Fixed two existence checks. Tweaked the profile CSS for Cosora. Added the TopicByReplyID function. Split off the profile logic from Reply into ProfileReply. Moved various hard-coded bits in the profile reply routes into ProfileReply. Moved four reply routes into /routes/reply.go Moved six topic routes into /routes/topic.go We should now capture more suspicious activity. Changed the definition of the revisions table.
851 lines
29 KiB
851 lines
29 KiB
package common
import (
var SpaceGap = []byte(" ")
var httpProtBytes = []byte("http://")
var InvalidURL = []byte("<span style='color: red;'>[Invalid URL]</span>")
var InvalidTopic = []byte("<span style='color: red;'>[Invalid Topic]</span>")
var InvalidProfile = []byte("<span style='color: red;'>[Invalid Profile]</span>")
var InvalidForum = []byte("<span style='color: red;'>[Invalid Forum]</span>")
var unknownMedia = []byte("<span style='color: red;'>[Unknown Media]</span>")
var UrlOpen = []byte("<a href='")
var UrlOpen2 = []byte("'>")
var bytesSinglequote = []byte("'")
var bytesGreaterthan = []byte(">")
var urlMention = []byte(" class='mention'")
var UrlClose = []byte("</a>")
var imageOpen = []byte("<a href=\"")
var imageOpen2 = []byte("\"><img src='")
var imageClose = []byte("' class='postImage' /></a>")
var urlPattern = `(?s)([ {1}])((http|https|ftp|mailto)*)(:{??)\/\/([\.a-zA-Z\/]+)([ {1}])`
var urlReg *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
urlReg = regexp.MustCompile(urlPattern)
// TODO: Write a test for this
func shortcodeToUnicode(msg string) string {
//re := regexp.MustCompile(":(.):")
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":grinning:", "😀", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":grin:", "😁", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":joy:", "😂", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":rofl:", "🤣", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":smiley:", "😃", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":smile:", "😄", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":sweat_smile:", "😅", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":laughing:", "😆", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":satisfied:", "😆", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":wink:", "😉", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":blush:", "😊", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":yum:", "😋", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":sunglasses:", "😎", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":heart_eyes:", "😍", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":kissing_heart:", "😘", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":kissing:", "😗", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":kissing_smiling_eyes:", "😙", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":kissing_closed_eyes:", "😚", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":relaxed:", "☺️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":slight_smile:", "🙂", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":hugging:", "🤗", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":thinking:", "🤔", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":neutral_face:", "😐", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":expressionless:", "😑", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":no_mouth:", "😶", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":rolling_eyes:", "🙄", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":smirk:", "😏", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":persevere:", "😣", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":disappointed_relieved:", "😥", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":open_mouth:", "😮", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":zipper_mouth:", "🤐", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":hushed:", "😯", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":sleepy:", "😪", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":tired_face:", "😫", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":sleeping:", "😴", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":relieved:", "😌", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":nerd:", "🤓", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":stuck_out_tongue:", "😛", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":worried:", "😟", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":drooling_face:", "🤤", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":disappointed:", "😞", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":astonished:", "😲", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":slight_frown:", "🙁", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":skull_crossbones:", "☠️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":skull:", "💀", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":point_up:", "☝️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":v:", "✌️️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":writing_hand:", "✍️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":heart:", "❤️️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":heart_exclamation:", "❣️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":hotsprings:", "♨️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":airplane:", "✈️️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":hourglass:", "⌛", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":watch:", "⌚", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":comet:", "☄️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":snowflake:", "❄️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":cloud:", "☁️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":sunny:", "☀️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":spades:", "♠️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":hearts:", "♥️️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":diamonds:", "♦️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":clubs:", "♣️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":phone:", "☎️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":telephone:", "☎️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":biohazard:", "☣️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":radioactive:", "☢️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":scissors:", "✂️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":arrow_upper_right:", "↗️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":arrow_right:", "➡️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":arrow_lower_right:", "↘️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":arrow_lower_left:", "↙️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":arrow_upper_left:", "↖️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":arrow_up_down:", "↕️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":left_right_arrow:", "↔️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":leftwards_arrow_with_hook:", "↩️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":arrow_right_hook:", "↪️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":arrow_forward:", "▶️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":arrow_backward:", "◀️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":female:", "♀️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":male:", "♂️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":ballot_box_with_check:", "☑️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":heavy_check_mark:", "✔️️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":heavy_multiplication_x:", "✖️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":pisces:", "♓", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":aquarius:", "♒", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":capricorn:", "♑", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":sagittarius:", "♐", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":scorpius:", "♏", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":libra:", "♎", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":virgo:", "♍", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":leo:", "♌", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":cancer:", "♋", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":gemini:", "♊", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":taurus:", "♉", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":aries:", "♈", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":peace:", "☮️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":eight_spoked_asterisk:", "✳️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":eight_pointed_black_star:", "✴️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":snowman2:", "☃️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":umbrella2:", "☂️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":pencil2:", "✏️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":black_nib:", "✒️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":email:", "✉️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":envelope:", "✉️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":keyboard:", "⌨️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":white_small_square:", "▫️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":black_small_square:", "▪️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":secret:", "㊙️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":congratulations:", "㊗️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":m:", "Ⓜ️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":tm:", "™️️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":registered:", "®️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":copyright:", "©️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":wavy_dash:", "〰️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":bangbang:", "‼️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":sparkle:", "❇️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":star_of_david:", "✡️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":wheel_of_dharma:", "☸️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":yin_yang:", "☯️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":cross:", "✝️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":orthodox_cross:", "☦️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":star_and_crescent:", "☪️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":frowning2:", "☹️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":information_source:", "ℹ️", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":interrobang:", "⁉️", -1)
return msg
// TODO: Write tests for this
// TODO: Preparse Markdown and normalize it into HTML?
func PreparseMessage(msg string) string {
msg = strings.Replace(msg, "<p><br>", "\n\n", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, "<p>", "\n\n", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, "</p>", "", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, "<br>", "\n\n", -1)
msg = strings.TrimSpace(msg) // There are a few useful cases for having spaces, but I'd like to stop the WYSIWYG from inserting random lines here and there
if Sshooks["preparse_preassign"] != nil {
msg = RunSshook("preparse_preassign", msg)
msg = html.EscapeString(msg)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, " ", "", -1)
var runes = []rune(msg)
msg = ""
var inBold = false
var inItalic = false
var inStrike = false
var inUnderline = false
var stepForward = func(i int, step int, runes []rune) int {
i += step
if i < len(runes) {
return i
return i - step
for i := 0; i < len(runes); i++ {
char := runes[i]
if char == '&' && peek(i, 1, runes) == 'l' && peek(i, 2, runes) == 't' && peek(i, 3, runes) == ';' {
i = stepForward(i, 4, runes)
char := runes[i]
if char == '/' {
i = stepForward(i, 1, runes)
char := runes[i]
if inItalic && char == 'e' && peekMatch(i, "m>", runes) {
i += 5
inItalic = false
msg += "</em>"
} else if inBold && char == 's' && peekMatch(i, "trong>", runes) {
i += 9
inBold = false
msg += "</strong>"
} else if inStrike && char == 'd' && peekMatch(i, "el>", runes) {
i += 6
inStrike = false
msg += "</del>"
} else if inUnderline && char == 'u' && peekMatch(i, ">", runes) {
i += 4
inUnderline = false
msg += "</u>"
} else if !inItalic && char == 'e' && peekMatch(i, "m>", runes) {
i += 5
inItalic = true
msg += "<em>"
} else if !inBold && char == 's' && peekMatch(i, "trong>", runes) {
i += 9
inBold = true
msg += "<strong>"
} else if !inStrike && char == 'd' && peekMatch(i, "el>", runes) {
i += 6
inStrike = true
msg += "<del>"
} else if !inUnderline && char == 'u' && peekMatch(i, ">", runes) {
i += 4
inUnderline = true
msg += "<u>"
} else {
msg += string(char)
if inItalic {
msg += "</em>"
if inBold {
msg += "</strong>"
if inStrike {
msg += "</del>"
if inUnderline {
msg += "</u>"
return shortcodeToUnicode(msg)
// TODO: Test this
// TODO: Use this elsewhere in the parser?
func peek(cur int, skip int, runes []rune) rune {
if (cur + skip) < len(runes) {
return runes[cur+skip]
return 0 // null byte
// TODO: Test this
func peekMatch(cur int, phrase string, runes []rune) bool {
if cur+len(phrase) > len(runes) {
return false
for i, char := range phrase {
if runes[cur+i+1] != char {
return false
return true
// TODO: Write a test for this
// TODO: We need a lot more hooks here. E.g. To add custom media types and handlers.
func ParseMessage(msg string, sectionID int, sectionType string /*, user User*/) string {
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":)", "😀", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":(", "😞", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":D", "😃", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":P", "😛", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":O", "😲", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":p", "😛", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ":o", "😲", -1)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, ";)", "😉", -1)
//msg = url_reg.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$2$3//$4\" rel=\"nofollow\">$2$3//$4</a>")
// Word filter list. E.g. Swear words and other things the admins don't like
wordFilters := WordFilterBox.Load().(WordFilterMap)
for _, filter := range wordFilters {
msg = strings.Replace(msg, filter.Find, filter.Replacement, -1)
// Search for URLs, mentions and hashlinks in the messages...
