Honor user blocks in ProfileReplyEditSubmit. Reduce boilerplate. Update account_privacy_profile_comments phrase. Add account_privacy_profile_comments_public phrase. Add account_privacy_profile_comments_registered phrase. Add account_privacy_profile_comments_self phrase. Add account_privacy_enable_embeds phrase. Add profile_comments column to users table. Add who_can_convo column to users table. You will need to run the updater / patcher for this commit.
828 lines
24 KiB
828 lines
24 KiB
package main
import qgen "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/query_gen"
var mysqlPre = "utf8mb4"
var mysqlCol = "utf8mb4_general_ci"
var tables []string
type tblColumn = qgen.DBTableColumn
type tC = tblColumn
type tblKey = qgen.DBTableKey
func createTables(a qgen.Adapter) error {
tables = nil
f := func(table, charset, collation string, cols []tC, keys []tblKey) error {
tables = append(tables, table)
return qgen.Install.CreateTable(table, charset, collation, cols, keys)
return createTables2(a, f)
func createTables2(a qgen.Adapter, f func(table, charset, collation string, columns []tC, keys []tblKey) error) (err error) {
createTable := func(table, charset, collation string, cols []tC, keys []tblKey) {
if err != nil {
err = f(table, charset, collation, cols, keys)
bcol := func(col string, val bool) qgen.DBTableColumn {
if val {
return tC{col, "boolean", 0, false, false, "1"}
return tC{col, "boolean", 0, false, false, "0"}
ccol := func(col string, size int, sdefault string) qgen.DBTableColumn {
return tC{col, "varchar", size, false, false, sdefault}
text := func(params ...string) qgen.DBTableColumn {
if len(params) == 0 {
return tC{"", "text", 0, false, false, ""}
col, sdefault := params[0], ""
if len(params) > 1 {
sdefault = params[1]
if sdefault == "" {
sdefault = "''"
return tC{col, "text", 0, false, false, sdefault}
createdAt := func(coll ...string) qgen.DBTableColumn {
var col string
if len(coll) > 0 {
col = coll[0]
if col == "" {
col = "createdAt"
return tC{col, "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""}
createTable("users", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"uid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
ccol("name", 100, ""),
ccol("password", 100, ""),
ccol("salt", 80, "''"),
tC{"group", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
bcol("active", false),
bcol("is_super_admin", false),
tC{"lastActiveAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("session", 200, "''"),
//ccol("authToken", 200, "''"),
ccol("last_ip", 200, "''"),
tC{"profile_comments", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"who_can_convo", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"enable_embeds", "int", 0, false, false, "-1"},
ccol("email", 200, "''"),
ccol("avatar", 100, "''"),
// TODO: Drop these columns?
ccol("url_prefix", 20, "''"),
ccol("url_name", 100, "''"),
tC{"level", "smallint", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"score", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"posts", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"bigposts", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"megaposts", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"topics", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"liked", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
// These two are to bound liked queries with little bits of information we know about the user to reduce the server load
tC{"oldestItemLikedCreatedAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""}, // For internal use only, semantics may change
tC{"lastLiked", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""}, // For internal use only, semantics may change
tC{"temp_group", "int", 0, false, false, "0"}, // For temporary groups, set this to zero when a temporary group isn't in effect
tK{"uid", "primary", "", false},
tK{"name", "unique", "", false},
createTable("users_groups", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"gid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
ccol("name", 100, ""),
bcol("is_mod", false),
bcol("is_admin", false),
bcol("is_banned", false),
tC{"user_count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"}, // TODO: Implement this
ccol("tag", 50, "''"),
tK{"gid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("users_groups_promotions", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"pid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tC{"from_gid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"to_gid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
bcol("two_way", false), // If a user no longer meets the requirements for this promotion then they will be demoted if this flag is set
// Requirements
tC{"level", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"posts", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"minTime", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // How long someone needs to have been in their current group before being promoted
tC{"registeredFor", "int", 0, false, false, "0"}, // minutes
tK{"pid", "primary", "", false},
// TODO: Test to see that the compound primary key works
tblKey{"prid,uid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("users_2fa_keys", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("secret", 100, ""),
ccol("scratch1", 50, ""),
ccol("scratch2", 50, ""),
ccol("scratch3", 50, ""),
ccol("scratch4", 50, ""),
ccol("scratch5", 50, ""),
ccol("scratch6", 50, ""),
ccol("scratch7", 50, ""),
ccol("scratch8", 50, ""),
tC{"createdAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
tblKey{"uid", "primary", "", false},
// What should we do about global penalties? Put them on the users table for speed? Or keep them here?
