Partially rewrote the forum permissions system to make it more stable. Moved config.go into it's own package in /config/ Removed Go Git as a dependency. Tweaked the GopherJS pulling. Fixed inserts where all the columns have default values. Reverted a silly tweak I made thinking that mOrder == order. Removed the /common/ hack from the patcher. Fixed a bug where the forum creator would ignore the visiblity value you provided. The tests now work again. Swapped a misplaced fmt.Println with a fmt.Printf. Fixed a bug in the installer where all the table logs would be on one line in the console. Added more logging to the installer.
336 lines
8.6 KiB
336 lines
8.6 KiB
* Gosora Installer
* Copyright Azareal 2017 - 2018
package main
import (
var scanner *bufio.Scanner
var siteShortName string
var siteName string
var siteURL string
var serverPort string
var defaultAdapter = "mysql"
var defaultHost = "localhost"
var defaultUsername = "root"
var defaultDbname = "gosora"
var defaultSiteShortName = "SN"
var defaultSiteName = "Site Name"
var defaultsiteURL = "localhost"
var defaultServerPort = "80" // 8080's a good one, if you're testing and don't want it to clash with port 80
func main() {
// Capture panics instead of closing the window at a superhuman speed before the user can read the message on Windows
defer func() {
r := recover()
if r != nil {
scanner = bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
fmt.Println("Welcome to Gosora's Installer")
fmt.Println("We're going to take you through a few steps to help you get started :)")
adap, ok := handleDatabaseDetails()
if !ok {
err := scanner.Err()
if err != nil {
} else {
err = errors.New("Something went wrong!")
if !getSiteDetails() {
err := scanner.Err()
if err != nil {
} else {
err = errors.New("Something went wrong!")
err := adap.InitDatabase()
if err != nil {
err = adap.TableDefs()
if err != nil {
err = adap.CreateAdmin()
if err != nil {
err = adap.InitialData()
if err != nil {
configContents := []byte(`package config
import "../common"
func Config() {
// Site Info
common.Site.ShortName = "` + siteShortName + `" // This should be less than three letters to fit in the navbar
common.Site.Name = "` + siteName + `"
common.Site.Email = ""
common.Site.URL = "` + siteURL + `"
common.Site.Port = "` + serverPort + `"
common.Site.EnableSsl = false
common.Site.EnableEmails = false
common.Site.HasProxy = false // Cloudflare counts as this, if it's sitting in the middle
common.Config.SslPrivkey = ""
common.Config.SslFullchain = ""
common.Site.Language = "english"
// Database details
common.DbConfig.Adapter = "` + adap.Name() + `"
common.DbConfig.Host = "` + adap.DBHost() + `"
common.DbConfig.Username = "` + adap.DBUsername() + `"
common.DbConfig.Password = "` + adap.DBPassword() + `"
common.DbConfig.Dbname = "` + adap.DBName() + `"
common.DbConfig.Port = "` + adap.DBPort() + `" // You probably won't need to change this
// Test Database details
common.DbConfig.TestAdapter = "` + adap.Name() + `"
common.DbConfig.TestHost = ""
common.DbConfig.TestUsername = ""
common.DbConfig.TestPassword = ""
common.DbConfig.TestDbname = "" // The name of the test database, leave blank to disable. DON'T USE YOUR PRODUCTION DATABASE FOR THIS. LEAVE BLANK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS.
common.DbConfig.TestPort = ""
// Limiters
common.Config.MaxRequestSize = 5 * common.Megabyte
// Caching
common.Config.CacheTopicUser = common.CACHE_STATIC
common.Config.UserCacheCapacity = 120 // The max number of users held in memory
common.Config.TopicCacheCapacity = 200 // The max number of topics held in memory
// Email
common.Config.SMTPServer = ""
common.Config.SMTPUsername = ""
common.Config.SMTPPassword = ""
common.Config.SMTPPort = "25"
// Misc
common.Config.DefaultRoute = "routes.TopicList"
common.Config.DefaultGroup = 3 // Should be a setting in the database
common.Config.ActivationGroup = 5 // Should be a setting in the database
common.Config.StaffCSS = "staff_post"
common.Config.DefaultForum = 2
common.Config.MinifyTemplates = true
common.Config.BuildSlugs = true
common.Config.ServerCount = 1 // Experimental: Enable Cross-Server Synchronisation and several other features
//common.Config.Noavatar = "{width}/{id}@{site_url}.png"
common.Config.Noavatar = "{id}@{site_url}.png"
common.Config.ItemsPerPage = 25
// Developer flags
common.Dev.DebugMode = true
//common.Dev.SuperDebug = true
//common.Dev.TemplateDebug = true
//common.Dev.Profiling = true
//common.Dev.TestDB = true
fmt.Println("Opening the configuration file")
configFile, err := os.Create("./config/config.go")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Writing to the configuration file...")