//log.Print("Parser Loop!")
var msgbytes = []byte(msg)
var outbytes []byte
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, SpaceGap...)
//log.Printf("string(msgbytes) %+v\n", `"`+string(msgbytes)+`"`)
var lastItem = 0
var i = 0
for ; len(msgbytes) > (i + 1); i++ {
//log.Print("Index: ",i)
//log.Print("Index Item: ",msgbytes[i])
//log.Print("string(msgbytes[i]): ",string(msgbytes[i]))
//log.Print("End Index")
if (i == 0 && (msgbytes[0] > 32)) || ((msgbytes[i] < 33) && (msgbytes[i+1] > 32)) {
//log.Print("IN ",msgbytes[i])
if (i != 0) || msgbytes[i] < 33 {
if msgbytes[i] == '#' {
//log.Print("IN #")
if bytes.Equal(msgbytes[i+1:i+5], []byte("tid-")) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastItem:i]...)
i += 5
start := i
tid, intLen := CoerceIntBytes(msgbytes[start:])
i += intLen
topic, err := Topics.Get(tid)
if err != nil || !Forums.Exists(topic.ParentID) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, InvalidTopic...)
lastItem = i
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlOpen...)
var urlBit = []byte(BuildTopicURL("", tid))
outbytes = append(outbytes, urlBit...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlOpen2...)
var tidBit = []byte("#tid-" + strconv.Itoa(tid))
outbytes = append(outbytes, tidBit...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlClose...)
lastItem = i
//log.Print("string(msgbytes): ",string(msgbytes))
//log.Print("msgbytes: ",msgbytes)
//log.Print("msgbytes[lastItem - 1]: ",msgbytes[lastItem - 1])
//log.Print("lastItem - 1: ",lastItem - 1)
//log.Print("msgbytes[lastItem]: ",msgbytes[lastItem])
//log.Print("lastItem: ",lastItem)
} else if bytes.Equal(msgbytes[i+1:i+5], []byte("rid-")) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastItem:i]...)
i += 5
start := i
rid, intLen := CoerceIntBytes(msgbytes[start:])
i += intLen
topic, err := TopicByReplyID(rid)
if err != nil || !Forums.Exists(topic.ParentID) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, InvalidTopic...)
lastItem = i
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlOpen...)
var urlBit = []byte(BuildTopicURL("", topic.ID))
outbytes = append(outbytes, urlBit...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlOpen2...)
var ridBit = []byte("#rid-" + strconv.Itoa(rid))
outbytes = append(outbytes, ridBit...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlClose...)
lastItem = i
} else if bytes.Equal(msgbytes[i+1:i+5], []byte("fid-")) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastItem:i]...)
i += 5
start := i
fid, intLen := CoerceIntBytes(msgbytes[start:])
i += intLen
if !Forums.Exists(fid) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, InvalidForum...)
lastItem = i
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlOpen...)
var urlBit = []byte(BuildForumURL("", fid))
outbytes = append(outbytes, urlBit...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlOpen2...)
var fidBit = []byte("#fid-" + strconv.Itoa(fid))
outbytes = append(outbytes, fidBit...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlClose...)
lastItem = i
} else {
// TODO: Forum Shortcode Link
} else if msgbytes[i] == '@' {
//log.Print("IN @")
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastItem:i]...)
start := i
uid, intLen := CoerceIntBytes(msgbytes[start:])
i += intLen
menUser, err := Users.Get(uid)
if err != nil {
outbytes = append(outbytes, InvalidProfile...)
lastItem = i
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlOpen...)
var urlBit = []byte(menUser.Link)
outbytes = append(outbytes, urlBit...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, bytesSinglequote...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, urlMention...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, bytesGreaterthan...)
var uidBit = []byte("@" + menUser.Name)
outbytes = append(outbytes, uidBit...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlClose...)
