add a /static/ redirect for the slower bots x.x tweak slack, facebook ua phrases avoid more allocs for ajax topic
1030 lines
30 KiB
1030 lines
30 KiB
/* WIP Under Construction */
package main
import (
type TmplVars struct {
RouteList []*RouteImpl
RouteGroups []*RouteGroup
AllRouteNames []RouteName
AllRouteMap map[string]int
AllAgentNames []string
AllAgentMap map[string]int
AllAgentMarkNames []string
AllAgentMarks map[string]string
AllAgentMarkIDs map[string]int
AllOSNames []string
AllOSMap map[string]int
type RouteName struct {
Plain string
Short string
func main() {
log.Println("Generating the router...")
// Load all the routes...
r := &Router{}
tmplVars := TmplVars{
RouteList: r.routeList,
RouteGroups: r.routeGroups,
var allRouteNames []RouteName
allRouteMap := make(map[string]int)
var out string
mapIt := func(name string) {
allRouteNames = append(allRouteNames, RouteName{name, strings.Replace(name, "common.", "c.", -1)})
allRouteMap[name] = len(allRouteNames) - 1
countToIndents := func(indent int) (indentor string) {
for i := 0; i < indent; i++ {
indentor += "\t"
return indentor
runBefore := func(runnables []Runnable, indentCount int) (out string) {
indent := countToIndents(indentCount)
if len(runnables) > 0 {
for _, runnable := range runnables {
if runnable.Literal {
out += "\n\t" + indent + runnable.Contents
} else {
out += "\n" + indent + "err = c." + runnable.Contents + "(w,req,user)\n" +
indent + "if err != nil {\n" +
indent + "\treturn err\n" +
indent + "}\n" + indent
return out
for _, route := range r.routeList {
end := len(route.Path) - 1
out += "\n\t\tcase \"" + route.Path[0:end] + "\":"
//out += "\n\t\t\tid = " + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[route.Name])
out += runBefore(route.RunBefore, 4)
if !route.Action && !route.NoHead {
//out += "\n\t\t\th, err := c.UserCheck(w,req,&user)"
out += "\n\t\t\th, err := c.UserCheckNano(w,req,&user,cn)"
out += "\n\t\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t\t}"
vcpy := route.Vars
route.Vars = []string{"h"}
route.Vars = append(route.Vars, vcpy...)
} /* else if route.Name != "common.RouteWebsockets" {
//out += "\n\t\t\tsa := time.Now()"
//out += "\n\t\t\tcn := uutils.Nanotime()"
out += "\n\t\t\terr = " + strings.Replace(route.Name, "common.", "c.", -1) + "(w,req,user"
for _, item := range route.Vars {
out += "," + item
out += `)`
/*if !route.Action && !route.NoHead {
out += "\n\t\t\tco.RouteViewCounter.Bump2(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[route.Name]) + ", h.StartedAt)"
} else */if route.Name != "common.RouteWebsockets" {
//out += "\n\t\t\tco.RouteViewCounter.Bump(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[route.Name]) + ")"
//out += "\n\t\t\tco.RouteViewCounter.Bump2(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[route.Name]) + ", sa)"
out += "\n\t\t\tco.RouteViewCounter.Bump3(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[route.Name]) + ", cn)"
for _, group := range r.routeGroups {
end := len(group.Path) - 1
out += "\n\t\tcase \"" + group.Path[0:end] + "\":"
out += runBefore(group.RunBefore, 3)
out += "\n\t\t\tswitch(req.URL.Path) {"
defaultRoute := blankRoute()
for _, route := range group.RouteList {
if group.Path == route.Path {
defaultRoute = route
out += "\n\t\t\t\tcase \"" + route.Path + "\":"
//out += "\n\t\t\t\t\tid = " + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[route.Name])
if len(route.RunBefore) > 0 {
for _, runnable := range route.RunBefore {
for _, gRunnable := range group.RunBefore {
if gRunnable.Contents == runnable.Contents {
// TODO: Stop hard-coding these
if gRunnable.Contents == "AdminOnly" && runnable.Contents == "MemberOnly" {
continue skipRunnable
if gRunnable.Contents == "AdminOnly" && runnable.Contents == "SuperModOnly" {
continue skipRunnable
if gRunnable.Contents == "SuperModOnly" && runnable.Contents == "MemberOnly" {
continue skipRunnable
if runnable.Literal {
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\t" + runnable.Contents
} else {
out += `
err = c.` + runnable.Contents + `(w,req,user)
if err != nil {
return err
if !route.Action && !route.NoHead && !group.NoHead {
//out += "\n\t\t\t\th, err := c.UserCheck(w,req,&user)"
out += "\n\t\t\t\th, err := c.UserCheckNano(w,req,&user,cn)"
out += "\n\t\t\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t\t\t}"
vcpy := route.Vars
route.Vars = []string{"h"}
route.Vars = append(route.Vars, vcpy...)
