The client templates load earlier now for a smoother user experience. Added a setting for setting a Google Site Verification meta tag without editing header.html Added support for favicons. /static/favicon.ico will be mapped to favicon.ico, if it exists. The parent forum is now visible on the topics list for Nox. Language headers which contain the wildcard character are no longer considered unknowns. Meta descriptions and open graph descriptions are no longer emitted for logged in users. Slimmed down topics_topic slightly for Nox. Pre-parsed widgets are now minified. Stale WebSockets connections should be cleaned up far quicker now. Template generation is now logged separately. Commented out some obsolete template logic. Marked a few template generator fields as unexported. Fixed the styling for the ban page in the profile for Nox. Fixed the styling for colline for Cosora and Tempra Simple. Fixed the sidebar overflowing outside of the box on Nox. Fixed the meta description text overflowing the box in the Setting Manager on Nox. Fixed excessive padding in the Page Manager. Fixed a few missing border on the profiles for Tempra Simple. Fixed the sidebar appearing in places it shouldn't on Tempra Simple. Fixed the status code emitted by NotFoundJS Fixed a bug where Gosora kept falling back to interpreted templates. Fixed a bug where WebSockets connections weren't getting closed properly if the user cache overflowed. Fixed a bug where WebSocket connections weren't getting initialised for guests. Fixed a bug where template overrides weren't always getting applied. Fixed a bug where root template overrides weren't always getting applied. Added the google_site_verify setting. Added the google_site_verify phrase. You will need to run the patcher or updater for this commit.
402 lines
11 KiB
402 lines
11 KiB
// +build !no_ws
* Gosora WebSocket Subsystem
* Copyright Azareal 2017 - 2019
package common
import (
// TODO: Disable WebSockets on high load? Add a Control Panel interface for disabling it?
var EnableWebsockets = true // Put this in caps for consistency with the other constants?
var wsUpgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024}
var errWsNouser = errors.New("This user isn't connected via WebSockets")
func init() {
adminStatsWatchers = make(map[*websocket.Conn]*WSUser)
topicListWatchers = make(map[*WSUser]bool)
topicWatchers = make(map[int]map[*WSUser]bool)
type WsTopicList struct {
Topics []*WsTopicsRow
LastPage int // Not for WebSockets, but for the JSON endpoint for /topics/ to keep the paginator functional
// TODO: How should we handle errors for this?
// TODO: Move this out of common?
func RouteWebsockets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) RouteError {
// TODO: Spit out a 500 instead of nil?
conn, err := wsUpgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
return LocalError("unable to upgrade", w, r, user)
defer conn.Close()
wsUser, err := WsHub.AddConn(user, conn)
if err != nil {
return nil
//conn.SetReadLimit(/* put the max request size from earlier here? */)
//conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(60 * time.Second))
var currentPage string
for {
_, message, err := conn.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
if user.ID == 0 {
delete(WsHub.OnlineGuests, wsUser)
} else {
// TODO: Make sure the admin is removed from the admin stats list in the case that an error happens
WsHub.RemoveConn(wsUser, conn)
if conn == nil {
panic("conn must not be nil")
messages := bytes.Split(message, []byte("\r"))
for _, msg := range messages {
//StoppedServer("Profile end") // A bit of code for me to profile the software
if bytes.HasPrefix(msg, []byte("page ")) {
msgblocks := bytes.SplitN(msg, []byte(" "), 2)
if len(msgblocks) < 2 {
if !bytes.Equal(msgblocks[1], []byte(currentPage)) {
wsLeavePage(wsUser, conn, currentPage)
currentPage = string(msgblocks[1])
wsPageResponses(wsUser, conn, currentPage)
/*if bytes.Equal(message,[]byte(`start-view`)) {
} else if bytes.Equal(message,[]byte(`end-view`)) {
DebugLog("Closing connection for user " + strconv.Itoa(user.ID))
return nil
// TODO: Copied from routes package for use in wsPageResponse, find a more elegant solution.
func ParseSEOURL(urlBit string) (slug string, id int, err error) {
halves := strings.Split(urlBit, ".")
