Split the relativeTime function into relativeTime and relativeTimeFromString. Refactored the installer. Made a lot of progress with PgSQL and MSSQL support, mostly MSSQL. Made a lot of progress on the automated testing suite. Added eqcss to the file extension list. ..depressed.. Fixed various bugs here and there. gen_mysql.go is now properly excluded when the pgsql or mssql build tag is passed. The BBCode plugin is now always initialised prior to it's test. We've begun transitioning towards deserializing database times directly into time.Times rather than doing it every time on the spot. Added more dev flags. The tests now make use of a test database rather than the production database.
414 lines
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414 lines
12 KiB
package main
import (
var random *rand.Rand
var bbcodeInvalidNumber []byte
var bbcodeNoNegative []byte
var bbcodeMissingTag []byte
var bbcodeBold *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeItalic *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeUnderline *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeStrikethrough *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeURL *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeURLLabel *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeQuotes *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeCode *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
plugins["bbcode"] = NewPlugin("bbcode", "BBCode", "Azareal", "http://github.com/Azareal", "", "", "", initBbcode, nil, deactivateBbcode, nil, nil)
func initBbcode() error {
//plugins["bbcode"].AddHook("parse_assign", bbcode_parse_without_code)
plugins["bbcode"].AddHook("parse_assign", bbcodeFullParse)
bbcodeInvalidNumber = []byte("<span style='color: red;'>[Invalid Number]</span>")
bbcodeNoNegative = []byte("<span style='color: red;'>[No Negative Numbers]</span>")
bbcodeMissingTag = []byte("<span style='color: red;'>[Missing Tag]</span>")
bbcodeBold = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[b\](.*)\[/b\]`)
bbcodeItalic = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[i\](.*)\[/i\]`)
bbcodeUnderline = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[u\](.*)\[/u\]`)
bbcodeStrikethrough = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[s\](.*)\[/s\]`)
urlpattern := `(http|https|ftp|mailto*)(:??)\/\/([\.a-zA-Z\/]+)`
bbcodeURL = regexp.MustCompile(`\[url\]` + urlpattern + `\[/url\]`)
bbcodeURLLabel = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[url=` + urlpattern + `\](.*)\[/url\]`)
bbcodeQuotes = regexp.MustCompile(`\[quote\](.*)\[/quote\]`)
bbcodeCode = regexp.MustCompile(`\[code\](.*)\[/code\]`)
random = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
return nil
func deactivateBbcode() {
//plugins["bbcode"].RemoveHook("parse_assign", bbcode_parse_without_code)
plugins["bbcode"].RemoveHook("parse_assign", bbcodeFullParse)
func bbcodeRegexParse(msg string) string {
msg = bbcodeBold.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<b>$1</b>")
msg = bbcodeItalic.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<i>$1</i>")
msg = bbcodeUnderline.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<u>$1</u>")
msg = bbcodeStrikethrough.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<s>$1</s>")
msg = bbcodeURL.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<a href=''$1$2//$3' rel='nofollow'>$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcodeURLLabel.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<a href=''$1$2//$3' rel='nofollow'>$4</i>")
msg = bbcodeQuotes.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<span class='postQuote'>$1</span>")
//msg = bbcodeCode.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<span class='codequotes'>$1</span>")
return msg
// Only does the simple BBCode like [u], [b], [i] and [s]
func bbcodeSimpleParse(msg string) string {
var hasU, hasB, hasI, hasS bool
msgbytes := []byte(msg)
for i := 0; (i + 2) < len(msgbytes); i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' && msgbytes[i+2] == ']' {
if msgbytes[i+1] == 'b' && !hasB {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasB = true
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 'i' && !hasI {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasI = true
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 'u' && !hasU {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasU = true
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 's' && !hasS {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasS = true
i += 2
// There's an unclosed tag in there x.x
if hasI || hasU || hasB || hasS {
closeUnder := []byte("</u>")
closeItalic := []byte("</i>")
closeBold := []byte("</b>")
closeStrike := []byte("</s>")
if hasI {
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, closeItalic...)
if hasU {
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, closeUnder...)
if hasB {
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, closeBold...)
if hasS {
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, closeStrike...)
return string(msgbytes)
// Here for benchmarking purposes. Might add a plugin setting for disabling [code] as it has it's paws everywhere
func bbcodeParseWithoutCode(msg string) string {
var hasU, hasB, hasI, hasS bool
var complexBbc bool
msgbytes := []byte(msg)
for i := 0; (i + 3) < len(msgbytes); i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' {
if msgbytes[i+2] != ']' {
if msgbytes[i+1] == '/' {
if msgbytes[i+3] == ']' {
if msgbytes[i+2] == 'b' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasB = false
} else if msgbytes[i+2] == 'i' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasI = false
} else if msgbytes[i+2] == 'u' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasU = false
} else if msgbytes[i+2] == 's' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasS = false
i += 3
} else {
complexBbc = true
} else {
complexBbc = true
} else {
if msgbytes[i+1] == 'b' && !hasB {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasB = true
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 'i' && !hasI {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasI = true
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 'u' && !hasU {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasU = true
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 's' && !hasS {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasS = true
i += 2
// There's an unclosed tag in there x.x
if hasI || hasU || hasB || hasS {
closeUnder := []byte("</u>")
closeItalic := []byte("</i>")
closeBold := []byte("</b>")
closeStrike := []byte("</s>")
if hasI {
msgbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(msgbytes), closeItalic...)
if hasU {
msgbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(msgbytes), closeUnder...)
if hasB {
msgbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(msgbytes), closeBold...)
if hasS {
msgbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(msgbytes), closeStrike...)