} else {
//out += "\n\t\t\t\t\tcn := uutils.Nanotime()"
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\terr = " + strings.Replace(route.Name, "common.", "c.", -1) + "(w,req,user"
for _, item := range route.Vars {
out += "," + item
out += ")"
/*if !route.Action && !route.NoHead && !group.NoHead {
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\tco.RouteViewCounter.Bump2(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[route.Name]) + ", h.StartedAt)"
} else {*/
//out += "\n\t\t\t\t\tco.RouteViewCounter.Bump(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[route.Name]) + ")"
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\tco.RouteViewCounter.Bump3(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[route.Name]) + ", cn)"
if defaultRoute.Name != "" {
out += "\n\t\t\t\tdefault:"
//out += "\n\t\t\t\t\tid = " + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[defaultRoute.Name])
out += runBefore(defaultRoute.RunBefore, 4)
if !defaultRoute.Action && !defaultRoute.NoHead && !group.NoHead {
//out += "\n\t\t\t\t\th, err := c.UserCheck(w,req,&user)"
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\th, err := c.UserCheckNano(w,req,&user,cn)"
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\tif err != nil {\n\t\t\t\t\t\treturn err\n\t\t\t\t\t}"
vcpy := defaultRoute.Vars
defaultRoute.Vars = []string{"h"}
defaultRoute.Vars = append(defaultRoute.Vars, vcpy...)
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\terr = " + strings.Replace(defaultRoute.Name, "common.", "c.", -1) + "(w,req,user"
for _, item := range defaultRoute.Vars {
out += ", " + item
out += ")"
/*if !defaultRoute.Action && !defaultRoute.NoHead && !group.NoHead {
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\tco.RouteViewCounter.Bump2(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[defaultRoute.Name]) + ", h.StartedAt)"
} else {*/
//out += "\n\t\t\t\t\tco.RouteViewCounter.Bump(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[defaultRoute.Name]) + ")"
out += "\n\t\t\tco.RouteViewCounter.Bump3(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[defaultRoute.Name]) + ", cn)"
out += `
// Stubs for us to refer to these routes through
tmplVars.AllRouteNames = allRouteNames
tmplVars.AllRouteMap = allRouteMap
tmplVars.AllOSNames = []string{
tmplVars.AllOSMap = make(map[string]int)
for id, os := range tmplVars.AllOSNames {
tmplVars.AllOSMap[os] = id
tmplVars.AllAgentNames = []string{
"trident", // Hack to support IE11
tmplVars.AllAgentMap = make(map[string]int)
for id, agent := range tmplVars.AllAgentNames {
tmplVars.AllAgentMap[agent] = id
tmplVars.AllAgentMarkNames = []string{
"archive", //archive.org_bot
"RU_Bot", // Mail.RU_Bot
tmplVars.AllAgentMarks = map[string]string{
"OPR": "opera",
"Chrome": "chrome",
"Firefox": "firefox",
"Safari": "safari",
"MSIE": "internetexplorer",
"Trident": "trident", // Hack to support IE11
"Edge": "edge",
"Lynx": "lynx", // There's a rare android variant of lynx which isn't covered by this
"SamsungBrowser": "samsung",
"UCBrowser": "ucbrowser",
"Google": "googlebot",
"Googlebot": "googlebot",
"yandex": "yandex", // from the URL
"DuckDuckBot": "duckduckgo",
"DuckDuckGo": "duckduckgo",
"Baiduspider": "baidu",
"Sogou": "sogou",
"ToutiaoSpider": "toutiao",
"360Spider": "haosou",
"bingbot": "bing",
"BingPreview": "bing",
"Slurp": "slurp",
"Exabot": "exabot",
"MojeekBot": "mojeek",
"Cliqzbot": "cliqz",
"SeznamBot": "seznambot",
"CloudFlare": "cloudflare", // Track alwayson specifically in case there are other bots?
