Azareal 60964868d4 Moved the counters to their own package.
De-duped some of the logging code.
Added per-route state to the not found errors.
Exported debugDetail, debugDetailf, debugLog, and debugLogf.
Tweaked the padding on Tempra Simple.
Added panel submenus to Tempra Conflux.
Added Chart CSS to Tempra Conflux.
Fixed the padding and margins for the Control Panel in Cosora.
Made Cosora's Control Panel a little more tablet friendly.
Added the rowmsg CSS class to better style message rows.
Removed the repetitive guard code for the pre-render hooks.
Removed the repetitive guard code for the string-string hooks.
We now capture views for routes.StaticFile
Added the move action to the moderation logs.

Added the viewchunks_forums table.
Began work on Per-forum Views.
I probably missed a few things in this changelog.
2018-02-19 04:26:01 +00:00

252 lines
7.3 KiB

package common
import (
// TODO: Add the watchdog goroutine
// TODO: Add some sort of update method
var Users UserStore
var ErrAccountExists = errors.New("this username is already in use")
type UserStore interface {
DirtyGet(id int) *User
Get(id int) (*User, error)
Exists(id int) bool
//BulkGet(ids []int) ([]*User, error)
BulkGetMap(ids []int) (map[int]*User, error)
BypassGet(id int) (*User, error)
Create(username string, password string, email string, group int, active bool) (int, error)
Reload(id int) error
GlobalCount() int
SetCache(cache UserCache)
GetCache() UserCache
type DefaultUserStore struct {
cache UserCache
get *sql.Stmt
exists *sql.Stmt
register *sql.Stmt
usernameExists *sql.Stmt
userCount *sql.Stmt
// NewDefaultUserStore gives you a new instance of DefaultUserStore
func NewDefaultUserStore(cache UserCache) (*DefaultUserStore, error) {
acc := qgen.Builder.Accumulator()
if cache == nil {
cache = NewNullUserCache()
// TODO: Add an admin version of registerStmt with more flexibility?
return &DefaultUserStore{
cache: cache,
get: acc.SimpleSelect("users", "name, group, is_super_admin, session, email, avatar, message, url_prefix, url_name, level, score, last_ip, temp_group", "uid = ?", "", ""),
exists: acc.SimpleSelect("users", "uid", "uid = ?", "", ""),
register: acc.SimpleInsert("users", "name, email, password, salt, group, is_super_admin, session, active, message, createdAt, lastActiveAt", "?,?,?,?,?,0,'',?,'',UTC_TIMESTAMP(),UTC_TIMESTAMP()"), // TODO: Implement user_count on users_groups here
usernameExists: acc.SimpleSelect("users", "name", "name = ?", "", ""),
userCount: acc.SimpleCount("users", "", ""),
}, acc.FirstError()
func (mus *DefaultUserStore) DirtyGet(id int) *User {
user, err := mus.cache.Get(id)
if err == nil {
return user
user = &User{ID: id, Loggedin: true}
err = mus.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&user.Name, &user.Group, &user.IsSuperAdmin, &user.Session, &user.Email, &user.Avatar, &user.Message, &user.URLPrefix, &user.URLName, &user.Level, &user.Score, &user.LastIP, &user.TempGroup)
if err == nil {
return user
return BlankUser()
// TODO: Log weird cache errors? Not just here but in every *Cache?
func (mus *DefaultUserStore) Get(id int) (*User, error) {
user, err := mus.cache.Get(id)
if err == nil {
return user, nil
user = &User{ID: id, Loggedin: true}
err = mus.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&user.Name, &user.Group, &user.IsSuperAdmin, &user.Session, &user.Email, &user.Avatar, &user.Message, &user.URLPrefix, &user.URLName, &user.Level, &user.Score, &user.LastIP, &user.TempGroup)
if err == nil {
return user, err
// TODO: Optimise the query to avoid preparing it on the spot? Maybe, use knowledge of the most common IN() parameter counts?
// TODO: ID of 0 should always error?
func (mus *DefaultUserStore) BulkGetMap(ids []int) (list map[int]*User, err error) {
var idCount = len(ids)
list = make(map[int]*User)
if idCount == 0 {
return list, nil
var stillHere []int
sliceList := mus.cache.BulkGet(ids)
for i, sliceItem := range sliceList {