// Should we add IP Penalties? No, that's a stupid idea, just implement IP Bans properly. What about shadowbans?
// TODO: Perm overrides
// TODO: Add a mod-queue and other basic auto-mod features. This is needed for awaiting activation and the mod_queue penalty flag
// TODO: Add a penalty type where a user is stopped from creating plugin_guilds social groups
// TODO: Shadow bans. We will probably have a CanShadowBan permission for this, as we *really* don't want people using this lightly.
ccol("element_type",50,""), //forum, profile?, and social_group. Leave blank for global.
bcol("no_avatar",false), // Coming Soon. Should this be a perm override instead?
// Do we *really* need rate-limit penalty types? Are we going to be allowing bots or something?
//tC{"last_hour","int",0,false,false,"0"}, // UNIX Time, as we don't need to do anything too fancy here. When an hour has elapsed since that time, reset the hourly penalty counters.
}, nil,
createTable("users_groups_scheduler", "", "",
tC{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"set_group", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"issued_by", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"revert_at", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"temporary", "boolean", 0, false, false, ""}, // special case for permanent bans to do the necessary bookkeeping, might be removed in the future
tblKey{"uid", "primary", "", false},
// TODO: Can we use a piece of software dedicated to persistent queues for this rather than relying on the database for it?
createTable("users_avatar_queue", "", "",
tC{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblKey{"uid", "primary", "", false},
// TODO: Should we add a users prefix to this table to fit the "unofficial convention"?
// TODO: Add an autoincrement key?
createTable("emails", "", "",
ccol("email", 200, ""),
tC{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
bcol("validated", false),
ccol("token", 200, "''"),
}, nil,
// TODO: Allow for patterns in domains, if the bots try to shake things up there?
createTable("email_domain_blacklist", "", "",
ccol("domain", 200, ""),
bcol("gtld", false),
tK{"domain", "primary"},
// TODO: Implement password resets
createTable("password_resets", "", "",
ccol("email", 200, ""),
tC{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
ccol("validated", 200, ""), // Token given once the one-use token is consumed, used to prevent multiple people consuming the same one-use token
ccol("token", 200, ""),
}, nil,
createTable("forums", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"fid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
ccol("name", 100, ""),
ccol("desc", 200, ""),
ccol("tmpl", 200, "''"),
bcol("active", true),
tC{"order", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"topicCount", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
ccol("preset", 100, "''"),
tC{"parentID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
ccol("parentType", 50, "''"),
tC{"lastTopicID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"lastReplyerID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblKey{"fid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("forums_permissions", "", "",
tC{"fid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"gid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("preset", 100, "''"),
text("permissions", "{}"),
// TODO: Test to see that the compound primary key works
tblKey{"fid,gid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("topics", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"tid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
ccol("title", 100, ""), // TODO: Increase the max length to 200?
tC{"lastReplyAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"lastReplyBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"lastReplyID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"createdBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
bcol("is_closed", false),
bcol("sticky", false),
// TODO: Add an index for this
tC{"parentID", "int", 0, false, false, "2"},
ccol("ip", 200, "''"),
tC{"postCount", "int", 0, false, false, "1"},
tC{"likeCount", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"attachCount", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"words", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"views", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
//tC{"dailyViews", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
//tC{"weeklyViews", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
//tC{"monthlyViews", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
// ? - A little hacky, maybe we could do something less likely to bite us with huge numbers of topics?
// TODO: Add an index for this?
