Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
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349 lines
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* Gosora Topic File
* Copyright Azareal 2017 - 2018
package common
import (
// This is also in reply.go
//var ErrAlreadyLiked = errors.New("This item was already liked by this user")
// ? - Add a TopicMeta struct for *Forums?
type Topic struct {
ID int
Link string
Title string
Content string
CreatedBy int
IsClosed bool
Sticky bool
CreatedAt time.Time
RelativeCreatedAt string
LastReplyAt time.Time
RelativeLastReplyAt string
//LastReplyBy int
ParentID int
Status string // Deprecated. Marked for removal.
IPAddress string
PostCount int
LikeCount int
ClassName string // CSS Class Name
Data string // Used for report metadata
type TopicUser struct {
ID int
Link string
Title string
Content string
CreatedBy int
IsClosed bool
Sticky bool
CreatedAt time.Time
RelativeCreatedAt string
LastReplyAt time.Time
RelativeLastReplyAt string
//LastReplyBy int
ParentID int
Status string // Deprecated. Marked for removal.
IPAddress string
PostCount int
LikeCount int
ClassName string
Data string // Used for report metadata
UserLink string
CreatedByName string
Group int
Avatar string
ContentLines int
ContentHTML string
Tag string
URL string
URLPrefix string
URLName string
Level int
Liked bool
type TopicsRow struct {
ID int
Link string
Title string
Content string
CreatedBy int
IsClosed bool
Sticky bool
CreatedAt string
LastReplyAt time.Time
RelativeLastReplyAt string
LastReplyBy int
ParentID int
Status string // Deprecated. Marked for removal. -Is there anything we could use it for?
IPAddress string
PostCount int
LikeCount int
ClassName string
Data string // Used for report metadata
Creator *User
CSS template.CSS
ContentLines int
LastUser *User
ForumName string //TopicsRow
ForumLink string
type TopicStmts struct {
addRepliesToTopic *sql.Stmt
lock *sql.Stmt
unlock *sql.Stmt
stick *sql.Stmt
unstick *sql.Stmt
hasLikedTopic *sql.Stmt
createLike *sql.Stmt
addLikesToTopic *sql.Stmt
delete *sql.Stmt
edit *sql.Stmt
createActionReply *sql.Stmt
getTopicUser *sql.Stmt // TODO: Can we get rid of this?
var topicStmts TopicStmts
func init() {
DbInits.Add(func(acc *qgen.Accumulator) error {
topicStmts = TopicStmts{
addRepliesToTopic: acc.Update("topics").Set("postCount = postCount + ?, lastReplyBy = ?, lastReplyAt = UTC_TIMESTAMP()").Where("tid = ?").Prepare(),
lock: acc.Update("topics").Set("is_closed = 1").Where("tid = ?").Prepare(),
unlock: acc.Update("topics").Set("is_closed = 0").Where("tid = ?").Prepare(),
stick: acc.Update("topics").Set("sticky = 1").Where("tid = ?").Prepare(),
unstick: acc.Update("topics").Set("sticky = 0").Where("tid = ?").Prepare(),
hasLikedTopic: acc.Select("likes").Columns("targetItem").Where("sentBy = ? and targetItem = ? and targetType = 'topics'").Prepare(),
createLike: acc.Insert("likes").Columns("weight, targetItem, targetType, sentBy").Fields("?,?,?,?").Prepare(),
addLikesToTopic: acc.Update("topics").Set("likeCount = likeCount + ?").Where("tid = ?").Prepare(),
delete: acc.Delete("topics").Where("tid = ?").Prepare(),
edit: acc.Update("topics").Set("title = ?, content = ?, parsed_content = ?").Where("tid = ?").Prepare(),
createActionReply: acc.Insert("replies").Columns("tid, actionType, ipaddress, createdBy, createdAt, lastUpdated, content, parsed_content").Fields("?,?,?,?,UTC_TIMESTAMP(),UTC_TIMESTAMP(),'',''").Prepare(),
getTopicUser: acc.SimpleLeftJoin("topics", "users", "topics.title, topics.content, topics.createdBy, topics.createdAt, topics.is_closed, topics.sticky, topics.parentID, topics.ipaddress, topics.postCount, topics.likeCount,, users.avatar,, users.url_prefix, users.url_name, users.level", "topics.createdBy = users.uid", "tid = ?", "", ""),
return acc.FirstError()
// Flush the topic out of the cache
// ? - We do a CacheRemove() here instead of mutating the pointer to avoid creating a race condition
func (topic *Topic) cacheRemove() {
tcache := Topics.(TopicCache)
if tcache != nil {
// TODO: Write a test for this
func (topic *Topic) AddReply(uid int) (err error) {
_, err = topicStmts.addRepliesToTopic.Exec(1, uid, topic.ID)
return err
func (topic *Topic) Lock() (err error) {
_, err = topicStmts.lock.Exec(topic.ID)
return err
func (topic *Topic) Unlock() (err error) {
_, err = topicStmts.unlock.Exec(topic.ID)
return err
// TODO: We might want more consistent terminology rather than using stick in some places and pin in others. If you don't understand the difference, there is none, they are one and the same.