"archive": "archive_org", //archive.org_bot
"Uptimebot": "uptimebot",
"Slackbot": "slackbot",
"Slack": "slackbot",
"Discordbot": "discord",
"Twitterbot": "twitter",
"facebookexternalhit": "facebook",
"Facebot": "facebook",
"Applebot": "apple",
"Discourse": "discourse",
"ia_archiver": "alexa",
"SemrushBot": "semrush",
"DotBot": "dotbot",
"AhrefsBot": "ahrefs",
"proximic": "proximic",
"MJ12bot": "majestic",
"BLEXBot": "blexbot",
"AspiegelBot": "aspiegel",
"RU_Bot": "mail_ru", // Mail.RU_Bot
"zgrab": "zgrab",
"curl": "curl",
tmplVars.AllAgentMarkIDs = make(map[string]int)
for mark, agent := range tmplVars.AllAgentMarks {
tmplVars.AllAgentMarkIDs[mark] = tmplVars.AllAgentMap[agent]
fileData := `// Code generated by Gosora's Router Generator. DO NOT EDIT.
/* This file was automatically generated by the software. Please don't edit it as your changes may be overwritten at any moment. */
package main
import (
c ""
co ""
var ErrNoRoute = errors.New("That route doesn't exist.")
// TODO: What about the /uploads/ route? x.x
var RouteMap = map[string]interface{}{ {{range .AllRouteNames}}
"{{.Plain}}": {{.Short}},{{end}}
var routeMapEnum = map[string]int{ {{range $index, $element := .AllRouteNames}}
"{{$element.Plain}}": {{$index}},{{end}}
var reverseRouteMapEnum = map[int]string{ {{range $index, $element := .AllRouteNames}}
{{$index}}: "{{$element.Plain}}",{{end}}
var osMapEnum = map[string]int{ {{range $index, $element := .AllOSNames}}
"{{$element}}": {{$index}},{{end}}
var reverseOSMapEnum = map[int]string{ {{range $index, $element := .AllOSNames}}
{{$index}}: "{{$element}}",{{end}}
var agentMapEnum = map[string]int{ {{range $index, $element := .AllAgentNames}}
"{{$element}}": {{$index}},{{end}}
var reverseAgentMapEnum = map[int]string{ {{range $index, $element := .AllAgentNames}}
{{$index}}: "{{$element}}",{{end}}
var markToAgent = map[string]string{ {{range $index, $element := .AllAgentMarkNames}}
"{{$element}}": "{{index $.AllAgentMarks $element}}",{{end}}
var markToID = map[string]int{ {{range $index, $element := .AllAgentMarkNames}}
"{{$element}}": {{index $.AllAgentMarkIDs $element}},{{end}}
/*var agentRank = map[string]int{
// TODO: Stop spilling these into the package scope?
func init() {
_ = time.Now()
c.Chrome = agentMapEnum["chrome"]
c.Firefox = agentMapEnum["firefox"]
type WriterIntercept struct {
func NewWriterIntercept(w http.ResponseWriter) *WriterIntercept {
return &WriterIntercept{w}
var wiMaxAge = "max-age=" + strconv.Itoa(int(c.Day))
func (wi *WriterIntercept) WriteHeader(code int) {
if code == 200 {
h := wi.ResponseWriter.Header()
h.Set("Cache-Control", wiMaxAge)
h.Set("Vary", "Accept-Encoding")
// HTTPSRedirect is a connection handler which redirects all HTTP requests to HTTPS
type HTTPSRedirect struct {}
func (red *HTTPSRedirect) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
co.RouteViewCounter.Bump({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.HTTPSRedirect"}})
dest := "https://" + req.Host + req.URL.String()
http.Redirect(w, req, dest, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
type GenRouter struct {
UploadHandler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
extraRoutes map[string]func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, c.User) c.RouteError
requestLogger *log.Logger
func NewGenRouter(uploads http.Handler) (*GenRouter, error) {
f, err := os.OpenFile("./logs/reqs-"+strconv.FormatInt(c.StartTime.Unix(),10)+".log", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0755)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &GenRouter{
UploadHandler: func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
writ := NewWriterIntercept(w)
extraRoutes: make(map[string]func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, c.User) c.RouteError),
requestLogger: log.New(f, "", log.LstdFlags),
}, nil
func (r *GenRouter) handleError(err c.RouteError, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, user c.User) {
if err.Handled() {
if err.Type() == "system" {
c.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, req, err.JSON())
c.LocalErrorJSQ(err.Error(), w, req, user, err.JSON())
func (r *GenRouter) Handle(_ string, _ http.Handler) {
func (r *GenRouter) HandleFunc(pattern string, h func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, c.User) c.RouteError) {
defer r.Unlock()
r.extraRoutes[pattern] = h
func (r *GenRouter) RemoveFunc(pattern string) error {
defer r.Unlock()
_, ok := r.extraRoutes[pattern]
if !ok {
return ErrNoRoute
delete(r.extraRoutes, pattern)
return nil
// TODO: Use strings builder?
