Renamed the rrow_assign hook to topic_reply_row_assign and gave it access to more data. Fixed a bug where the topic store wouldn't fetch the last reply time for a topic. Refactored the process of adding and removing topics from and to a *Forum. Fixed a bug where editing the opening post of a topic would yield a vast number of <br>s instead of blank lines. Selecting text in Shadow now has it's own CSS instead of falling back onto the browser defaults. Fixed a bug in Shadow where not all the headers filled up the space they should. Fixed a bug in Shadow where the footer is broken on mobile. Added an ARIA Label to the topic list. Refactored the last poster logic to reduce the number of bugs. Renamed ReplyShort to Reply and Reply to ReplyUser. Added a Copy method to Reply, Group, Forum, User, and Topic. Rewrote Hello World into something slightly more useful for new plugin devs to learn off. Added the GetLength() method to ForumCache.
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* Gosora Forum Store
* Copyright Azareal 2017 - 2018
package main
import (
var forumUpdateMutex sync.Mutex
var forumCreateMutex sync.Mutex
var forumPerms map[int]map[int]ForumPerms // [gid][fid]Perms // TODO: Add an abstraction around this and make it more thread-safe
var fstore ForumStore
// ForumStore is an interface for accessing the forums and the metadata stored on them
type ForumStore interface {
LoadForums() error
DirtyGet(id int) *Forum
Get(id int) (*Forum, error)
BypassGet(id int) (*Forum, error)
Reload(id int) error // ? - Should we move this to ForumCache? It might require us to do some unnecessary casting though
//Update(Forum) error
Delete(id int) error
AddTopic(tid int, uid int, fid int) error
RemoveTopic(fid int) error
UpdateLastTopic(tid int, uid int, fid int) error
Exists(id int) bool
GetAll() ([]*Forum, error)
GetAllIDs() ([]int, error)
GetAllVisible() ([]*Forum, error)
GetAllVisibleIDs() ([]int, error)
//GetChildren(parentID int, parentType string) ([]*Forum,error)
//GetFirstChild(parentID int, parentType string) (*Forum,error)
Create(forumName string, forumDesc string, active bool, preset string) (int, error)
GetGlobalCount() int
type ForumCache interface {
CacheGet(id int) (*Forum, error)
CacheSet(forum *Forum) error
CacheDelete(id int)
GetLength() int
// MemoryForumStore is a struct which holds an arbitrary number of forums in memory, usually all of them, although we might introduce functionality to hold a smaller subset in memory for sites with an extremely large number of forums
type MemoryForumStore struct {
forums sync.Map // map[int]*Forum
forumView atomic.Value // []*Forum
//fids []int
get *sql.Stmt
getAll *sql.Stmt
delete *sql.Stmt
getForumCount *sql.Stmt
// NewMemoryForumStore gives you a new instance of MemoryForumStore
func NewMemoryForumStore() *MemoryForumStore {
getStmt, err := qgen.Builder.SimpleSelect("forums", "name, desc, active, preset, parentID, parentType, topicCount, lastTopic, lastTopicID, lastReplyer, lastReplyerID, lastTopicTime", "fid = ?", "", "")
if err != nil {
getAllStmt, err := qgen.Builder.SimpleSelect("forums", "fid, name, desc, active, preset, parentID, parentType, topicCount, lastTopic, lastTopicID, lastReplyer, lastReplyerID, lastTopicTime", "", "fid ASC", "")
if err != nil {
deleteStmt, err := qgen.Builder.SimpleUpdate("forums", "name= '', active = 0", "fid = ?")
