Azareal 6fdf615cf5 Topic and user edits should now update the caches. Ditto for topic deletions.
The tests and benchmarks now run again.
gloinit() is always called prior to the tests and benchmarks now.
The tests and benchmarks no longer use hard-coded session strings for admin route tests.
Added some new route tests.
We now pull the database version into a variable.
Fixed an issue with guest perms not applying properly.
Tweaked the router to make it a little more efficient.
Moved more topic / user parsing logic into CascadeGet
Profiles now use the user cache.
Added the Set method to the caches. Set is used when you don't know if an item exists in a cache or not.
Added the Load method to the caches. Load is used to forcefully reload an item in a cache from the database.
2017-02-15 10:49:30 +00:00

92 lines
1.6 KiB

package main
import "log"
import "bytes"
import "strings"
import "mime"
//import "errors"
import "os"
//import "io"
import "io/ioutil"
import "path/filepath"
import "net/http"
import "compress/gzip"
type SFile struct
Data []byte
GzipData []byte
Pos int64
Length int64
Mimetype string
Info os.FileInfo
FormattedModTime string
/*func (r SFile) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n = 0
if r.Pos > r.Length {
return n, io.EOF
size := cap(b)
if size > 0 {
for n < size {
b[n] = r.Data[r.Pos]
if r.Pos == r.Length {
return n, nil
func (r SFile) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
if offset < 0 {
return 0, errors.New("negative position")
switch whence {
case 0:
r.Pos = offset
case 1:
r.Pos += offset
case 2:
r.Pos = r.Length + offset
return 0, errors.New("invalid whence")
return r.Pos, nil
func add_static_file(path string, prefix string) error {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
fi, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return err
f, err := fi.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err
log.Print("Adding the '" + path + "' static file")
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, prefix)
log.Print("Added the '" + path + "' static file")
static_files["/static" + path] = SFile{data,compress_bytes_gzip(data),0,int64(len(data)),mime.TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext(prefix + path)),f,f.ModTime().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)}
return nil
func compress_bytes_gzip(in []byte) []byte {
var buff bytes.Buffer
gz := gzip.NewWriter(&buff)
return buff.Bytes()