lastItem = i
} else if msgbytes[i] == 'h' || msgbytes[i] == 'f' || msgbytes[i] == 'g' {
//log.Print("IN hfg")
if msgbytes[i+1] == 't' && msgbytes[i+2] == 't' && msgbytes[i+3] == 'p' {
if msgbytes[i+4] == 's' && msgbytes[i+5] == ':' && msgbytes[i+6] == '/' && msgbytes[i+7] == '/' {
// Do nothing
} else if msgbytes[i+4] == ':' && msgbytes[i+5] == '/' && msgbytes[i+6] == '/' {
// Do nothing
} else {
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 't' && msgbytes[i+2] == 'p' && msgbytes[i+3] == ':' && msgbytes[i+4] == '/' && msgbytes[i+5] == '/' {
// Do nothing
} else if msgbytes[i+1] == 'i' && msgbytes[i+2] == 't' && msgbytes[i+3] == ':' && msgbytes[i+4] == '/' && msgbytes[i+5] == '/' {
// Do nothing
} else {
//log.Print("Normal URL")
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastItem:i]...)
urlLen := PartialURLBytesLen(msgbytes[i:])
if msgbytes[i+urlLen] > 32 { // space and invisibles
//log.Print("INVALID URL")
//log.Print("msgbytes[i+urlLen]: ", msgbytes[i+urlLen])
//log.Print("string(msgbytes[i+urlLen]): ", string(msgbytes[i+urlLen]))
//log.Print("msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]: ", msgbytes[i:i+urlLen])
//log.Print("string(msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]): ", string(msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]))
outbytes = append(outbytes, InvalidURL...)
i += urlLen
media, ok := parseMediaBytes(msgbytes[i : i+urlLen])
if !ok {
outbytes = append(outbytes, InvalidURL...)
i += urlLen
if media.Type == "attach" {
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageOpen...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, []byte(media.URL+"?sectionID="+strconv.Itoa(sectionID)+"§ionType="+sectionType)...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageOpen2...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, []byte(media.URL+"?sectionID="+strconv.Itoa(sectionID)+"§ionType="+sectionType)...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageClose...)
i += urlLen
lastItem = i
} else if media.Type == "image" {
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageOpen...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, []byte(media.URL)...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageOpen2...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, []byte(media.URL)...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageClose...)
i += urlLen
lastItem = i
} else if media.Type == "raw" {
outbytes = append(outbytes, []byte(media.Body)...)
i += urlLen
lastItem = i
} else if media.Type != "" {
outbytes = append(outbytes, unknownMedia...)
i += urlLen
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlOpen...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlOpen2...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlClose...)
i += urlLen
lastItem = i
} else if msgbytes[i] == '/' && msgbytes[i+1] == '/' {
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastItem:i]...)
urlLen := PartialURLBytesLen(msgbytes[i:])
if msgbytes[i+urlLen] > 32 { // space and invisibles
//log.Print("INVALID URL")
//log.Print("msgbytes[i+urlLen]: ", msgbytes[i+urlLen])
//log.Print("string(msgbytes[i+urlLen]): ", string(msgbytes[i+urlLen]))
//log.Print("msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]: ", msgbytes[i:i+urlLen])
//log.Print("string(msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]): ", string(msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]))
outbytes = append(outbytes, InvalidURL...)
i += urlLen
//log.Print("VALID URL")
//log.Print("msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]: ", msgbytes[i:i+urlLen])
//log.Print("string(msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]): ", string(msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]))
media, ok := parseMediaBytes(msgbytes[i : i+urlLen])
if !ok {
outbytes = append(outbytes, InvalidURL...)
i += urlLen
if media.Type == "attach" {
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageOpen...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, []byte(media.URL+"?sectionID="+strconv.Itoa(sectionID)+"§ionType="+sectionType)...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageOpen2...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, []byte(media.URL+"?sectionID="+strconv.Itoa(sectionID)+"§ionType="+sectionType)...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageClose...)
i += urlLen
lastItem = i
} else if media.Type == "image" {
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageOpen...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, []byte(media.URL)...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageOpen2...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, []byte(media.URL)...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, imageClose...)
i += urlLen
lastItem = i
} else if media.Type == "raw" {
outbytes = append(outbytes, []byte(media.Body)...)
i += urlLen
lastItem = i
} else if media.Type != "" {
outbytes = append(outbytes, unknownMedia...)
i += urlLen
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlOpen...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlOpen2...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[i:i+urlLen]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, UrlClose...)
