Added the ReplyStore and the ProfileReplyStore. Added more allowed file extensions for attachments. The tif, webp, and apng extensions are now recognised as images. Added the Delete method to the Reply struct. Added the Like method to the Reply struct. Refactored the topic list avatars to make things easier on Cosora. The attachment cap should now work properly on topics. You can now attach files to replies. The Markdown parser now ignores URLs rather than mangling them. Fixed a bug where themes weren't able to register custom resources. Added the ability to embed images. Added the ability to embed videos. Made the requirements for URLs looser. Misc improvements to the themes and templates.
795 lines
13 KiB
795 lines
13 KiB
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content: '🔒︎';
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content: "Starter: ";
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color: #505050; /* 80,80,80 */
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content: "🖊️";
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content: "🗑️";
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content: "📌";
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content: "🔒";
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content: "🔍";
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content: "🚩";
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content: "👑";
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