Experimenting with better cache busting for static resources. HTTPSRedirect requests are now counted in the route analytics. More scripts are loaded asynchronously now. Upped the default ReadTimeout to eight seconds. Reduce the number of unneccesary NewAcc calls. Added panel_before_head as an injection point for themes. Themes can now declare scripts to be loaded asynchronously. Tweaked the WS resumption algorithm to mae the backoffs a little less aggressive. Fixed an ordering issue in the WS resumption algorithm where backoffs weren't expiring as fast as they should have. Fixed a bug where template logs weren't being written due to a panic. You can now use byte slices in more places in the transpiled templates. Fixed a bug where Cosora's misc.js seemed to be erroring out. Fixed a bug where YT embeds were getting blocked by the CSP. Added the panel_back_to_site phrase. Added the panel_welcome phrase.
358 lines
11 KiB
358 lines
11 KiB
package common
import (
type SFileList map[string]SFile
var StaticFiles SFileList = make(map[string]SFile)
var staticFileMutex sync.RWMutex
type SFile struct {
Data []byte
GzipData []byte
Sha256 string
Pos int64
Length int64
GzipLength int64
Mimetype string
Info os.FileInfo
FormattedModTime string
type CSSData struct {
Phrases map[string]string
func (list SFileList) JSTmplInit() error {
DebugLog("Initialising the client side templates")
return filepath.Walk("./tmpl_client", func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if f.IsDir() || strings.HasSuffix(path, "template_list.go") || strings.HasSuffix(path, "stub.go") {
return nil
path = strings.Replace(path, "\\", "/", -1)
DebugLog("Processing client template " + path)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "tmpl_client/")
tmplName := strings.TrimSuffix(path, ".go")
shortName := strings.TrimPrefix(tmplName, "template_")
var replace = func(data []byte, replaceThis string, withThis string) []byte {
return bytes.Replace(data, []byte(replaceThis), []byte(withThis), -1)
startIndex, hasFunc := skipAllUntilCharsExist(data, 0, []byte("func init() {"))
if !hasFunc {
return errors.New("no init function found")
data = data[startIndex-len([]byte("func init() {")):]
data = replace(data, "func ", "function ")
data = replace(data, "function init() {", "if(tmplInits===undefined) var tmplInits = {};\ntmplInits[\""+tmplName+"\"] = ")
data = replace(data, " error {\n", " {\nlet out = \"\"\n")
funcIndex, hasFunc := skipAllUntilCharsExist(data, 0, []byte("function Template_"))
if !hasFunc {
return errors.New("no template function found")
spaceIndex, hasSpace := skipUntilIfExists(data, funcIndex, ' ')
if !hasSpace {
return errors.New("no spaces found after the template function name")
endBrace, hasBrace := skipUntilIfExists(data, spaceIndex, ')')
if !hasBrace {
return errors.New("no right brace found after the template function name")
fmt.Println("spaceIndex: ", spaceIndex)
fmt.Println("endBrace: ", endBrace)
fmt.Println("string(data[spaceIndex:endBrace]): ", string(data[spaceIndex:endBrace]))
preLen := len(data)
data = replace(data, string(data[spaceIndex:endBrace]), "")
data = replace(data, "))\n", " \n")
endBrace -= preLen - len(data) // Offset it as we've deleted portions
fmt.Println("new endBrace: ", endBrace)
fmt.Println("data: ", string(data))
/*var showPos = func(data []byte, index int) (out string) {
out = "["
for j, char := range data {
if index == j {
out += "[" + string(char) + "] "
} else {
out += string(char) + " "
return out + "]"
data = replace(data, `)
if !ok {
return errors.New("invalid page struct value")
}`, "*/tmpl_"+shortName+"_vars = tmpl_"+shortName+"_i")
// ? Can we just use a regex? I'm thinking of going more efficient, or just outright rolling wasm, this is a temp hack in a place where performance doesn't particularly matter
var each = func(phrase string, handle func(index int)) {
//fmt.Println("find each '" + phrase + "'")
var index = endBrace
if index < 0 {
panic("index under zero: " + strconv.Itoa(index))
var foundIt bool
for {
//fmt.Println("in index: ", index)
//fmt.Println("pos: ", showPos(data, index))
index, foundIt = skipAllUntilCharsExist(data, index, []byte(phrase))
if !foundIt {
each("strconv.Itoa(", func(index int) {
braceAt, hasEndBrace := skipUntilIfExistsOrLine(data, index, ')')
if hasEndBrace {
data[braceAt] = ' ' // Blank it
each("[]byte(", func(index int) {
braceAt, hasEndBrace := skipUntilIfExistsOrLine(data, index, ')')
if hasEndBrace {
data[braceAt] = ' ' // Blank it
each("StringToBytes(", func(index int) {
braceAt, hasEndBrace := skipUntilIfExistsOrLine(data, index, ')')
if hasEndBrace {
data[braceAt] = ' ' // Blank it
each("w.Write(", func(index int) {
braceAt, hasEndBrace := skipUntilIfExistsOrLine(data, index, ')')
if hasEndBrace {
data[braceAt] = ' ' // Blank it
each("RelativeTime(", func(index int) {
braceAt, _ := skipUntilIfExistsOrLine(data, index, 10)
if data[braceAt-1] == ' ' {
data[braceAt-1] = ' ' // Blank it
each("if ", func(index int) {
//fmt.Println("if index: ", index)
braceAt, hasBrace := skipUntilIfExistsOrLine(data, index, '{')
if hasBrace {
if data[braceAt-1] != ' ' {
panic("couldn't find space before brace, found ' " + string(data[braceAt-1]) + "' instead")
data[braceAt-1] = ')' // Drop a brace here to satisfy JS
each("for _, item := range ", func(index int) {
//fmt.Println("for index: ", index)
braceAt, hasBrace := skipUntilIfExists(data, index, '{')
