Azareal dcfcd08248 Added the views graph to the Control Panel.
Added support for strikethrough and underline HTML.
Added DateCutoff to the Accumulator Select Builder for MySQL.
2018-01-03 07:46:18 +00:00

40 lines
952 B

{{template "header.html" . }}
<div class="colstack panel_stack">
{{template "panel-menu.html" . }}
<main id="panel_dashboard_right" class="colstack_right">
<div class="colstack_item colstack_head">
<div class="rowitem"><a>Views</a></div>
<div id="panel_analytics" class="colstack_graph_holder">
<div class="ct-chart"></div>
let labels = [];
let rawLabels = [{{range .PrimaryGraph.Labels}}
for(const i in rawLabels) {
let date = new Date(rawLabels[i]*1000);
console.log("date: ", date);
let minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes();
let label = date.getHours() + ":" + minutes.substr(-2);
console.log("label:", label);
let seriesData = [{{range .PrimaryGraph.Series}}
seriesData = seriesData.reverse();
Chartist.Line('.ct-chart', {
labels: labels,
series: [seriesData],
}, {
height: '250px',
{{template "footer.html" . }}