Levels can now be localised individually. Added the level template function. Fixed the padding on alerts without avatars. The level data is now in it's own block in the profiles. Removed three level phrases and replaced them with the new Level API.
1021 lines
31 KiB
1021 lines
31 KiB
package tmpl
import (
// TODO: Turn this file into a library
var textOverlapList = make(map[string]int)
type VarItem struct {
Name string
Destination string
Type string
type VarItemReflect struct {
Name string
Destination string
Value reflect.Value
type CTemplateConfig struct {
Minify bool
Debug bool
SuperDebug bool
SkipHandles bool
SkipTmplPtrMap bool
SkipInitBlock bool
PackageName string
// nolint
type CTemplateSet struct {
templateList map[string]*parse.Tree
fileDir string
funcMap map[string]interface{}
importMap map[string]string
TemplateFragmentCount map[string]int
Fragments map[string]int
fragmentCursor map[string]int
FragOut string
varList map[string]VarItem
localVars map[string]map[string]VarItemReflect
hasDispInt bool
localDispStructIndex int
langIndexToName []string
stats map[string]int
previousNode parse.NodeType
currentNode parse.NodeType
nextNode parse.NodeType
//tempVars map[string]string
config CTemplateConfig
baseImportMap map[string]string
buildTags string
expectsInt interface{}
func NewCTemplateSet() *CTemplateSet {
return &CTemplateSet{
config: CTemplateConfig{
PackageName: "main",
baseImportMap: map[string]string{},
funcMap: map[string]interface{}{
"and": "&&",
"not": "!",
"or": "||",
"eq": true,
"ge": true,
"gt": true,
"le": true,
"lt": true,
"ne": true,
"add": true,
"subtract": true,
"multiply": true,
"divide": true,
"dock": true,
"lang": true,
"level": true,
"scope": true,
func (c *CTemplateSet) SetConfig(config CTemplateConfig) {
if config.PackageName == "" {
config.PackageName = "main"
c.config = config
func (c *CTemplateSet) GetConfig() CTemplateConfig {
return c.config
func (c *CTemplateSet) SetBaseImportMap(importMap map[string]string) {
c.baseImportMap = importMap
func (c *CTemplateSet) SetBuildTags(tags string) {
c.buildTags = tags
func (c *CTemplateSet) Compile(name string, fileDir string, expects string, expectsInt interface{}, varList map[string]VarItem, imports ...string) (out string, err error) {
if c.config.Debug {
fmt.Println("Compiling template '" + name + "'")
c.importMap = map[string]string{}
for index, item := range c.baseImportMap {
c.importMap[index] = item
if len(imports) > 0 {
for _, importItem := range imports {
c.importMap[importItem] = importItem
c.fileDir = fileDir
c.varList = varList
c.hasDispInt = false
c.localDispStructIndex = 0
c.stats = make(map[string]int)
c.expectsInt = expectsInt
holdreflect := reflect.ValueOf(expectsInt)
res, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileDir + "overrides/" + name)
if err != nil {
c.detail("override path: ", fileDir+"overrides/"+name)
c.detail("override err: ", err)
res, err = ioutil.ReadFile(fileDir + name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
content := string(res)
if c.config.Minify {
content = minify(content)
tree := parse.New(name, c.funcMap)
var treeSet = make(map[string]*parse.Tree)
tree, err = tree.Parse(content, "{{", "}}", treeSet, c.funcMap)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fname := strings.TrimSuffix(name, filepath.Ext(name))
c.templateList = map[string]*parse.Tree{fname: tree}
varholder := "tmpl_" + fname + "_vars"
c.localVars = make(map[string]map[string]VarItemReflect)
c.localVars[fname] = make(map[string]VarItemReflect)
c.localVars[fname]["."] = VarItemReflect{".", varholder, holdreflect}
if c.Fragments == nil {
c.Fragments = make(map[string]int)
c.fragmentCursor = map[string]int{fname: 0}
c.langIndexToName = nil
// TODO: Is this the first template loaded in? We really should have some sort of constructor for CTemplateSet
if c.TemplateFragmentCount == nil {
c.TemplateFragmentCount = make(map[string]int)
