {
log.Println(r.Prefix(green.bold("project name not found")))
return nil