Added support for dyntmpl to the template system. The Account Dashboard now sort of uses dyntmpl, more work needed here. Renamed the pre_render_view_topic hook to pre_render_topic. Added the GetCurrentLangPack() function. Added the alerts_no_new_alerts phrase. Added the account_level_list phrase. Refactored the route rename logic in the patcher to cut down on the amount of boilerplate. Added more route renames to the patcher. You will need to run the patcher / updater in this commit.
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* Gosora Alerts System
* Copyright Azareal 2017 - 2019
package common
import (
type AlertStmts struct {
addActivity *sql.Stmt
notifyWatchers *sql.Stmt
notifyOne *sql.Stmt
getWatchers *sql.Stmt
getActivityEntry *sql.Stmt
var alertStmts AlertStmts
// TODO: Move these statements into some sort of activity abstraction
// TODO: Rewrite the alerts logic
func init() {
DbInits.Add(func(acc *qgen.Accumulator) error {
alertStmts = AlertStmts{
addActivity: acc.Insert("activity_stream").Columns("actor, targetUser, event, elementType, elementID").Fields("?,?,?,?,?").Prepare(),
notifyWatchers: acc.SimpleInsertInnerJoin(
qgen.DBInsert{"activity_stream_matches", "watcher, asid", ""},
qgen.DBJoin{"activity_stream", "activity_subscriptions", "activity_subscriptions.user, activity_stream.asid", "activity_subscriptions.targetType = activity_stream.elementType AND activity_subscriptions.targetID = activity_stream.elementID AND activity_subscriptions.user !=", "asid = ?", "", ""},
notifyOne: acc.Insert("activity_stream_matches").Columns("watcher, asid").Fields("?,?").Prepare(),
getWatchers: acc.SimpleInnerJoin("activity_stream", "activity_subscriptions", "activity_subscriptions.user", "activity_subscriptions.targetType = activity_stream.elementType AND activity_subscriptions.targetID = activity_stream.elementID AND activity_subscriptions.user !=", "asid = ?", "", ""),
getActivityEntry: acc.Select("activity_stream").Columns("actor, targetUser, event, elementType, elementID").Where("asid = ?").Prepare(),
return acc.FirstError()
// TODO: See if we can json.Marshal instead?
func escapeTextInJson(in string) string {
in = strings.Replace(in, "\"", "\\\"", -1)
return strings.Replace(in, "/", "\\/", -1)
func BuildAlert(asid int, event string, elementType string, actorID int, targetUserID int, elementID int, user User /* The current user */) (string, error) {
var targetUser *User
actor, err := Users.Get(actorID)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.New(GetErrorPhrase("alerts_no_actor"))
/*if elementType != "forum" {
targetUser, err = users.Get(targetUserID)
if err != nil {
LocalErrorJS("Unable to find the target user",w,r)
if event == "friend_invite" {
return buildAlertString(GetTmplPhrase("alerts.new_friend_invite"), []string{actor.Name}, actor.Link, actor.Avatar, asid), nil
// Not that many events for us to handle in a forum
if elementType == "forum" {
if event == "reply" {
topic, err := Topics.Get(elementID)
if err != nil {
DebugLogf("Unable to find linked topic %d", elementID)
return "", errors.New(GetErrorPhrase("alerts_no_linked_topic"))
// Store the forum ID in the targetUser column instead of making a new one? o.O
// Add an additional column for extra information later on when we add the ability to link directly to posts. We don't need the forum data for now...
return buildAlertString(GetTmplPhrase("alerts.forum_new_topic"), []string{actor.Name, topic.Title}, topic.Link, actor.Avatar, asid), nil
return buildAlertString(GetTmplPhrase("alerts.forum_unknown_action"), []string{actor.Name}, "", actor.Avatar, asid), nil
var url, area string
var phraseName = "alerts." + elementType
switch elementType {
case "topic":
topic, err := Topics.Get(elementID)
if err != nil {
DebugLogf("Unable to find linked topic %d", elementID)
return "", errors.New(GetErrorPhrase("alerts_no_linked_topic"))
url = topic.Link
area = topic.Title
if targetUserID == user.ID {
phraseName += "_own"
case "user":
targetUser, err = Users.Get(elementID)
if err != nil {
DebugLogf("Unable to find target user %d", elementID)
return "", errors.New(GetErrorPhrase("alerts_no_target_user"))
area = targetUser.Name
url = targetUser.Link
if targetUserID == user.ID {
phraseName += "_own"
case "post":
topic, err := TopicByReplyID(elementID)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.New(GetErrorPhrase("alerts_no_linked_topic_by_reply"))
url = topic.Link
area = topic.Title
if targetUserID == user.ID {
phraseName += "_own"
return "", errors.New(GetErrorPhrase("alerts_invalid_elementtype"))
switch event {
case "like":
phraseName += "_like"
case "mention":
phraseName += "_mention"
case "reply":
phraseName += "_reply"
return buildAlertString(GetTmplPhrase(phraseName), []string{actor.Name, area}, url, actor.Avatar, asid), nil
func buildAlertString(msg string, sub []string, path string, avatar string, asid int) string {
var substring string
for _, item := range sub {
substring += "\"" + escapeTextInJson(item) + "\","
if len(substring) > 0 {
substring = substring[:len(substring)-1]
return `{"msg":"` + escapeTextInJson(msg) + `","sub":[` + substring + `],"path":"` + escapeTextInJson(path) + `","avatar":"` + escapeTextInJson(avatar) + `","asid":"` + strconv.Itoa(asid) + `"}`
func AddActivityAndNotifyAll(actor int, targetUser int, event string, elementType string, elementID int) error {
res, err := alertStmts.addActivity.Exec(actor, targetUser, event, elementType, elementID)
if err != nil {
return err
lastID, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
return err
return NotifyWatchers(lastID)
func AddActivityAndNotifyTarget(actor int, targetUser int, event string, elementType string, elementID int) error {
res, err := alertStmts.addActivity.Exec(actor, targetUser, event, elementType, elementID)
if err != nil {
return err
lastID, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
return err
err = NotifyOne(targetUser, lastID)
if err != nil {
return err
// Live alerts, if the target is online and WebSockets is enabled
_ = WsHub.pushAlert(targetUser, int(lastID), event, elementType, actor, targetUser, elementID)
return nil
func NotifyOne(watcher int, asid int64) error {
_, err := alertStmts.notifyOne.Exec(watcher, asid)
return err
func NotifyWatchers(asid int64) error {
_, err := alertStmts.notifyWatchers.Exec(asid)
if err != nil {
return err
// Alert the subscribers about this without blocking us from doing something else
if EnableWebsockets {
go notifyWatchers(asid)
return nil
func notifyWatchers(asid int64) {
rows, err := alertStmts.getWatchers.Query(asid)
if err != nil && err != ErrNoRows {
defer rows.Close()
var uid int
var uids []int
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&uid)
if err != nil {
uids = append(uids, uid)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
var actorID, targetUserID, elementID int
var event, elementType string
err = alertStmts.getActivityEntry.QueryRow(asid).Scan(&actorID, &targetUserID, &event, &elementType, &elementID)
if err != nil && err != ErrNoRows {
_ = WsHub.pushAlerts(uids, int(asid), event, elementType, actorID, targetUserID, elementID)