out += c.rootIterate(c.templateList[fname], varholder, holdreflect, fname)
c.TemplateFragmentCount[fname] = c.fragmentCursor[fname] + 1
var importList string
for _, item := range c.importMap {
importList += "import \"" + item + "\"\n"
var varString string
for _, varItem := range c.varList {
varString += "var " + varItem.Name + " " + varItem.Type + " = " + varItem.Destination + "\n"
var fout string
if c.buildTags != "" {
fout += "// +build " + c.buildTags + "\n\n"
fout += "// Code generated by Gosora. More below:\n/* This file was automatically generated by the software. Please don't edit it as your changes may be overwritten at any moment. */\n"
fout += "package " + c.config.PackageName + "\n" + importList + "\n"
if !c.config.SkipInitBlock {
if len(c.langIndexToName) > 0 {
fout += "var " + fname + "_tmpl_phrase_id int\n\n"
fout += "// nolint\nfunc init() {\n"
if !c.config.SkipHandles {
fout += "\tcommon.Template_" + fname + "_handle = Template_" + fname + "\n"
fout += "\tcommon.Ctemplates = append(common.Ctemplates,\"" + fname + "\")\n\tcommon.TmplPtrMap[\"" + fname + "\"] = &common.Template_" + fname + "_handle\n"
if !c.config.SkipTmplPtrMap {
fout += "\tcommon.TmplPtrMap[\"o_" + fname + "\"] = Template_" + fname + "\n"
if len(c.langIndexToName) > 0 {
fout += "\t" + fname + "_tmpl_phrase_id = common.RegisterTmplPhraseNames([]string{\n"
for _, name := range c.langIndexToName {
fout += "\t\t" + `"` + name + `"` + ",\n"
fout += "\t})\n"
fout += "}\n\n"
fout += "// nolint\nfunc Template_" + fname + "(tmpl_" + fname + "_vars " + expects + ", w io.Writer) error {\n"
if len(c.langIndexToName) > 0 {
fout += "var phrases = common.GetTmplPhrasesBytes(" + fname + "_tmpl_phrase_id)\n"
fout += varString + out + "return nil\n}\n"
fout = strings.Replace(fout, `))
w.Write([]byte(`, " + ", -1)
fout = strings.Replace(fout, "` + `", "", -1)
//spstr := "`([:space:]*)`"
//whitespaceWrites := regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)w.Write\(\[\]byte\(`+spstr+`\)\)`)
//fout = whitespaceWrites.ReplaceAllString(fout,"")
if c.config.Debug {
for index, count := range c.stats {
fmt.Println(index+": ", strconv.Itoa(count))
fmt.Println(" ")
return fout, nil
func (c *CTemplateSet) rootIterate(tree *parse.Tree, varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, fname string) (out string) {
treeLength := len(tree.Root.Nodes)
for index, node := range tree.Root.Nodes {
c.detail("Node:", node.String())
c.previousNode = c.currentNode
c.currentNode = node.Type()
if treeLength != (index + 1) {
c.nextNode = tree.Root.Nodes[index+1].Type()
out += c.compileSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, fname, node)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSwitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node parse.Node) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileSwitch")
switch node := node.(type) {
case *parse.ActionNode:
c.detail("Action Node")
if node.Pipe == nil {
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
out += c.compileSubswitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, cmd)
case *parse.IfNode:
c.detail("If Node:")
c.detail("node.Pipe", node.Pipe)
var expr string
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
c.detail("If Node Bit:", cmd)
c.detail("Bit Type:", reflect.ValueOf(cmd).Type().Name())
expr += c.compileVarswitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, cmd)
c.detail("Expression Step:", c.compileVarswitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, cmd))
c.detail("Expression:", expr)
c.previousNode = c.currentNode
c.currentNode = parse.NodeList
c.nextNode = -1
out = "if " + expr + " {\n" + c.compileSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node.List) + "}"
if node.ElseList == nil {
c.detail("Selected Branch 1")
return out + "\n"
c.detail("Selected Branch 2")
return out + " else {\n" + c.compileSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node.ElseList) + "}\n"
case *parse.ListNode:
