This commit might be a little broken, another is coming to fix things up! The topics list is now paginated. Refactored the error handling system. Added the Trumboyg WYSIWYG editor for Cosora. Moved Delete() out of the TopicStore and into *Topic You can now bulk delete and bulk lock topics on Cosora. h1s are now formatted properly on Firefox. Added more ARIA Labels. SuperModOnly is now a piece of middleware for the Control Panel routes. Refactored and extended the router generator. Improved the SEO for the paginators. Added bits of Microdata to improve SEO further. Wrote benchmarks for users.Get() and users.BypassGet() More errors are caught now. You can now attach pcss files to posts. Improved the error logging for JavaScript. Topic list avatars now link to the associated profiles. Added last poster avatars to the forum list.
771 lines
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771 lines
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package main
import (
func recordMustExist(t *testing.T, err error, errmsg string, args ...interface{}) {
if err == ErrNoRows {
t.Errorf(errmsg, args...)
} else if err != nil {
func recordMustNotExist(t *testing.T, err error, errmsg string, args ...interface{}) {
if err == nil {
t.Errorf(errmsg, args...)
} else if err != ErrNoRows {
func TestUserStore(t *testing.T) {
if !gloinited {
err := gloinit()
if err != nil {
if !pluginsInited {
users = NewMemoryUserStore(config.UserCacheCapacity)
userStoreTest(t, 2)
users = NewSQLUserStore()
userStoreTest(t, 3)
func userStoreTest(t *testing.T, newUserID int) {
ucache, hasCache := users.(UserCache)
// Go doesn't have short-circuiting, so this'll allow us to do one liner tests
if !hasCache {
ucache = &NullUserStore{}
expect(t, (!hasCache || ucache.Length() == 0), fmt.Sprintf("The initial ucache length should be zero, not %d", ucache.Length()))
_, err := users.Get(-1)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "UID #-1 shouldn't exist")
expect(t, !hasCache || ucache.Length() == 0, fmt.Sprintf("We found %d items in the user cache and it's supposed to be empty", ucache.Length()))
_, err = users.Get(0)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "UID #0 shouldn't exist")
expect(t, !hasCache || ucache.Length() == 0, fmt.Sprintf("We found %d items in the user cache and it's supposed to be empty", ucache.Length()))
user, err := users.Get(1)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #1")
expect(t, user.ID == 1, fmt.Sprintf("user.ID should be 1. Got '%d' instead.", user.ID))
expect(t, user.Name == "Admin", fmt.Sprintf("user.Name should be 'Admin', not '%s'", user.Name))
expect(t, user.Group == 1, "Admin should be in group 1")
expect(t, user.IsSuperAdmin, "Admin should be a super admin")
expect(t, user.IsAdmin, "Admin should be an admin")
expect(t, user.IsSuperMod, "Admin should be a super mod")
expect(t, user.IsMod, "Admin should be a mod")
expect(t, !user.IsBanned, "Admin should not be banned")
_, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("UID #%d shouldn't exist", newUserID))
if hasCache {
expectIntToBeX(t, ucache.Length(), 1, "User cache length should be 1, not %d")
_, err = ucache.CacheGet(-1)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "UID #-1 shouldn't exist, even in the cache")
_, err = ucache.CacheGet(0)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "UID #0 shouldn't exist, even in the cache")
user, err = ucache.CacheGet(1)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #1 in the cache")
if user.ID != 1 {
t.Error("user.ID does not match the requested UID. Got '" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + "' instead.")
if user.Name != "Admin" {
t.Error("user.Name should be 'Admin', not '" + user.Name + "'")
_, err = ucache.CacheGet(newUserID)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "UID #%d shouldn't exist, even in the cache", newUserID)
expectIntToBeX(t, ucache.Length(), 0, "User cache length should be 0, not %d")
// TODO: Lock onto the specific error type. Is this even possible without sacrificing the detailed information in the error message?
