Azareal e835ca4148 Added an installer which automatically populates the configuration file with information you provide. It also seeds the database with the necessary tables and data.
Added the likes table. This is a sign of what's to come.
Improved the installation instructions in README.md
Fixed the SQL in data.sql so that it no longer errors out.
The Admin user now has a default password.
Fixed a status indicator which I overlooked in the previous commit.
The Status field for topics is now deprecated.
Improved the efficiency of plugin_bbcode
Added more bat and shell files to make it easier for you to get things done.
2017-01-10 06:51:28 +00:00

316 lines
8.9 KiB

package main
//import "log"
//import "fmt"
import "bytes"
//import "strings"
import "regexp"
var bbcode_invalid_url []byte
var bbcode_url_open []byte
var bbcode_url_open2 []byte
var bbcode_url_close []byte
var bbcode_bold *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_italic *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_underline *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_strikethrough *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_url *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_url_label *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
plugins["bbcode"] = NewPlugin("bbcode","BBCode","Azareal","http://github.com/Azareal","","","",init_bbcode,nil,deactivate_bbcode)
func init_bbcode() {
//plugins["bbcode"].AddHook("parse_assign", bbcode_parse_without_code)
plugins["bbcode"].AddHook("parse_assign", bbcode_full_parse)
bbcode_invalid_url = []byte("<span style='color: red;'>[Invalid URL]</span>")
bbcode_url_open = []byte("<a href='")
bbcode_url_open2 = []byte("'>")
bbcode_url_close = []byte("</a>")
bbcode_bold = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[b\](.*)\[/b\]`)
bbcode_italic = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[i\](.*)\[/i\]`)
bbcode_underline = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[u\](.*)\[/u\]`)
bbcode_strikethrough = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[s\](.*)\[/s\]`)
urlpattern := `(http|https|ftp|mailto*)(:??)\/\/([\.a-zA-Z\/]+)`
bbcode_url = regexp.MustCompile(`\[url\]` + urlpattern + `\[/url\]`)
bbcode_url_label = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[url=` + urlpattern + `\](.*)\[/url\]`)
func deactivate_bbcode() {
//plugins["bbcode"].RemoveHook("parse_assign", bbcode_parse_without_code)
plugins["bbcode"].RemoveHook("parse_assign", bbcode_full_parse)
func bbcode_regex_parse(data interface{}) interface{} {
msg := data.(string)
msg = bbcode_bold.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<b>$1</b>")
msg = bbcode_italic.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<i>$1</i>")
msg = bbcode_underline.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<u>$1</u>")
msg = bbcode_strikethrough.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<s>$1</s>")
msg = bbcode_url.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcode_url_label.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$4</i>")
return msg
// Only does the simple BBCode like [u], [b], [i] and [s]
func bbcode_simple_parse(data interface{}) interface{} {
msg := data.(string)
msgbytes := []byte(msg)
has_u := false
has_b := false
has_i := false
has_s := false
for i := 0; i < len(msgbytes); i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' && msgbytes[i + 2] == ']' {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'b' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_b = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'i' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_i = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'u' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_u = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 's' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_s = true
i += 2
// There's an unclosed tag in there x.x
if has_i || has_u || has_b || has_s {
closer := []byte("</u></i></b></s>")
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, closer...)
return string(msgbytes)
// Here for benchmarking purposes. Might add a plugin setting for disabling [code] as it has it's paws everywhere
func bbcode_parse_without_code(data interface{}) interface{} {
msg := data.(string)
msgbytes := []byte(msg)
has_u := false
has_b := false
has_i := false
has_s := false
complex_bbc := false
for i := 0; i < len(msgbytes); i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' {
if msgbytes[i + 2] != ']' {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == '/' {
if msgbytes[i + 3] == ']' {
if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'b' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_b = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'i' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_i = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'u' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_u = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 's' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_s = false
i += 3
} else {
complex_bbc = true
} else {
complex_bbc = true
} else {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'b' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_b = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'i' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_i = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'u' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_u = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 's' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_s = true
i += 2
// There's an unclosed tag in there x.x
if has_i || has_u || has_b || has_s {
closer := []byte("</u></i></b></s>")
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, closer...)
if complex_bbc {
msg = bbcode_url.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcode_url_label.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$4</i>")
return string(msgbytes)
// Does every type of BBCode
func bbcode_full_parse(data interface{}) interface{} {
msg := data.(string)
msgbytes := []byte(msg)
has_u := false
has_b := false
has_i := false
has_s := false
has_c := false
complex_bbc := false
for i := 0; i < len(msgbytes); i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' {
if msgbytes[i + 2] != ']' {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == '/' {
if msgbytes[i + 3] == ']' {
if !has_c {
if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'b' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_b = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'i' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_i = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'u' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_u = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 's' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_s = false
i += 3
} else {
if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'c' && msgbytes[i + 3] == 'o' && msgbytes[i + 4] == 'd' && msgbytes[i + 5] == 'e' {
has_c = false
i += 6
complex_bbc = true
} else {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'c' && msgbytes[i + 2] == 'o' && msgbytes[i + 3] == 'd' && msgbytes[i + 4] == 'e' {
has_c = true
i += 5
complex_bbc = true
} else if !has_c {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'b' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_b = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'i' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_i = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'u' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_u = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 's' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_s = true
i += 2
// There's an unclosed tag in there x.x
if has_i || has_u || has_b || has_s {
closer := []byte("</u></i></b></s>")
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, closer...)
if complex_bbc {
var start int
var lastTag int
outbytes := make([]byte, len(msgbytes))
for i := 0; i < len(msgbytes); i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'u' {
if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'r' && msgbytes[i + 3] == 'l' && msgbytes[i + 4] == ']' {
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastTag:i]...)
start = i + 5
i = start
if msgbytes[i] == 'h' {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == 't' && msgbytes[i + 2] == 't' && msgbytes[i + 3] == 'p' {
if bytes.Equal(msgbytes[i + 4:i + 7],[]byte("s://")) {
i += 7
} else if msgbytes[i + 4] == ':' && msgbytes[i + 5] == '/' && msgbytes[i + 6] == '/' {
i += 6
} else {
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcode_invalid_url...)
} else if msgbytes[i] == 'f' {
if bytes.Equal(msgbytes[i + 1:i + 5],[]byte("tp://")) {
i += 5
for ;; i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' {
if !bytes.Equal(msgbytes[i + 1:i + 6],[]byte("/url]")) {
//log.Print("Not the URL closing tag!")
//fmt.Println(msgbytes[i + 1:i + 6])
goto OuterComplex
} else if msgbytes[i] != '\\' && msgbytes[i] != '_' && !(msgbytes[i] > 44 && msgbytes[i] < 58) && !(msgbytes[i] > 64 && msgbytes[i] < 91) && !(msgbytes[i] > 96 && msgbytes[i] < 123) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcode_invalid_url...)
//log.Print("Weird character")
goto MainLoop
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcode_url_open...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[start:i]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcode_url_open2...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[start:i]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcode_url_close...)
i += 6
lastTag = i
if len(outbytes) != 0 {
return string(outbytes)
msg = string(msgbytes)
//msg = bbcode_url.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcode_url_label.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$4</i>")
// Convert [code] into class="codequotes"
} else {
msg = string(msgbytes)
return msg