Azareal f41c281e43 Added support for HTTP/2 Push.
The themes are still going to be a little broken for a while, but here's the progress I've made.

Renamed the topics_trow_assign hook to topics_topic_row_assign.
Added more debug code to the generated router.
Added a robots.txt file.
Gosora now responds to favicon.ico requests with a 404 rather than the topic list.
Fixed the tests and some of the benchmarks.
Changed the default UserCacheCapacity from 100 to 120.
Changed the default TopicCacheCapacity from 100 to 200.
Added the last replyer to the topics list and the forum pages.
Added the BulkCascadeGetMap method to the UserStore.
Refactored the topics list and forum page to load the users with a call to the UserStore rather than via a join.
WebSockets now work on SSL.
Fixed a race condition when the user permissions are initialised at the start of a request.
Fixed a race condition when the user permissions for the OP of a topic are initialised.
The rows.Close() calls are deferred once more, so that we can catch problems with recover()
Improved support for struct pointers in the template compiler.
Added a pin emoji to pinned topics to make them stand-out on the Shadow theme, we have some other ideas in mind for this, but I'd like to get Shadow fully functional for this commit.
Fixed a bug an issue with Chrome not detecting XHTML style closes on <form>s.
Fixed a visual issue with `color` not being set for textarea elements for the Shadow theme.
Fixed a function which wasn't getting renamed for PGSQL.

Added seven new UserStore tests.
2017-08-06 16:22:18 +01:00

169 lines
4.2 KiB

package main
//import "fmt"
import "strconv"
import "html/template"
type Topic struct
ID int
Link string
Title string
Content string
CreatedBy int
Is_Closed bool
Sticky bool
CreatedAt string
LastReplyAt string
//LastReplyBy int
ParentID int
Status string // Deprecated. Marked for removal.
IpAddress string
PostCount int
LikeCount int
ClassName string // CSS Class Name
Data string // Used for report metadata
type TopicUser struct
ID int
Link string
Title string
Content string
CreatedBy int
Is_Closed bool
Sticky bool
CreatedAt string
LastReplyAt string
//LastReplyBy int
ParentID int
Status string // Deprecated. Marked for removal.
IpAddress string
PostCount int
LikeCount int
ClassName string
Data string // Used for report metadata
UserLink string
CreatedByName string
Group int
Avatar string
ContentLines int
Tag string
URL string
URLPrefix string
URLName string
Level int
Liked bool
type TopicsRow struct
ID int
Link string
Title string
Content string
CreatedBy int
Is_Closed bool
Sticky bool
CreatedAt string
LastReplyAt string
LastReplyBy int
ParentID int
Status string // Deprecated. Marked for removal. -Is there anything we could use it for?
IpAddress string
PostCount int
LikeCount int
ClassName string
Data string // Used for report metadata
Creator *User
Css template.CSS
ContentLines int
LastUser *User
ForumName string //TopicsRow
ForumLink string
func get_topicuser(tid int) (TopicUser,error) {
if config.CacheTopicUser != CACHE_SQL {
topic, err := topics.Get(tid)
if err == nil {
user, err := users.CascadeGet(topic.CreatedBy)
if err != nil {
return TopicUser{ID:tid}, err
// We might be better off just passing seperate topic and user structs to the caller?
return copy_topic_to_topicuser(topic, user), nil
} else if users.GetLength() < users.GetCapacity() {
topic, err = topics.CascadeGet(tid)
if err != nil {
return TopicUser{ID:tid}, err
user, err := users.CascadeGet(topic.CreatedBy)
if err != nil {
return TopicUser{ID:tid}, err
return copy_topic_to_topicuser(topic, user), nil
tu := TopicUser{ID:tid}
err := get_topic_user_stmt.QueryRow(tid).Scan(&tu.Title, &tu.Content, &tu.CreatedBy, &tu.CreatedAt, &tu.Is_Closed, &tu.Sticky, &tu.ParentID, &tu.IpAddress, &tu.PostCount, &tu.LikeCount, &tu.CreatedByName, &tu.Avatar, &tu.Group, &tu.URLPrefix, &tu.URLName, &tu.Level)
tu.Link = build_topic_url(name_to_slug(tu.Title),tu.ID)
tu.UserLink = build_profile_url(name_to_slug(tu.CreatedByName),tu.CreatedBy)
the_topic := Topic{ID:tu.ID, Link:tu.Link, Title:tu.Title, Content:tu.Content, CreatedBy:tu.CreatedBy, Is_Closed:tu.Is_Closed, Sticky:tu.Sticky, CreatedAt:tu.CreatedAt, LastReplyAt:tu.LastReplyAt, ParentID:tu.ParentID, IpAddress:tu.IpAddress, PostCount:tu.PostCount, LikeCount:tu.LikeCount}
//fmt.Printf("%+v\n", the_topic)
tu.Tag = groups[tu.Group].Tag
return tu, err
func copy_topic_to_topicuser(topic *Topic, user *User) (tu TopicUser) {
tu.UserLink = user.Link
tu.CreatedByName = user.Name
tu.Group = user.Group
tu.Avatar = user.Avatar
tu.URLPrefix = user.URLPrefix
tu.URLName = user.URLName
tu.Level = user.Level
tu.ID = topic.ID
tu.Link = topic.Link
tu.Title = topic.Title
tu.Content = topic.Content
tu.CreatedBy = topic.CreatedBy
tu.Is_Closed = topic.Is_Closed
tu.Sticky = topic.Sticky
tu.CreatedAt = topic.CreatedAt
tu.LastReplyAt = topic.LastReplyAt
tu.ParentID = topic.ParentID
tu.IpAddress = topic.IpAddress
tu.PostCount = topic.PostCount
tu.LikeCount = topic.LikeCount
tu.Data = topic.Data
return tu
func get_topic_by_reply(rid int) (*Topic, error) {
topic := Topic{ID:0}
err := get_topic_by_reply_stmt.QueryRow(rid).Scan(&topic.ID, &topic.Title, &topic.Content, &topic.CreatedBy, &topic.CreatedAt, &topic.Is_Closed, &topic.Sticky, &topic.ParentID, &topic.IpAddress, &topic.PostCount, &topic.LikeCount, &topic.Data)
topic.Link = build_topic_url(name_to_slug(topic.Title),topic.ID)
return &topic, err
func build_topic_url(slug string, tid int) string {
if slug == "" {
return "/topic/" + strconv.Itoa(tid)
return "/topic/" + slug + "." + strconv.Itoa(tid)
func get_topic_url_prefix() string {
return "/topic/"