Added a better paginator for view topic. The last post on the topic list and forum pages now link to the last page of a topic for quicker navigation. The Account Manager now utilises dyntmpl in more areas. More tooltips. Tweaked the colour for the validated emails in the Email Manager so it looks nicer on dark themes. Moved some inline styles from the Email Manager into the stylesheets and removed obsolete ones. Added the mixed BenchmarkTopicGuestAdminRouteParallelWithRouter benchmark. The bad route benchmark should no longer abort when erroring, something which doesn't make sense as it's always expected to error. Reduce a bit more boilerplate with renderTemplate() Added the *CTemplateSet.addText method and used it to optimise the generated templates a tiny bit more. The forums route now has guest and member variants generated for it. Turned the experimental template optimisation back on for more data. Added the routes.AccountLogins route. Added the account_logins phrase. Added the account_menu_logins phrase. Added the account_logins_head phrase. Added the account_logins_success phrase. Added the account_logins_failure phrase. You need to run the patcher / updater for this commit.
464 lines
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464 lines
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/* Copyright Azareal 2016 - 2019 */
package common
import (
var ErrNoDefaultTheme = errors.New("The default theme isn't registered in the system")
type Theme struct {
Path string // Redirect this file to another folder
Name string
FriendlyName string
Version string
Creator string
FullImage string
MobileFriendly bool
Disabled bool
HideFromThemes bool
BgAvatars bool // For profiles, at the moment
GridLists bool // User Manager
ForkOf string
Tag string
URL string
Docks []string // Allowed Values: leftSidebar, rightSidebar, footer
Settings map[string]ThemeSetting
Templates []TemplateMapping
TemplatesMap map[string]string
TmplPtr map[string]interface{}
Resources []ThemeResource
ResourceTemplates *template.Template
// Dock intercepters
// TODO: Implement this
MapTmplToDock map[string]ThemeMapTmplToDock // map[dockName]data
RunOnDock func(string) string //(dock string) (sbody string)
// This variable should only be set and unset by the system, not the theme meta file
// TODO: Should we phase out Active and make the default theme store the primary source of truth?
Active bool
type ThemeSetting struct {
FriendlyName string
Options []string
type TemplateMapping struct {
Name string
Source string
//When string
type ThemeResource struct {
Name string
Location string
Loggedin bool // Only serve this resource to logged in users
type ThemeMapTmplToDock struct {
//Name string
File string
// TODO: It might be unsafe to call the template parsing functions with fsnotify, do something more concurrent
func (theme *Theme) LoadStaticFiles() error {
theme.ResourceTemplates = template.New("")
fmap := make(map[string]interface{})
fmap["lang"] = func(phraseNameInt interface{}, tmplInt interface{}) interface{} {
phraseName, ok := phraseNameInt.(string)
if !ok {
panic("phraseNameInt is not a string")
tmpl, ok := tmplInt.(CSSData)
if !ok {
panic("tmplInt is not a CSSData")
phrase, ok := tmpl.Phrases[phraseName]
if !ok {
// TODO: XSS? Only server admins should have access to theme files anyway, but think about it
return "{lang." + phraseName + "}"
return phrase
fmap["toArr"] = func(args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
return args
fmap["concat"] = func(args ...interface{}) interface{} {
var out string
for _, arg := range args {
out += arg.(string)
return out
template.Must(theme.ResourceTemplates.ParseGlob("./themes/" + theme.Name + "/public/*.css"))
// It should be safe for us to load the files for all the themes in memory, as-long as the admin hasn't setup a ridiculous number of themes
return theme.AddThemeStaticFiles()
func (theme *Theme) AddThemeStaticFiles() error {
phraseMap := phrases.GetTmplPhrases()
// TODO: Use a function instead of a closure to make this more testable? What about a function call inside the closure to take the theme variable into account?
return filepath.Walk("./themes/"+theme.Name+"/public", func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
DebugLog("Attempting to add static file '" + path + "' for default theme '" + theme.Name + "'")
if err != nil {
return err
if f.IsDir() {
return nil
path = strings.Replace(path, "\\", "/", -1)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
var ext = filepath.Ext(path)
if ext == ".css" && len(data) != 0 {
var b bytes.Buffer
var pieces = strings.Split(path, "/")
var filename = pieces[len(pieces)-1]
// TODO: Prepare resource templates for each loaded langpack?
err = theme.ResourceTemplates.ExecuteTemplate(&b, filename, CSSData{Phrases: phraseMap})
if err != nil {
log.Print("Failed in adding static file '" + path + "' for default theme '" + theme.Name + "'")
return err
data = b.Bytes()
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "themes/"+theme.Name+"/public")
gzipData, err := compressBytesGzip(data)
if err != nil {
return err
StaticFiles.Set("/static/"+theme.Name+path, SFile{data, gzipData, 0, int64(len(data)), int64(len(gzipData)), mime.TypeByExtension(ext), f, f.ModTime().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)})
DebugLog("Added the '/" + theme.Name + path + "' static file for theme " + theme.Name + ".")
