The background no longer randomly vanishes on Shadow. Fixed the small margins on the paginator on Shadow. Tweaked the padding for the paginator in the Control Panel on Shadow. The footer is no longer 100% wide on Shadow. Fixed a misplaced ':' in Shadow. Added the BlankProfileReply function for tests. Tests now run once more. Made it easier to trace test errors which use recordMustExist and recordMustNotExist. Added tests for profile reply deletion. Added tests for GeneratePassword in addition to the existing ones for BcryptGeneratePassword. Added tests for Auth.Authenticate. Added tests for Auth.CreateSession. Added a contributor convention for highly unstable builds. This can be considered a stable build.
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* Gosora Authentication Interface
* Copyright Azareal 2017 - 2019
package common
import (
// TODO: Write more authentication tests
var Auth AuthInt
const SaltLength int = 32
const SessionLength int = 80
// ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword is thrown whenever a hash doesn't match it's unhashed password
var ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword = bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword
// nolint
var ErrHashNotExist = errors.New("We don't recognise that hashing algorithm")
var ErrTooFewHashParams = errors.New("You haven't provided enough hash parameters")
// ErrPasswordTooLong is silly, but we don't want bcrypt to bork on us
var ErrPasswordTooLong = errors.New("The password you selected is too long")
var ErrWrongPassword = errors.New("That's not the correct password.")
var ErrSecretError = errors.New("There was a glitch in the system. Please contact your local administrator.")
var ErrNoUserByName = errors.New("We couldn't find an account with that username.")
var DefaultHashAlgo = "bcrypt" // Override this in the configuration file, not here
//func(realPassword string, password string, salt string) (err error)
var CheckPasswordFuncs = map[string]func(string, string, string) error{
"bcrypt": BcryptCheckPassword,
//"argon2": Argon2CheckPassword,
//func(password string) (hashedPassword string, salt string, err error)
var GeneratePasswordFuncs = map[string]func(string) (string, string, error){
"bcrypt": BcryptGeneratePassword,
//"argon2": Argon2GeneratePassword,
var HashPrefixes = map[string]string{
"$2a$": "bcrypt",
//"argon2$": "argon2",
// AuthInt is the main authentication interface.
type AuthInt interface {
Authenticate(username string, password string) (uid int, err error)
Logout(w http.ResponseWriter, uid int)
ForceLogout(uid int) error
SetCookies(w http.ResponseWriter, uid int, session string)
GetCookies(r *http.Request) (uid int, session string, err error)
SessionCheck(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (user *User, halt bool)
CreateSession(uid int) (session string, err error)
// DefaultAuth is the default authenticator used by Gosora, may be swapped with an alternate authenticator in some situations. E.g. To support LDAP.
type DefaultAuth struct {
login *sql.Stmt
logout *sql.Stmt
updateSession *sql.Stmt
// NewDefaultAuth is a factory for spitting out DefaultAuths
func NewDefaultAuth() (*DefaultAuth, error) {
acc := qgen.Builder.Accumulator()
return &DefaultAuth{
login: acc.Select("users").Columns("uid, password, salt").Where("name = ?").Prepare(),
logout: acc.Update("users").Set("session = ''").Where("uid = ?").Prepare(),
updateSession: acc.Update("users").Set("session = ?").Where("uid = ?").Prepare(),
}, acc.FirstError()
// Authenticate checks if a specific username and password is valid and returns the UID for the corresponding user, if so. Otherwise, a user safe error.