var userList map[int]*User
userList, _ = users.BulkGetMap([]int{-1})
if len(userList) > 0 {
t.Error("There shouldn't be any results for UID #-1")
if hasCache {
expectIntToBeX(t, ucache.Length(), 0, "User cache length should be 0, not %d")
userList, _ = users.BulkGetMap([]int{0})
if len(userList) > 0 {
t.Error("There shouldn't be any results for UID #0")
if hasCache {
expectIntToBeX(t, ucache.Length(), 0, "User cache length should be 0, not %d")
userList, _ = users.BulkGetMap([]int{1})
if len(userList) == 0 {
t.Error("The returned map is empty for UID #1")
} else if len(userList) > 1 {
t.Error("Too many results were returned for UID #1")
user, ok := userList[1]
if !ok {
t.Error("We couldn't find UID #1 in the returned map")
t.Error("userList", userList)
if user.ID != 1 {
t.Error("user.ID does not match the requested UID. Got '" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + "' instead.")
if hasCache {
expectIntToBeX(t, ucache.Length(), 1, "User cache length should be 1, not %d")
user, err = ucache.CacheGet(1)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #1 in the cache")
if user.ID != 1 {
t.Errorf("user.ID does not match the requested UID. Got '%d' instead.", user.ID)
expect(t, !users.Exists(-1), "UID #-1 shouldn't exist")
expect(t, !users.Exists(0), "UID #0 shouldn't exist")
expect(t, users.Exists(1), "UID #1 should exist")
expect(t, !users.Exists(newUserID), fmt.Sprintf("UID #%d shouldn't exist", newUserID))
expect(t, !hasCache || ucache.Length() == 0, fmt.Sprintf("User cache length should be 0, not %d", ucache.Length()))
expectIntToBeX(t, users.GlobalCount(), 1, "The number of users should be one, not %d")
var awaitingActivation = 5
uid, err := users.Create("Sam", "ReallyBadPassword", "sam@localhost.loc", awaitingActivation, false)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, uid == newUserID, fmt.Sprintf("The UID of the new user should be %d", newUserID))
expect(t, users.Exists(newUserID), fmt.Sprintf("UID #%d should exist", newUserID))
user, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #%d", newUserID)
if user.ID != newUserID {
t.Errorf("The UID of the user record should be %d", newUserID)
expect(t, user.Name == "Sam", "The user should be named Sam")
expect(t, !user.IsSuperAdmin, "Sam should not be a super admin")
expect(t, !user.IsAdmin, "Sam should not be an admin")
expect(t, !user.IsSuperMod, "Sam should not be a super mod")
expect(t, !user.IsMod, "Sam should not be a mod")
expect(t, !user.IsBanned, "Sam should not be banned")
expectIntToBeX(t, user.Group, 5, "Sam should be in group 5")
if hasCache {
expectIntToBeX(t, ucache.Length(), 1, "User cache length should be 1, not %d")
user, err = ucache.CacheGet(newUserID)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #%d in the cache", newUserID)
expect(t, user.ID == newUserID, fmt.Sprintf("user.ID does not match the requested UID. Got '%d' instead.", user.ID))
err = user.Activate()
expectNilErr(t, err)
expectIntToBeX(t, user.Group, 5, "Sam should still be in group 5 in this copy")
// ? - What if we change the caching mechanism so it isn't hard purged and reloaded? We'll deal with that when we come to it, but for now, this is a sign of a cache bug
if hasCache {
expectIntToBeX(t, ucache.Length(), 0, "User cache length should be 0, not %d")
_, err = ucache.CacheGet(newUserID)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "UID #%d shouldn't be in the cache", newUserID)
user, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #%d", newUserID)
expect(t, user.ID == newUserID, fmt.Sprintf("The UID of the user record should be %d, not %d", newUserID, user.ID))
expect(t, !user.IsSuperAdmin, "Sam should not be a super admin")
expect(t, !user.IsAdmin, "Sam should not be an admin")
expect(t, !user.IsSuperMod, "Sam should not be a super mod")
expect(t, !user.IsMod, "Sam should not be a mod")
expect(t, !user.IsBanned, "Sam should not be banned")
expect(t, user.Group == config.DefaultGroup, fmt.Sprintf("Sam should be in group %d, not %d", config.DefaultGroup, user.Group))
// Permanent ban
duration, _ := time.ParseDuration("0")
// TODO: Attempt a double ban, double activation, and double unban
err = user.Ban(duration, 1)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, user.Group == config.DefaultGroup, fmt.Sprintf("Sam should be in group %d, not %d", config.DefaultGroup, user.Group))
if hasCache {
expectIntToBeX(t, ucache.Length(), 0, "User cache length should be 0, not %d")
_, err = ucache.CacheGet(2)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "UID #%d shouldn't be in the cache", newUserID)
user, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #%d", newUserID)
if user.ID != newUserID {
t.Errorf("The UID of the user record should be %d", newUserID)
expect(t, !user.IsSuperAdmin, "Sam should not be a super admin")
expect(t, !user.IsAdmin, "Sam should not be an admin")
expect(t, !user.IsSuperMod, "Sam should not be a super mod")
expect(t, !user.IsMod, "Sam should not be a mod")
expect(t, user.IsBanned, "Sam should be banned")
expectIntToBeX(t, user.Group, banGroup, "Sam should be in group %d")
// TODO: Do tests against the scheduled updates table and the task system to make sure the ban exists there and gets revoked when it should
err = user.Unban()
expectNilErr(t, err)
expectIntToBeX(t, user.Group, banGroup, "Sam should still be in the ban group in this copy")
if hasCache {
expectIntToBeX(t, ucache.Length(), 0, "User cache length should be 0, not %d")
_, err = ucache.CacheGet(newUserID)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "UID #%d shouldn't be in the cache", newUserID)
user, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #%d", newUserID)
expectIntToBeX(t, user.ID, newUserID, "The UID of the user record should be %d")
expect(t, !user.IsSuperAdmin, "Sam should not be a super admin")
expect(t, !user.IsAdmin, "Sam should not be an admin")
expect(t, !user.IsSuperMod, "Sam should not be a super mod")
expect(t, !user.IsMod, "Sam should not be a mod")
expect(t, !user.IsBanned, "Sam should not be banned")
expectIntToBeX(t, user.Group, config.DefaultGroup, "Sam should be back in group %d")
var reportsForumID = 1
var generalForumID = 2
dummyResponseRecorder := httptest.NewRecorder()
bytesBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(""))
dummyRequest1 := httptest.NewRequest("", "/forum/1", bytesBuffer)
dummyRequest2 := httptest.NewRequest("", "/forum/2", bytesBuffer)
err = user.ChangeGroup(1)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, user.Group == config.DefaultGroup, "Someone's mutated this pointer elsewhere")
user, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #%d", newUserID)
expectIntToBeX(t, user.ID, newUserID, "The UID of the user record should be %d")
var user2 *User = getDummyUser()
*user2 = *user
expect(t, !user.IsSuperAdmin, "Sam should not be a super admin")
expect(t, user.IsAdmin, "Sam should be an admin")
expect(t, user.IsSuperMod, "Sam should be a super mod")
expect(t, user.IsMod, "Sam should be a mod")
expect(t, !user.IsBanned, "Sam should not be banned")
_, ferr := forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest1, user, reportsForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, user.Perms.ViewTopic, "Admins should be able to access the reports forum")
_, ferr = forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest2, user2, generalForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, user2.Perms.ViewTopic, "Sam should be able to access the general forum")
err = user.ChangeGroup(2)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, user.Group == 1, "Someone's mutated this pointer elsewhere")
user, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #%d", newUserID)
expectIntToBeX(t, user.ID, newUserID, "The UID of the user record should be %d")
user2 = getDummyUser()
*user2 = *user
expect(t, !user.IsSuperAdmin, "Sam should not be a super admin")
expect(t, !user.IsAdmin, "Sam should not be an admin")
expect(t, user.IsSuperMod, "Sam should be a super mod")
expect(t, user.IsMod, "Sam should be a mod")
expect(t, !user.IsBanned, "Sam should not be banned")
_, ferr = forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest1, user, reportsForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, user.Perms.ViewTopic, "Mods should be able to access the reports forum")
_, ferr = forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest2, user2, generalForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, user2.Perms.ViewTopic, "Sam should be able to access the general forum")
err = user.ChangeGroup(3)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, user.Group == 2, "Someone's mutated this pointer elsewhere")
user, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #%d", newUserID)
expectIntToBeX(t, user.ID, newUserID, "The UID of the user record should be %d")
user2 = getDummyUser()
*user2 = *user
expect(t, !user.IsSuperAdmin, "Sam should not be a super admin")
expect(t, !user.IsAdmin, "Sam should not be an admin")
expect(t, !user.IsSuperMod, "Sam should not be a super mod")
expect(t, !user.IsMod, "Sam should not be a mod")