if err != nil {
forumCountStmt, err := qgen.Builder.SimpleCount("forums", "name != ''", "")
if err != nil {
return &MemoryForumStore{
get: getStmt,
getAll: getAllStmt,
delete: deleteStmt,
getForumCount: forumCountStmt,
// TODO: Add support for subforums
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) LoadForums() error {
var forumView []*Forum
addForum := func(forum *Forum) {
mfs.forums.Store(forum.ID, forum)
if forum.Active && forum.Name != "" && forum.ParentType == "" {
forumView = append(forumView, forum)
rows, err := getForumsStmt.Query()
if err != nil {
return err
defer rows.Close()
var i = 0
for ; rows.Next(); i++ {
forum := &Forum{ID: 0, Active: true, Preset: "all"}
err = rows.Scan(&forum.ID, &forum.Name, &forum.Desc, &forum.Active, &forum.Preset, &forum.ParentID, &forum.ParentType, &forum.TopicCount, &forum.LastTopicID, &forum.LastReplyerID)
if err != nil {
return err
if forum.Name == "" {
if dev.DebugMode {
log.Print("Adding a placeholder forum")
} else {
log.Print("Adding the " + forum.Name + " forum")
forum.Link = buildForumURL(nameToSlug(forum.Name), forum.ID)
topic, err := topics.Get(forum.LastTopicID)
if err != nil {
topic = getDummyTopic()
user, err := users.Get(forum.LastReplyerID)
if err != nil {
user = getDummyUser()
forum.LastTopic = topic
forum.LastReplyer = user
//forum.SetLast(topic, user)
return rows.Err()
// TODO: Hide social groups too
// ? - Will this be hit a lot by plugin_socialgroups?
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) rebuildView() {
var forumView []*Forum
mfs.forums.Range(func(_ interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
forum := value.(*Forum)
// ? - ParentType blank means that it doesn't have a parent
if forum.Active && forum.Name != "" && forum.ParentType == "" {
forumView = append(forumView, forum)
return true
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) DirtyGet(id int) *Forum {
fint, ok := mfs.forums.Load(id)
if !ok || fint.(*Forum).Name == "" {
return &Forum{ID: -1, Name: ""}
return fint.(*Forum)
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) CacheGet(id int) (*Forum, error) {
fint, ok := mfs.forums.Load(id)
if !ok || fint.(*Forum).Name == "" {
return nil, ErrNoRows
return fint.(*Forum), nil
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) Get(id int) (*Forum, error) {
fint, ok := mfs.forums.Load(id)
if !ok || fint.(*Forum).Name == "" {
var forum = &Forum{ID: id}
err := mfs.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&forum.Name, &forum.Desc, &forum.Active, &forum.Preset, &forum.TopicCount, &forum.LastTopic, &forum.LastTopicID, &forum.LastReplyer, &forum.LastReplyerID, &forum.LastTopicTime)
if err != nil {
return forum, err
forum.Link = buildForumURL(nameToSlug(forum.Name), forum.ID)
topic, err := topics.Get(forum.LastTopicID)
if err != nil {
topic = getDummyTopic()
user, err := users.Get(forum.LastReplyerID)
if err != nil {
user = getDummyUser()
forum.LastTopic = topic
forum.LastReplyer = user
//forum.SetLast(topic, user)
return forum, err
return fint.(*Forum), nil
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) BypassGet(id int) (*Forum, error) {
var forum = &Forum{ID: id}
err := mfs.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&forum.Name, &forum.Desc, &forum.Active, &forum.Preset, &forum.TopicCount, &forum.LastTopic, &forum.LastTopicID, &forum.LastReplyer, &forum.LastReplyerID, &forum.LastTopicTime)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
forum.Link = buildForumURL(nameToSlug(forum.Name), forum.ID)
topic, err := topics.Get(forum.LastTopicID)
if err != nil {
topic = getDummyTopic()
user, err := users.Get(forum.LastReplyerID)
if err != nil {
user = getDummyUser()
forum.LastTopic = topic
forum.LastReplyer = user
//forum.SetLast(topic, user)
return forum, err
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) Reload(id int) error {
var forum = &Forum{ID: id}
err := mfs.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&forum.Name, &forum.Desc, &forum.Active, &forum.Preset, &forum.TopicCount, &forum.LastTopic, &forum.LastTopicID, &forum.LastReplyer, &forum.LastReplyerID, &forum.LastTopicTime)
if err != nil {
return err
forum.Link = buildForumURL(nameToSlug(forum.Name), forum.ID)
topic, err := topics.Get(forum.LastTopicID)
if err != nil {
topic = getDummyTopic()
user, err := users.Get(forum.LastReplyerID)
if err != nil {
user = getDummyUser()
forum.LastTopic = topic
forum.LastReplyer = user
//forum.SetLast(topic, user)
return nil
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) CacheSet(forum *Forum) error {
mfs.forums.Store(forum.ID, forum)
return nil
// ! Has a randomised order
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetAll() (forumView []*Forum, err error) {
mfs.forums.Range(func(_ interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
forumView = append(forumView, value.(*Forum))
return true
return forumView, nil
// ? - Can we optimise the sorting?