return nil
func (theme *Theme) MapTemplates() {
if theme.Templates != nil {
for _, themeTmpl := range theme.Templates {
if themeTmpl.Name == "" {
LogError(errors.New("Invalid destination template name"))
if themeTmpl.Source == "" {
LogError(errors.New("Invalid source template name"))
// `go generate` is one possibility for letting plugins inject custom page structs, but it would simply add another step of compilation. It might be simpler than the current build process from the perspective of the administrator?
destTmplPtr, ok := TmplPtrMap[themeTmpl.Name]
if !ok {
sourceTmplPtr, ok := TmplPtrMap[themeTmpl.Source]
if !ok {
LogError(errors.New("The source template doesn't exist!"))
switch dTmplPtr := destTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(CustomPagePage, io.Writer) error:
switch sTmplPtr := sourceTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(CustomPagePage, io.Writer) error:
overridenTemplates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*dTmplPtr = *sTmplPtr
LogError(errors.New("The source and destination templates are incompatible"))
case *func(TopicPage, io.Writer) error:
switch sTmplPtr := sourceTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(TopicPage, io.Writer) error:
overridenTemplates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*dTmplPtr = *sTmplPtr
LogError(errors.New("The source and destination templates are incompatible"))
case *func(TopicListPage, io.Writer) error:
switch sTmplPtr := sourceTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(TopicListPage, io.Writer) error:
overridenTemplates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*dTmplPtr = *sTmplPtr
LogError(errors.New("The source and destination templates are incompatible"))
case *func(ForumPage, io.Writer) error:
switch sTmplPtr := sourceTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(ForumPage, io.Writer) error:
overridenTemplates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*dTmplPtr = *sTmplPtr
LogError(errors.New("The source and destination templates are incompatible"))
case *func(ForumsPage, io.Writer) error:
switch sTmplPtr := sourceTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(ForumsPage, io.Writer) error:
overridenTemplates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*dTmplPtr = *sTmplPtr
LogError(errors.New("The source and destination templates are incompatible"))
case *func(ProfilePage, io.Writer) error:
switch sTmplPtr := sourceTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(ProfilePage, io.Writer) error:
overridenTemplates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*dTmplPtr = *sTmplPtr
LogError(errors.New("The source and destination templates are incompatible"))
case *func(CreateTopicPage, io.Writer) error:
switch sTmplPtr := sourceTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(CreateTopicPage, io.Writer) error:
overridenTemplates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*dTmplPtr = *sTmplPtr
LogError(errors.New("The source and destination templates are incompatible"))
case *func(IPSearchPage, io.Writer) error:
switch sTmplPtr := sourceTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(IPSearchPage, io.Writer) error:
overridenTemplates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*dTmplPtr = *sTmplPtr
LogError(errors.New("The source and destination templates are incompatible"))
case *func(AccountDashPage, io.Writer) error:
switch sTmplPtr := sourceTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(AccountDashPage, io.Writer) error:
overridenTemplates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*dTmplPtr = *sTmplPtr
LogError(errors.New("The source and destination templates are incompatible"))
case *func(ErrorPage, io.Writer) error:
switch sTmplPtr := sourceTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(ErrorPage, io.Writer) error:
overridenTemplates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*dTmplPtr = *sTmplPtr
LogError(errors.New("The source and destination templates are incompatible"))
case *func(Page, io.Writer) error:
switch sTmplPtr := sourceTmplPtr.(type) {
case *func(Page, io.Writer) error:
overridenTemplates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*dTmplPtr = *sTmplPtr
LogError(errors.New("The source and destination templates are incompatible"))
log.Print("themeTmpl.Name: ", themeTmpl.Name)
log.Print("themeTmpl.Source: ", themeTmpl.Source)
LogError(errors.New("Unknown destination template type!"))
func (theme *Theme) setActive(active bool) error {
var sink bool
err := themeStmts.isDefault.QueryRow(theme.Name).Scan(&sink)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return err
hasTheme := err != sql.ErrNoRows
if hasTheme {
_, err = themeStmts.update.Exec(active, theme.Name)
} else {
_, err = themeStmts.add.Exec(theme.Name, active)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Think about what we want to do for multi-server configurations
log.Printf("Setting theme '%s' as the default theme", theme.Name)
theme.Active = active
return nil
func UpdateDefaultTheme(theme *Theme) error {
defer ChangeDefaultThemeMutex.Unlock()
err := theme.setActive(true)
if err != nil {
return err
defaultTheme := DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)
dtheme, ok := Themes[defaultTheme]
if !ok {
return ErrNoDefaultTheme
err = dtheme.setActive(false)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (theme Theme) HasDock(name string) bool {
for _, dock := range theme.Docks {
if dock == name {
return true
return false
func (theme Theme) BuildDock(dock string) (sbody string) {
runOnDock := theme.RunOnDock
if runOnDock != nil {
return runOnDock(dock)
return ""
type GzipResponseWriter struct {
func (w GzipResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return w.Writer.Write(b)
// NEW method of doing theme templates to allow one user to have a different theme to another. Under construction.