if len(halves) < 2 {
halves = append(halves, halves[0])
tid, err := strconv.Atoi(halves[1])
return halves[0], tid, err
// TODO: Use a map instead of a switch to make this more modular?
func wsPageResponses(wsUser *WSUser, conn *websocket.Conn, page string) {
if page == "/" {
page = Config.DefaultPath
DebugLog("Entering page " + page)
switch {
// Live Topic List is an experimental feature
// TODO: Optimise this to reduce the amount of contention
case page == "/topics/":
topicListWatchers[wsUser] = true
// TODO: Evict from page when permissions change? Or check user perms every-time before sending data?
case strings.HasPrefix(page, "/topic/"):
//fmt.Println("entering topic prefix websockets zone")
_, tid, err := ParseSEOURL(page)
if err != nil {
topic, err := Topics.Get(tid)
if err != nil {
if !Forums.Exists(topic.ParentID) {
var usercpy *User = BlankUser()
*usercpy = *wsUser.User
/*skip, rerr := header.Hooks.VhookSkippable("ws_topic_check_pre_perms", w, r, usercpy, &fid, &header)
if skip || rerr != nil {
fperms, err := FPStore.Get(topic.ParentID, usercpy.Group)
if err == ErrNoRows {
fperms = BlankForumPerms()
} else if err != nil {
cascadeForumPerms(fperms, usercpy)
if !usercpy.Perms.ViewTopic {
_, ok := topicWatchers[topic.ID]
if !ok {
topicWatchers[topic.ID] = make(map[*WSUser]bool)
topicWatchers[topic.ID][wsUser] = true
case page == "/panel/":
if !wsUser.User.IsSuperMod {
// Listen for changes and inform the admins...
watchers := len(adminStatsWatchers)
adminStatsWatchers[conn] = wsUser
if watchers == 0 {
go adminStatsTicker()
err := wsUser.SetPageForSocket(conn, page)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Use a map instead of a switch to make this more modular?
func wsLeavePage(wsUser *WSUser, conn *websocket.Conn, page string) {
if page == "/" {
page = Config.DefaultPath
} else if page != "" {
DebugLog("Leaving page " + page)
switch {
case page == "/topics/":
wsUser.FinalizePage("/topics/", func() {
delete(topicListWatchers, wsUser)
case strings.HasPrefix(page, "/topic/"):
//fmt.Println("leaving topic prefix websockets zone")
wsUser.FinalizePage(page, func() {
_, tid, err := ParseSEOURL(page)
if err != nil {
defer topicMutex.Unlock()
topic, ok := topicWatchers[tid]
if !ok {
_, ok = topic[wsUser]
if !ok {
delete(topic, wsUser)
if len(topic) == 0 {
delete(topicWatchers, tid)
case page == "/panel/":
delete(adminStatsWatchers, conn)
err := wsUser.SetPageForSocket(conn, "")
if err != nil {
// TODO: Abstract this
// TODO: Use odd-even sharding
var topicListWatchers map[*WSUser]bool
var topicListMutex sync.RWMutex
var topicWatchers map[int]map[*WSUser]bool // map[tid]watchers
var topicMutex sync.RWMutex
var adminStatsWatchers map[*websocket.Conn]*WSUser
var adminStatsMutex sync.RWMutex
func adminStatsTicker() {
var lastUonline = -1
var lastGonline = -1
var lastTotonline = -1
var lastCPUPerc = -1
var lastAvailableRAM int64 = -1
var noStatUpdates, noRAMUpdates bool
var onlineColour, onlineGuestsColour, onlineUsersColour, cpustr, cpuColour, ramstr, ramColour string
var cpuerr, ramerr error
var memres *mem.VirtualMemoryStat
var cpuPerc []float64
var totunit, uunit, gunit string
lessThanSwitch := func(number int, lowerBound int, midBound int) string {
switch {
case number < lowerBound:
return "stat_green"
case number < midBound:
return "stat_orange"
return "stat_red"
greaterThanSwitch := func(number int, lowerBound int, midBound int) string {
switch {
case number > midBound:
return "stat_green"
case number > lowerBound:
return "stat_orange"
return "stat_red"
for {
watchCount := len(adminStatsWatchers)
if watchCount == 0 {
break AdminStatLoop
cpuPerc, cpuerr = cpu.Percent(time.Second, true)
memres, ramerr = mem.VirtualMemory()
uonline := WsHub.UserCount()
gonline := WsHub.GuestCount()
totonline := uonline + gonline
reqCount := 0
// It's far more likely that the CPU Usage will change than the other stats, so we'll optimise them separately...