c.detail("List Node")
for _, subnode := range node.Nodes {
out += c.compileSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, subnode)
case *parse.RangeNode:
return c.compileRangeNode(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node)
case *parse.TemplateNode:
return c.compileSubtemplate(varholder, holdreflect, node)
case *parse.TextNode:
c.previousNode = c.currentNode
c.currentNode = node.Type()
c.nextNode = 0
tmpText := bytes.TrimSpace(node.Text)
if len(tmpText) == 0 {
return ""
fragmentName := templateName + "_" + strconv.Itoa(c.fragmentCursor[templateName])
fragmentPrefix := templateName + "_frags[" + strconv.Itoa(c.fragmentCursor[templateName]) + "]"
_, ok := c.Fragments[fragmentName]
if !ok {
c.Fragments[fragmentName] = len(node.Text)
c.FragOut += fragmentPrefix + " = []byte(`" + string(node.Text) + "`)\n"
c.fragmentCursor[templateName] = c.fragmentCursor[templateName] + 1
return "w.Write(" + fragmentPrefix + ")\n"
return c.unknownNode(node)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileRangeNode(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.RangeNode) (out string) {
c.detail("Range Node!")
var outVal reflect.Value
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
c.detail("Range Bit:", cmd)
out, outVal = c.compileReflectSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, cmd)
c.detail("Returned:", out)
c.detail("Range Kind Switch!")
switch outVal.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
var item reflect.Value
for _, key := range outVal.MapKeys() {
item = outVal.MapIndex(key)
c.detail("Range item:", item)
if !item.IsValid() {
panic("item" + "^\n" + "Invalid map. Maybe, it doesn't have any entries for the template engine to analyse?")
out = "if len(" + out + ") != 0 {\nfor _, item := range " + out + " {\n" + c.compileSwitch("item", item, templateName, node.List) + "}\n}"
if node.ElseList != nil {
out += " else {\n" + c.compileSwitch("item", item, templateName, node.ElseList) + "}\n"
case reflect.Slice:
if outVal.Len() == 0 {
panic("The sample data needs at-least one or more elements for the slices. We're looking into removing this requirement at some point!")
item := outVal.Index(0)
out = "if len(" + out + ") != 0 {\nfor _, item := range " + out + " {\n" + c.compileSwitch("item", item, templateName, node.List) + "}\n}"
if node.ElseList != nil {
out += " else {\n" + c.compileSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node.ElseList) + "}"
case reflect.Invalid:
return ""
return out + "\n"
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSubswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileSubswitch")
firstWord := node.Args[0]
switch n := firstWord.(type) {
case *parse.FieldNode:
c.detail("Field Node:", n.Ident)
/* Use reflect to determine if the field is for a method, otherwise assume it's a variable. Variable declarations are coming soon! */
cur := holdreflect
var varbit string
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
varbit += ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
// ! Might not work so well for non-struct pointers
skipPointers := func(cur reflect.Value, id string) reflect.Value {
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
c.detail("Looping over pointer")
for cur.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
cur = cur.Elem()
c.detail("Data Kind:", cur.Kind().String())
c.detail("Field Bit:", id)
return cur
var assLines string
var multiline = false
for _, id := range n.Ident {
c.detail("Data Kind:", cur.Kind().String())
c.detail("Field Bit:", id)
cur = skipPointers(cur, id)
if !cur.IsValid() {
c.error("Debug Data:")
c.error("Holdreflect:", holdreflect)
c.error("Holdreflect.Kind():", holdreflect.Kind())
if !c.config.SuperDebug {
c.error("cur.Kind():", cur.Kind().String())
if !multiline {
panic(varholder + varbit + "^\n" + "Invalid value. Maybe, it doesn't exist?")
panic(varbit + "^\n" + "Invalid value. Maybe, it doesn't exist?")