func (topic *Topic) Stick() (err error) {
_, err = topicStmts.stick.Exec(topic.ID)
return err
func (topic *Topic) Unstick() (err error) {
_, err = topicStmts.unstick.Exec(topic.ID)
return err
// TODO: Test this
// TODO: Use a transaction for this
func (topic *Topic) Like(score int, uid int) (err error) {
var tid int // Unused
err = topicStmts.hasLikedTopic.QueryRow(uid, topic.ID).Scan(&tid)
if err != nil && err != ErrNoRows {
return err
} else if err != ErrNoRows {
return ErrAlreadyLiked
_, err = topicStmts.createLike.Exec(score, tid, "topics", uid)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = topicStmts.addLikesToTopic.Exec(1, tid)
return err
// TODO: Implement this
func (topic *Topic) Unlike(uid int) error {
return nil
// TODO: Use a transaction here
func (topic *Topic) Delete() error {
topicCreator, err := Users.Get(topic.CreatedBy)
if err == nil {
wcount := WordCount(topic.Content)
err = topicCreator.DecreasePostStats(wcount, true)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if err != ErrNoRows {
return err
err = Forums.RemoveTopic(topic.ParentID)
if err != nil && err != ErrNoRows {
return err
_, err = topicStmts.delete.Exec(topic.ID)
return err
func (topic *Topic) Update(name string, content string) error {
content = PreparseMessage(content)
parsedContent := ParseMessage(html.EscapeString(content), topic.ParentID, "forums")
_, err := topicStmts.edit.Exec(name, content, parsedContent, topic.ID)
return err
// TODO: Have this go through the ReplyStore?
func (topic *Topic) CreateActionReply(action string, ipaddress string, user User) (err error) {
_, err = topicStmts.createActionReply.Exec(topic.ID, action, ipaddress, user.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = topicStmts.addRepliesToTopic.Exec(1, user.ID, topic.ID)
// ? - Update the last topic cache for the parent forum?
return err
// Copy gives you a non-pointer concurrency safe copy of the topic
func (topic *Topic) Copy() Topic {
return *topic
// TODO: Refactor the caller to take a Topic and a User rather than a combined TopicUser
func GetTopicUser(tid int) (TopicUser, error) {
tcache := Topics.GetCache()
ucache := Users.GetCache()
if tcache != nil && ucache != nil {
topic, err := tcache.Get(tid)
if err == nil {
user, err := Users.Get(topic.CreatedBy)
if err != nil {
return TopicUser{ID: tid}, err
// We might be better off just passing separate topic and user structs to the caller?
return copyTopicToTopicUser(topic, user), nil
} else if ucache.Length() < ucache.GetCapacity() {
topic, err = Topics.Get(tid)
if err != nil {
return TopicUser{ID: tid}, err
user, err := Users.Get(topic.CreatedBy)
if err != nil {
return TopicUser{ID: tid}, err
return copyTopicToTopicUser(topic, user), nil
tu := TopicUser{ID: tid}
err := topicStmts.getTopicUser.QueryRow(tid).Scan(&tu.Title, &tu.Content, &tu.CreatedBy, &tu.CreatedAt, &tu.IsClosed, &tu.Sticky, &tu.ParentID, &tu.IPAddress, &tu.PostCount, &tu.LikeCount, &tu.CreatedByName, &tu.Avatar, &tu.Group, &tu.URLPrefix, &tu.URLName, &tu.Level)
tu.Link = BuildTopicURL(NameToSlug(tu.Title), tu.ID)
tu.UserLink = BuildProfileURL(NameToSlug(tu.CreatedByName), tu.CreatedBy)
tu.Tag = Groups.DirtyGet(tu.Group).Tag
if tcache != nil {
theTopic := Topic{ID: tu.ID, Link: tu.Link, Title: tu.Title, Content: tu.Content, CreatedBy: tu.CreatedBy, IsClosed: tu.IsClosed, Sticky: tu.Sticky, CreatedAt: tu.CreatedAt, LastReplyAt: tu.LastReplyAt, ParentID: tu.ParentID, IPAddress: tu.IPAddress, PostCount: tu.PostCount, LikeCount: tu.LikeCount}
//log.Printf("theTopic: %+v\n", theTopic)
_ = tcache.Add(&theTopic)
return tu, err
func copyTopicToTopicUser(topic *Topic, user *User) (tu TopicUser) {
tu.UserLink = user.Link
tu.CreatedByName = user.Name
tu.Group = user.Group
tu.Avatar = user.Avatar
tu.URLPrefix = user.URLPrefix
tu.URLName = user.URLName
tu.Level = user.Level
tu.ID = topic.ID
tu.Link = topic.Link
tu.Title = topic.Title
tu.Content = topic.Content
tu.CreatedBy = topic.CreatedBy
tu.IsClosed = topic.IsClosed
tu.Sticky = topic.Sticky
tu.CreatedAt = topic.CreatedAt
tu.LastReplyAt = topic.LastReplyAt
tu.ParentID = topic.ParentID
tu.IPAddress = topic.IPAddress
tu.PostCount = topic.PostCount
tu.LikeCount = topic.LikeCount
tu.Data = topic.Data
return tu
// For use in tests and for generating blank topics for forums which don't have a last poster
func BlankTopic() *Topic {
return &Topic{ID: 0, Title: ""}
func BuildTopicURL(slug string, tid int) string {
if slug == "" {
return "/topic/" + strconv.Itoa(tid)
return "/topic/" + slug + "." + strconv.Itoa(tid)
// I don't care if it isn't used,, it will likely be in the future. Nolint.
// nolint
func getTopicURLPrefix() string {
return "/topic/"