Added the Tempra Cursive theme. A fork of Tempra Simple which is less boxy and uses the cursive font. Improved the theme manager. Primary themes and variant themes (themes based upon another) are now seperate. plugin_bbcode has been modified to use the URL parsing facilities of the core rather than implementing them itself. git:// and ftp:// links are now supported by plugin_bbcode. Added the simple quote BBCode. Fixed a bug in route_like_topic where the no row error type isn't handled properly. Moved the rowhead class onto the right element in the topic template. Removed a couple of linebreaks in the topic template in favour of pure CSS. Converted some inline CSS in the topic template into new CSS classes. alerts.png contains some alert types for features which haven't been implemented yet, this is mainly to test if the alert system would work under the presence of those alert types. Think of this as my plans for the future.
399 lines
11 KiB
399 lines
11 KiB
package main
//import "fmt"
import "bytes"
import "strings"
import "regexp"
type Page struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []interface{}
Something interface{}
type TopicPage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []Reply
Topic TopicUser
Page int
LastPage int
ExtData interface{}
type TopicsPage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []TopicsRow
ExtData interface{}
type ForumPage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []TopicUser
Forum Forum
Page int
LastPage int
ExtData interface{}
type ForumsPage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []Forum
ExtData interface{}
type ProfilePage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []Reply
ProfileOwner User
ExtData interface{}
type CreateTopicPage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []Forum
FID int
ExtData interface{}
type ThemesPage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
PrimaryThemes []Theme
VariantThemes []Theme
ExtData interface{}
type PageSimple struct
Title string
Something interface{}
type AreYouSure struct
URL string
Message string
var space_gap []byte = []byte(" ")
var http_prot_b []byte = []byte("http://")
var invalid_url []byte = []byte("<span style='color: red;'>[Invalid URL]</span>")
var url_open []byte = []byte("<a href='")
var url_open2 []byte = []byte("'>")
var url_close []byte = []byte("</a>")
var urlpattern string = `(?s)([ {1}])((http|https|ftp|mailto)*)(:{??)\/\/([\.a-zA-Z\/]+)([ {1}])`
var url_reg *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
url_reg = regexp.MustCompile(urlpattern)
func shortcode_to_unicode(msg string) string {
//re := regexp.MustCompile(":(.):")
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":grinning:","😀",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":grin:","😁",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":joy:","😂",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":rofl:","🤣",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":smiley:","😃",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":smile:","😄",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":sweat_smile:","😅",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":laughing:","😆",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":satisfied:","😆",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":wink:","😉",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":blush:","😊",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":yum:","😋",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":sunglasses:","😎",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":heart_eyes:","😍",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":kissing_heart:","😘",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":kissing:","😗",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":kissing_smiling_eyes:","😙",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":kissing_closed_eyes:","😚",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":relaxed:","☺️",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":slight_smile:","🙂",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":hugging:","🤗",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":thinking:","🤔",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":neutral_face:","😐",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":expressionless:","😑",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":no_mouth:","😶",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":rolling_eyes:","🙄",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":smirk:","😏",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":persevere:","😣",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":disappointed_relieved:","😥",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":open_mouth:","😮",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":zipper_mouth:","🤐",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":hushed:","😯",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":sleepy:","😪",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":tired_face:","😫",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":sleeping:","😴",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":relieved:","😌",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":nerd:","🤓",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":stuck_out_tongue:","😛",-1)
return msg
func preparse_message(msg string) string {
if hooks["preparse_preassign"] != nil {
out := run_hook("preparse_preassign", msg)
msg = out.(string)
return shortcode_to_unicode(msg)
func parse_message(msg string) string {
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":)","😀",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":D","😃",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":P","😛",-1)
//msg = url_reg.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$2$3//$4\" rel=\"nofollow\">$2$3//$4</a>")
// Search for URLs in the messages...
var msgbytes = []byte(msg)
outbytes := make([]byte, len(msgbytes))
msgbytes = append(msgbytes,space_gap...)
lastItem := 0
i := 0
for ; len(msgbytes) > (i + 1); i++ {
if i==0 || msgbytes[i] == 10 || (msgbytes[i] == ' ' && msgbytes[i + 1] != ' ') {
if msgbytes[i] != 'h' && msgbytes[i] != 'f' && msgbytes[i] != 'g' && msgbytes[i + 1] != 't' {
if msgbytes[i + 2] == 't' && msgbytes[i + 3] == 'p' {
if msgbytes[i + 4] == 's' && msgbytes[i + 5] == ':' && msgbytes[i + 6] == '/' && msgbytes[i + 7] == '/' {
// Do nothing
} else if msgbytes[i + 4] == ':' && msgbytes[i + 5] == '/' && msgbytes[i + 6] == '/' {
// Do nothing
} else {
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'p' && msgbytes[i + 3] == ':' && msgbytes[i + 4] == '/' && msgbytes[i + 5] == '/' {
// Do nothing
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'i' && msgbytes[i + 2] == 't' && msgbytes[i + 3] == ':' && msgbytes[i + 4] == '/' && msgbytes[i + 5] == '/' {
// Do nothing
} else {
outbytes = append(outbytes,msgbytes[lastItem:i]...)
url_len := partial_url_bytes_len(msgbytes[i:])
if msgbytes[i + url_len] != ' ' && msgbytes[i + url_len] != 10 {
outbytes = append(outbytes,invalid_url...)