c.detail("in-loop varbit: " + varbit)
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Map {
cur = cur.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(id))
varbit += "[\"" + id + "\"]"
cur = skipPointers(cur, id)
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Struct || cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
// TODO: Move the newVarByte declaration to the top level or to the if level, if a dispInt is only used in a particular if statement
var dispStr, newVarByte string
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
dispStr = "Int"
if !c.hasDispInt {
newVarByte = ":"
c.hasDispInt = true
// TODO: De-dupe identical struct types rather than allocating a variable for each one
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
dispStr = "Struct" + strconv.Itoa(c.localDispStructIndex)
newVarByte = ":"
varholder = "disp" + dispStr
varbit = varholder + " " + newVarByte + "= " + varholder + varbit + "\n"
multiline = true
} else {
if cur.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.FieldByName(id)
varbit += "." + id
// TODO: Handle deeply nested pointers mixed with interfaces mixed with pointers better
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
varbit += ".("
// TODO: Surely, there's a better way of doing this?
if cur.Type().PkgPath() != "main" && cur.Type().PkgPath() != "" {
c.importMap["html/template"] = "html/template"
varbit += strings.TrimPrefix(cur.Type().PkgPath(), "html/") + "."
varbit += cur.Type().Name() + ")"
c.detail("End Cycle: ", varbit)
if multiline {
assSplit := strings.Split(varbit, "\n")
varbit = assSplit[len(assSplit)-1]
assSplit = assSplit[:len(assSplit)-1]
assLines = strings.Join(assSplit, "\n") + "\n"
varbit = varholder + varbit
out = c.compileVarsub(varbit, cur, assLines)
for _, varItem := range c.varList {
if strings.HasPrefix(out, varItem.Destination) {
out = strings.Replace(out, varItem.Destination, varItem.Name, 1)
return out
case *parse.DotNode:
c.detail("Dot Node:", node.String())
return c.compileVarsub(varholder, holdreflect, "")
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
case *parse.VariableNode:
c.detail("Variable Node:", n.String())
varname, reflectVal := c.compileIfVarsub(n.String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
return c.compileVarsub(varname, reflectVal, "")
case *parse.StringNode:
return n.Quoted
case *parse.IdentifierNode:
c.detail("Identifier Node:", node)
c.detail("Identifier Node Args:", node.Args)
out, outval, lit := c.compileIdentSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node)
if lit {
return out
return c.compileVarsub(out, outval, "")
return c.unknownNode(node)
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileVarswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileVarswitch")
firstWord := node.Args[0]
switch n := firstWord.(type) {
case *parse.FieldNode:
if c.config.SuperDebug {
fmt.Println("Field Node:", n.Ident)
for _, id := range n.Ident {
fmt.Println("Field Bit:", id)
/* Use reflect to determine if the field is for a method, otherwise assume it's a variable. Coming Soon. */
return c.compileBoolsub(n.String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
case *parse.ChainNode:
c.detail("Chain Node:", n.Node)
c.detail("Node Args:", node.Args)
case *parse.IdentifierNode:
c.detail("Identifier Node:", node)
c.detail("Node Args:", node.Args)
return c.compileIdentSwitchN(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node)
case *parse.DotNode:
return varholder
case *parse.VariableNode:
c.detail("Variable Node:", n.String())
c.detail("Node Identifier:", n.Ident)
out, _ = c.compileIfVarsub(n.String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
case *parse.PipeNode:
c.detail("Pipe Node!")
c.detail("Node Args:", node.Args)
out += c.compileIdentSwitchN(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node)
c.detail("Out:", out)
return c.unknownNode(firstWord)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) unknownNode(node parse.Node) (out string) {
fmt.Println("Unknown Kind:", reflect.ValueOf(node).Elem().Kind())
fmt.Println("Unknown Type:", reflect.ValueOf(node).Elem().Type().Name())
panic("I don't know what node this is! Grr...")
