296 lines
6.6 KiB
296 lines
6.6 KiB
package main
import (
type Version struct
Major int
Minor int
Patch int
Tag string
TagID int
func (version *Version) String() (out string) {
out = strconv.Itoa(version.Major) + "." + strconv.Itoa(version.Minor) + "." + strconv.Itoa(version.Patch)
if version.Tag != "" {
out += "-" + version.Tag
if version.TagID != 0 {
out += strconv.Itoa(version.TagID)
// Generate a cryptographically secure set of random bytes..
func GenerateSafeString(length int) (string, error) {
rb := make([]byte,length)
_, err := rand.Read(rb)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(rb), nil
func relative_time(in string) (string, error) {
if in == "" {
return "", nil
layout := "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
t, err := time.Parse(layout, in)
if err != nil {
return "", err
diff := time.Since(t)
hours := diff.Hours()
seconds := diff.Seconds()
weeks := int(hours / 24 / 7)
months := int(hours / 24 / 31)
switch {
case months > 11:
//return t.Format("Mon Jan 2 2006"), err
return t.Format("Jan 2 2006"), err
case months > 1: return fmt.Sprintf("%d months ago", months), err
case months == 1: return "a month ago", err
case weeks > 1: return fmt.Sprintf("%d weeks ago", weeks), err
case int(hours / 24) == 7: return "a week ago", err
case int(hours / 24) == 1: return "1 day ago", err
case int(hours / 24) > 1: return fmt.Sprintf("%d days ago", int(hours / 24)), err
case seconds <= 1: return "a moment ago", err
case seconds < 60: return fmt.Sprintf("%d seconds ago", int(seconds)), err
case seconds < 120: return "a minute ago", err
case seconds < 3600: return fmt.Sprintf("%d minutes ago", int(seconds / 60)), err
case seconds < 7200: return "an hour ago", err
default: return fmt.Sprintf("%d hours ago", int(seconds / 60 / 60)), err
func convert_byte_unit(bytes float64) (float64,string) {
switch {
case bytes >= float64(terabyte): return bytes / float64(terabyte), "TB"
case bytes >= float64(gigabyte): return bytes / float64(gigabyte), "GB"
case bytes >= float64(megabyte): return bytes / float64(megabyte), "MB"
case bytes >= float64(kilobyte): return bytes / float64(kilobyte), "KB"
default: return bytes, " bytes"
func convert_byte_in_unit(bytes float64,unit string) (count float64) {
switch(unit) {
case "TB": count = bytes / float64(terabyte)
case "GB": count = bytes / float64(gigabyte)
case "MB": count = bytes / float64(megabyte)
case "KB": count = bytes / float64(kilobyte)
default: count = 0.1
if count < 0.1 {
count = 0.1
func convert_unit(num int) (int,string) {
switch {
case num >= 1000000000000: return 0, "∞"
case num >= 1000000000: return num / 1000000000, "B"
case num >= 1000000: return num / 1000000, "M"
case num >= 1000: return num / 1000, "K"
default: return num, ""
func convert_friendly_unit(num int) (int,string) {
switch {
case num >= 1000000000000: return 0, " zillion"
case num >= 1000000000: return num / 1000000000, " billion"
case num >= 1000000: return num / 1000000, " million"
case num >= 1000: return num / 1000, " thousand"
default: return num, ""
func SendEmail(email string, subject string, msg string) (res bool) {
// This hook is useful for plugin_sendmail or for testing tools. Possibly to hook it into some sort of mail server?
if vhooks["email_send_intercept"] != nil {
return vhooks["email_send_intercept"](email, subject, msg).(bool)
body := "Subject: " + subject + "\n\n" + msg + "\n"
con, err := smtp.Dial(smtp_server + ":" + smtp_port)
if err != nil {
if smtp_username != "" {
auth := smtp.PlainAuth("",smtp_username,smtp_password,smtp_server)
err = con.Auth(auth)
if err != nil {
err = con.Mail(site_email)
if err != nil {
err = con.Rcpt(email)
if err != nil {
email_data, err := con.Data()
if err != nil {
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(email_data, body)
if err != nil {
err = email_data.Close()
if err != nil {
err = con.Quit()
if err != nil {
return true
func write_file(name string, content string) (err error) {
f, err := os.Create(name)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = f.WriteString(content)
if err != nil {
return err
func word_count(input string) (count int) {
input = strings.TrimSpace(input)
if input == "" {
return 0
in_space := false
for _, value := range input {
if unicode.IsSpace(value) {
if !in_space {
in_space = true
} else if in_space {
in_space = false
return count + 1
func getLevel(score int) (level int) {
var base float64 = 25
var current, prev float64
exp_factor := 2.8
for i := 1;;i++ {
_, bit := math.Modf(float64(i) / 10)
if bit == 0 {
exp_factor += 0.1
current = base + math.Pow(float64(i), exp_factor) + (prev / 3)
prev = current
if float64(score) < current {
return level
func getLevelScore(getLevel int) (score int) {
var base float64 = 25
var current, prev float64
var level int
exp_factor := 2.8
for i := 1;;i++ {
_, bit := math.Modf(float64(i) / 10)
if bit == 0 {
exp_factor += 0.1
current = base + math.Pow(float64(i), exp_factor) + (prev / 3)
prev = current
if level <= getLevel {
return int(math.Ceil(current))
func getLevels(maxLevel int) []float64 {
var base float64 = 25
var current, prev float64 // = 0
exp_factor := 2.8
var out []float64
out = append(out, 0)
for i := 1;i <= maxLevel;i++ {
_, bit := math.Modf(float64(i) / 10)
if bit == 0 {
exp_factor += 0.1
current = base + math.Pow(float64(i), exp_factor) + (prev / 3)
prev = current
out = append(out, current)
return out
func fill_forum_id_gap(biggerID int, smallerID int) {
dummy := Forum{ID:0,Name:"",Active:false,Preset:"all"}
for i := smallerID; i > biggerID; i++ {
forums = append(forums, dummy)
func fill_group_id_gap(biggerID int, smallerID int) {
dummy := Group{ID:0, Name:""}
for i := smallerID; i > biggerID; i++ {
groups = append(groups, dummy)
func addModLog(action string, elementID int, elementType string, ipaddress string, actorID int) (err error) {
_, err = add_modlog_entry_stmt.Exec(action,elementID,elementType,ipaddress,actorID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func addAdminLog(action string, elementID string, elementType int, ipaddress string, actorID int) (err error) {
_, err = add_adminlog_entry_stmt.Exec(action,elementID,elementType,ipaddress,actorID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil