The update system now uses the database as the source of truth for the last version rather than lastSchema.json Refactored several structs and bits of code, so we can avoid allocations for contexts where we never use a relative time. Clicking on the relative times on the topic list and the forum page should now take you to the post on the last page rather than just the last page. Added the reltime template function. Fixed some obsolete bits of code. Fixed some spelling mistakes. Fixed a bug where MaxBytesReader was capped at the maxFileSize rather than r.ContentLength. All of the client side templates should work again now. Shortened some statement names to save some horizontal space. accUpdateBuilder and SimpleUpdate now use updatePrebuilder behind the scenes to simplify things. Renamed selectItem to builder in AccSelectBuilder. Added a Total() method to accCountBuilder to reduce the amount of boilerplate used for row count queries. The "_builder" strings have been replaced with empty strings to help save memory, to make things slightly faster and to open the door to removing the query name in many contexts down the line. Added the open_edit and close_edit client hooks. Removed many query name checks. Split the attachment logic into separate functions and de-duplicated it between replies and topics. Improved the UI for editing topics in Nox. Used type aliases to reduce the amount of boilerplate in tables.go and patches.go Reduced the amount of boilerplate in the action post logic. Eliminated a map and a slice in the topic page for users who haven't given any likes. E.g. Guests. Fixed some long out-dated parts of the update instructions. Updated the update instructions to remove mention of the obsolete lastSchema.json Fixed a bug in init.js where /api/me was being loaded for guests. Added the MiniTopicGet, GlobalCount and CountInTopic methods to AttachmentStore. Added the MiniAttachment struct. Split the mod floaters out into their own template to reduce duplication. Removed a couple of redundant ParseForms. Added the common.skipUntilIfExistsOrLine function. Added the NotFoundJS and NotFoundJSQ functions. Added the lastReplyID and attachCount columns to the topics table.
711 lines
22 KiB
711 lines
22 KiB
package common
import (
var Ctemplates []string // TODO: Use this to filter out top level templates we don't need
var Templates = template.New("")
var PrebuildTmplList []func(User, *Header) CTmpl
func skipCTmpl(key string) bool {
for _, tmpl := range Ctemplates {
if strings.HasSuffix(key, "/"+tmpl+".html") {
return true
return false
type CTmpl struct {
Name string
Filename string
Path string
StructName string
Data interface{}
Imports []string
// TODO: Refactor the template trees to not need these
// TODO: Stop duplicating these bits of code
// nolint
func interpretedTopicTemplate(pi TopicPage, w io.Writer) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["topic"]
if !ok {
mapping = "topic"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// nolint
var Template_topic_handle = interpretedTopicTemplate
var Template_topic_alt_handle = interpretedTopicTemplate
var Template_topic_alt_guest_handle = interpretedTopicTemplate
var Template_topic_alt_member_handle = interpretedTopicTemplate
// nolint
var Template_topics_handle = func(pi TopicListPage, w io.Writer) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["topics"]
if !ok {
mapping = "topics"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
var Template_topics_guest_handle = Template_topics_handle
var Template_topics_member_handle = Template_topics_handle
// nolint
var Template_forum_handle = func(pi ForumPage, w io.Writer) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["forum"]
if !ok {
mapping = "forum"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
var Template_forum_guest_handle = Template_forum_handle
var Template_forum_member_handle = Template_forum_handle
// nolint
var Template_forums_handle = func(pi ForumsPage, w io.Writer) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["forums"]
if !ok {
mapping = "forums"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
var Template_forums_guest_handle = Template_forums_handle
var Template_forums_member_handle = Template_forums_handle
// nolint
var Template_profile_handle = func(pi ProfilePage, w io.Writer) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["profile"]
if !ok {
mapping = "profile"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
var Template_profile_guest_handle = Template_profile_handle
var Template_profile_member_handle = Template_profile_handle
// nolint
var Template_create_topic_handle = func(pi CreateTopicPage, w io.Writer) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["create_topic"]
if !ok {
mapping = "create_topic"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// nolint
var Template_login_handle = func(pi Page, w io.Writer) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["login"]
if !ok {
mapping = "login"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// nolint
var Template_register_handle = func(pi Page, w io.Writer) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["register"]
if !ok {
mapping = "register"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// nolint
var Template_error_handle = func(pi ErrorPage, w io.Writer) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["error"]
if !ok {
mapping = "error"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// nolint
var Template_ip_search_handle = func(pi IPSearchPage, w io.Writer) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["ip_search"]
if !ok {
mapping = "ip_search"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// nolint
var Template_account_handle = func(pi Account, w io.Writer) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["account"]
if !ok {
mapping = "account"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
func tmplInitUsers() (User, User, User) {
avatar, microAvatar := BuildAvatar(62, "")
user := User{62, BuildProfileURL("fake-user", 62), "Fake User", "compiler@localhost", 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, GuestPerms, make(map[string]bool), "", false, "", avatar, microAvatar, "", "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, "", 0}
// TODO: Do a more accurate level calculation for this?
