Added Attachments. Added Attachment Media Embeds. Renamed a load of *Store and *Cache methods to reduce the amount of unneccesary typing. Added petabytes as a unit and cleaned up a few of the friendly units. Refactored the username change logic to make it easier to maintain. Refactored the avatar change logic to make it easier to maintain. Shadow now uses CSS Variables for most of it's colours. We have plans to transpile this to support older browsers later on! Snuck some CSS Variables into Tempra Conflux. Added the GroupCache interface to MemoryGroupStore. Added the Length method to MemoryGroupStore. Added support for a site short name. Added the UploadFiles permission. Renamed more functions. Fixed the background for the left gutter on the postbit for Tempra Simple and Shadow. Added support for if statements operating on int8, int16, int32, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float32, and float64 for the template compiler. Added support for if statements operating on slices and maps for the template compiler. Fixed a security exploit in reply editing. Fixed a bug in the URL detector in the parser where it couldn't find URLs with non-standard ports. Fixed buttons having blue outlines on focus on Shadow. Refactored the topic creation logic to make it easier to maintain. Made a few responsive fixes, but there's still more to do in the following commits!
430 lines
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430 lines
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* Utility Functions And Stuff
* Copyright Azareal 2017 - 2018
package main
import (
// Version stores a Gosora version
type Version struct {
Major int
Minor int
Patch int
Tag string
TagID int
// TODO: Write a test for this
func (version *Version) String() (out string) {
out = strconv.Itoa(version.Major) + "." + strconv.Itoa(version.Minor) + "." + strconv.Itoa(version.Patch)
if version.Tag != "" {
out += "-" + version.Tag
if version.TagID != 0 {
out += strconv.Itoa(version.TagID)
// GenerateSafeString is for generating a cryptographically secure set of random bytes...
// TODO: Write a test for this
func GenerateSafeString(length int) (string, error) {
rb := make([]byte, length)
_, err := rand.Read(rb)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(rb), nil
// TODO: Write a test for this
func relativeTime(in string) (string, error) {
if in == "" {
return "", nil
t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", in)
if err != nil {
return "", err
diff := time.Since(t)
hours := diff.Hours()
seconds := diff.Seconds()
weeks := int(hours / 24 / 7)
months := int(hours / 24 / 31)
switch {
case months > 11:
//return t.Format("Mon Jan 2 2006"), err
return t.Format("Jan 2 2006"), err
case months > 1:
return fmt.Sprintf("%d months ago", months), err
case months == 1:
return "a month ago", err
case weeks > 1:
return fmt.Sprintf("%d weeks ago", weeks), err
case int(hours/24) == 7:
return "a week ago", err
case int(hours/24) == 1:
return "1 day ago", err
case int(hours/24) > 1:
return fmt.Sprintf("%d days ago", int(hours/24)), err
case seconds <= 1:
return "a moment ago", err
case seconds < 60:
return fmt.Sprintf("%d seconds ago", int(seconds)), err
case seconds < 120:
return "a minute ago", err
case seconds < 3600:
return fmt.Sprintf("%d minutes ago", int(seconds/60)), err
case seconds < 7200:
return "an hour ago", err
return fmt.Sprintf("%d hours ago", int(seconds/60/60)), err
// TODO: Write a test for this
func convertByteUnit(bytes float64) (float64, string) {
switch {
case bytes >= float64(petabyte):
return bytes / float64(petabyte), "PB"
case bytes >= float64(terabyte):
return bytes / float64(terabyte), "TB"
case bytes >= float64(gigabyte):
return bytes / float64(gigabyte), "GB"
case bytes >= float64(megabyte):
return bytes / float64(megabyte), "MB"
case bytes >= float64(kilobyte):
return bytes / float64(kilobyte), "KB"
return bytes, " bytes"
// TODO: Write a test for this
func convertByteInUnit(bytes float64, unit string) (count float64) {
switch unit {
case "PB":
count = bytes / float64(petabyte)
case "TB":
count = bytes / float64(terabyte)
case "GB":
count = bytes / float64(gigabyte)
case "MB":
count = bytes / float64(megabyte)
case "KB":
count = bytes / float64(kilobyte)
count = 0.1
if count < 0.1 {
count = 0.1
// TODO: Write a test for this
func convertUnit(num int) (int, string) {
switch {
case num >= 1000000000000:
return num / 1000000000000, "T"
case num >= 1000000000:
return num / 1000000000, "B"
case num >= 1000000:
return num / 1000000, "M"
case num >= 1000:
return num / 1000, "K"
return num, ""
// TODO: Write a test for this
func convertFriendlyUnit(num int) (int, string) {
switch {
case num >= 1000000000000000:
return 0, " quadrillion"
case num >= 1000000000000:
return 0, " trillion"
case num >= 1000000000:
return num / 1000000000, " billion"
case num >= 1000000:
return num / 1000000, " million"
case num >= 1000:
return num / 1000, " thousand"
return num, ""
func nameToSlug(name string) (slug string) {
name = strings.TrimSpace(name)
name = strings.Replace(name, " ", " ", -1)
for _, char := range name {
if unicode.IsLower(char) || unicode.IsNumber(char) {
slug += string(char)
} else if unicode.IsUpper(char) {
slug += string(unicode.ToLower(char))
} else if unicode.IsSpace(char) {
slug += "-"
if slug == "" {
slug = "untitled"
return slug
func SendEmail(email string, subject string, msg string) (res bool) {
// This hook is useful for plugin_sendmail or for testing tools. Possibly to hook it into some sort of mail server?
