Likes are now done over AJAX. Posts you have liked are now visually differentiated from those which you have not. Added support for OR to the where parser. || and && now get translated to OR and AND in the where parser. Added support for ( and ) in the where parser. Added an adapter and builder method for getting the database version. Multiple wheres can now be chained with the micro and accumulator builders. Added the In method to the accumulator select builder. Added the GetConn method to the builder. /uploads/ files should now get cached properly. Added more tooltips for topic titles and usernames. Fixed a bug in the runners where old stale templates would be served. Fixed a bug where liking topics didn't work. Began moving the database initialisation logic out of {adapter}.go and into querygen. Tweaked the alert direction to show the newest alerts rather than the oldest. Tweaked the WS JS to have it handle messages more efficiently. Partially fixed an issue where inline edited posts would lack newlines until the page is refreshed. Used arrow functions in a few places in global.js to save a few characters. Schema: Added the liked, oldestItemLikedCreatedAt and lastLiked columns to the users table. Added the createdAt column to the likes table. MySQL Update Queries: ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `liked` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `topics`; ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `oldestItemLikedCreatedAt` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AFTER `liked`; ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `lastLiked` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AFTER `oldestItemLikedCreatedAt`; ALTER TABLE `likes` ADD COLUMN `createdAt` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AFTER `sentBy`; delete from `likes`; delete from `activity_stream` where `event` = 'like'; delete from `activity_stream_matches` where `asid` not in(select `asid` from `activity_stream`); update `topics` set `likeCount` = 0; update `replies` set `likeCount` = 0;
679 lines
22 KiB
679 lines
22 KiB
'use strict';
var formVars = {};
var alertList = [];
var alertCount = 0;
var conn;
var selectedTopics = [];
var attachItemCallback = function(){}
var hooks = {
"start_init": [],
"end_init": [],
// Topic move
var forumToMoveTo = 0;
function runHook(name, ...args) {
if(!(name in hooks)) return;
let hook = hooks[name];
for (const callback in hook) {
// TODO: Write a friendlier error handler which uses a .notice or something, we could have a specialised one for alerts
function ajaxError(xhr,status,errstr) {
console.log("The AJAX request failed");
console.log("xhr", xhr);
console.log("status", status);
console.log("errstr", errstr);
if(status=="parsererror") {
console.log("The server didn't respond with a valid JSON response");
function postLink(event)
let formAction = $(event.target).closest('a').attr("href");
//console.log("Form Action: " + formAction);
$.ajax({ url: formAction, type: "POST", dataType: "json", error: ajaxError, data: {js: "1"} });
function bindToAlerts() {
$(".alertItem.withAvatar a").click(function(event) {
$.ajax({ url: "/api/?action=set&module=dismiss-alert", type: "POST", dataType: "json", error: ajaxError, data: { asid: $(this).attr("data-asid") } });
// TODO: Add the ability for users to dismiss alerts
function loadAlerts(menuAlerts)
var alertListNode = menuAlerts.getElementsByClassName("alertList")[0];
var alertCounterNode = menuAlerts.getElementsByClassName("alert_counter")[0];
alertCounterNode.textContent = "0";
type: 'get',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
if("errmsg" in data) {
alertListNode.innerHTML = "<div class='alertItem'>"+data.errmsg+"</div>";
var alist = "";
for(var i in data.msgs) {
var msg = data.msgs[i];
var mmsg = msg.msg;
if("sub" in msg) {
for(var i = 0; i < msg.sub.length; i++) {
mmsg = mmsg.replace("\{"+i+"\}", msg.sub[i]);
//console.log("Sub #" + i + ":",msg.sub[i]);
if("avatar" in msg) {
alist += "<div class='alertItem withAvatar' style='background-image:url(\""+msg.avatar+"\");'><img src='"+msg.avatar+"' class='bgsub' /><a class='text' data-asid='"+msg.asid+"' href=\""+msg.path+"\">"+mmsg+"</a></div>";
alertList.push("<div class='alertItem withAvatar' style='background-image:url(\""+msg.avatar+"\");'><img src='"+msg.avatar+"' class='bgsub' /><a class='text' data-asid='"+msg.asid+"' href=\""+msg.path+"\">"+mmsg+"</a></div>");
} else {
alist += "<div class='alertItem'><a href=\""+msg.path+"\" class='text'>"+mmsg+"</a></div>";
alertList.push("<div class='alertItem'><a href=\""+msg.path+"\" class='text'>"+mmsg+"</a></div>");
if(alist == "") alist = "<div class='alertItem'>You don't have any alerts</div>";
alertListNode.innerHTML = alist;