avatar, microAvatar = BuildAvatar(1, "")
user2 := User{1, BuildProfileURL("admin-alice", 1), "Admin Alice", "alice@localhost", 1, true, true, true, true, false, false, AllPerms, make(map[string]bool), "", true, "", avatar, microAvatar, "", "", "", "", 58, 1000, 0, "", 0}
avatar, microAvatar = BuildAvatar(2, "")
user3 := User{2, BuildProfileURL("admin-fred", 62), "Admin Fred", "fred@localhost", 1, true, true, true, true, false, false, AllPerms, make(map[string]bool), "", true, "", avatar, microAvatar, "", "", "", "", 42, 900, 0, "::1", 0}
return user, user2, user3
func tmplInitHeaders(user User, user2 User, user3 User) (*Header, *Header, *Header) {
header := &Header{
Site: Site,
Settings: SettingBox.Load().(SettingMap),
Themes: Themes,
Theme: Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)],
CurrentUser: user,
NoticeList: []string{"test"},
Stylesheets: []string{"panel"},
Scripts: []string{"whatever"},
Widgets: PageWidgets{
LeftSidebar: template.HTML("lalala"),
buildHeader := func(user User) *Header {
var head = &Header{Site: Site}
*head = *header
head.CurrentUser = user
return head
return header, buildHeader(user2), buildHeader(user3)
type TmplLoggedin struct {
Stub string
Guest string
Member string
type nobreak interface{}
// ? - Add template hooks?
func CompileTemplates() error {
var config tmpl.CTemplateConfig
config.Minify = Config.MinifyTemplates
config.Debug = Dev.DebugMode
config.SuperDebug = Dev.TemplateDebug
c := tmpl.NewCTemplateSet()
"io": "io",
"": "",
// Schemas to train the template compiler on what to expect
// TODO: Add support for interface{}s
user, user2, user3 := tmplInitUsers()
header, header2, _ := tmplInitHeaders(user, user2, user3)
now := time.Now()
log.Print("Compiling the templates")
poll := Poll{ID: 1, Type: 0, Options: map[int]string{0: "Nothing", 1: "Something"}, Results: map[int]int{0: 5, 1: 2}, QuickOptions: []PollOption{
PollOption{0, "Nothing"},
PollOption{1, "Something"},
}, VoteCount: 7}
avatar, microAvatar := BuildAvatar(62, "")
miniAttach := []*MiniAttachment{&MiniAttachment{Path: "/"}}
topic := TopicUser{1, "blah", "Blah", "Hey there!", 0, false, false, now, now, 1, 1, 0, "", "", 1, 0, 1, 0, "classname", poll.ID, "weird-data", BuildProfileURL("fake-user", 62), "Fake User", Config.DefaultGroup, avatar, microAvatar, 0, "", "", "", "", "", 58, false, miniAttach}
var replyList []ReplyUser
// TODO: Do we want the UID on this to be 0?
avatar, microAvatar = BuildAvatar(0, "")
replyList = append(replyList, ReplyUser{0, 0, "Yo!", "Yo!", 0, "alice", "Alice", Config.DefaultGroup, now, 0, 0, avatar, microAvatar, "", 0, "", "", "", "", 0, "", false, 1, "", ""})
var varList = make(map[string]tmpl.VarItem)
var compile = func(name string, expects string, expectsInt interface{}) (tmpl string, err error) {
return c.Compile(name+".html", "templates/", expects, expectsInt, varList)
var compileByLoggedin = func(name string, expects string, expectsInt interface{}) (tmpl TmplLoggedin, err error) {
stub, guest, member, err := c.CompileByLoggedin(name+".html", "templates/", expects, expectsInt, varList)
return TmplLoggedin{stub, guest, member}, err
header.Title = "Topic Name"
tpage := TopicPage{header, replyList, topic, &Forum{ID: 1, Name: "Hahaha"}, poll, Paginator{[]int{1}, 1, 1}}
tpage.Forum.Link = BuildForumURL(NameToSlug(tpage.Forum.Name), tpage.Forum.ID)
topicTmpl, err := compile("topic", "common.TopicPage", tpage)
if err != nil {
return err
/*topicAltTmpl, err := compile("topic_alt", "common.TopicPage", tpage)
if err != nil {
return err
topicAltTmpl, err := compileByLoggedin("topic_alt", "common.TopicPage", tpage)
if err != nil {
return err
varList = make(map[string]tmpl.VarItem)
header.Title = "User 526"
ppage := ProfilePage{header, replyList, user, 0, 0} // TODO: Use the score from user to generate the currentScore and nextScore
profileTmpl, err := compileByLoggedin("profile", "common.ProfilePage", ppage)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Use a dummy forum list to avoid o(n) problems
var forumList []Forum
forums, err := Forums.GetAll()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, forum := range forums {
forumList = append(forumList, *forum)
varList = make(map[string]tmpl.VarItem)
header.Title = "Forum List"
forumsPage := ForumsPage{header, forumList}
forumsTmpl, err := compileByLoggedin("forums", "common.ForumsPage", forumsPage)
if err != nil {
return err
var topicsList []*TopicsRow
topicsList = append(topicsList, &TopicsRow{1, "topic-title", "Topic Title", "The topic content.", 1, false, false, now, now, user3.ID, 1, 1, "", "", 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, "classname", "", &user2, "", 0, &user3, "General", "/forum/general.2"})
header2.Title = "Topic List"
topicListPage := TopicListPage{header, topicsList, forumList, Config.DefaultForum, TopicListSort{"lastupdated", false}, Paginator{[]int{1}, 1, 1}}
/*topicListTmpl, err := compile("topics", "common.TopicListPage", topicListPage)
if err != nil {
return err
topicListTmpl, err := compileByLoggedin("topics", "common.TopicListPage", topicListPage)
if err != nil {
return err
forumItem := BlankForum(1, "general-forum.1", "General Forum", "Where the general stuff happens", true, "all", 0, "", 0)
header.Title = "General Forum"
forumPage := ForumPage{header, topicsList, forumItem, Paginator{[]int{1}, 1, 1}}
forumTmpl, err := compileByLoggedin("forum", "common.ForumPage", forumPage)
if err != nil {
return err
header.Title = "Login Page"
loginPage := Page{header, tList, nil}
loginTmpl, err := compile("login", "common.Page", loginPage)
if err != nil {
return err
header.Title = "Registration Page"
registerPage := Page{header, tList, "nananana"}
registerTmpl, err := compile("register", "common.Page", registerPage)
if err != nil {
return err
header.Title = "Error"
errorPage := ErrorPage{header, "A problem has occurred in the system."}
errorTmpl, err := compile("error", "common.ErrorPage", errorPage)
if err != nil {
return err
var ipUserList = make(map[int]*User)
ipUserList[1] = &user2
header.Title = "IP Search"
ipSearchPage := IPSearchPage{header2, ipUserList, "::1"}
ipSearchTmpl, err := compile("ip_search", "common.IPSearchPage", ipSearchPage)
