Added better pagination to /forum/{id} Fixed the ordering of the elements in the pagesets. Added hooks to the task system. Reduced the amount of boilerplate for RunVhook and RunVhookNoReturn. Added RunVhookNeedHook to allow plugin developers to add custom content types to the report system. Added BulkGetMap to the DefaultPollStore. Renamed the MultiServer config setting to ServerCount and made it an integer. Don't cache topic lists for empty groups. Don't load replies for topics without any. Tempra Simple: Added chart and submenu CSS. Improved the input and select CSS. Fixed the pageset CSS. Fixed the poll input CSS. Tempra Conflux: Fixed the quick reply button CSS. Hid the avatar in the quick reply area. Added the poll CSS. Fixed the pageset CSS. Shadow: Fixed the time range selector CSS. Fixed the poll input CSS.
119 lines
6.0 KiB
119 lines
6.0 KiB
{{template "header.html" . }}
{{if gt .Page 1}}<div id="prevFloat" class="prev_button"><a class="prev_link" aria-label="Go to the previous page" rel="prev" href="/forum/{{.Forum.ID}}?page={{subtract .Page 1}}"><</a></div>{{end}}
{{if ne .LastPage .Page}}<div id="nextFloat" class="next_button"><a class="next_link" aria-label="Go to the next page" rel="next" href="/forum/{{.Forum.ID}}?page={{add .Page 1}}">></a></div>{{end}}
<main itemscope itemtype="">
<div id="forum_head_block" class="rowblock rowhead topic_list_title_block">
<div class="rowitem forum_title{{if ne .CurrentUser.ID 0}} has_opt{{end}}">
<h1 itemprop="name">{{.Title}}</h1>
{{if ne .CurrentUser.ID 0}}
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.CreateTopic}}
<div class="pre_opt auto_hide"></div>
<div class="opt create_topic_opt" title="Create Topic" aria-label="Create a topic"><a class="create_topic_link" href="/topics/create/{{.Forum.ID}}"></a></div>
{{/** TODO: Add a permissions check for this **/}}
<div class="opt mod_opt" title="Moderate">
<a class="moderate_link" href="#" aria-label="Moderate Posts"></a>
{{else}}<div class="opt locked_opt" title="You don't have the permissions needed to create a topic" aria-label="You don't have the permissions needed to make a topic in this forum"><a></a></div>{{end}}
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
{{if ne .CurrentUser.ID 0}}
<div class="mod_floater auto_hide">
<form method="post">
<div class="mod_floater_head">
<span>What do you want to do with these 18 topics?</span>
<div class="mod_floater_body">
<select class="mod_floater_options">
<option val="delete">Delete them</option>
<option val="lock">Lock them</option>
<option val="move">Move them</option>
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.CreateTopic}}
<div id="forum_topic_create_form" class="rowblock topic_create_form quick_create_form" style="display: none;" aria-label="Quick Topic Form">
<form id="quick_post_form" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/topic/create/submit/" method="post"></form>
<img class="little_row_avatar" src="{{.CurrentUser.Avatar}}" height="64" alt="Your Avatar" title="Your Avatar" />
<input form="quick_post_form" id="topic_board_input" name="topic-board" value="{{.Forum.ID}}" type="hidden">
<div class="main_form">
<div class="topic_meta">
<div class="formrow topic_name_row real_first_child">
<div class="formitem">
<input form="quick_post_form" name="topic-name" placeholder="What's up?" required>
<div class="formrow topic_content_row">
<div class="formitem">
<textarea form="quick_post_form" id="input_content" name="topic-content" placeholder="Insert post here" required></textarea>
<div class="formrow poll_content_row auto_hide">
<div class="formitem">
Poll stuff
<div class="formrow quick_button_row">
<div class="formitem">
<button form="quick_post_form" name="topic-button" class="formbutton">Create Topic</button>
<button form="quick_post_form" class="formbutton" id="add_poll_button">Add Poll</button>
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.UploadFiles}}
<input name="upload_files" form="quick_post_form" id="upload_files" multiple type="file" style="display: none;" />
<label for="upload_files" class="formbutton add_file_button">Add File</label>
<div id="upload_file_dock"></div>{{end}}
<button class="formbutton close_form">Cancel</button>
<div id="forum_topic_list" class="rowblock topic_list">
{{range .ItemList}}<div class="topic_row" data-tid="{{.ID}}">
<div class="rowitem topic_left passive datarow {{if .Sticky}}topic_sticky{{else if .IsClosed}}topic_closed{{end}}">
<span class="selector"></span>
<a href="{{.Creator.Link}}"><img src="{{.Creator.Avatar}}" height="64" alt="{{.Creator.Name}}'s Avatar" title="{{.Creator.Name}}'s Avatar" /></a>
<span class="topic_inner_left">
<a class="rowtopic" href="{{.Link}}" itemprop="itemListElement"><span>{{.Title}}</span></a>
<br /><a class="rowsmall starter" href="{{.Creator.Link}}">{{.Creator.Name}}</a>
{{/** TODO: Avoid the double '|' when both .IsClosed and .Sticky are set to true. We could probably do this with CSS **/}}
{{if .IsClosed}}<span class="rowsmall topic_status_e topic_status_closed" title="Status: Closed"> | 🔒︎</span>{{end}}
{{if .Sticky}}<span class="rowsmall topic_status_e topic_status_sticky" title="Status: Pinned"> | 📍︎</span>{{end}}
<span class="topic_inner_right rowsmall" style="float: right;">
<span class="replyCount">{{.PostCount}}</span><br />
<span class="likeCount">{{.LikeCount}}</span>
<div class="rowitem topic_right passive datarow {{if .Sticky}}topic_sticky{{else if .IsClosed}}topic_closed{{end}}">
<a href="{{.LastUser.Link}}"><img src="{{.LastUser.Avatar}}" height="64" alt="{{.LastUser.Name}}'s Avatar" title="{{.LastUser.Name}}'s Avatar" /></a>
<a href="{{.LastUser.Link}}" class="lastName" style="font-size: 14px;">{{.LastUser.Name}}</a><br>
<span class="rowsmall lastReplyAt">{{.RelativeLastReplyAt}}</span>
</div>{{else}}<div class="rowitem passive">There aren't any topics in this forum yet.{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.CreateTopic}} <a href="/topics/create/{{.Forum.ID}}">Start one?</a>{{end}}</div>{{end}}
{{if gt .LastPage 1}}
<div class="pageset">
{{if gt .Page 1}}<div class="pageitem"><a href="?page={{subtract .Page 1}}" rel="prev" aria-label="Go to the previous page">Prev</a></div>
<link rel="prev" href="?page={{subtract .Page 1}}" />{{end}}
{{range .PageList}}
<div class="pageitem"><a href="?page={{.}}">{{.}}</a></div>
{{if ne .LastPage .Page}}
<link rel="next" href="?page={{add .Page 1}}" />
<div class="pageitem"><a href="?page={{add .Page 1}}" rel="next" aria-label="Go to the next page">Next</a></div>{{end}}
{{template "footer.html" . }}