// TODO: Find a better way of handling errors we don't want to reach the user
func (auth *DefaultAuth) Authenticate(username string, password string) (uid int, err error) {
var realPassword, salt string
err = auth.login.QueryRow(username).Scan(&uid, &realPassword, &salt)
if err == ErrNoRows {
return 0, ErrNoUserByName
} else if err != nil {
return 0, ErrSecretError
err = CheckPassword(realPassword, password, salt)
if err == ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword {
return 0, ErrWrongPassword
} else if err != nil {
return 0, ErrSecretError
return uid, nil
// ForceLogout logs the user out of every computer, not just the one they logged out of
func (auth *DefaultAuth) ForceLogout(uid int) error {
_, err := auth.logout.Exec(uid)
if err != nil {
return ErrSecretError
// Flush the user out of the cache
ucache := Users.GetCache()
if ucache != nil {
return nil
// Logout logs you out of the computer you requested the logout for, but not the other computers you're logged in with
func (auth *DefaultAuth) Logout(w http.ResponseWriter, _ int) {
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "uid", Value: "", Path: "/", MaxAge: int(Year)}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
cookie = http.Cookie{Name: "session", Value: "", Path: "/", MaxAge: int(Year)}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
// TODO: Set the cookie domain
// SetCookies sets the two cookies required for the current user to be recognised as a specific user in future requests
func (auth *DefaultAuth) SetCookies(w http.ResponseWriter, uid int, session string) {
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "uid", Value: strconv.Itoa(uid), Path: "/", MaxAge: int(Year)}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
cookie = http.Cookie{Name: "session", Value: session, Path: "/", MaxAge: int(Year)}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
// GetCookies fetches the current user's session cookies
func (auth *DefaultAuth) GetCookies(r *http.Request) (uid int, session string, err error) {
// Are there any session cookies..?
cookie, err := r.Cookie("uid")
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
uid, err = strconv.Atoi(cookie.Value)
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
cookie, err = r.Cookie("session")
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
return uid, cookie.Value, err
// SessionCheck checks if a user has session cookies and whether they're valid
func (auth *DefaultAuth) SessionCheck(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (user *User, halt bool) {
uid, session, err := auth.GetCookies(r)
if err != nil {
return &GuestUser, false
// Is this session valid..?
user, err = Users.Get(uid)
if err == ErrNoRows {
return &GuestUser, false
} else if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w, r)
return &GuestUser, true
if user.Session == "" || session != user.Session {
return &GuestUser, false
return user, false
// CreateSession generates a new session to allow a remote client to stay logged in as a specific user
func (auth *DefaultAuth) CreateSession(uid int) (session string, err error) {
session, err = GenerateSafeString(SessionLength)
if err != nil {
return "", err
_, err = auth.updateSession.Exec(session, uid)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Flush the user data from the cache
ucache := Users.GetCache()
if ucache != nil {
return session, nil
func CheckPassword(realPassword string, password string, salt string) (err error) {
blasted := strings.Split(realPassword, "$")
prefix := blasted[0]
if len(blasted) > 1 {
prefix += "$" + blasted[1] + "$"
algo, ok := HashPrefixes[prefix]
if !ok {
return ErrHashNotExist
checker := CheckPasswordFuncs[algo]
return checker(realPassword, password, salt)
func GeneratePassword(password string) (hash string, salt string, err error) {
gen, ok := GeneratePasswordFuncs[DefaultHashAlgo]
if !ok {
return "", "", ErrHashNotExist
return gen(password)
func BcryptCheckPassword(realPassword string, password string, salt string) (err error) {
return bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(realPassword), []byte(password+salt))
// Note: The salt is in the hash, therefore the salt parameter is blank
func BcryptGeneratePassword(password string) (hash string, salt string, err error) {
hashedPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return string(hashedPassword), salt, nil
/*const (
argon2Time uint32 = 3
argon2Memory uint32 = 32 * 1024
argon2Threads uint8 = 4
argon2KeyLen uint32 = 32
func Argon2CheckPassword(realPassword string, password string, salt string) (err error) {
split := strings.Split(realPassword, "$")
// TODO: Better validation
if len(split) < 5 {
return ErrTooFewHashParams
realKey, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(split[len(split)-1])
time, _ := strconv.Atoi(split[1])
memory, _ := strconv.Atoi(split[2])
threads, _ := strconv.Atoi(split[3])
keyLen, _ := strconv.Atoi(split[4])
key := argon2.Key([]byte(password), []byte(salt), uint32(time), uint32(memory), uint8(threads), uint32(keyLen))
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(realKey, key) != 1 {
return ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword
return nil
func Argon2GeneratePassword(password string) (hash string, salt string, err error) {
sbytes := make([]byte, SaltLength)
_, err = rand.Read(sbytes)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
key := argon2.Key([]byte(password), sbytes, argon2Time, argon2Memory, argon2Threads, argon2KeyLen)
hash = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(key)
return fmt.Sprintf("argon2$%d%d%d%d%s%s", argon2Time, argon2Memory, argon2Threads, argon2KeyLen, salt, hash), string(sbytes), nil