if err != nil {
return err
var inter nobreak
accountPage := Account{header, "dashboard", "account_own_edit", inter}
accountTmpl, err := compile("account", "common.Account", accountPage)
if err != nil {
return err
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var writeTemplate = func(name string, content interface{}) {
log.Print("Writing template '" + name + "'")
var writeTmpl = func(name string, content string) {
if content == "" {
log.Fatal("No content body for " + name)
err := writeFile("./template_"+name+".go", content)
if err != nil {
go func() {
switch content := content.(type) {
case string:
writeTmpl(name, content)
case TmplLoggedin:
writeTmpl(name, content.Stub)
writeTmpl(name+"_guest", content.Guest)
writeTmpl(name+"_member", content.Member)
// Let plugins register their own templates
DebugLog("Registering the templates for the plugins")
config = c.GetConfig()
config.SkipHandles = true
for _, tmplfunc := range PrebuildTmplList {
tmplItem := tmplfunc(user, header)
varList = make(map[string]tmpl.VarItem)
compiledTmpl, err := c.Compile(tmplItem.Filename, tmplItem.Path, tmplItem.StructName, tmplItem.Data, varList, tmplItem.Imports...)
if err != nil {
return err
writeTemplate(tmplItem.Name, compiledTmpl)
log.Print("Writing the templates")
writeTemplate("topic", topicTmpl)
writeTemplate("topic_alt", topicAltTmpl)
writeTemplate("profile", profileTmpl)
writeTemplate("forums", forumsTmpl)
writeTemplate("topics", topicListTmpl)
writeTemplate("forum", forumTmpl)
writeTemplate("login", loginTmpl)
writeTemplate("register", registerTmpl)
writeTemplate("ip_search", ipSearchTmpl)
writeTemplate("account", accountTmpl)
writeTemplate("error", errorTmpl)
writeTemplateList(c, &wg, "./")
return nil
func CompileJSTemplates() error {
log.Print("Compiling the JS templates")
var config tmpl.CTemplateConfig
config.Minify = Config.MinifyTemplates
config.Debug = Dev.DebugMode
config.SuperDebug = Dev.TemplateDebug
config.SkipHandles = true
config.SkipTmplPtrMap = true
config.SkipInitBlock = false
config.PackageName = "tmpl"
c := tmpl.NewCTemplateSet()
"io": "io",
"": "",
user, user2, user3 := tmplInitUsers()
header, _, _ := tmplInitHeaders(user, user2, user3)
now := time.Now()
var varList = make(map[string]tmpl.VarItem)
// TODO: Check what sort of path is sent exactly and use it here
alertItem := alerts.AlertItem{Avatar: "", ASID: 1, Path: "/", Message: "uh oh, something happened"}
alertTmpl, err := c.Compile("alert.html", "templates/", "alerts.AlertItem", alertItem, varList)
if err != nil {
return err
"io": "io",
"": "",
// TODO: Fix the import loop so we don't have to use this hack anymore
var topicsRow = &TopicsRow{1, "topic-title", "Topic Title", "The topic content.", 1, false, false, now, now, user3.ID, 1, 1, "", "", 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, "classname", "", &user2, "", 0, &user3, "General", "/forum/general.2"}
topicListItemTmpl, err := c.Compile("topics_topic.html", "templates/", "*common.TopicsRow", topicsRow, varList)
if err != nil {
return err
poll := Poll{ID: 1, Type: 0, Options: map[int]string{0: "Nothing", 1: "Something"}, Results: map[int]int{0: 5, 1: 2}, QuickOptions: []PollOption{
PollOption{0, "Nothing"},
PollOption{1, "Something"},
}, VoteCount: 7}
avatar, microAvatar := BuildAvatar(62, "")
miniAttach := []*MiniAttachment{&MiniAttachment{Path: "/"}}
topic := TopicUser{1, "blah", "Blah", "Hey there!", 62, false, false, now, now, 1, 1, 0, "", "", 1, 0, 1, 0, "classname", poll.ID, "weird-data", BuildProfileURL("fake-user", 62), "Fake User", Config.DefaultGroup, avatar, microAvatar, 0, "", "", "", "", "", 58, false, miniAttach}
var replyList []ReplyUser
// TODO: Do we really want the UID here to be zero?