noStatUpdates = (uonline == lastUonline && gonline == lastGonline && totonline == lastTotonline)
noRAMUpdates = (lastAvailableRAM == int64(memres.Available))
if int(cpuPerc[0]) == lastCPUPerc && noStatUpdates && noRAMUpdates {
if !noStatUpdates {
onlineColour = greaterThanSwitch(totonline, 3, 10)
onlineGuestsColour = greaterThanSwitch(gonline, 1, 10)
onlineUsersColour = greaterThanSwitch(uonline, 1, 5)
totonline, totunit = ConvertFriendlyUnit(totonline)
uonline, uunit = ConvertFriendlyUnit(uonline)
gonline, gunit = ConvertFriendlyUnit(gonline)
if cpuerr != nil {
cpustr = "Unknown"
} else {
calcperc := int(cpuPerc[0]) / runtime.NumCPU()
cpustr = strconv.Itoa(calcperc)
switch {
case calcperc < 30:
cpuColour = "stat_green"
case calcperc < 75:
cpuColour = "stat_orange"
cpuColour = "stat_red"
if !noRAMUpdates {
if ramerr != nil {
ramstr = "Unknown"
} else {
totalCount, totalUnit := ConvertByteUnit(float64(memres.Total))
usedCount := ConvertByteInUnit(float64(memres.Total-memres.Available), totalUnit)
// Round totals with .9s up, it's how most people see it anyway. Floats are notoriously imprecise, so do it off 0.85
var totstr string
if (totalCount - float64(int(totalCount))) > 0.85 {
usedCount += 1.0 - (totalCount - float64(int(totalCount)))
totstr = strconv.Itoa(int(totalCount) + 1)
} else {
totstr = fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", totalCount)
if usedCount > totalCount {
usedCount = totalCount
ramstr = fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", usedCount) + " / " + totstr + totalUnit
ramperc := ((memres.Total - memres.Available) * 100) / memres.Total
ramColour = lessThanSwitch(int(ramperc), 50, 75)
// Acquire a write lock for now, so we can handle the delete() case below and the read one simultaneously
// TODO: Stop taking a write lock here if it isn't necessary
for conn := range adminStatsWatchers {
w, err := conn.NextWriter(websocket.TextMessage)
if err != nil {
delete(adminStatsWatchers, conn)
// nolint
// TODO: Use JSON for this to make things more portable and easier to convert to MessagePack, if need be?
if !noStatUpdates {
w.Write([]byte("set #dash-totonline <span>" + phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_online", totonline, totunit) + "</span>\r"))
w.Write([]byte("set #dash-gonline <span>" + phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_guests_online", gonline, gunit) + "</span>\r"))
w.Write([]byte("set #dash-uonline <span>" + phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_users_online", uonline, uunit) + "</span>\r"))
w.Write([]byte("set #dash-reqs <span>" + strconv.Itoa(reqCount) + " reqs / second</span>\r"))
w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-totonline grid_item grid_stat " + onlineColour + "\r"))
w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-gonline grid_item grid_stat " + onlineGuestsColour + "\r"))
w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-uonline grid_item grid_stat " + onlineUsersColour + "\r"))
//w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-reqs grid_item grid_stat grid_end_group \r"))
w.Write([]byte("set #dash-cpu <span>CPU: " + cpustr + "%</span>\r"))
w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-cpu grid_item grid_istat " + cpuColour + "\r"))
if !noRAMUpdates {
w.Write([]byte("set #dash-ram <span>RAM: " + ramstr + "</span>\r"))
w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-ram grid_item grid_istat " + ramColour + "\r"))
lastUonline = uonline
lastGonline = gonline
lastTotonline = totonline
lastCPUPerc = int(cpuPerc[0])
lastAvailableRAM = int64(memres.Available)