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIdentSwitchN(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileIdentSwitchN")
out, _, _ = c.compileIdentSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) dumpSymbol(pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, symbol string) {
c.detail("symbol: ", symbol)
c.detail("node.Args[pos + 1]", node.Args[pos+1])
c.detail("node.Args[pos + 2]", node.Args[pos+2])
func (c *CTemplateSet) compareFunc(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, compare string) (out string) {
c.dumpSymbol(pos, node, compare)
return c.compileIfVarsubN(node.Args[pos+1].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect) + " " + compare + " " + c.compileIfVarsubN(node.Args[pos+2].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
func (c *CTemplateSet) simpleMath(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, symbol string) (out string, val reflect.Value) {
leftParam, val2 := c.compileIfVarsub(node.Args[pos+1].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
rightParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarsub(node.Args[pos+2].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
if val2.IsValid() {
val = val2
} else if val3.IsValid() {
val = val3
} else {
// TODO: What does this do?
numSample := 1
val = reflect.ValueOf(numSample)
c.dumpSymbol(pos, node, symbol)
return leftParam + " " + symbol + " " + rightParam, val
func (c *CTemplateSet) compareJoin(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, symbol string) (pos2 int, out string) {
c.detailf("Building %s function", symbol)
if pos == 0 {
fmt.Println("pos:", pos)
panic(symbol + " is missing a left operand")
if len(node.Args) <= pos {
fmt.Println("post pos:", pos)
fmt.Println("len(node.Args):", len(node.Args))
panic(symbol + " is missing a right operand")
left := c.compileBoolsub(node.Args[pos-1].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
_, funcExists := c.funcMap[node.Args[pos+1].String()]
var right string
if !funcExists {
right = c.compileBoolsub(node.Args[pos+1].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
out = left + " " + symbol + " " + right
c.detail("Left operand:", node.Args[pos-1])
c.detail("Right operand:", node.Args[pos+1])
if !funcExists {
c.detail("pos:", pos)
c.detail("len(node.Args):", len(node.Args))
return pos, out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIdentSwitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string, val reflect.Value, literal bool) {
c.detail("in compileIdentSwitch")
for pos := 0; pos < len(node.Args); pos++ {
id := node.Args[pos]
c.detail("pos:", pos)
c.detail("ID:", id)
switch id.String() {
case "not":
out += "!"
case "or", "and":
var rout string
pos, rout = c.compareJoin(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, c.funcMap[id.String()].(string)) // TODO: Test this
out += rout
case "le": // TODO: Can we condense these comparison cases down into one?
out += c.compareFunc(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, "<=")
break ArgLoop
case "lt":
out += c.compareFunc(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, "<")
break ArgLoop
case "gt":
out += c.compareFunc(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, ">")
break ArgLoop
case "ge":
out += c.compareFunc(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, ">=")
break ArgLoop
case "eq":
out += c.compareFunc(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, "==")
break ArgLoop
case "ne":
out += c.compareFunc(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, "!=")
break ArgLoop
case "add":
rout, rval := c.simpleMath(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, "+")
out += rout
val = rval
break ArgLoop
case "subtract":
rout, rval := c.simpleMath(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, "-")
out += rout
val = rval
break ArgLoop
case "divide":
rout, rval := c.simpleMath(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, "/")
out += rout
val = rval
break ArgLoop
case "multiply":
rout, rval := c.simpleMath(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, "*")
out += rout
val = rval
break ArgLoop
case "dock":
var leftParam, rightParam string
// TODO: Implement string literals properly
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
rightOperand := node.Args[pos+2].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 || len(rightOperand) == 0 {
panic("The left or right operand for function dock cannot be left blank")
if leftOperand[0] == '"' {
leftParam = leftOperand
} else {
leftParam, _ = c.compileIfVarsub(leftOperand, varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
if rightOperand[0] == '"' {
panic("The right operand for function dock cannot be a string")
rightParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarsub(rightOperand, varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
if !val3.IsValid() {
panic("val3 is invalid")
val = val3
// TODO: Refactor this
out = "w.Write([]byte(common.BuildWidget(" + leftParam + "," + rightParam + ")))\n"
literal = true
break ArgLoop
case "lang":
var leftParam string
// TODO: Implement string literals properly
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 {
panic("The left operand for the language string cannot be left blank")
if leftOperand[0] == '"' {