avatar, microAvatar = BuildAvatar(0, "")
replyList = append(replyList, ReplyUser{0, 0, "Yo!", "Yo!", 0, "alice", "Alice", Config.DefaultGroup, now, 0, 0, avatar, microAvatar, "", 0, "", "", "", "", 0, "", false, 1, "", ""})
varList = make(map[string]tmpl.VarItem)
header.Title = "Topic Name"
tpage := TopicPage{header, replyList, topic, &Forum{ID: 1, Name: "Hahaha"}, poll, Paginator{[]int{1}, 1, 1}}
tpage.Forum.Link = BuildForumURL(NameToSlug(tpage.Forum.Name), tpage.Forum.ID)
topicPostsTmpl, err := c.Compile("topic_posts.html", "templates/", "common.TopicPage", tpage, varList)
if err != nil {
return err
topicAltPostsTmpl, err := c.Compile("topic_alt_posts.html", "templates/", "common.TopicPage", tpage, varList)
if err != nil {
return err
var dirPrefix = "./tmpl_client/"
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var writeTemplate = func(name string, content string) {
log.Print("Writing template '" + name + "'")
if content == "" {
log.Fatal("No content body")
go func() {
err := writeFile(dirPrefix+"template_"+name+".go", content)
if err != nil {
writeTemplate("alert", alertTmpl)
writeTemplate("topics_topic", topicListItemTmpl)
writeTemplate("topic_posts", topicPostsTmpl)
writeTemplate("topic_alt_posts", topicAltPostsTmpl)
writeTemplateList(c, &wg, dirPrefix)
return nil
func writeTemplateList(c *tmpl.CTemplateSet, wg *sync.WaitGroup, prefix string) {
log.Print("Writing template list")
go func() {
out := "package " + c.GetConfig().PackageName + "\n\n"
var getterstr = "\n// nolint\nGetFrag = func(name string) [][]byte {\nswitch(name) {\n"
for templateName, count := range c.TemplateFragmentCount {
out += "var " + templateName + "_frags = make([][]byte," + strconv.Itoa(count) + ")\n"
getterstr += "\tcase \"" + templateName + "\":\n"
getterstr += "\treturn " + templateName + "_frags\n"
getterstr += "}\nreturn nil\n}\n"
out += "\n// nolint\nfunc init() {\n"
var bodyMap = make(map[string]string) //map[body]fragmentPrefix
//var tmplMap = make(map[string]map[string]string) // map[tmpl]map[body]fragmentPrefix
var tmpCount = 0
for _, frag := range c.FragOut {
front := frag.TmplName + "_frags[" + strconv.Itoa(frag.Index) + "]"
/*bodyMap, tok := tmplMap[frag.TmplName]
if !tok {
tmplMap[frag.TmplName] = make(map[string]string)
bodyMap = tmplMap[frag.TmplName]
fp, ok := bodyMap[frag.Body]
if !ok {
bodyMap[frag.Body] = front
var bits string
for _, char := range []byte(frag.Body) {
if char == '\'' {
bits += "'\\" + string(char) + "',"
} else {
bits += "'" + string(char) + "',"
tmpStr := strconv.Itoa(tmpCount)
out += "arr_" + tmpStr + " := [...]byte{" + bits + "}\n"
out += front + " = arr_" + tmpStr + "[:]\n"
//out += front + " = []byte(`" + frag.Body + "`)\n"
} else {
out += front + " = " + fp + "\n"
out += "\n" + getterstr + "}\n"
err := writeFile(prefix+"template_list.go", out)
if err != nil {
func arithToInt64(in interface{}) (out int64) {
switch in := in.(type) {
case int64:
out = in
case int32:
out = int64(in)
case int:
out = int64(in)
case uint32:
out = int64(in)
case uint16:
out = int64(in)
case uint8:
out = int64(in)
case uint:
out = int64(in)
return out
func arithDuoToInt64(left interface{}, right interface{}) (leftInt int64, rightInt int64) {
return arithToInt64(left), arithToInt64(right)
func InitTemplates() error {
DebugLog("Initialising the template system")
