Revamped the dual column layout CSS. Improved the Control Panel Group List. Fixed the email verification system. Fixed some visual glitches in the Cosmo Conflux and Cosmo themes. Added the EditGroup, EditGroupLocalPerms, EditGroupGlobalPerms, EditGroupSuperMod and EditGroup Admin permissions. Added the group_exists function. Added the EditGroupPage struct. Swapped some log.Fatal calls out for InternalError calls to avoid whitescreens.
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`uid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(100) not null,
`password` varchar(100) not null,
`salt` varchar(80) default '' not null,
`group` int not null,
`active` tinyint default 0 not null,
`is_super_admin` tinyint(1) not null,
`createdAt` datetime not null,
`lastActiveAt` datetime not null,
`session` varchar(200) default '' not null,
`last_ip` varchar(200) default '' not null,
`email` varchar(200) default '' not null,
`avatar` varchar(20) default '' not null,
`message` text not null,
`url_prefix` varchar(20) default '' not null,
`url_name` varchar(100) default '' not null,
`level` tinyint default 0 not null,
`score` int default 0 not null,
`posts` int default 0 not null,
`bigposts` int default 0 not null,
`megaposts` int default 0 not null,
`topics` int default 0 not null,
primary key(`uid`),
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `users_groups`(
`gid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(100) not null,
`permissions` text not null,
`is_mod` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`is_admin` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`is_banned` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' not null,
primary key(`gid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `emails`(
`email` varchar(200) not null,
`uid` int not null,
`validated` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`token` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null
CREATE TABLE `forums`(
`fid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(100) not null,
`active` tinyint DEFAULT 1 not null,
`topicCount` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`preset` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
`lastTopic` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
`lastTopicID` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`lastReplyer` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
`lastReplyerID` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`lastTopicTime` datetime not null,
primary key(`fid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `forums_permissions`(
`fid` int not null,
`gid` int not null,
`preset` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
`permissions` text not null
CREATE TABLE `topics`(
`tid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`title` varchar(100) not null,
`content` text not null,
`parsed_content` text not null,
`createdAt` datetime not null,
`lastReplyAt` datetime not null,
`createdBy` int not null,
`is_closed` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`sticky` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`parentID` int DEFAULT 2 not null,
`ipaddress` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
`postCount` int DEFAULT 1 not null,
`likeCount` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`words` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`data` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
primary key(`tid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `replies`(
`rid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`tid` int not null,
`content` text not null,
`parsed_content` text not null,
`createdAt` datetime not null,
`createdBy` int not null,
`lastEdit` int not null,
`lastEditBy` int not null,
`ipaddress` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
`likeCount` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`words` int DEFAULT 1 not null,
primary key(`rid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `revisions`(
`index` int not null,
`content` text not null,
`contentID` int not null,
`contentType` varchar(100) DEFAULT 'replies' not null
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `users_replies`(
`rid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`uid` int not null,
`content` text not null,
`parsed_content` text not null,
`createdAt` datetime not null,
`createdBy` int not null,
`lastEdit` int not null,
`lastEditBy` int not null,
primary key(`rid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
`weight` tinyint DEFAULT 1 not null,
/*`type` tinyint not null, /* Regular Post: 1, Big Post: 2, Mega Post: 3, etc.*/
`targetItem` int not null,
`targetType` varchar(50) DEFAULT 'replies' not null,
`sentBy` int not null,
`recalc` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null
CREATE TABLE `activity_stream_matches`(
