Added basic support for server sync. Re-added a few missing defers. Renamed TO-DO to TODO across the entire codebase. Renamed StaticForumStore to MemoryForumStore. The ForumStore is now built on a sync.Map with a view slice for generating /forums rather than a slice. Renamed many more functions and variables to satisfy the linter. increase_post_user_stats() and decrease_post_user_stats() are now methods on the User struct. We also fix a bug where they take the moderator's score rather than the target user's into account when recalculating their level after a post / topic is deleted. Transitioned the topic list to CSS Grid for Tempra Simple, with a float fallback. Cosmo and Cosmo Conflux are now hidden from the theme list. Fixed more data races. Added more debug data to the template compiler logs.
328 lines
11 KiB
328 lines
11 KiB
/* Copyright Azareal 2016 - 2018 */
package main
import (
var version = Version{Major: 0, Minor: 1, Patch: 0, Tag: "dev"}
const hour int = 60 * 60
const day int = hour * 24
const week int = day * 7
const month int = day * 30
const year int = day * 365
const kilobyte int = 1024
const megabyte int = kilobyte * 1024
const gigabyte int = megabyte * 1024
const terabyte int = gigabyte * 1024
const saltLength int = 32
const sessionLength int = 80
var enableWebsockets = false // Don't change this, the value is overwritten by an initialiser
var router *GenRouter
var startTime time.Time
var externalSites = map[string]string{
"YT": "",
var groups []Group
var groupCapCount int
var staticFiles = make(map[string]SFile)
var logWriter = io.MultiWriter(os.Stderr)
type WordFilter struct {
ID int
Find string
Replacement string
type WordFilterBox map[int]WordFilter
var wordFilterBox atomic.Value // An atomic value holding a WordFilterBox
func init() {
func LoadWordFilters() error {
rows, err := get_word_filters_stmt.Query()
if err != nil {
return err
defer rows.Close()
var wordFilters = WordFilterBox(make(map[int]WordFilter))
var wfid int
var find string
var replacement string
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&wfid, &find, &replacement)
if err != nil {
return err
wordFilters[wfid] = WordFilter{ID: wfid, Find: find, Replacement: replacement}
return rows.Err()
func addWordFilter(id int, find string, replacement string) {
wordFilters := wordFilterBox.Load().(WordFilterBox)
wordFilters[id] = WordFilter{ID: id, Find: find, Replacement: replacement}
func processConfig() {
config.Noavatar = strings.Replace(config.Noavatar, "{site_url}", site.Url, -1)
if site.Port != "80" && site.Port != "443" {
site.Url = strings.TrimSuffix(site.Url, "/")
site.Url = strings.TrimSuffix(site.Url, "\\")
site.Url = strings.TrimSuffix(site.Url, ":")
site.Url = site.Url + ":" + site.Port
func main() {
// TODO: Have a file for each run with the time/date the server started as the file name?
// TODO: Log panics with recover()
f, err := os.OpenFile("./operations.log", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0755)
if err != nil {
logWriter = io.MultiWriter(os.Stderr, f)
//if profiling {
// f, err := os.Create("")
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatal(err)
// }
// pprof.StartCPUProfile(f)
log.Print("Running Gosora v" + version.String())
startTime = time.Now()
//timeLocation = startTime.Location()
log.Print("Processing configuration data")
err = initThemes()
if err != nil {
err = initDatabase()
if err != nil {
err = initErrors()
if err != nil {
if config.CacheTopicUser == CACHE_STATIC {
users = NewMemoryUserStore(config.UserCacheCapacity)
topics = NewMemoryTopicStore(config.TopicCacheCapacity)
} else {
users = NewSQLUserStore()
topics = NewSQLTopicStore()
log.Print("Loading the static files.")
err = initStaticFiles()
if err != nil {
log.Print("Initialising the widgets")
err = initWidgets()
if err != nil {
log.Print("Initialising the authentication system")
auth = NewDefaultAuth()
err = LoadWordFilters()
if err != nil {
// Run this goroutine once a second
secondTicker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
fifteenMinuteTicker := time.NewTicker(15 * time.Minute)
//hour_ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Hour)
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-secondTicker.C:
//log.Print("Running the second ticker")
err := handleExpiredScheduledGroups()
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle delayed moderation tasks
// TODO: Handle the daily clean-up. Move this to a 24 hour task?
// Sync with the database, if there are any changes
err = handleServerSync()
if err != nil {
// TODO: Manage the TopicStore, UserStore, and ForumStore
// TODO: Alert the admin, if CPU usage, RAM usage, or the number of posts in the past second are too high
// TODO: Clean-up alerts with no unread matches which are over two weeks old. Move this to a 24 hour task?
case <-fifteenMinuteTicker.C:
// TODO: Automatically lock topics, if they're really old, and the associated setting is enabled.
// TODO: Publish scheduled posts.