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetAllIDs() (ids []int, err error) {
mfs.forums.Range(func(_ interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
ids = append(ids, value.(*Forum).ID)
return true
return ids, nil
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetAllVisible() (forumView []*Forum, err error) {
forumView = mfs.forumView.Load().([]*Forum)
return forumView, nil
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetAllVisibleIDs() ([]int, error) {
forumView := mfs.forumView.Load().([]*Forum)
var ids = make([]int, len(forumView))
for i := 0; i < len(forumView); i++ {
ids[i] = forumView[i].ID
return ids, nil
// TODO: Implement sub-forums.
/*func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetChildren(parentID int, parentType string) ([]*Forum,error) {
return nil, nil
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetFirstChild(parentID int, parentType string) (*Forum,error) {
return nil, nil
// TODO: Add a query for this rather than hitting cache
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) Exists(id int) bool {
forum, ok := mfs.forums.Load(id)
return ok && forum.(*Forum).Name != ""
// TODO: Batch deletions with name blanking? Is this necessary?
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) CacheDelete(id int) {
// TODO: Add a hook to allow plugin_socialgroups to detect when one of it's forums has just been deleted?
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) Delete(id int) error {
if id == 1 {
return errors.New("You cannot delete the Reports forum")
_, err := mfs.delete.Exec(id)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) AddTopic(tid int, uid int, fid int) error {
_, err := updateForumCacheStmt.Exec(tid, uid, fid)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = addTopicsToForumStmt.Exec(1, fid)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Bypass the database and update this with a lock or an unsafe atomic swap
return nil
// TODO: Update the forum cache with the latest topic
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) RemoveTopic(fid int) error {
_, err := removeTopicsFromForumStmt.Exec(1, fid)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Bypass the database and update this with a lock or an unsafe atomic swap
return nil
// DEPRECATED. forum.Update() will be the way to do this in the future, once it's completed
// TODO: Have a pointer to the last topic rather than storing it on the forum itself
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) UpdateLastTopic(tid int, uid int, fid int) error {
_, err := updateForumCacheStmt.Exec(tid, uid, fid)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Bypass the database and update this with a lock or an unsafe atomic swap
return nil
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) Create(forumName string, forumDesc string, active bool, preset string) (int, error) {
res, err := createForumStmt.Exec(forumName, forumDesc, active, preset)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
fid64, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
fid := int(fid64)
err = mfs.Reload(fid)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
permmapToQuery(presetToPermmap(preset), fid)
return fid, nil
// ! Might be slightly inaccurate, if the sync.Map is constantly shifting and churning, but it'll stabilise eventually. Also, slow. Don't use this on every request x.x
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetLength() (length int) {
mfs.forums.Range(func(_ interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
return true
return length
// TODO: Get the total count of forums in the forum store minus the blanked forums rather than doing a heavy query for this?
// GetGlobalCount returns the total number of forums
func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetGlobalCount() (fcount int) {
err := mfs.getForumCount.QueryRow().Scan(&fcount)
if err != nil {
return fcount
// TODO: Work on SqlForumStore