i += url_len
//fmt.Println("Parsed URL:")
//fmt.Println("`"+string(msgbytes[i:i + url_len])+"`")
outbytes = append(outbytes, url_open...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[i:i + url_len]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, url_open2...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[i:i + url_len]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, url_close...)
i += url_len
lastItem = i
if lastItem != i && len(outbytes) != 0 {
//fmt.Println("lastItem index:")
//fmt.Println("lastItem to end:")
calclen := len(msgbytes) - 10
if calclen <= lastItem {
calclen = lastItem
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastItem:calclen]...)
msg = string(outbytes)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,"\n","<br>",-1)
if hooks["parse_assign"] != nil {
out := run_hook("parse_assign", msg)
msg = out.(string)
return msg
func regex_parse_message(msg string) string {
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":)","😀",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":D","😃",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":P","😛",-1)
msg = url_reg.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$2$3//$4\" rel=\"nofollow\">$2$3//$4</a>")
msg = strings.Replace(msg,"\n","<br>",-1)
if hooks["parse_assign"] != nil {
out := run_hook("parse_assign", msg)
msg = out.(string)
return msg
// 6, 7, 8, 6, 7
// ftp://, http://, https:// git://, mailto: (not a URL, just here for length comparison purposes)
func validate_url_bytes(data []byte) bool {
datalen := len(data)
i := 0
if datalen >= 6 {
if bytes.Equal(data[0:6],[]byte("ftp://")) || bytes.Equal(data[0:6],[]byte("git://")) {
i = 6
} else if datalen >= 7 && bytes.Equal(data[0:7],http_prot_b) {
i = 7
} else if datalen >= 8 && bytes.Equal(data[0:8],[]byte("https://")) {
i = 8
for ;datalen > i; i++ {
if data[i] != '\\' && data[i] != '_' && !(data[i] > 44 && data[i] < 58) && !(data[i] > 64 && data[i] < 91) && !(data[i] > 96 && data[i] < 123) {
return false
return true
func validated_url_bytes(data []byte) (url []byte) {
datalen := len(data)
i := 0
if datalen >= 6 {
if bytes.Equal(data[0:6],[]byte("ftp://")) || bytes.Equal(data[0:6],[]byte("git://")) {
i = 6
} else if datalen >= 7 && bytes.Equal(data[0:7],http_prot_b) {
i = 7
} else if datalen >= 8 && bytes.Equal(data[0:8],[]byte("https://")) {
i = 8
for ;datalen > i; i++ {
if data[i] != '\\' && data[i] != '_' && !(data[i] > 44 && data[i] < 58) && !(data[i] > 64 && data[i] < 91) && !(data[i] > 96 && data[i] < 123) {
return invalid_url
url = append(url, data...)
return url
func partial_url_bytes(data []byte) (url []byte) {
datalen := len(data)
i := 0
end := datalen - 1
if datalen >= 6 {
if bytes.Equal(data[0:6],[]byte("ftp://")) || bytes.Equal(data[0:6],[]byte("git://")) {
i = 6
} else if datalen >= 7 && bytes.Equal(data[0:7],http_prot_b) {
i = 7
} else if datalen >= 8 && bytes.Equal(data[0:8],[]byte("https://")) {
i = 8
for ;end >= i; i++ {
if data[i] != '\\' && data[i] != '_' && !(data[i] > 44 && data[i] < 58) && !(data[i] > 64 && data[i] < 91) && !(data[i] > 96 && data[i] < 123) {
end = i
url = append(url, data[0:end]...)
return url
func partial_url_bytes_len(data []byte) int {
datalen := len(data)
i := 0
if datalen >= 6 {
if bytes.Equal(data[0:6],[]byte("ftp://")) || bytes.Equal(data[0:6],[]byte("git://")) {
i = 6
} else if datalen >= 7 && bytes.Equal(data[0:7],http_prot_b) {
i = 7
} else if datalen >= 8 && bytes.Equal(data[0:8],[]byte("https://")) {
i = 8
} else {
//fmt.Println("no protocol")
for ;datalen > i; i++ {
if data[i] != '\\' && data[i] != '_' && !(data[i] > 44 && data[i] < 58) && !(data[i] > 64 && data[i] < 91) && !(data[i] > 96 && data[i] < 123) {
//fmt.Println("Trimmed Length")
//fmt.Println("Full Length")
//fmt.Println("Data Length:")
//fmt.Println("Bad Character:")
return i
//fmt.Println("Data Length:")
return datalen
func parse_media_bytes(data []byte) (protocol []byte, url []byte) {
datalen := len(data)
i := 0
if datalen >= 6 {
if bytes.Equal(data[0:6],[]byte("ftp://")) || bytes.Equal(data[0:6],[]byte("git://")) {
i = 6
protocol = data[0:2]
} else if datalen >= 7 && bytes.Equal(data[0:7],http_prot_b) {
i = 7
protocol = []byte("http")
} else if datalen >= 8 && bytes.Equal(data[0:8],[]byte("https://")) {
i = 8
protocol = []byte("https")
for ;datalen > i; i++ {
if data[i] != '\\' && data[i] != '_' && !(data[i] > 44 && data[i] < 58) && !(data[i] > 64 && data[i] < 91) && !(data[i] > 96 && data[i] < 123) {
return []byte(""), invalid_url
if len(protocol) == 0 {
protocol = []byte("http")
return protocol, data[i:]