Added the likes table. This is a sign of what's to come. Improved the installation instructions in Fixed the SQL in data.sql so that it no longer errors out. The Admin user now has a default password. Fixed a status indicator which I overlooked in the previous commit. The Status field for topics is now deprecated. Improved the efficiency of plugin_bbcode Added more bat and shell files to make it easier for you to get things done.
35 lines
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35 lines
971 B
package main
// Database details
var dbhost = "localhost"
var dbuser = "root"
var dbpassword = "password"
var dbname = "gosora"
var dbport = "3306" // You probably won't need to change this
// Limiters
var max_request_size = 5 * megabyte
// Misc
var default_route = route_topics
var default_group = 3 // Should be a setting
var activation_group = 5 // Should be a setting
var staff_css = " background-color: #ffeaff;"
var uncategorised_forum_visible = true
var enable_emails = false
var site_name = "Test Install" // Should be a setting
var site_email = "" // Should be a setting
var smtp_server = ""
//var noavatar = "{width}/{id}@{site_url}.png"
var noavatar = "{id}@" + site_url + ".png"
var items_per_page = 40 // Should be a setting
var site_url = "localhost:8080"
var server_port = "8080"
var enable_ssl = false
var ssl_privkey = ""
var ssl_fullchain = ""
// Developer flag
var debug = false