_, err = configFile.Write(configContents)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Finished writing to the configuration file")
fmt.Println("Yay, you have successfully installed Gosora!")
fmt.Println("Your name is Admin and you can login with the password 'password'. Don't forget to change it! Seriously. It's really insecure.")
func abortError(err error) {
fmt.Println("Aborting installation...")
func handleDatabaseDetails() (adap install.InstallAdapter, ok bool) {
var dbAdapter string
var dbHost string
var dbUsername string
var dbPassword string
var dbName string
// TODO: Let the admin set the database port?
//var dbPort string
for {
fmt.Println("Which database adapter do you wish to use? mysql, mssql, or mysql? Default: mysql")
if !scanner.Scan() {
return nil, false
dbAdapter := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
if dbAdapter == "" {
dbAdapter = defaultAdapter
adap, ok = install.Lookup(dbAdapter)
if ok {
fmt.Println("That adapter doesn't exist")
fmt.Println("Set database adapter to " + dbAdapter)
fmt.Println("Database Host? Default: " + defaultHost)
if !scanner.Scan() {
return nil, false
dbHost = scanner.Text()
if dbHost == "" {
dbHost = defaultHost
fmt.Println("Set database host to " + dbHost)
fmt.Println("Database Username? Default: " + defaultUsername)
if !scanner.Scan() {
return nil, false
dbUsername = scanner.Text()
if dbUsername == "" {
dbUsername = defaultUsername
fmt.Println("Set database username to " + dbUsername)
fmt.Println("Database Password? Default: ''")
if !scanner.Scan() {
return nil, false
dbPassword = scanner.Text()
if len(dbPassword) == 0 {
fmt.Println("You didn't set a password for this user. This won't block the installation process, but it might create security issues in the future.")
} else {
fmt.Println("Set password to " + obfuscatePassword(dbPassword))
fmt.Println("Database Name? Pick a name you like or one provided to you. Default: " + defaultDbname)
if !scanner.Scan() {
return nil, false
dbName = scanner.Text()
if dbName == "" {
dbName = defaultDbname
fmt.Println("Set database name to " + dbName)
adap.SetConfig(dbHost, dbUsername, dbPassword, dbName, adap.DefaultPort())
return adap, true
func getSiteDetails() bool {
fmt.Println("Okay. We also need to know some actual information about your site!")
fmt.Println("What's your site's name? Default: " + defaultSiteName)
if !scanner.Scan() {
return false
siteName = scanner.Text()
if siteName == "" {
siteName = defaultSiteName
fmt.Println("Set the site name to " + siteName)
// ? - We could compute this based on the first letter of each word in the site's name, if it's name spans multiple words. I'm not sure how to do this for single word names.
fmt.Println("Can we have a short abbreviation for your site? Default: " + defaultSiteShortName)
if !scanner.Scan() {
return false
siteShortName = scanner.Text()
if siteShortName == "" {
siteShortName = defaultSiteShortName
fmt.Println("Set the short name to " + siteShortName)
fmt.Println("What's your site's url? Default: " + defaultsiteURL)
if !scanner.Scan() {
return false
siteURL = scanner.Text()
if siteURL == "" {
siteURL = defaultsiteURL
fmt.Println("Set the site url to " + siteURL)
fmt.Println("What port do you want the server to listen on? If you don't know what this means, you should probably leave it on the default. Default: " + defaultServerPort)
if !scanner.Scan() {
return false
serverPort = scanner.Text()
if serverPort == "" {
serverPort = defaultServerPort
_, err := strconv.Atoi(serverPort)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("That's not a valid number!")
return false
fmt.Println("Set the server port to " + serverPort)
return true
func obfuscatePassword(password string) (out string) {
for i := 0; i < len(password); i++ {
out += "*"
return out
func pressAnyKey() {
//fmt.Println("Press any key to exit...")
fmt.Println("Please press enter to exit...")
for scanner.Scan() {
_ = scanner.Text()