// TODO: Add support for floats
fmap := make(map[string]interface{})
fmap["add"] = func(left interface{}, right interface{}) interface{} {
leftInt, rightInt := arithDuoToInt64(left, right)
return leftInt + rightInt
fmap["subtract"] = func(left interface{}, right interface{}) interface{} {
leftInt, rightInt := arithDuoToInt64(left, right)
return leftInt - rightInt
fmap["multiply"] = func(left interface{}, right interface{}) interface{} {
leftInt, rightInt := arithDuoToInt64(left, right)
return leftInt * rightInt
fmap["divide"] = func(left interface{}, right interface{}) interface{} {
leftInt, rightInt := arithDuoToInt64(left, right)
if leftInt == 0 || rightInt == 0 {
return 0
return leftInt / rightInt
fmap["dock"] = func(dock interface{}, headerInt interface{}) interface{} {
return template.HTML(BuildWidget(dock.(string), headerInt.(*Header)))
fmap["elapsed"] = func(startedAtInt interface{}) interface{} {
return time.Since(startedAtInt.(time.Time)).String()
fmap["lang"] = func(phraseNameInt interface{}) interface{} {
phraseName, ok := phraseNameInt.(string)
if !ok {
panic("phraseNameInt is not a string")
// TODO: Log non-existent phrases?
return template.HTML(phrases.GetTmplPhrase(phraseName))
// TODO: Implement this in the template generator too
fmap["langf"] = func(phraseNameInt interface{}, args ...interface{}) interface{} {
phraseName, ok := phraseNameInt.(string)
if !ok {
panic("phraseNameInt is not a string")
// TODO: Log non-existent phrases?
// TODO: Optimise TmplPhrasef so we don't use slow Sprintf there
return template.HTML(phrases.GetTmplPhrasef(phraseName, args...))
fmap["level"] = func(levelInt interface{}) interface{} {
level, ok := levelInt.(int)
if !ok {
panic("levelInt is not an integer")
return template.HTML(phrases.GetLevelPhrase(level))
fmap["abstime"] = func(timeInt interface{}) interface{} {
time, ok := timeInt.(time.Time)
if !ok {
panic("timeInt is not a time.Time")
return time.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
fmap["reltime"] = func(timeInt interface{}) interface{} {
time, ok := timeInt.(time.Time)
if !ok {
panic("timeInt is not a time.Time")
return RelativeTime(time)
fmap["scope"] = func(name interface{}) interface{} {
return ""
fmap["dyntmpl"] = func(nameInt interface{}, pageInt interface{}, headerInt interface{}) interface{} {
header := headerInt.(*Header)
err := header.Theme.RunTmpl(nameInt.(string), pageInt, header.Writer)
if err != nil {
return err
return ""
// The interpreted templates...
DebugLog("Loading the template files...")
templateFiles, err := filepath.Glob("templates/*.html")
if err != nil {
return err
var templateFileMap = make(map[string]int)
for index, path := range templateFiles {
path = strings.Replace(path, "\\", "/", -1)
log.Print("templateFile: ", path)
if skipCTmpl(path) {
templateFileMap[path] = index
overrideFiles, err := filepath.Glob("templates/overrides/*.html")
if err != nil {
return err
for _, path := range overrideFiles {
path = strings.Replace(path, "\\", "/", -1)
log.Print("overrideFile: ", path)
if skipCTmpl(path) {
index, ok := templateFileMap["templates/"+strings.TrimPrefix(path, "templates/overrides/")]
if !ok {
log.Print("not ok: templates/" + strings.TrimPrefix(path, "templates/overrides/"))
templateFiles = append(templateFiles, path)
templateFiles[index] = path
return nil