// TODO: Generate the type switch instead of writing it by hand
// TODO: Cut the number of types in half
func (theme *Theme) RunTmpl(template string, pi interface{}, w io.Writer) error {
// Unpack this to avoid an indirect call
gzw, ok := w.(GzipResponseWriter)
if ok {
w = gzw.Writer
var getTmpl = theme.GetTmpl(template)
switch tmplO := getTmpl.(type) {
case *func(CustomPagePage, io.Writer) error:
var tmpl = *tmplO
return tmpl(pi.(CustomPagePage), w)
case *func(TopicPage, io.Writer) error:
var tmpl = *tmplO
return tmpl(pi.(TopicPage), w)
case *func(TopicListPage, io.Writer) error:
var tmpl = *tmplO
return tmpl(pi.(TopicListPage), w)
case *func(ForumPage, io.Writer) error:
var tmpl = *tmplO
return tmpl(pi.(ForumPage), w)
case *func(ForumsPage, io.Writer) error:
var tmpl = *tmplO
return tmpl(pi.(ForumsPage), w)
case *func(ProfilePage, io.Writer) error:
var tmpl = *tmplO
return tmpl(pi.(ProfilePage), w)
case *func(CreateTopicPage, io.Writer) error:
var tmpl = *tmplO
return tmpl(pi.(CreateTopicPage), w)
case *func(IPSearchPage, io.Writer) error:
var tmpl = *tmplO
return tmpl(pi.(IPSearchPage), w)
case *func(Account, io.Writer) error:
var tmpl = *tmplO
return tmpl(pi.(Account), w)
case *func(ErrorPage, io.Writer) error:
var tmpl = *tmplO
return tmpl(pi.(ErrorPage), w)
case *func(Page, io.Writer) error:
var tmpl = *tmplO
return tmpl(pi.(Page), w)
case func(CustomPagePage, io.Writer) error:
return tmplO(pi.(CustomPagePage), w)
case func(TopicPage, io.Writer) error:
return tmplO(pi.(TopicPage), w)
case func(TopicListPage, io.Writer) error:
return tmplO(pi.(TopicListPage), w)
case func(ForumPage, io.Writer) error:
return tmplO(pi.(ForumPage), w)
case func(ForumsPage, io.Writer) error:
return tmplO(pi.(ForumsPage), w)
case func(ProfilePage, io.Writer) error:
return tmplO(pi.(ProfilePage), w)
case func(CreateTopicPage, io.Writer) error:
return tmplO(pi.(CreateTopicPage), w)
case func(IPSearchPage, io.Writer) error:
return tmplO(pi.(IPSearchPage), w)
case func(Account, io.Writer) error:
return tmplO(pi.(Account), w)
case func(ErrorPage, io.Writer) error:
return tmplO(pi.(ErrorPage), w)
case func(Page, io.Writer) error:
return tmplO(pi.(Page), w)
case nil, string:
mapping, ok := theme.TemplatesMap[template]
if !ok {
mapping = template
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
log.Print("theme ", theme)
log.Print("template ", template)
log.Print("pi ", pi)
log.Print("tmplO ", tmplO)
log.Print("getTmpl ", getTmpl)
valueOf := reflect.ValueOf(tmplO)
log.Print("initial valueOf.Type()", valueOf.Type())
for valueOf.Kind() == reflect.Interface || valueOf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
valueOf = valueOf.Elem()
log.Print("valueOf.Elem().Type() ", valueOf.Type())
log.Print("deferenced valueOf.Type() ", valueOf.Type())
log.Print("valueOf.Kind() ", valueOf.Kind())
return errors.New("Unknown template type")
// GetTmpl attempts to get the template for a specific theme, otherwise it falls back on the default template pointer, which if absent will fallback onto the template interpreter
func (theme *Theme) GetTmpl(template string) interface{} {
// TODO: Figure out why we're getting a nil pointer here when transpiled templates are disabled, I would have assumed that we would just fall back to !ok on this
// Might have something to do with it being the theme's TmplPtr map, investigate.
tmpl, ok := theme.TmplPtr[template]
if ok {
return tmpl
tmpl, ok = TmplPtrMap[template]
if ok {
return tmpl
return template