Tweaked some bits to make them more 32-bit friendly for GopherJS, but this might not be necessary now. Added notice.html Added an alerts package to fix the import cycles, more things may be moved here soon. Saved a few lines of accumulator code in a few stores. Moved the AccountEditCriticalSubmit, AccountEditAvatar, AccountEditAvatarSubmit, AccountEditUsername, and AccountEditUsernameSubmit routes into the routes package. Added a QueryRow method to AccSelectBuilder. Tweaked the indentation in the generated templates. Simplified the template render in the AccountEditUsernameSubmit route into a redirect back to the previous page. Run the update script / patcher to replace the route names in the viewchunks table.
143 lines
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143 lines
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* Gosora Route Handlers
* Copyright Azareal 2016 - 2018
package main
import (
// A blank list to fill out that parameter in Page for routes which don't use it
var tList []interface{}
//var nList []string
var successJSONBytes = []byte(`{"success":"1"}`)
// HTTPSRedirect is a connection handler which redirects all HTTP requests to HTTPS
type HTTPSRedirect struct {
func (red *HTTPSRedirect) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
dest := "https://" + req.Host + req.URL.Path
if len(req.URL.RawQuery) > 0 {
dest += "?" + req.URL.RawQuery
http.Redirect(w, req, dest, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
// Temporary stubs for view tracking
func routeDynamic() {
func routeUploads() {
func BadRoute() {
// TODO: Set the cookie domain
func routeChangeTheme(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user common.User) common.RouteError {
//headerLite, _ := SimpleUserCheck(w, r, &user)
// TODO: Rename isJs to something else, just in case we rewrite the JS side in WebAssembly?
isJs := (r.PostFormValue("isJs") == "1")
newTheme := html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("newTheme"))
theme, ok := common.Themes[newTheme]
if !ok || theme.HideFromThemes {
return common.LocalErrorJSQ("That theme doesn't exist", w, r, user, isJs)
cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "current_theme", Value: newTheme, Path: "/", MaxAge: int(common.Year)}
http.SetCookie(w, &cookie)
if !isJs {
http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusSeeOther)
} else {
_, _ = w.Write(successJSONBytes)
return nil
// TODO: Refactor this
var phraseLoginAlerts = []byte(`{"msgs":[{"msg":"Login to see your alerts","path":"/accounts/login"}]}`)
// TODO: Refactor this endpoint
func routeAPI(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user common.User) common.RouteError {
// TODO: Don't make this too JSON dependent so that we can swap in newer more efficient formats
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
err := r.ParseForm()
if err != nil {
return common.PreErrorJS("Bad Form", w, r)
action := r.FormValue("action")
if action != "get" && action != "set" {
return common.PreErrorJS("Invalid Action", w, r)
module := r.FormValue("module")
switch module {
case "dismiss-alert":
asid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("asid"))
if err != nil {
return common.PreErrorJS("Invalid asid", w, r)
_, err = stmts.deleteActivityStreamMatch.Exec(user.ID, asid)
if err != nil {
return common.InternalError(err, w, r)
case "alerts": // A feed of events tailored for a specific user
if !user.Loggedin {
return nil
var msglist, event, elementType string
var asid, actorID, targetUserID, elementID int
var msgCount int
err = stmts.getActivityCountByWatcher.QueryRow(user.ID).Scan(&msgCount)
if err == ErrNoRows {
return common.PreErrorJS("Couldn't find the parent topic", w, r)
} else if err != nil {
return common.InternalErrorJS(err, w, r)
rows, err := stmts.getActivityFeedByWatcher.Query(user.ID)
if err != nil {
return common.InternalErrorJS(err, w, r)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(&asid, &actorID, &targetUserID, &event, &elementType, &elementID)
if err != nil {
return common.InternalErrorJS(err, w, r)
res, err := common.BuildAlert(asid, event, elementType, actorID, targetUserID, elementID, user)
if err != nil {
return common.LocalErrorJS(err.Error(), w, r)
msglist += res + ","
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return common.InternalErrorJS(err, w, r)
if len(msglist) != 0 {
msglist = msglist[0 : len(msglist)-1]
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(`{"msgs":[` + msglist + `],"msgCount":` + strconv.Itoa(msgCount) + `}`))
return common.PreErrorJS("Invalid Module", w, r)
return nil