// TODO: Delete the empty users_groups_scheduler entries
log.Print("Initialising the router")
router = NewGenRouter(http.FileServer(http.Dir("./uploads")))
///router.HandleFunc("/static/", route_static)
///router.HandleFunc("/overview/", route_overview)
///router.HandleFunc("/topics/create/", route_topic_create)
///router.HandleFunc("/topics/", route_topics)
///router.HandleFunc("/forums/", route_forums)
///router.HandleFunc("/forum/", route_forum)
router.HandleFunc("/topic/create/submit/", route_topic_create_submit)
router.HandleFunc("/topic/", route_topic_id)
router.HandleFunc("/reply/create/", route_create_reply)
//router.HandleFunc("/reply/edit/", route_reply_edit)
//router.HandleFunc("/reply/delete/", route_reply_delete)
router.HandleFunc("/reply/edit/submit/", route_reply_edit_submit)
router.HandleFunc("/reply/delete/submit/", route_reply_delete_submit)
router.HandleFunc("/reply/like/submit/", route_reply_like_submit)
///router.HandleFunc("/report/submit/", route_report_submit)
router.HandleFunc("/topic/edit/submit/", route_edit_topic)
router.HandleFunc("/topic/delete/submit/", route_delete_topic)
router.HandleFunc("/topic/stick/submit/", route_stick_topic)
router.HandleFunc("/topic/unstick/submit/", route_unstick_topic)
router.HandleFunc("/topic/like/submit/", route_like_topic)
// Custom Pages
router.HandleFunc("/pages/", route_custom_page)
// Accounts
router.HandleFunc("/accounts/login/", route_login)
router.HandleFunc("/accounts/create/", route_register)
router.HandleFunc("/accounts/logout/", route_logout)
router.HandleFunc("/accounts/login/submit/", route_login_submit)
router.HandleFunc("/accounts/create/submit/", route_register_submit)
//router.HandleFunc("/accounts/list/", route_login) // Redirect /accounts/ and /user/ to here.. // Get a list of all of the accounts on the forum
//router.HandleFunc("/accounts/create/full/", route_logout) // Advanced account creator for admins?
//router.HandleFunc("/user/edit/", route_logout)
router.HandleFunc("/user/edit/critical/", route_account_own_edit_critical) // Password & Email
router.HandleFunc("/user/edit/critical/submit/", route_account_own_edit_critical_submit)
router.HandleFunc("/user/edit/avatar/", route_account_own_edit_avatar)
router.HandleFunc("/user/edit/avatar/submit/", route_account_own_edit_avatar_submit)
router.HandleFunc("/user/edit/username/", route_account_own_edit_username)
router.HandleFunc("/user/edit/username/submit/", route_account_own_edit_username_submit)
router.HandleFunc("/user/edit/email/", route_account_own_edit_email)
router.HandleFunc("/user/edit/token/", route_account_own_edit_email_token_submit)
router.HandleFunc("/user/", route_profile)
router.HandleFunc("/profile/reply/create/", route_profile_reply_create)
router.HandleFunc("/profile/reply/edit/submit/", route_profile_reply_edit_submit)
router.HandleFunc("/profile/reply/delete/submit/", route_profile_reply_delete_submit)
//router.HandleFunc("/user/edit/submit/", route_logout) // route_logout? what on earth? o.o
//router.HandleFunc("/users/ban/", route_ban)
router.HandleFunc("/users/ban/submit/", route_ban_submit)
router.HandleFunc("/users/unban/", route_unban)
router.HandleFunc("/users/activate/", route_activate)
router.HandleFunc("/users/ips/", route_ips)
// The Control Panel
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/", route_panel)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/forums/", route_panel_forums)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/forums/create/", route_panel_forums_create_submit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/forums/delete/", route_panel_forums_delete)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/forums/delete/submit/", route_panel_forums_delete_submit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/forums/edit/", route_panel_forums_edit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/forums/edit/submit/", route_panel_forums_edit_submit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/forums/edit/perms/submit/", route_panel_forums_edit_perms_submit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/settings/", route_panel_settings)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/settings/edit/", route_panel_setting)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/settings/edit/submit/", route_panel_setting_edit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/themes/", route_panel_themes)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/themes/default/", route_panel_themes_default)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/plugins/", route_panel_plugins)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/plugins/activate/", route_panel_plugins_activate)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/plugins/deactivate/", route_panel_plugins_deactivate)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/users/", route_panel_users)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/users/edit/", route_panel_users_edit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/users/edit/submit/", route_panel_users_edit_submit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/groups/", route_panel_groups)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/groups/edit/", route_panel_groups_edit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/groups/edit/perms/", route_panel_groups_edit_perms)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/groups/edit/submit/", route_panel_groups_edit_submit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/groups/edit/perms/submit/", route_panel_groups_edit_perms_submit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/groups/create/", route_panel_groups_create_submit)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/logs/mod/", route_panel_logs_mod)
///router.HandleFunc("/panel/debug/", route_panel_debug)
///router.HandleFunc("/api/", route_api)
//router.HandleFunc("/exit/", route_exit)
///router.HandleFunc("/", default_route)
router.HandleFunc("/ws/", route_websockets)
log.Print("Initialising the plugins")
defer db.Close()
//if profiling {
// pprof.StopCPUProfile()
// TODO: Let users run *both* HTTP and HTTPS
log.Print("Initialising the HTTP server")
if !site.EnableSsl {
if site.Port == "" {
site.Port = "80"
log.Print("Listening on port " + site.Port)
err = http.ListenAndServe(":"+site.Port, router)
} else {
if site.Port == "" {
site.Port = "443"
if site.Port == "80" || site.Port == "443" {
// We should also run the server on port 80
// TODO: Redirect to port 443
go func() {
log.Print("Listening on port 80")
err = http.ListenAndServe(":80", &HTTPSRedirect{})
if err != nil {
log.Print("Listening on port " + site.Port)
err = http.ListenAndServeTLS(":"+site.Port, config.SslFullchain, config.SslPrivkey, router)
// Why did the server stop?
if err != nil {