Azareal 7b1f27bf41 Added the ability to compile templates down to Pure Go code.
I'm slowly rolling this feature out to the various routes and doing tests.

Added the notice system.
Added the "You are banned" notice.
Added the Sendmail experimental plugin for sending emails without needing a SMTP server.
Added the debug flag for tuning down the amount of noise in the console.
Converted a system notice over to the notice system.
Changed the Activation Function signature to allow it to return errors which abort the process of plugin activation.
Plugins can now set tags. These will be visible in the Plugin Manager at a later date to specify a small snippet of additional information.
Variadic hooks are now first class citizens of the Plugin API rather than just an experiment.
SessionCheck() and the new SimpleSessionCheck() can now halt further processing of a route.
Deleted plugins are no longer shown on the Plugin Manager.
The registration form no longer allows users with blank names, emails or passwords to register.
The registration form now blocks some extremely common passwords.
Added the new status CSS to the /forum/ route.
Simplified some of the range loops in the templates.
2016-12-16 10:37:42 +00:00

114 lines
3.7 KiB

`uid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(100) not null,
`password` varchar(100) not null,
`salt` varchar(80) DEFAULT '' not null,
`group` int not null,
`active` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`is_super_admin` tinyint(1) not null,
`createdAt` datetime not null,
`lastActiveAt` datetime not null,
`session` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
`email` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
`avatar` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' not null,
`message` text not null,
`url_prefix` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' not null,
`url_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
primary key(`uid`),
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `users_groups`(
`gid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(100) not null,
`permissions` text not null,
`is_mod` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`is_admin` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`is_banned` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' not null,
primary key(`gid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `forums`(
`fid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(100) not null,
`active` tinyint DEFAULT 1 not null,
`lastTopic` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
`lastTopicID` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`lastReplyer` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
`lastReplyerID` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`lastTopicTime` datetime not null,
primary key(`fid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `topics`(
`tid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`title` varchar(100) not null,
`content` text not null,
`parsed_content` text not null,
`createdAt` datetime not null,
`lastReplyAt` datetime not null,
`createdBy` int not null,
`is_closed` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`sticky` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`parentID` int DEFAULT 1 not null,
`data` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
primary key(`tid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `replies`(
`rid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`tid` int not null,
`content` text not null,
`parsed_content` text not null,
`createdAt` datetime not null,
`createdBy` int not null,
`lastEdit` int not null,
`lastEditBy` int not null,
primary key(`rid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `users_replies`(
`rid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`uid` int not null,
`content` text not null,
`parsed_content` text not null,
`createdAt` datetime not null,
`createdBy` int not null,
`lastEdit` int not null,
`lastEditBy` int not null,
primary key(`rid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `settings`(
`name` varchar(200) not null,
`content` varchar(250) not null,
`type` varchar(50) not null,
`constraints` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
CREATE TABLE `plugins`(
`uname` varchar(200) not null,
`active` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
INSERT INTO settings(`name`,`content`,`type`) VALUES ('url_tags','1','bool');
INSERT INTO users(`name`,`group`,`is_super_admin`,`createdAt`,`lastActiveAt`,`message`)
VALUES ('Admin',1,1,NOW(),NOW(),'');
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`active`,`is_mod`,`is_admin`,`tag`) VALUES ('Administrator','{}',1,1,1,"Admin");
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`is_mod`,`tag`) VALUES ('Moderator','{}',1,"Mod");
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`) VALUES ('Member','{}');
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`is_banned`) VALUES ('Banned','{}',1);
INSERT INTO forums(`name`,`lastTopicTime`) VALUES ('General',NOW());
INSERT INTO topics(`title`,`content`,`createdAt`,`lastReplyAt`,`createdBy`,`parentID`)
VALUES ('Test Topic','A topic automatically generated by the software.',NOW(),NOW(),1,1);
INSERT INTO replies(`tid`,`content`,`createdAt`,`createdBy`,`lastEdit`,`lastEditBy`)
VALUES (1,'Reply 1',NOW(),1,0,0);