Azareal 77291e4b44 Add ScheduledTasks and TaskSet interfaces.
Add unlisted LogLongTick developer setting.
Rearrange the order of the shutdown signal handler to figure out where it might fail.
2021-05-03 10:36:29 +10:00

124 lines
3.4 KiB

package counters
import (
c "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/common"
qgen "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/query_gen"
var ReferrerTracker *DefaultReferrerTracker
// Add ReferrerItems here after they've had zero views for a while
var referrersToDelete = make(map[string]*ReferrerItem)
type ReferrerItem struct {
Count int64
// ? We'll track referrer domains here rather than the exact URL they arrived from for now, we'll think about expanding later
// ? Referrers are fluid and ever-changing so we have to use string keys rather than 'enum' ints
type DefaultReferrerTracker struct {
odd map[string]*ReferrerItem
even map[string]*ReferrerItem
oddLock sync.RWMutex
evenLock sync.RWMutex
insert *sql.Stmt
func NewDefaultReferrerTracker() (*DefaultReferrerTracker, error) {
acc := qgen.NewAcc()
refTracker := &DefaultReferrerTracker{
odd: make(map[string]*ReferrerItem),
even: make(map[string]*ReferrerItem),
insert: acc.Insert("viewchunks_referrers").Columns("count,createdAt,domain").Fields("?,UTC_TIMESTAMP(),?").Prepare(), // TODO: Do something more efficient than doing a query for each referrer
return refTracker, acc.FirstError()
// TODO: Move this and the other view tickers out of the main task loop to avoid blocking other tasks?
func (ref *DefaultReferrerTracker) Tick() (err error) {
for referrer, counter := range referrersToDelete {
// Handle views which squeezed through the gaps at the last moment
count := counter.Count
if count != 0 {
err := ref.insertChunk(referrer, count) // TODO: Bulk insert for speed?
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(errors.WithStack(err), "ref counter")
delete(referrersToDelete, referrer)
// Run the queries and schedule zero view refs for deletion from memory
refLoop := func(l *sync.RWMutex, m map[string]*ReferrerItem) error {
defer l.Unlock()
for referrer, counter := range m {
if counter.Count == 0 {
referrersToDelete[referrer] = counter
delete(m, referrer)
count := atomic.SwapInt64(&counter.Count, 0)
err := ref.insertChunk(referrer, count) // TODO: Bulk insert for speed?
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(errors.WithStack(err), "ref counter")
return nil
err = refLoop(&ref.oddLock, ref.odd)
if err != nil {
return err
return refLoop(&ref.evenLock, ref.even)
func (ref *DefaultReferrerTracker) insertChunk(referrer string, count int64) error {
if count == 0 {
return nil
c.DebugDetailf("Inserting a vchunk with a count of %d for ref %s", count, referrer)
_, err := ref.insert.Exec(count, referrer)
return err
func (ref *DefaultReferrerTracker) Bump(referrer string) {
if referrer == "" {
var refItem *ReferrerItem
// Slightly crude and rudimentary, but it should give a basic degree of sharding
if referrer[0]%2 == 0 {
refItem = ref.even[referrer]
if refItem != nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&refItem.Count, 1)
} else {
ref.even[referrer] = &ReferrerItem{Count: 1}
} else {
refItem = ref.odd[referrer]
if refItem != nil {
atomic.AddInt64(&refItem.Count, 1)
} else {
ref.odd[referrer] = &ReferrerItem{Count: 1}