func (r *GenRouter) DumpRequest(req *http.Request, pre string) {
var heads string
for key, value := range req.Header {
for _, vvalue := range value {
heads += "Header '" + c.SanitiseSingleLine(key) + "': " + c.SanitiseSingleLine(vvalue) + "\n"
r.requestLogger.Print(pre +
"\nUA: " + c.SanitiseSingleLine(req.UserAgent()) + "\n" +
"Method: " + c.SanitiseSingleLine(req.Method) + "\n" + heads +
"Host: " + c.SanitiseSingleLine(req.Host) + "\n" +
"URL.Path: " + c.SanitiseSingleLine(req.URL.Path) + "\n" +
"URL.RawQuery: " + c.SanitiseSingleLine(req.URL.RawQuery) + "\n" +
"Ref: " + c.SanitiseSingleLine(req.Referer()) + "\n" +
"IP: " + req.RemoteAddr + "\n")
func (r *GenRouter) SuspiciousRequest(req *http.Request, pre string) {
if pre != "" {
pre += "\n"
r.DumpRequest(req,pre+"Suspicious Request")
func isLocalHost(h string) bool {
return h=="localhost" || h=="" || h=="::1"
// TODO: Pass the default path or config struct to the router rather than accessing it via a package global
// TODO: SetDefaultPath
// TODO: GetDefaultPath
func (r *GenRouter) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
malformedRequest := func(typ int) {
w.WriteHeader(200) // 400
r.DumpRequest(req,"Malformed Request T"+strconv.Itoa(typ))
// Split the Host and Port string
var shost, sport string
if req.Host[0]=='[' {
spl := strings.Split(req.Host,"]")
if len(spl) > 2 {
shost = strings.TrimPrefix(spl[0],"[")
sport = strings.TrimPrefix(spl[1],":")
} else {
spl := strings.Split(req.Host,":")
if len(spl) > 2 {
shost = spl[0]
if len(spl)==2 {
sport = spl[1]
// TODO: Reject requests from non-local IPs, if the site host is set to localhost or a localhost IP
if !c.Config.LoosePort && c.Site.PortInt != 80 && c.Site.PortInt != 443 && sport != c.Site.Port {
// Redirect www. and local IP requests to the right place
if strings.HasPrefix(shost, "www.") || c.Site.LocalHost {
if shost == "www." + c.Site.Host || (c.Site.LocalHost && shost != c.Site.Host && isLocalHost(shost)) {
// TODO: Abstract the redirect logic?