`watcher` int not null,
`asid` int not null
CREATE TABLE `activity_stream`(
`asid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`actor` int not null, /* the one doing the act */
`targetUser` int not null, /* the user who created the item the actor is acting on, some items like forums may lack a targetUser field */
`event` varchar(50) not null, /* mention, like, reply (as in the act of replying to an item, not the reply item type, you can "reply" to a forum by making a topic in it), friend_invite */
`elementType` varchar(50) not null, /* topic, post (calling it post here to differentiate it from the 'reply' event), forum, user */
`elementID` int not null, /* the ID of the element being acted upon */
primary key(`asid`)
CREATE TABLE `activity_subscriptions`(
`user` int not null,
`targetID` int not null, /* the ID of the element being acted upon */
`targetType` varchar(50) not null, /* topic, post (calling it post here to differentiate it from the 'reply' event), forum, user */
`level` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null /* 0: Mentions (aka the global default for any post), 1: Replies To You, 2: All Replies*/
CREATE TABLE `settings`(
`name` varchar(200) not null,
`content` varchar(250) not null,
`type` varchar(50) not null,
`constraints` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
CREATE TABLE `plugins`(
`uname` varchar(200) not null,
`active` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
CREATE TABLE `themes`(
`uname` varchar(200) not null,
`default` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
INSERT INTO settings(`name`,`content`,`type`) VALUES ('url_tags','1','bool');
INSERT INTO settings(`name`,`content`,`type`,`constraints`) VALUES ('activation_type','1','list','1-3');
INSERT INTO settings(`name`,`content`,`type`) VALUES ('bigpost_min_chars','250','int');
INSERT INTO settings(`name`,`content`,`type`) VALUES ('megapost_min_chars','1000','int');
INSERT INTO themes(`uname`,`default`) VALUES ('tempra-simple',1);
INSERT INTO users(`name`,`password`,`email`,`group`,`is_super_admin`,`createdAt`,`lastActiveAt`,`message`,`last_ip`)
VALUES ('Admin','password','admin@localhost',1,1,NOW(),NOW(),'','');
INSERT INTO emails(`email`,`uid`,`validated`) VALUES ('admin@localhost',1,1);
The Permissions:
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`is_mod`,`is_admin`,`tag`) VALUES ('Administrator','{"BanUsers":true,"ActivateUsers":true,"EditUser":true,"EditUserEmail":true,"EditUserPassword":true,"EditUserGroup":true,"EditUserGroupSuperMod":true,"EditUserGroupAdmin":false,"EditGroup":true,"EditGroupLocalPerms":true,"EditGroupGlobalPerms":true,"EditGroupSuperMod":true,"EditGroupAdmin":false,"ManageForums":true,"EditSettings":true,"ManageThemes":true,"ManagePlugins":true,"ViewIPs":true,"ViewTopic":true,"LikeItem":true,"CreateTopic":true,"EditTopic":true,"DeleteTopic":true,"CreateReply":true,"EditReply":true,"DeleteReply":true,"PinTopic":true,"CloseTopic":true}',1,1,"Admin");
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`is_mod`,`tag`) VALUES ('Moderator','{"BanUsers":true,"ActivateUsers":false,"EditUser":true,"EditUserEmail":false,"EditUserGroup":true,"ViewIPs":true,"ViewTopic":true,"LikeItem":true,"CreateTopic":true,"EditTopic":true,"DeleteTopic":true,"CreateReply":true,"EditReply":true,"DeleteReply":true,"PinTopic":true,"CloseTopic":true}',1,"Mod");
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`) VALUES ('Member','{"ViewTopic":true,"LikeItem":true,"CreateTopic":true,"CreateReply":true}');
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`is_banned`) VALUES ('Banned','{"ViewTopic":true}',1);
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`) VALUES ('Awaiting Activation','{"ViewTopic":true}');
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`tag`) VALUES ('Not Loggedin','{"ViewTopic":true}','Guest');
INSERT INTO forums(`name`,`active`) VALUES ('Reports',0);
INSERT INTO forums(`name`,`lastTopicTime`) VALUES ('General',NOW());
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (1,1,'{"ViewTopic":true,"CreateReply":true,"CreateTopic":true,"PinTopic":true,"CloseTopic":true}');
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (2,1,'{"ViewTopic":true,"CreateReply":true,"CloseTopic":true}');
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (3,1,'{}');
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (4,1,'{}');
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (5,1,'{}');
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (6,1,'{}');
INSERT INTO topics(`title`,`content`,`createdAt`,`lastReplyAt`,`createdBy`,`parentID`)
VALUES ('Test Topic','A topic automatically generated by the software.',NOW(),NOW(),1,2);
INSERT INTO replies(`tid`,`content`,`createdAt`,`createdBy`,`lastEdit`,`lastEditBy`)
VALUES (1,'Reply 1',NOW(),1,0,0); |