//tC{"lastMonth", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("css_class", 100, "''"),
tC{"poll", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
ccol("data", 200, "''"),
tK{"tid", "primary", "", false},
tK{"title", "fulltext", "", false},
tK{"content", "fulltext", "", false},
createTable("replies", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"rid", "int", 0, false, true, ""}, // TODO: Rename to replyID?
tC{"tid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Rename to topicID?
tC{"createdBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tC{"lastEdit", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"lastEditBy", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"lastUpdated", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("ip", 200, "''"),
tC{"likeCount", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"attachCount", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"words", "int", 0, false, false, "1"}, // ? - replies has a default of 1 and topics has 0? why?
ccol("actionType", 20, "''"),
tC{"poll", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tK{"rid", "primary", "", false},
tK{"content", "fulltext", "", false},
createTable("attachments", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"attachID", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tC{"sectionID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
ccol("sectionTable", 200, "forums"),
tC{"originID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("originTable", 200, "replies"),
tC{"uploadedBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO; Make this a foreign key
ccol("path", 200, ""),
ccol("extra", 200, ""),
tblKey{"attachID", "primary", "", false},
createTable("revisions", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"reviseID", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tC{"contentID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("contentType", 100, "replies"),
// TODO: Add a createdBy column?
tblKey{"reviseID", "primary", "", false},
createTable("polls", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"pollID", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tC{"parentID", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
ccol("parentTable", 100, "topics"), // topics, replies
tC{"type", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"options", "json", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"votes", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tblKey{"pollID", "primary", "", false},
createTable("polls_options", "", "",
tC{"pollID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"option", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"votes", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
}, nil,
createTable("polls_votes", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"pollID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tC{"option", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
ccol("ip", 200, "''"),
}, nil,
createTable("users_replies", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"rid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tC{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tC{"createdBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tC{"lastEdit", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"lastEditBy", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
ccol("ip", 200, "''"),
tblKey{"rid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("likes", "", "",
tC{"weight", "tinyint", 0, false, false, "1"},
tC{"targetItem", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("targetType", 50, "replies"),
tC{"sentBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tC{"recalc", "tinyint", 0, false, false, "0"},
}, nil,
//columns("participants, createdBy, createdAt, lastReplyBy, lastReplyAt").Where("cid = ?")
createTable("conversations", "", "",
tC{"cid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tC{"createdBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tC{"lastReplyAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"lastReplyBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tblKey{"cid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("conversations_posts", "", "",
tC{"pid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tC{"cid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"createdBy", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("body", 50, ""),
ccol("post", 50, "''"),
tblKey{"pid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("conversations_participants", "", "",
tC{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"cid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
createTable("users_friends", "", "",
tC{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"uid2", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
createTable("users_friends_invites", "", "",
tC{"requester", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"target", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
createTable("users_blocks", "", "",
tC{"blocker", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"blockedUser", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
createTable("activity_stream_matches", "", "",
tC{"watcher", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tC{"asid", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tblKey{"asid,asid", "foreign", "activity_stream", true},
createTable("activity_stream", "", "",
tC{"asid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tC{"actor", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, /* the one doing the act */ // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tC{"targetUser", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, /* the user who created the item the actor is acting on, some items like forums may lack a targetUser field */
ccol("event", 50, ""), /* mention, like, reply (as in the act of replying to an item, not the reply item type, you can "reply" to a forum by making a topic in it), friend_invite */
ccol("elementType", 50, ""), /* topic, post (calling it post here to differentiate it from the 'reply' event), forum, user */
// replacement for elementType
tC{"elementTable", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"elementID", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, /* the ID of the element being acted upon */