i += urlLen
lastItem = i
if lastItem != i && len(outbytes) != 0 {
//log.Print("lastItem: ", msgbytes[lastItem])
//log.Print("lastItem index: ", lastItem)
//log.Print("i: ", i)
//log.Print("lastItem to end: ", msgbytes[lastItem:])
calclen := len(msgbytes) - 10
if calclen <= lastItem {
calclen = lastItem
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastItem:calclen]...)
msg = string(outbytes)
msg = strings.Replace(msg, "\n", "<br>", -1)
if Sshooks["parse_assign"] != nil {
msg = RunSshook("parse_assign", msg)
return msg
// 6, 7, 8, 6, 2, 7
// ftp://, http://, https:// git://, //, mailto: (not a URL, just here for length comparison purposes)
// TODO: Write a test for this
func validateURLBytes(data []byte) bool {
datalen := len(data)
i := 0
if datalen >= 6 {
if bytes.Equal(data[0:6], []byte("ftp://")) || bytes.Equal(data[0:6], []byte("git://")) {
i = 6
} else if datalen >= 7 && bytes.Equal(data[0:7], httpProtBytes) {
i = 7
} else if datalen >= 8 && bytes.Equal(data[0:8], []byte("https://")) {
i = 8
} else if datalen >= 2 && data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '/' {
i = 2
// ? - There should only be one : and that's only if the URL is on a non-standard port. Same for ?s.
for ; datalen > i; i++ {
if data[i] != '\\' && data[i] != '_' && data[i] != ':' && data[i] != '?' && data[i] != '&' && data[i] != '=' && data[i] != ';' && data[i] != '@' && !(data[i] > 44 && data[i] < 58) && !(data[i] > 64 && data[i] < 91) && !(data[i] > 96 && data[i] < 123) {
return false
return true
// TODO: Write a test for this
func validatedURLBytes(data []byte) (url []byte) {
datalen := len(data)
i := 0
if datalen >= 6 {
if bytes.Equal(data[0:6], []byte("ftp://")) || bytes.Equal(data[0:6], []byte("git://")) {
i = 6
} else if datalen >= 7 && bytes.Equal(data[0:7], httpProtBytes) {
i = 7
} else if datalen >= 8 && bytes.Equal(data[0:8], []byte("https://")) {
i = 8
} else if datalen >= 2 && data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '/' {
i = 2
// ? - There should only be one : and that's only if the URL is on a non-standard port. Same for ?s.
for ; datalen > i; i++ {
if data[i] != '\\' && data[i] != '_' && data[i] != ':' && data[i] != '?' && data[i] != '&' && data[i] != '=' && data[i] != ';' && data[i] != '@' && !(data[i] > 44 && data[i] < 58) && !(data[i] > 64 && data[i] < 91) && !(data[i] > 96 && data[i] < 123) {
return InvalidURL
url = append(url, data...)
return url
// TODO: Write a test for this
func PartialURLBytes(data []byte) (url []byte) {
datalen := len(data)
i := 0
end := datalen - 1
if datalen >= 6 {
if bytes.Equal(data[0:6], []byte("ftp://")) || bytes.Equal(data[0:6], []byte("git://")) {
i = 6
} else if datalen >= 7 && bytes.Equal(data[0:7], httpProtBytes) {
i = 7
} else if datalen >= 8 && bytes.Equal(data[0:8], []byte("https://")) {
i = 8
} else if datalen >= 2 && data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '/' {
i = 2
// ? - There should only be one : and that's only if the URL is on a non-standard port. Same for ?s.
for ; end >= i; i++ {
if data[i] != '\\' && data[i] != '_' && data[i] != ':' && data[i] != '?' && data[i] != '&' && data[i] != '=' && data[i] != ';' && data[i] != '@' && !(data[i] > 44 && data[i] < 58) && !(data[i] > 64 && data[i] < 91) && !(data[i] > 96 && data[i] < 123) {
end = i
url = append(url, data[0:end]...)
return url
// TODO: Write a test for this
func PartialURLBytesLen(data []byte) int {
datalen := len(data)
i := 0
if datalen >= 6 {
if bytes.Equal(data[0:6], []byte("ftp://")) || bytes.Equal(data[0:6], []byte("git://")) {
i = 6
} else if datalen >= 7 && bytes.Equal(data[0:7], httpProtBytes) {
i = 7
} else if datalen >= 8 && bytes.Equal(data[0:8], []byte("https://")) {
i = 8
} else if datalen >= 2 && data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '/' {
i = 2
// ? - There should only be one : and that's only if the URL is on a non-standard port. Same for ?s.