// Copy the new complex parser over once the rough edges have been smoothed over
if complexBbc {
msg = string(msgbytes)
msg = bbcodeURL.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<a href='$1$2//$3' rel='nofollow'>$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcodeURLLabel.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<a href='$1$2//$3' rel='nofollow'>$4</i>")
msg = bbcodeQuotes.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<span class='postQuote'>$1</span>")
return bbcodeCode.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<span class='codequotes'>$1</span>")
return string(msgbytes)
// Does every type of BBCode
func bbcodeFullParse(msg string) string {
var hasU, hasB, hasI, hasS, hasC bool
var complexBbc bool
msgbytes := []byte(msg)
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, spaceGap...)
//log.Print("BBCode Simple Pre:","`"+string(msgbytes)+"`")
for i := 0; i < len(msgbytes); i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' {
if msgbytes[i+2] != ']' {
if msgbytes[i+1] == '/' {
if msgbytes[i+3] == ']' {
if !hasC {
if msgbytes[i+2] == 'b' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasB = false
} else if msgbytes[i+2] == 'i' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasI = false
} else if msgbytes[i+2] == 'u' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasU = false
} else if msgbytes[i+2] == 's' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasS = false
i += 3
} else {
if msgbytes[i+2] == 'c' && msgbytes[i+3] == 'o' && msgbytes[i+4] == 'd' && msgbytes[i+5] == 'e' && msgbytes[i+6] == ']' {
hasC = false
i += 7
//if msglen >= (i+6) {
// log.Print("boo")
// log.Print(msglen)
// log.Print(i+6)
// log.Print(string(msgbytes[i:i+6]))
complexBbc = true
} else {
if msgbytes[i+1] == 'c' && msgbytes[i+2] == 'o' && msgbytes[i+3] == 'd' && msgbytes[i+4] == 'e' && msgbytes[i+5] == ']' {
hasC = true
i += 6
//if msglen >= (i+5) {
// log.Print("boo2")
// log.Print(string(msgbytes[i:i+5]))
complexBbc = true
} else if !hasC {
if msgbytes[i+1] == 'b' && !hasB {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasB = true
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 'i' && !hasI {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasI = true
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 'u' && !hasU {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasU = true
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 's' && !hasS {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasS = true
i += 2
// There's an unclosed tag in there somewhere x.x
if hasI || hasU || hasB || hasS {
closeUnder := []byte("</u>")
closeItalic := []byte("</i>")
closeBold := []byte("</b>")
closeStrike := []byte("</s>")
if hasI {
msgbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(msgbytes), closeItalic...)
if hasU {
msgbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(msgbytes), closeUnder...)
if hasB {
msgbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(msgbytes), closeBold...)
if hasS {
msgbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(msgbytes), closeStrike...)
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, spaceGap...)
if complexBbc {
i := 0
var start, lastTag int
var outbytes []byte
//log.Print("BBCode Pre:","`"+string(msgbytes)+"`")
for ; i < len(msgbytes); i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' {
if msgbytes[i+1] == 'u' {
if msgbytes[i+2] == 'r' && msgbytes[i+3] == 'l' && msgbytes[i+4] == ']' {
start = i + 5
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastTag:i]...)
i = start
i += partialURLBytesLen(msgbytes[start:])
//log.Print("Partial Bytes:",string(msgbytes[start:]))
if !bytes.Equal(msgbytes[i:i+6], []byte("[/url]")) {
//log.Print("Invalid Bytes:",string(msgbytes[i:i+6]))
outbytes = append(outbytes, invalidURL...)
goto MainLoop
outbytes = append(outbytes, urlOpen...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[start:i]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, urlOpen2...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[start:i]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, urlClose...)
i += 6
lastTag = i
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 'r' {
if bytes.Equal(msgbytes[i+2:i+6], []byte("and]")) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastTag:i]...)
start = i + 6
i = start
for ; ; i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' {
if !bytes.Equal(msgbytes[i+1:i+7], []byte("/rand]")) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcodeMissingTag...)
goto OuterComplex
} else if (len(msgbytes) - 1) < (i + 10) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcodeMissingTag...)
goto OuterComplex
number, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(msgbytes[start:i]), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcodeInvalidNumber...)
goto MainLoop
// TODO: Add support for negative numbers?
if number < 0 {
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcodeNoNegative...)
goto MainLoop
var dat []byte
if number == 0 {
dat = []byte("0")
} else {
dat = []byte(strconv.FormatInt((random.Int63n(number)), 10))
outbytes = append(outbytes, dat...)
//log.Print("Outputted the random number")
i += 7
lastTag = i
if lastTag != i {
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastTag:]...)
if len(outbytes) != 0 {
//log.Print("BBCode Post:",`"`+string(outbytes[0:len(outbytes) - 10])+`"`)
msg = string(outbytes[0 : len(outbytes)-10])
} else {
msg = string(msgbytes[0 : len(msgbytes)-10])
//msg = bbcode_url.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcodeURLLabel.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<a href='$1$2//$3' rel='nofollow'>$4</i>")
msg = bbcodeQuotes.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<span class='postQuote'>$1</span>")
msg = bbcodeCode.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<span class='codequotes'>$1</span>")
} else {
msg = string(msgbytes[0 : len(msgbytes)-10])
return msg