ccol("extra", 200, "''"),
tK{"asid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("activity_subscriptions", "", "",
tC{"user", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tC{"targetID", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, /* the ID of the element being acted upon */
ccol("targetType", 50, ""), /* topic, post (calling it post here to differentiate it from the 'reply' event), forum, user */
tC{"level", "int", 0, false, false, "0"}, /* 0: Mentions (aka the global default for any post), 1: Replies To You, 2: All Replies*/
}, nil,
/* Due to MySQL's design, we have to drop the unique keys for table settings, plugins, and themes down from 200 to 180 or it will error */
createTable("settings", "", "",
ccol("name", 180, ""),
ccol("content", 250, ""),
ccol("type", 50, ""),
ccol("constraints", 200, "''"),
tblKey{"name", "unique", "", false},
createTable("word_filters", "", "",
tC{"wfid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
ccol("find", 200, ""),
ccol("replacement", 200, ""),
tblKey{"wfid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("plugins", "", "",
ccol("uname", 180, ""),
bcol("active", false),
bcol("installed", false),
tblKey{"uname", "unique", "", false},
createTable("themes", "", "",
ccol("uname", 180, ""),
bcol("default", false),
tblKey{"uname", "unique", "", false},
createTable("widgets", "", "",
tC{"wid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tC{"position", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("side", 100, ""),
ccol("type", 100, ""),
bcol("active", false),
ccol("location", 100, ""),
tblKey{"wid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("menus", "", "",
tC{"mid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tblKey{"mid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("menu_items", "", "",
tC{"miid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tC{"mid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("name", 200, "''"),
ccol("htmlID", 200, "''"),
ccol("cssClass", 200, "''"),
ccol("position", 100, ""),
ccol("path", 200, "''"),
ccol("aria", 200, "''"),
ccol("tooltip", 200, "''"),
ccol("tmplName", 200, "''"),
tC{"order", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
bcol("guestOnly", false),
bcol("memberOnly", false),
bcol("staffOnly", false),
bcol("adminOnly", false),
tK{"miid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("pages", mysqlPre, mysqlCol,
tC{"pid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
//ccol("path", 200, ""),
ccol("name", 200, ""),
ccol("title", 200, ""),
// TODO: Make this a table?
tC{"menuID", "int", 0, false, false, "-1"}, // simple sidebar menu
tK{"pid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("registration_logs", "", "",
tC{"rlid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
ccol("username", 100, ""),
tC{"email", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
ccol("failureReason", 100, ""),
bcol("success", false), // Did this attempt succeed?
ccol("ipaddress", 200, ""),
tblKey{"rlid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("login_logs", "", "",
tC{"lid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
tC{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
bcol("success", false), // Did this attempt succeed?
ccol("ipaddress", 200, ""),
tblKey{"lid", "primary", "", false},
createTable("moderation_logs", "", "",
ccol("action", 100, ""),
tC{"elementID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("elementType", 100, ""),
ccol("ipaddress", 200, ""),
tC{"actorID", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tC{"doneAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
createTable("administration_logs", "", "",
ccol("action", 100, ""),
tC{"elementID", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("elementType", 100, ""),
ccol("ipaddress", 200, ""),
tC{"actorID", "int", 0, false, false, ""}, // TODO: Make this a foreign key
tC{"doneAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
createTable("viewchunks", "", "",
tC{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"avg", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("route", 200, ""), // TODO: set a default empty here
}, nil,
createTable("viewchunks_agents", "", "",
tC{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("browser", 200, ""), // googlebot, firefox, opera, etc.
//ccol("version",0,""), // the version of the browser or bot
}, nil,
createTable("viewchunks_systems", "", "",
tC{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("system", 200, ""), // windows, android, unknown, etc.
}, nil,
createTable("viewchunks_langs", "", "",
tC{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("lang", 200, ""), // en, ru, etc.
}, nil,
createTable("viewchunks_referrers", "", "",
tC{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
ccol("domain", 200, ""),
}, nil,
createTable("viewchunks_forums", "", "",
tC{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
tC{"forum", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
createTable("topicchunks", "", "",
tC{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
// TODO: Add a column for the parent forum?
}, nil,
createTable("postchunks", "", "",
tC{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
// TODO: Add a column for the parent topic / profile?
}, nil,
createTable("memchunks", "", "",
tC{"count", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"stack", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"heap", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
createTable("perfchunks", "", "",
tC{"low", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"high", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"avg", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
tC{"createdAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
createTable("sync", "", "",
tC{"last_update", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
}, nil,
createTable("updates", "", "",
tC{"dbVersion", "int", 0, false, false, "0"},
}, nil,
createTable("meta", "", "",
ccol("name", 200, ""),
ccol("value", 200, ""),
}, nil,
/*createTable("tables", "", "",
tC{"id", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
ccol("name", 200, ""),
tK{"id", "primary", "", false},
tK{"name", "unique", "", false},
return err