for ; datalen > i; i++ {
if data[i] != '\\' && data[i] != '_' && data[i] != ':' && data[i] != '?' && data[i] != '&' && data[i] != '=' && data[i] != ';' && data[i] != '@' && !(data[i] > 44 && data[i] < 58) && !(data[i] > 64 && data[i] < 91) && !(data[i] > 96 && data[i] < 123) {
//log.Print("Bad Character: ", data[i])
return i
//log.Print("Data Length: ",datalen)
return datalen
type MediaEmbed struct {
Type string //image
URL string
Body string
// TODO: Write a test for this
func parseMediaBytes(data []byte) (media MediaEmbed, ok bool) {
if !validateURLBytes(data) {
return media, false
url, err := parseURL(data)
if err != nil {
return media, false
//log.Print("url ", url)
hostname := url.Hostname()
scheme := url.Scheme
port := url.Port()
//log.Print("hostname ", hostname)
//log.Print("scheme ", scheme)
query := url.Query()
//log.Printf("query %+v\n", query)
var samesite = hostname == "localhost" || hostname == Site.URL
if samesite {
hostname = strings.Split(Site.URL, ":")[0]
// ?- Test this as I'm not sure it'll do what it should. If someone's running SSL on port 80 or non-SSL on port 443 then... Well... They're in far worse trouble than this...
port = Site.Port
if scheme == "" && Site.EnableSsl {
scheme = "https"
if scheme == "" {
scheme = "http"
path := url.EscapedPath()
//log.Print("path", path)
pathFrags := strings.Split(path, "/")
//log.Printf("pathFrags %+v\n", pathFrags)
//log.Print("scheme ", scheme)
//log.Print("hostname ", hostname)
if len(pathFrags) >= 2 {
if samesite && pathFrags[1] == "attachs" && (scheme == "http" || scheme == "https") {
media.Type = "attach"
var sport string
// ? - Assumes the sysadmin hasn't mixed up the two standard ports
if port != "443" && port != "80" {
sport = ":" + port
media.URL = scheme + "://" + hostname + sport + path
return media, true
// ? - I don't think this hostname will hit every YT domain
// TODO: Make this a more customisable handler rather than hard-coding it in here
if hostname == "" && path == "/watch" {
video, ok := query["v"]
if ok && len(video) >= 1 && video[0] != "" {
media.Type = "raw"
// TODO: Filter the URL to make sure no nasties end up in there
media.Body = "<iframe class='postIframe' src='" + video[0] + "' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>"
return media, true
lastFrag := pathFrags[len(pathFrags)-1]
if lastFrag != "" {
// TODO: Write a function for getting the file extension of a string
extarr := strings.Split(lastFrag, ".")
if len(extarr) >= 2 {
ext := extarr[len(extarr)-1]
if ImageFileExts.Contains(ext) {
media.Type = "image"
var sport string
if port != "443" && port != "80" {
sport = ":" + port
media.URL = scheme + "://" + hostname + sport + path
return media, true
return media, true
func parseURL(data []byte) (*url.URL, error) {
return url.Parse(string(data))
// TODO: Write a test for this
func CoerceIntBytes(data []byte) (res int, length int) {
if !(data[0] > 47 && data[0] < 58) {
return 0, 1
i := 0
for ; len(data) > i; i++ {
if !(data[i] > 47 && data[i] < 58) {
conv, err := strconv.Atoi(string(data[0:i]))
if err != nil {
return 0, i
return conv, i
conv, err := strconv.Atoi(string(data))
if err != nil {
return 0, i
return conv, i
// TODO: Write tests for this
func Paginate(count int, perPage int, maxPages int) []int {
if count < perPage {
return []int{1}
var page int
var out []int
for current := 0; current < count; current += perPage {
out = append(out, page)
if len(out) >= maxPages {
return out
// TODO: Write tests for this
func PageOffset(count int, page int, perPage int) (int, int, int) {
var offset int
lastPage := (count / perPage) + 1
if page > 1 {
offset = (perPage * page) - perPage
} else if page == -1 {
page = lastPage
offset = (perPage * page) - perPage
} else {
page = 1
// We don't want the offset to overflow the slices, if everything's in memory
if offset >= (count - 1) {
offset = 0
return offset, page, lastPage