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
var s string
if c.Config.SslSchema {
s = "s"
var p string
if c.Site.PortInt != 80 && c.Site.PortInt != 443 {
p = ":"+c.Site.Port
dest := "http"+s+"://" + c.Site.Host+p + req.URL.Path
if len(req.URL.RawQuery) > 0 {
dest += "?" + req.URL.RawQuery
http.Redirect(w, req, dest, http.StatusMovedPermanently)
// Deflect malformed requests
if len(req.URL.Path) == 0 || req.URL.Path[0] != '/' || (!c.Config.LooseHost && shost != c.Site.Host) {
if c.Dev.FullReqLog {
// TODO: Cover more suspicious strings and at a lower layer than this
for _, ch := range req.URL.Path { //char
if ch != '&' && !(ch > 44 && ch < 58) && ch != '=' && ch != '?' && !(ch > 64 && ch < 91) && ch != '\\' && ch != '_' && !(ch > 96 && ch < 123) {
r.SuspiciousRequest(req,"Bad char in path")
lp := strings.ToLower(req.URL.Path)
// TODO: Flag any requests which has a dot with anything but a number after that
if strings.Contains(lp,"..")/* || strings.Contains(lp,"--")*/ || strings.Contains(lp,".php") || strings.Contains(lp,".asp") || strings.Contains(lp,".cgi") || strings.Contains(lp,".py") || strings.Contains(lp,".sql") || strings.Contains(lp,".action") {
r.SuspiciousRequest(req,"Bad snippet in path")
// Indirect the default route onto a different one
if req.URL.Path == "/" {
req.URL.Path = c.Config.DefaultPath
//log.Print("URL.Path: ", req.URL.Path)
var prefix, extraData string
prefix = req.URL.Path[0:strings.IndexByte(req.URL.Path[1:],'/') + 1]
if req.URL.Path[len(req.URL.Path) - 1] != '/' {
extraData = req.URL.Path[strings.LastIndexByte(req.URL.Path,'/') + 1:]
req.URL.Path = req.URL.Path[:strings.LastIndexByte(req.URL.Path,'/') + 1]
// TODO: Use the same hook table as downstream
hTbl := c.GetHookTable()
skip, ferr := hTbl.VhookSkippable("router_after_filters", w, req, prefix, extraData)
if skip || ferr != nil {
if prefix != "/ws" {
h := w.Header()
h.Set("X-Frame-Options", "deny")
h.Set("X-XSS-Protection", "1; mode=block") // TODO: Remove when we add a CSP? CSP's are horrendously glitchy things, tread with caution before removing
h.Set("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff")
if c.Config.RefNoRef || !c.Config.SslSchema {
} else {
if c.Dev.SuperDebug {
r.DumpRequest(req,"before routes.StaticFile")
// Increment the request counter
if !c.Config.DisableAnalytics {
if prefix == "/s" { //old prefix: /static
if !c.Config.DisableAnalytics {
co.RouteViewCounter.Bump({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.StaticFile"}})
req.URL.Path += extraData
routes.StaticFile(w, req)
if atomic.LoadInt32(&c.IsDBDown) == 1 {
c.DatabaseError(w, req)
if c.Dev.SuperDebug {
r.requestLogger.Print("before PreRoute")
/*if c.Dev.QuicPort != 0 {
w.Header().Set("Alt-Svc", "quic=\":"+strconv.Itoa(c.Dev.QuicPort)+"\"; ma=2592000; v=\"44,43,39\", h3-23=\":"+strconv.Itoa(c.Dev.QuicPort)+"\"; ma=3600, h3-24=\":"+strconv.Itoa(c.Dev.QuicPort)+"\"; ma=3600, h2=\":443\"; ma=3600")
// Track the user agents. Unfortunately, everyone pretends to be Mozilla, so this'll be a little less efficient than I would like.
// TODO: Add a setting to disable this?
