Azareal be609b47ce new modtools ux
- don't allow users to select things they shouldn't be able to
- hide mod options the user doesn't have access to
- highlight options which can be selected
- stop counting topics twice when they're clicked on multiple times

fix modtools not opening in some cases
fix command orders in batch files
fix global.js's getExt()
reduce boilerplate
2020-07-19 13:26:56 +10:00

78 lines
1.9 KiB

package routes
import (
c "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/common"
co "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/common/counters"
p "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/common/phrases"
// TODO: Retire this in favour of an alias for /topics/?
func ViewForum(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, u *c.User, h *c.Header, sfid string) c.RouteError {
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("page"))
_, fid, err := ParseSEOURL(sfid)
if err != nil {
return c.SimpleError(p.GetErrorPhrase("url_id_must_be_integer"), w, r, h)
ferr := c.ForumUserCheck(h, w, r, u, fid)
if ferr != nil {
return ferr
if !u.Perms.ViewTopic {
return c.NoPermissions(w, r, u)
h.Path = "/forums/"
// TODO: Fix this double-check
forum, err := c.Forums.Get(fid)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return c.NotFound(w, r, h)
} else if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
h.Title = forum.Name
h.OGDesc = forum.Desc
topicList, pagi, err := c.TopicList.GetListByForum(forum, page, 0)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
h.Zone = "view_forum"
h.ZoneID = forum.ID
// TODO: Reduce the amount of boilerplate here
if r.FormValue("js") == "1" {
outBytes, err := wsTopicList(topicList, pagi.LastPage).MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
return nil
topicList2 := make([]c.TopicsRowMut, len(topicList))
canMod := u.Perms.CloseTopic || u.Perms.MoveTopic
for i, t := range topicList {
topicList2[i] = c.TopicsRowMut{t, t.CreatedBy == u.ID || canMod}
//pageList := c.Paginate(page, lastPage, 5)
pi := c.ForumPage{h, topicList2, forum, u.Perms.CloseTopic, u.Perms.MoveTopic, pagi}
tmpl := forum.Tmpl
if tmpl == "" {
ferr = renderTemplate("forum", w, r, h, pi)
} else {
tmpl = "forum_" + tmpl
err = renderTemplate3(tmpl, tmpl, w, r, h, pi)
if err != nil {
ferr = renderTemplate("forum", w, r, h, pi)
return ferr