expect(t, !user.IsBanned, "Sam should not be banned")
_, ferr = forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest1, user, reportsForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, !user.Perms.ViewTopic, "Members shouldn't be able to access the reports forum")
_, ferr = forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest2, user2, generalForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, user2.Perms.ViewTopic, "Sam should be able to access the general forum")
expect(t, user.Perms.ViewTopic != user2.Perms.ViewTopic, "user.Perms.ViewTopic and user2.Perms.ViewTopic should never match")
err = user.ChangeGroup(4)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, user.Group == 3, "Someone's mutated this pointer elsewhere")
user, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #%d", newUserID)
expectIntToBeX(t, user.ID, newUserID, "The UID of the user record should be %d")
user2 = getDummyUser()
*user2 = *user
expect(t, !user.IsSuperAdmin, "Sam should not be a super admin")
expect(t, !user.IsAdmin, "Sam should not be an admin")
expect(t, !user.IsSuperMod, "Sam should not be a super mod")
expect(t, !user.IsMod, "Sam should not be a mod")
expect(t, user.IsBanned, "Sam should be banned")
_, ferr = forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest1, user, reportsForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, !user.Perms.ViewTopic, "Members shouldn't be able to access the reports forum")
_, ferr = forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest2, user2, generalForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, user2.Perms.ViewTopic, "Sam should be able to access the general forum")
err = user.ChangeGroup(5)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, user.Group == 4, "Someone's mutated this pointer elsewhere")
user, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #%d", newUserID)
expectIntToBeX(t, user.ID, newUserID, "The UID of the user record should be %d")
user2 = getDummyUser()
*user2 = *user
expect(t, !user.IsSuperAdmin, "Sam should not be a super admin")
expect(t, !user.IsAdmin, "Sam should not be an admin")
expect(t, !user.IsSuperMod, "Sam should not be a super mod")
expect(t, !user.IsMod, "Sam should not be a mod")
expect(t, !user.IsBanned, "Sam should not be banned")
_, ferr = forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest1, user, reportsForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, !user.Perms.ViewTopic, "Members shouldn't be able to access the reports forum")
_, ferr = forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest2, user2, generalForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, user2.Perms.ViewTopic, "Sam should be able to access the general forum")
err = user.ChangeGroup(6)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, user.Group == 5, "Someone's mutated this pointer elsewhere")
user, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find UID #%d", newUserID)
expectIntToBeX(t, user.ID, newUserID, "The UID of the user record should be %d")
user2 = getDummyUser()
*user2 = *user
expect(t, !user.IsSuperAdmin, "Sam should not be a super admin")
expect(t, !user.IsAdmin, "Sam should not be an admin")
expect(t, !user.IsSuperMod, "Sam should not be a super mod")
expect(t, !user.IsMod, "Sam should not be a mod")
expect(t, !user.IsBanned, "Sam should not be banned")
_, ferr = forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest1, user, reportsForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, !user.Perms.ViewTopic, "Members shouldn't be able to access the reports forum")
_, ferr = forumUserCheck(dummyResponseRecorder, dummyRequest2, user2, generalForumID)
expect(t, ferr == nil, "There shouldn't be any errors in forumUserCheck")
expect(t, user2.Perms.ViewTopic, "Sam should be able to access the general forum")
err = user.ChangeGroup(config.DefaultGroup)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, user.Group == 6, "Someone's mutated this pointer elsewhere")
err = user.Delete()
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, !users.Exists(newUserID), fmt.Sprintf("UID #%d should no longer exist", newUserID))
if hasCache {
expectIntToBeX(t, ucache.Length(), 0, "User cache length should be 0, not %d")
_, err = ucache.CacheGet(newUserID)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "UID #%d shouldn't be in the cache", newUserID)
_, err = users.Get(newUserID)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "UID #%d shouldn't exist", newUserID)
// TODO: Add an error message to this?