// TODO: Use a more efficient detector instead of smashing every possible combination in
//var agent string
var agent int
if !c.Config.DisableAnalytics {
ua := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(strings.TrimPrefix(req.UserAgent(),"Mozilla/5.0 ")," Safari/537.36","",-1)) // Noise, no one's going to be running this and it would require some sort of agent ranking system to determine which identifier should be prioritised over another
if ua == "" {
if c.Dev.DebugMode {
var pre string
for _, char := range req.UserAgent() {
pre += strconv.Itoa(int(char)) + " "
r.DumpRequest(req,"Blank UA: " + pre)
} else {
// WIP UA Parser
var items []string
var buffer []byte
var os int
for _, it := range uutils.StringToBytes(ua) {
if (it > 64 && it < 91) || (it > 96 && it < 123) || it == '_' {
buffer = append(buffer, it)
} else if it == ' ' || it == '(' || it == ')' || it == '-' || (it > 47 && it < 58) || it == ';' || it == ':' || it == '.' || it == '+' || it == '~' || it == '@' || (it == ':' && bytes.Equal(buffer,[]byte("http"))) || it == ',' || it == '/' {
if len(buffer) != 0 {
if len(buffer) > 2 {
// Use an unsafe zero copy conversion here just to use the switch, it's not safe for this string to escape from here, as it will get mutated, so do a regular string conversion in append
switch(uutils.BytesToString(buffer)) {
case "Windows":
os = {{}}
case "Linux":
os = {{.AllOSMap.linux}}
case "Mac":
os = {{.AllOSMap.mac}}
case "iPhone":
os = {{.AllOSMap.iphone}}
case "Android":
os = {{}}
case "like","compatible":
// Skip these words
items = append(items, string(buffer))
buffer = buffer[:0]
} else {
// TODO: Test this
items = items[:0]
r.SuspiciousRequest(req,"Illegal char "+strconv.Itoa(int(it))+" in UA")
r.requestLogger.Print("UA Buffer: ", buffer)
r.requestLogger.Print("UA Buffer String: ", string(buffer))
// Iterate over this in reverse as the real UA tends to be on the right side
for i := len(items) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
//fAgent, ok := markToAgent[items[i]]
fAgent, ok := markToID[items[i]]
if ok {
agent = fAgent
if agent != {{.AllAgentMap.safari}} {
if c.Dev.SuperDebug {
r.requestLogger.Print("parsed agent: ", agent)
r.requestLogger.Print("os: ", os)
r.requestLogger.Printf("items: %+v\n",items)
// Special handling
switch(agent) {
case {{}}:
if os == {{}} {
agent = {{.AllAgentMap.androidchrome}}
case {{.AllAgentMap.safari}}:
if os == {{.AllOSMap.iphone}} {
agent = {{.AllAgentMap.mobilesafari}}
case {{.AllAgentMap.trident}}:
// Hack to support IE11, change this after we start logging versions
if strings.Contains(ua,"rv:11") {
agent = {{.AllAgentMap.internetexplorer}}
case {{.AllAgentMap.zgrab}}:
r.SuspiciousRequest(req,"Vulnerability Scanner")
if agent == 0 {
if c.Dev.DebugMode {
var pre string
for _, char := range req.UserAgent() {
pre += strconv.Itoa(int(char)) + " "
r.DumpRequest(req,"Blank UA: " + pre)
} else {
r.requestLogger.Print("unknown ua: ", c.SanitiseSingleLine(ua))
} else {
// TODO: Do we want to track missing language headers too? Maybe as it's own type, e.g. "noheader"?
// TODO: Default to anything other than en, if anything else is present, to avoid over-representing it for multi-linguals?
lang := req.Header.Get("Accept-Language")
if lang != "" {
lLang := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(lang),"-")
tLang := strings.Split(strings.Split(lLang[0],";")[0],",")
c.DebugDetail("tLang:", tLang)
var llLang string
for _, seg := range tLang {
if seg == "*" {
llLang = seg
c.DebugDetail("llLang:", llLang)
if !co.LangViewCounter.Bump(llLang) {
r.DumpRequest(req,"Invalid ISO Code")
} else {
if !c.Config.RefNoTrack {
ref := req.Header.Get("Referer") // Check the 'referrer' header too? :P
if ref != "" {
// ? Optimise this a little?
ref = strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(ref,"http://"),"https://")
ref = strings.Split(ref,"/")[0]
portless := strings.Split(ref,":")[0]
// TODO: Handle c.Site.Host in uppercase too?
if portless != "localhost" && portless != "" && portless != c.Site.Host {
// Deal with the session stuff, etc.
user, ok := c.PreRoute(w, req)
if !ok {
user.LastAgent = agent
if c.Dev.SuperDebug {
"after PreRoute\n" +
"routeMapEnum: ", routeMapEnum)
// Disable Gzip when SSL is disabled for security reasons?
