You can now see which forum the topics are in on the topic list. Relative times are now calculated in real-time rather than once at start-up. I'm not sure how it ended up like that. Fixed an issue with the lastReplyAt field not being populated for topics. We now have relative times for weeks and months.
157 lines
3.9 KiB
157 lines
3.9 KiB
package main
import "strings"
import "regexp"
type Page struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []interface{}
Something interface{}
type TopicPage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []Reply
Topic TopicUser
Page int
LastPage int
ExtData interface{}
type TopicsPage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []TopicsRow
ExtData interface{}
type ForumPage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []TopicUser
Forum Forum
Page int
LastPage int
ExtData interface{}
type ForumsPage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []Forum
ExtData interface{}
type ProfilePage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []Reply
ProfileOwner User
ExtData interface{}
type CreateTopicPage struct
Title string
CurrentUser User
NoticeList []string
ItemList []Forum
FID int
ExtData interface{}
type PageSimple struct
Title string
Something interface{}
type AreYouSure struct
URL string
Message string
var urlpattern string = `(?s)([ {1}])((http|https|ftp|mailto)*)(:{??)\/\/([\.a-zA-Z\/]+)([ {1}])`
var url_reg *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
url_reg = regexp.MustCompile(urlpattern)
func shortcode_to_unicode(msg string) string {
//re := regexp.MustCompile(":(.):")
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":grinning:","😀",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":grin:","😁",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":joy:","😂",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":rofl:","🤣",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":smiley:","😃",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":smile:","😄",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":sweat_smile:","😅",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":laughing:","😆",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":satisfied:","😆",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":wink:","😉",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":blush:","😊",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":yum:","😋",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":sunglasses:","😎",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":heart_eyes:","😍",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":kissing_heart:","😘",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":kissing:","😗",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":kissing_smiling_eyes:","😙",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":kissing_closed_eyes:","😚",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":relaxed:","☺️",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":slight_smile:","🙂",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":hugging:","🤗",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":thinking:","🤔",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":neutral_face:","😐",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":expressionless:","😑",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":no_mouth:","😶",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":rolling_eyes:","🙄",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":smirk:","😏",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":persevere:","😣",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":disappointed_relieved:","😥",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":open_mouth:","😮",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":zipper_mouth:","🤐",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":hushed:","😯",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":sleepy:","😪",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":tired_face:","😫",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":sleeping:","😴",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":relieved:","😌",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":nerd:","🤓",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":stuck_out_tongue:","😛",-1)
return msg
func preparse_message(msg string) string {
if hooks["preparse_preassign"] != nil {
out := run_hook("preparse_preassign", msg)
msg = out.(string)
return shortcode_to_unicode(msg)
func parse_message(msg string) string {
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":)","😀",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":D","😃",-1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg,":P","😛",-1)
msg = url_reg.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$2$3//$4\" rel=\"nofollow\">$2$3//$4</a>")
msg = strings.Replace(msg,"\n","<br>",-1)
if hooks["parse_assign"] != nil {
out := run_hook("parse_assign", msg)
msg = out.(string)
return msg
} |