if vhooks["email_send_intercept"] != nil {
return vhooks["email_send_intercept"](email, subject, msg).(bool)
body := "Subject: " + subject + "\n\n" + msg + "\n"
con, err := smtp.Dial(config.SMTPServer + ":" + config.SMTPPort)
if err != nil {
if config.SMTPUsername != "" {
auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", config.SMTPUsername, config.SMTPPassword, config.SMTPServer)
err = con.Auth(auth)
if err != nil {
err = con.Mail(site.Email)
if err != nil {
err = con.Rcpt(email)
if err != nil {
emailData, err := con.Data()
if err != nil {
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(emailData, body)
if err != nil {
err = emailData.Close()
if err != nil {
err = con.Quit()
if err != nil {
return true
// TODO: Write a test for this
func weakPassword(password string) error {
if len(password) < 8 {
return errors.New("your password needs to be at-least eight characters long")
var charMap = make(map[rune]int)
var numbers /*letters, */, symbols, upper, lower int
for _, char := range password {
charItem, ok := charMap[char]
if ok {
} else {
charItem = 1
charMap[char] = charItem
if unicode.IsLetter(char) {
if unicode.IsUpper(char) {
} else {
} else if unicode.IsNumber(char) {
} else {
// TODO: Disable the linter on these and fix up the grammar
if numbers == 0 {
return errors.New("you don't have any numbers in your password")
/*if letters == 0 {
return errors.New("You don't have any letters in your password.")
if upper == 0 {
return errors.New("you don't have any uppercase characters in your password")
if lower == 0 {
return errors.New("you don't have any lowercase characters in your password")
if (len(password) / 2) > len(charMap) {
return errors.New("you don't have enough unique characters in your password")
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(password), "test") || /*strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(password),"123456") || */ strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(password), "123") || strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(password), "password") || strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(password), "qwerty") {
return errors.New("you may not have 'test', '123', 'password' or 'qwerty' in your password")
return nil
// TODO: Write a test for this
func createFile(name string) error {
f, err := os.Create(name)
if err != nil {
return err
return f.Close()
// TODO: Write a test for this
func writeFile(name string, content string) (err error) {
f, err := os.Create(name)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = f.WriteString(content)
if err != nil {
return err
err = f.Sync()
if err != nil {
return err
return f.Close()
// TODO: Write a test for this
func Stripslashes(text string) string {
text = strings.Replace(text, "/", "", -1)
return strings.Replace(text, "\\", "", -1)
// TODO: Write a test for this
func wordCount(input string) (count int) {
input = strings.TrimSpace(input)
if input == "" {
return 0
var inSpace bool
for _, value := range input {
if unicode.IsSpace(value) {
if !inSpace {
inSpace = true
} else if inSpace {
inSpace = false
return count + 1
// TODO: Write a test for this
func getLevel(score int) (level int) {
var base float64 = 25
var current, prev float64
var expFactor = 2.8
for i := 1; ; i++ {
_, bit := math.Modf(float64(i) / 10)
if bit == 0 {
expFactor += 0.1
current = base + math.Pow(float64(i), expFactor) + (prev / 3)
prev = current
if float64(score) < current {
return level
// TODO: Write a test for this
func getLevelScore(getLevel int) (score int) {
var base float64 = 25
var current, prev float64
var level int
expFactor := 2.8
for i := 1; ; i++ {
_, bit := math.Modf(float64(i) / 10)
if bit == 0 {
expFactor += 0.1
current = base + math.Pow(float64(i), expFactor) + (prev / 3)
prev = current
if level <= getLevel {
return int(math.Ceil(current))
// TODO: Write a test for this
func getLevels(maxLevel int) []float64 {
var base float64 = 25
var current, prev float64 // = 0
var expFactor = 2.8
var out []float64
out = append(out, 0)
for i := 1; i <= maxLevel; i++ {
_, bit := math.Modf(float64(i) / 10)
if bit == 0 {
expFactor += 0.1
current = base + math.Pow(float64(i), expFactor) + (prev / 3)
prev = current
out = append(out, current)
return out
func buildSlug(slug string, id int) string {
if slug == "" {
return strconv.Itoa(id)
return slug + "." + strconv.Itoa(id)
func addModLog(action string, elementID int, elementType string, ipaddress string, actorID int) (err error) {
_, err = addModlogEntryStmt.Exec(action, elementID, elementType, ipaddress, actorID)
return err
func addAdminLog(action string, elementID string, elementType int, ipaddress string, actorID int) (err error) {
_, err = addAdminlogEntryStmt.Exec(action, elementID, elementType, ipaddress, actorID)
return err