// ! Slightly crude but it does the job
leftParam = strings.Replace(leftOperand, "\"", "", -1)
} else {
panic("Phrase names cannot be dynamic")
c.langIndexToName = append(c.langIndexToName, leftParam)
out = "w.Write(phrases[" + strconv.Itoa(len(c.langIndexToName)-1) + "])\n"
literal = true
break ArgLoop
case "level":
var leftParam string
// TODO: Implement level literals
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 {
panic("The leftoperand for function level cannot be left blank")
leftParam, _ = c.compileIfVarsub(leftOperand, varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
// TODO: Refactor this
out = "w.Write([]byte(common.GetLevelPhrase(" + leftParam + ")))\n"
literal = true
break ArgLoop
case "scope":
literal = true
break ArgLoop
case "dyntmpl":
literal = true
break ArgLoop
if len(node.Args) > (pos + 1) {
nextNode := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if nextNode == "or" || nextNode == "and" {
out += c.compileIfVarsubN(id.String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
return out, val, literal
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileReflectSwitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string, outVal reflect.Value) {
c.detail("in compileReflectSwitch")
firstWord := node.Args[0]
switch n := firstWord.(type) {
case *parse.FieldNode:
if c.config.SuperDebug {
fmt.Println("Field Node:", n.Ident)
for _, id := range n.Ident {
fmt.Println("Field Bit:", id)
/* Use reflect to determine if the field is for a method, otherwise assume it's a variable. Coming Soon. */
return c.compileIfVarsub(n.String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
case *parse.ChainNode:
c.detail("Chain Node:", n.Node)
c.detail("node.Args:", node.Args)
case *parse.DotNode:
return varholder, holdreflect
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
//panic("I don't know what node this is")
return "", outVal
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIfVarsubN(varname string, varholder string, templateName string, cur reflect.Value) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileIfVarsubN")
out, _ = c.compileIfVarsub(varname, varholder, templateName, cur)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIfVarsub(varname string, varholder string, templateName string, cur reflect.Value) (out string, val reflect.Value) {
c.detail("in compileIfVarsub")
if varname[0] != '.' && varname[0] != '$' {
return varname, cur
bits := strings.Split(varname, ".")
if varname[0] == '$' {
var res VarItemReflect
if varname[1] == '.' {
res = c.localVars[templateName]["."]
} else {
res = c.localVars[templateName][strings.TrimPrefix(bits[0], "$")]
out += res.Destination
cur = res.Value
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
} else {
out += varholder
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
out += ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
bits[0] = strings.TrimPrefix(bits[0], "$")
c.detail("Cur Kind:", cur.Kind())
c.detail("Cur Type:", cur.Type().Name())
for _, bit := range bits {
c.detail("Variable Field:", bit)
if bit == "" {
// TODO: Fix this up so that it works for regular pointers and not just struct pointers. Ditto for the other cur.Kind() == reflect.Ptr we have in this file
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
c.detail("Looping over pointer")
for cur.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
cur = cur.Elem()
c.detail("Data Kind:", cur.Kind().String())
c.detail("Field Bit:", bit)
cur = cur.FieldByName(bit)
out += "." + bit
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
out += ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
if !cur.IsValid() {
fmt.Println("cur: ", cur)
panic(out + "^\n" + "Invalid value. Maybe, it doesn't exist?")
c.detail("Data Kind:", cur.Kind())
c.detail("Data Type:", cur.Type().Name())
c.detail("Out Value:", out)
c.detail("Out Kind:", cur.Kind())
c.detail("Out Type:", cur.Type().Name())
for _, varItem := range c.varList {
if strings.HasPrefix(out, varItem.Destination) {
out = strings.Replace(out, varItem.Destination, varItem.Name, 1)
c.detail("Out Value:", out)
c.detail("Out Kind:", cur.Kind())
c.detail("Out Type:", cur.Type().Name())
_, ok := c.stats[out]
if ok {
} else {
c.stats[out] = 1
return out, cur
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileBoolsub(varname string, varholder string, templateName string, val reflect.Value) string {
c.detail("in compileBoolsub")
out, val := c.compileIfVarsub(varname, varholder, templateName, val)
// TODO: What if it's a pointer or an interface? I *think* we've got pointers handled somewhere, but not interfaces which we don't know the types of at compile time
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
out += " > 0"
case reflect.Bool: // Do nothing
case reflect.String:
out += " != \"\""
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Map:
out = "len(" + out + ") != 0"
fmt.Println("Variable Name:", varname)
fmt.Println("Variable Holder:", varholder)
fmt.Println("Variable Kind:", val.Kind())
panic("I don't know what this variable's type is o.o\n")
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileVarsub(varname string, val reflect.Value, assLines string) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileVarsub")
// Is this a literal string?