func expectNilErr(t *testing.T, item error) {
if item != nil {
func expectIntToBeX(t *testing.T, item int, expect int, errmsg string) {
if item != expect {
t.Fatalf(errmsg, item)
func expect(t *testing.T, item bool, errmsg string) {
if !item {
func TestTopicStore(t *testing.T) {
if !gloinited {
err := gloinit()
if err != nil {
if !pluginsInited {
topics = NewMemoryTopicStore(config.TopicCacheCapacity)
topics = NewSQLTopicStore()
func topicStoreTest(t *testing.T) {
var topic *Topic
var err error
_, err = topics.Get(-1)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "TID #-1 shouldn't exist")
_, err = topics.Get(0)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "TID #0 shouldn't exist")
topic, err = topics.Get(1)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find TID #1")
if topic.ID != 1 {
t.Error("topic.ID does not match the requested TID. Got '" + strconv.Itoa(topic.ID) + "' instead.")
// TODO: Add BulkGetMap() to the TopicStore
ok := topics.Exists(-1)
if ok {
t.Error("TID #-1 shouldn't exist")
ok = topics.Exists(0)
if ok {
t.Error("TID #0 shouldn't exist")
ok = topics.Exists(1)
if !ok {
t.Error("TID #1 should exist")
count := topics.GlobalCount()
if count <= 0 {
t.Error("The number of topics should be bigger than zero")
t.Error("count", count)
func TestForumStore(t *testing.T) {
if !gloinited {
if !pluginsInited {
_, err := fstore.Get(-1)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "FID #-1 shouldn't exist")
_, err = fstore.Get(0)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "FID #0 shouldn't exist")
forum, err := fstore.Get(1)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find FID #1")
if forum.ID != 1 {
t.Error("forum.ID doesn't not match the requested FID. Got '" + strconv.Itoa(forum.ID) + "' instead.'")
if forum.Name != "Reports" {
t.Error("FID #0 is named '" + forum.Name + "' and not 'Reports'")
forum, err = fstore.Get(2)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find FID #1")
_ = forum
ok := fstore.Exists(-1)
if ok {
t.Error("FID #-1 shouldn't exist")
ok = fstore.Exists(0)
if ok {
t.Error("FID #0 shouldn't exist")
ok = fstore.Exists(1)
if !ok {
t.Error("FID #1 should exist")
func TestGroupStore(t *testing.T) {
if !gloinited {
if !pluginsInited {
_, err := gstore.Get(-1)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "GID #-1 shouldn't exist")
// TODO: Refactor the group store to remove GID #0
group, err := gstore.Get(0)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find GID #0")
if group.ID != 0 {
t.Errorf("group.ID doesn't not match the requested GID. Got '%d' instead.", group.ID)
expect(t, group.Name == "Unknown", fmt.Sprintf("GID #0 is named '%s' and not 'Unknown'", group.Name))
group, err = gstore.Get(1)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find GID #1")
if group.ID != 1 {
t.Errorf("group.ID doesn't not match the requested GID. Got '%d' instead.'", group.ID)
ok := gstore.Exists(-1)
expect(t, !ok, "GID #-1 shouldn't exist")
// 0 aka Unknown, for system posts and other oddities
ok = gstore.Exists(0)
expect(t, ok, "GID #0 should exist")
ok = gstore.Exists(1)
expect(t, ok, "GID #1 should exist")
var isAdmin = true
var isMod = true
var isBanned = false
gid, err := gstore.Create("Testing", "Test", isAdmin, isMod, isBanned)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, gstore.Exists(gid), "The group we just made doesn't exist")
group, err = gstore.Get(gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, group.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, group.IsAdmin, "This should be an admin group")
expect(t, group.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !group.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
isAdmin = false
isMod = true
isBanned = true
gid, err = gstore.Create("Testing 2", "Test", isAdmin, isMod, isBanned)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, gstore.Exists(gid), "The group we just made doesn't exist")
group, err = gstore.Get(gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, group.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, !group.IsAdmin, "This should not be an admin group")
expect(t, group.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !group.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
// TODO: Make sure this pointer doesn't change once we refactor the group store to stop updating the pointer
err = group.ChangeRank(false, false, true)
expectNilErr(t, err)
group, err = gstore.Get(gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, group.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, !group.IsAdmin, "This shouldn't be an admin group")
expect(t, !group.IsMod, "This shouldn't be a mod group")
expect(t, group.IsBanned, "This should be a ban group")
err = group.ChangeRank(true, true, true)