if sliceItem != nil {
list[sliceItem.ID] = sliceItem
} else {
stillHere = append(stillHere, ids[i])
ids = stillHere
// If every user is in the cache, then return immediately
if len(ids) == 0 {
return list, nil
// TODO: Add a function for the qlist stuff
var qlist string
var uidList []interface{}
for _, id := range ids {
uidList = append(uidList, strconv.Itoa(id))
qlist += "?,"
qlist = qlist[0 : len(qlist)-1]
acc := qgen.Builder.Accumulator()
rows, err := acc.Select("users").Columns("uid, name, group, is_super_admin, session, email, avatar, message, url_prefix, url_name, level, score, last_ip, temp_group").Where("uid IN(" + qlist + ")").Query(uidList...)
if err != nil {
return list, err
for rows.Next() {
user := &User{Loggedin: true}
err := rows.Scan(&user.ID, &user.Name, &user.Group, &user.IsSuperAdmin, &user.Session, &user.Email, &user.Avatar, &user.Message, &user.URLPrefix, &user.URLName, &user.Level, &user.Score, &user.LastIP, &user.TempGroup)
if err != nil {
return list, err
list[user.ID] = user
// Did we miss any users?
if idCount > len(list) {
var sidList string
for _, id := range ids {
_, ok := list[id]
if !ok {
sidList += strconv.Itoa(id) + ","
// We probably don't need this, but it might be useful in case of bugs in BulkCascadeGetMap
if sidList == "" {
// TODO: Bulk log this
if Dev.DebugMode {
log.Print("This data is sampled later in the BulkCascadeGetMap function, so it might miss the cached IDs")
log.Print("idCount", idCount)
log.Print("ids", ids)
log.Print("list", list)
return list, errors.New("We weren't able to find a user, but we don't know which one")
sidList = sidList[0 : len(sidList)-1]
err = errors.New("Unable to find the users with the following IDs: " + sidList)
return list, err
func (mus *DefaultUserStore) BypassGet(id int) (*User, error) {
user := &User{ID: id, Loggedin: true}
err := mus.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&user.Name, &user.Group, &user.IsSuperAdmin, &user.Session, &user.Email, &user.Avatar, &user.Message, &user.URLPrefix, &user.URLName, &user.Level, &user.Score, &user.LastIP, &user.TempGroup)
return user, err
func (mus *DefaultUserStore) Reload(id int) error {
user := &User{ID: id, Loggedin: true}
err := mus.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&user.Name, &user.Group, &user.IsSuperAdmin, &user.Session, &user.Email, &user.Avatar, &user.Message, &user.URLPrefix, &user.URLName, &user.Level, &user.Score, &user.LastIP, &user.TempGroup)
if err != nil {
return err
_ = mus.cache.Set(user)
return nil
func (mus *DefaultUserStore) Exists(id int) bool {
err := mus.exists.QueryRow(id).Scan(&id)
if err != nil && err != ErrNoRows {
return err != ErrNoRows
// TODO: Change active to a bool?
func (mus *DefaultUserStore) Create(username string, password string, email string, group int, active bool) (int, error) {
// Is this username already taken..?
err := mus.usernameExists.QueryRow(username).Scan(&username)
if err != ErrNoRows {
return 0, ErrAccountExists
salt, err := GenerateSafeString(SaltLength)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
hashedPassword, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password+salt), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
res, err := mus.register.Exec(username, email, string(hashedPassword), salt, group, active)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
lastID, err := res.LastInsertId()
return int(lastID), err
// GlobalCount returns the total number of users registered on the forums
func (mus *DefaultUserStore) GlobalCount() (ucount int) {
err := mus.userCount.QueryRow().Scan(&ucount)
if err != nil {
return ucount
func (mus *DefaultUserStore) SetCache(cache UserCache) {
mus.cache = cache
// TODO: We're temporarily doing this so that you can do ucache != nil in getTopicUser. Refactor it.
func (mus *DefaultUserStore) GetCache() UserCache {
_, ok := mus.cache.(*NullUserCache)
if ok {
return nil
return mus.cache