if hasBrace {
if data[braceAt-1] != ' ' {
panic("couldn't find space before brace, found ' " + string(data[braceAt-1]) + "' instead")
data[braceAt-1] = ')' // Drop a brace here to satisfy JS
data = replace(data, "for _, item := range ", "for(item of ")
data = replace(data, "w.Write([]byte(", "out += ")
data = replace(data, "w.Write(StringToBytes(", "out += ")
data = replace(data, "w.Write(", "out += ")
data = replace(data, "strconv.Itoa(", "")
data = replace(data, "strconv.FormatInt(", "")
data = replace(data, "common.", "")
data = replace(data, "phrases.", "")
data = replace(data, ", 10;", "")
data = replace(data, shortName+"_tmpl_phrase_id = RegisterTmplPhraseNames([]string{", "[")
data = replace(data, "var plist = GetTmplPhrasesBytes("+shortName+"_tmpl_phrase_id)", "let plist = tmplPhrases[\""+tmplName+"\"];")
data = replace(data, "var cached_var_", "let cached_var_")
data = replace(data, `tmpl_`+shortName+`_vars, ok := tmpl_`+shortName+`_i.`, `/*`)
data = replace(data, "[]byte(", "")
data = replace(data, "StringToBytes(", "")
data = replace(data, "RelativeTime(tmpl_"+shortName+"_vars.", "tmpl_"+shortName+"_vars.Relative")
// TODO: Format dates properly on the client side
data = replace(data, ".Format(\"2006-01-02 15:04:05\"", "")
data = replace(data, ", 10", "")
data = replace(data, "if ", "if(")
data = replace(data, "return nil", "return out")
data = replace(data, " )", ")")
data = replace(data, " \n", "\n")
data = replace(data, "\n", ";\n")
data = replace(data, "{;", "{")
data = replace(data, "};", "}")
data = replace(data, "[;", "[")
data = replace(data, ";;", ";")
data = replace(data, ",;", ",")
data = replace(data, "=;", "=")
data = replace(data, `,
}`, "\n\t];")
data = replace(data, `=
}`, "= []")
fragset := tmpl.GetFrag(shortName)
if fragset != nil {
var sfrags = []byte("let " + shortName + "_frags = [];\n")
for _, frags := range fragset {
sfrags = append(sfrags, []byte(shortName+"_frags.push(`"+string(frags)+"`);\n")...)
data = append(sfrags, data...)
data = replace(data, "\n;", "\n")
for name, _ := range Themes {
if strings.HasSuffix(shortName, "_"+name) {
data = append(data, "\nvar Template_"+strings.TrimSuffix(shortName, "_"+name)+" = Template_"+shortName+";"...)
path = tmplName + ".js"
DebugLog("js path: ", path)
var ext = filepath.Ext("/tmpl_client/" + path)
gzipData, err := compressBytesGzip(data)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get a checksum for CSPs and cache busting
hasher := sha256.New()
checksum := hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
list.Set("/static/"+path, SFile{data, gzipData, checksum, 0, int64(len(data)), int64(len(gzipData)), mime.TypeByExtension(ext), f, f.ModTime().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)})
DebugLogf("Added the '%s' static file.", path)
return nil
func (list SFileList) Init() error {
return filepath.Walk("./public", func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if f.IsDir() {
return nil
path = strings.Replace(path, "\\", "/", -1)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "public/")
var ext = filepath.Ext("/public/" + path)
mimetype := mime.TypeByExtension(ext)
// Get a checksum for CSPs and cache busting
hasher := sha256.New()
checksum := hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
// Avoid double-compressing images
var gzipData []byte
if mimetype != "image/jpeg" && mimetype != "image/png" && mimetype != "image/gif" {
gzipData, err = compressBytesGzip(data)
if err != nil {
return err
// Don't use Gzip if we get meagre gains from it as it takes longer to process the responses
if len(gzipData) >= (len(data) + 100) {
gzipData = nil
} else {
diff := len(data) - len(gzipData)
if diff <= len(data)/100 {
gzipData = nil
list.Set("/static/"+path, SFile{data, gzipData, checksum, 0, int64(len(data)), int64(len(gzipData)), mimetype, f, f.ModTime().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)})
DebugLogf("Added the '%s' static file.", path)
return nil
func (list SFileList) Add(path string, prefix string) error {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
fi, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return err
f, err := fi.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err
var ext = filepath.Ext(path)
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, prefix)
gzipData, err := compressBytesGzip(data)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get a checksum for CSPs and cache busting
hasher := sha256.New()
checksum := hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
list.Set("/static"+path, SFile{data, gzipData, checksum, 0, int64(len(data)), int64(len(gzipData)), mime.TypeByExtension(ext), f, f.ModTime().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)})
DebugLogf("Added the '%s' static file", path)
return nil
func (list SFileList) Get(name string) (file SFile, exists bool) {
defer staticFileMutex.RUnlock()
file, exists = list[name]
return file, exists
func (list SFileList) Set(name string, data SFile) {
defer staticFileMutex.Unlock()
list[name] = data
func compressBytesGzip(in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var buff bytes.Buffer
gz, err := gzip.NewWriterLevel(&buff, gzip.BestCompression)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = gz.Write(in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = gz.Close()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buff.Bytes(), nil