expectNilErr(t, err)
group, err = gstore.Get(gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, group.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, group.IsAdmin, "This should be an admin group")
expect(t, group.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !group.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
err = group.ChangeRank(false, true, true)
expectNilErr(t, err)
group, err = gstore.Get(gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, group.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, !group.IsAdmin, "This shouldn't be an admin group")
expect(t, group.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !group.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
// TODO: Test group deletion
func TestReplyStore(t *testing.T) {
if !gloinited {
if !pluginsInited {
_, err := rstore.Get(-1)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "RID #-1 shouldn't exist")
_, err = rstore.Get(0)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "RID #0 shouldn't exist")
reply, err := rstore.Get(1)
expectNilErr(t, err)
if reply.ID != 1 {
t.Errorf("RID #1 has the wrong ID. It should be 1 not %d", reply.ID)
if reply.ParentID != 1 {
t.Errorf("The parent topic of RID #1 should be 1 not %d", reply.ParentID)
if reply.CreatedBy != 1 {
t.Errorf("The creator of RID #1 should be 1 not %d", reply.CreatedBy)
func TestProfileReplyStore(t *testing.T) {
if !gloinited {
if !pluginsInited {
_, err := prstore.Get(-1)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "RID #-1 shouldn't exist")
_, err = prstore.Get(0)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "RID #0 shouldn't exist")
func TestSlugs(t *testing.T) {
var res string
var msgList []MEPair
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Unknown", "unknown")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Unknown2", "unknown2")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Unknown ", "unknown")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Unknown 2", "unknown-2")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Unknown 2", "unknown-2")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Admin Alice", "admin-alice")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Admin_Alice", "adminalice")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Admin_Alice-", "adminalice")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "-Admin_Alice-", "adminalice")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "-Admin@Alice-", "adminalice")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "-Admin😀Alice-", "adminalice")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "u", "u")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "", "untitled")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, " ", "untitled")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "-", "untitled")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "--", "untitled")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "é", "é")
msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "-é-", "é")
for _, item := range msgList {
t.Log("Testing string '" + item.Msg + "'")
res = nameToSlug(item.Msg)
if res != item.Expects {
t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'")
t.Error("Expected:", item.Expects)
func TestAuth(t *testing.T) {
// bcrypt likes doing stupid things, so this test will probably fail
var realPassword string
var hashedPassword string
var password string
var salt string
var err error
/* No extra salt tests, we might not need this extra salt, as bcrypt has it's own? */
realPassword = "Madame Cassandra's Mystic Orb"
t.Log("Set realPassword to '" + realPassword + "'")
t.Log("Hashing the real password")
hashedPassword, err = BcryptGeneratePasswordNoSalt(realPassword)
if err != nil {
password = realPassword
t.Log("Testing password '" + password + "'")
t.Log("Testing salt '" + salt + "'")
err = CheckPassword(hashedPassword, password, salt)
if err == ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword {
t.Error("The two don't match")
} else if err == ErrPasswordTooLong {
t.Error("CheckPassword thinks the password is too long")
} else if err != nil {
password = "hahaha"
t.Log("Testing password '" + password + "'")
t.Log("Testing salt '" + salt + "'")
err = CheckPassword(hashedPassword, password, salt)
if err == ErrPasswordTooLong {
t.Error("CheckPassword thinks the password is too long")
} else if err == nil {
t.Error("The two shouldn't match!")
password = "Madame Cassandra's Mystic"
t.Log("Testing password '" + password + "'")
t.Log("Testing salt '" + salt + "'")
err = CheckPassword(hashedPassword, password, salt)
if err == ErrPasswordTooLong {
t.Error("CheckPassword thinks the password is too long")
} else if err == nil {
t.Error("The two shouldn't match!")