if len(varname) != 0 && varname[0] == '"' {
return assLines + "w.Write([]byte(" + varname + "))\n"
for _, varItem := range c.varList {
if strings.HasPrefix(varname, varItem.Destination) {
varname = strings.Replace(varname, varItem.Destination, varItem.Name, 1)
_, ok := c.stats[varname]
if ok {
} else {
c.stats[varname] = 1
if val.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
val = val.Elem()
c.detail("varname: ", varname)
c.detail("assLines: ", assLines)
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int:
c.importMap["strconv"] = "strconv"
out = "w.Write([]byte(strconv.Itoa(" + varname + ")))\n"
case reflect.Bool:
out = "if " + varname + " {\nw.Write([]byte(\"true\"))} else {\nw.Write([]byte(\"false\"))\n}\n"
case reflect.String:
if val.Type().Name() != "string" && !strings.HasPrefix(varname, "string(") {
varname = "string(" + varname + ")"
out = "w.Write([]byte(" + varname + "))\n"
case reflect.Int64:
c.importMap["strconv"] = "strconv"
out = "w.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatInt(" + varname + ", 10)))\n"
if !val.IsValid() {
panic(assLines + varname + "^\n" + "Invalid value. Maybe, it doesn't exist?")
fmt.Println("Unknown Variable Name:", varname)
fmt.Println("Unknown Kind:", val.Kind())
fmt.Println("Unknown Type:", val.Type().Name())
panic("-- I don't know what this variable's type is o.o\n")
c.detail("out: ", out)
return assLines + out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSubtemplate(pvarholder string, pholdreflect reflect.Value, node *parse.TemplateNode) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileSubtemplate")
c.detail("Template Node: ", node.Name)
fname := strings.TrimSuffix(node.Name, filepath.Ext(node.Name))
varholder := "tmpl_" + fname + "_vars"
var holdreflect reflect.Value
if node.Pipe != nil {
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
firstWord := cmd.Args[0]
switch firstWord.(type) {
case *parse.DotNode:
varholder = pvarholder
holdreflect = pholdreflect
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
c.detail("Unknown Node: ", firstWord)
// TODO: Cascade errors back up the tree to the caller?
res, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.fileDir + "overrides/" + node.Name)
if err != nil {
c.detail("override path: ", c.fileDir+"overrides/"+node.Name)
c.detail("override err: ", err)
res, err = ioutil.ReadFile(c.fileDir + node.Name)
if err != nil {
content := string(res)
if c.config.Minify {
content = minify(content)
tree := parse.New(node.Name, c.funcMap)
var treeSet = make(map[string]*parse.Tree)
tree, err = tree.Parse(content, "{{", "}}", treeSet, c.funcMap)
if err != nil {
c.templateList[fname] = tree
subtree := c.templateList[fname]
c.detail("subtree.Root", subtree.Root)
c.localVars[fname] = make(map[string]VarItemReflect)
c.localVars[fname]["."] = VarItemReflect{".", varholder, holdreflect}
c.fragmentCursor[fname] = 0
out += c.rootIterate(subtree, varholder, holdreflect, fname)
c.TemplateFragmentCount[fname] = c.fragmentCursor[fname] + 1
return out
// TODO: Should we rethink the way the log methods work or their names?
func (c *CTemplateSet) detail(args ...interface{}) {
if c.config.SuperDebug {
func (c *CTemplateSet) detailf(left string, args ...interface{}) {
if c.config.SuperDebug {
fmt.Printf(left, args...)
func (c *CTemplateSet) error(args ...interface{}) {
if c.config.Debug {