Added the Tempra Cursive theme. A fork of Tempra Simple which is less boxy and uses the cursive font. Improved the theme manager. Primary themes and variant themes (themes based upon another) are now seperate. plugin_bbcode has been modified to use the URL parsing facilities of the core rather than implementing them itself. git:// and ftp:// links are now supported by plugin_bbcode. Added the simple quote BBCode. Fixed a bug in route_like_topic where the no row error type isn't handled properly. Moved the rowhead class onto the right element in the topic template. Removed a couple of linebreaks in the topic template in favour of pure CSS. Converted some inline CSS in the topic template into new CSS classes. alerts.png contains some alert types for features which haven't been implemented yet, this is mainly to test if the alert system would work under the presence of those alert types. Think of this as my plans for the future.
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24 KiB
499 lines
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package main
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var topic_67 []byte = []byte(`" class="mod_button" title="Delete Reply"><button class="username delete_item">🗑️</button></a> `)
var topic_68 []byte = []byte(`
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var topic_70 []byte = []byte(`&type=reply" class="mod_button" title="Flag Reply"><button class="username report_item">🚩</button></a>
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<style type="text/css">.rowitem:last-child .content_container { margin-bottom: 5px !important; }</style>
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var topic_alt_34 []byte = []byte(`<a href="/topic/delete/submit/`)
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var topic_alt_40 []byte = []byte(`
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var topic_alt_62 []byte = []byte(`<a href="/reply/delete/submit/`)
var topic_alt_63 []byte = []byte(`" class="action_button delete_item">Delete</a>`)
var topic_alt_64 []byte = []byte(`
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var topic_alt_65 []byte = []byte(`?session=`)
var topic_alt_66 []byte = []byte(`&type=reply" class="action_button report_item">Report</a>
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var topic_alt_68 []byte = []byte(`</a>`)
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var topic_alt_71 []byte = []byte(`
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var profile_0 []byte = []byte(`
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var profile_9 []byte = []byte(`<a href="/users/ban/`)
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var profile_12 []byte = []byte(`
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var profile_13 []byte = []byte(`?session=`)
var profile_14 []byte = []byte(`&type=user" class="username report_item">Report</a>
<div class="colblock_right">
<div class="rowitem rowhead"><a>Comments</a></div>
<div class="colblock_right" style="overflow: hidden;border-top: none;">`)
var profile_15 []byte = []byte(`
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<a href="/user/`)
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var profile_23 []byte = []byte(`</a>
var profile_24 []byte = []byte(`<a href="/profile/reply/edit/submit/`)
var profile_25 []byte = []byte(`"><button class="username edit_item">Edit</button></a>
<a href="/profile/reply/delete/submit/`)
var profile_26 []byte = []byte(`"><button class="username delete_item">Delete</button></a>`)
var profile_27 []byte = []byte(`
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var profile_28 []byte = []byte(`?session=`)
var profile_29 []byte = []byte(`&type=user-reply"><button class="username report_item">Report</button></a>
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var profile_32 []byte = []byte(`
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var profile_36 []byte = []byte(`
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var forum_9 []byte = []byte(`</a>
var forum_10 []byte = []byte(`<span class='username' title='No Permissions' style="font-weight:normal;float: right;position:relative;top:-5px;">🔒︎</span>`)
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var forum_13 []byte = []byte(`</div>
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var forum_14 []byte = []byte(`<div class="rowitem passive" style="`)
var forum_15 []byte = []byte(`background-image: url(`)
var forum_16 []byte = []byte(`);background-position: left;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: 64px;padding-left: 72px;`)
var forum_17 []byte = []byte(`background-color: #FFFFCC;`)
var forum_18 []byte = []byte(`background-color: #eaeaea;`)
var forum_19 []byte = []byte(`">
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var forum_20 []byte = []byte(`">`)
var forum_21 []byte = []byte(`</a> `)
var forum_22 []byte = []byte(`<span class="username topic_status_e topic_status_closed" title="Status: Closed" style="float: right;position:relative;top:-5px;margin-left:8px;">🔒︎</span>`)
var forum_23 []byte = []byte(`
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var forum_24 []byte = []byte(`</a>
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var forum_28 []byte = []byte(`</div>`)
var forum_29 []byte = []byte(`