if prefix != "/ws" && strings.Contains(req.Header.Get("Accept-Encoding"), "gzip") {
h := w.Header()
h.Set("Content-Encoding", "gzip")
gzw := c.GzipResponseWriter{Writer: gzip.NewWriter(w), ResponseWriter: w}
defer func() {
if h.Get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip" && h.Get("X-I") == "" {
w = gzw
skip, ferr = hTbl.VhookSkippable("router_pre_route", w, req, user, prefix, extraData)
if skip || ferr != nil {
ferr = r.routeSwitch(w, req, user, prefix, extraData)
if ferr != nil {
/*if !c.Config.DisableAnalytics {
hTbl.VhookNoRet("router_end", w, req, user, prefix, extraData)
//c.StoppedServer("Profile end")
func (r *GenRouter) routeSwitch(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, user c.User, prefix, extraData string) /*(id int, orerr */c.RouteError/*)*/ {
var err c.RouteError
cn := uutils.Nanotime()
switch(prefix) {` + out + `
/*case "/sitemaps": // TODO: Count these views
req.URL.Path += extraData
err = sitemapSwitch(w,req)*/
// ! Temporary fix for certain bots
case "/static":
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
http.Redirect(w, req, "/s/"+extraData, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
case "/uploads":
if extraData == "" {
co.RouteViewCounter.Bump3({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.UploadedFile"}}, cn)
return c.NotFound(w,req,nil)
gzw, ok := w.(c.GzipResponseWriter)
if ok {
w = gzw.ResponseWriter
h := w.Header()
req.URL.Path += extraData
// TODO: Find a way to propagate errors up from this?
r.UploadHandler(w,req) // TODO: Count these views
co.RouteViewCounter.Bump3({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.UploadedFile"}}, cn)
return nil
case "":
// Stop the favicons, robots.txt file, etc. resolving to the topics list
// TODO: Add support for favicons and robots.txt files
switch(extraData) {
case "robots.txt":
co.RouteViewCounter.Bump3({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.RobotsTxt"}}, cn)
return routes.RobotsTxt(w,req)
case "favicon.ico":
gzw, ok := w.(c.GzipResponseWriter)
if ok {
w = gzw.ResponseWriter
h := w.Header()
req.URL.Path = "/s/favicon.ico"
co.RouteViewCounter.Bump3({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.Favicon"}}, cn)
return nil
case "opensearch.xml":
co.RouteViewCounter.Bump3({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.OpenSearchXml"}}, cn)
return routes.OpenSearchXml(w,req)
/*case "sitemap.xml":
co.RouteViewCounter.Bump3({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.SitemapXml"}}, cn)
return routes.SitemapXml(w,req)*/
co.RouteViewCounter.Bump({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.Error"}})
return c.NotFound(w,req,nil)
// A fallback for dynamic routes, e.g. ones declared by plugins
h, ok := r.extraRoutes[req.URL.Path]
if ok {
req.URL.Path += extraData
// TODO: Be more specific about *which* dynamic route it is
co.RouteViewCounter.Bump({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.DynamicRoute"}})
return h(w,req,user)
lp := strings.ToLower(req.URL.Path)
if strings.Contains(lp,"admin") || strings.Contains(lp,"sql") || strings.Contains(lp,"manage") || strings.Contains(lp,"//") || strings.Contains(lp,"\\\\") || strings.Contains(lp,"wp") || strings.Contains(lp,"wordpress") || strings.Contains(lp,"config") || strings.Contains(lp,"setup") || strings.Contains(lp,"install") || strings.Contains(lp,"update") || strings.Contains(lp,"php") || strings.Contains(lp,"pl") || strings.Contains(lp,"wget") || strings.Contains(lp,"wp-") || strings.Contains(lp,"include") || strings.Contains(lp,"vendor") || strings.Contains(lp,"bin") || strings.Contains(lp,"system") || strings.Contains(lp,"eval") || strings.Contains(lp,"config") {
r.SuspiciousRequest(req,"Bad Route")
} else {
r.DumpRequest(req,"Bad Route")
co.RouteViewCounter.Bump3({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.BadRoute"}}, cn)
return c.NotFound(w,req,nil)
return err
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("router").Parse(fileData))
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := tmpl.Execute(&b, tmplVars); err != nil {
writeFile("./gen_router.go", string(b.Bytes()))
log.Println("Successfully generated the router")
func writeFile(name, content string) {
f, err := os.Create(name)
if err != nil {
_, err = f.WriteString(content)
if err != nil {
err = f.Sync()
if err != nil {
err = f.Close()
if err != nil {