if(data.msgCount != 0 && data.msgCount != undefined) {
alertCounterNode.textContent = data.msgCount;
} else {
alertCount = data.msgCount;
error: function(magic,theStatus,error) {
let errtxt
try {
var data = JSON.parse(magic.responseText);
if("errmsg" in data) errtxt = data.errmsg;
else errtxt = "Unable to get the alerts";
} catch(err) {
errtxt = "Unable to get the alerts";
console.log("error", error);
alertListNode.innerHTML = "<div class='alertItem'>"+errtxt+"</div>";
function SplitN(data,ch,n) {
var out = [];
if(data.length === 0) return out;
var lastIndex = 0;
var j = 0;
var lastN = 1;
for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if(data[i] === ch) {
out[j++] = data.substring(lastIndex,i);
lastIndex = i;
if(lastN === n) break;
if(data.length > lastIndex) out[out.length - 1] += data.substring(lastIndex);
return out;
function runWebSockets() {
if(window.location.protocol == "https:")
conn = new WebSocket("wss://" + document.location.host + "/ws/");
else conn = new WebSocket("ws://" + document.location.host + "/ws/");
conn.onopen = function() {
console.log("The WebSockets connection was opened");
conn.send("page " + document.location.pathname + '\r');
// TODO: Don't ask again, if it's denied. We could have a setting in the UCP which automatically requests this when someone flips desktop notifications on
conn.onclose = function() {
conn = false;
console.log("The WebSockets connection was closed");
conn.onmessage = function(event) {
//console.log("WSMessage:", event.data);
if(event.data[0] == "{") {
try {
var data = JSON.parse(event.data);
} catch(err) {
if ("msg" in data) {
var msg = data.msg
if("sub" in data)
for(var i = 0; i < data.sub.length; i++)
msg = msg.replace("\{"+i+"\}", data.sub[i]);
if("avatar" in data) alertList.push("<div class='alertItem withAvatar' style='background-image:url(\""+data.avatar+"\");'><a class='text' data-asid='"+data.asid+"' href=\""+data.path+"\">"+msg+"</a></div>");
else alertList.push("<div class='alertItem'><a href=\""+data.path+"\" class='text'>"+msg+"</a></div>");
if(alertList.length > 8) alertList.shift();
//console.log("post alertList",alertList);
var alist = ""
for (var i = 0; i < alertList.length; i++) alist += alertList[i];
// TODO: Add support for other alert feeds like PM Alerts
var generalAlerts = document.getElementById("general_alerts");
var alertListNode = generalAlerts.getElementsByClassName("alertList")[0];
var alertCounterNode = generalAlerts.getElementsByClassName("alert_counter")[0];
alertListNode.innerHTML = alist;
alertCounterNode.textContent = alertCount;
// TODO: Add some sort of notification queue to avoid flooding the end-user with notices?
// TODO: Use the site name instead of "Something Happened"
if(Notification.permission === "granted") {
var n = new Notification("Something Happened",{
body: msg,
icon: data.avatar,
setTimeout(n.close.bind(n), 8000);
var messages = event.data.split('\r');
for(var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
let message = messages[i];
//console.log("Message: ",message);
if(message.startsWith("set ")) {
//msgblocks = message.split(' ',3);
let msgblocks = SplitN(message," ",3);
if(msgblocks.length < 3) continue;
document.querySelector(msgblocks[1]).innerHTML = msgblocks[2];
} else if(message.startsWith("set-class ")) {
let msgblocks = SplitN(message," ",3);
if(msgblocks.length < 3) continue;
document.querySelector(msgblocks[1]).className = msgblocks[2];
if(window["WebSocket"]) runWebSockets();
else conn = false;
$(".add_like").click(function(event) {
let likeButton = this;
let target = this.closest("a").getAttribute("href");
console.log("target: ", target);
let controls = likeButton.closest(".controls");
let hadLikes = controls.classList.contains("has_likes");
if(!hadLikes) controls.classList.add("has_likes");
let likeCountNode = controls.getElementsByClassName("like_count")[0];
likeCountNode.innerHTML = parseInt(likeCountNode.innerHTML) + 1;
url: target,
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: { isJs: 1 },
error: ajaxError,
success: function (data, status, xhr) {
if("success" in data) {
if(data["success"] == "1") {
// addNotice("Failed to add a like: {err}")
if(!hadLikes) controls.classList.remove("has_likes");
likeCountNode.innerHTML = parseInt(likeCountNode.innerHTML) - 1;
console.log("data", data);
console.log("status", status);
console.log("xhr", xhr);
$(".open_edit").click((event) => {
$(".topic_item .submit_edit").click(function(event){
let topicNameInput = $(".topic_name_input").val();
let topicContentInput = $('.topic_content_input').val();
$(".topic_content").html(topicContentInput.replace(/(\n)+/g,"<br />"));
let topicStatusInput = $('.topic_status_input').val();
let formAction = this.form.getAttribute("action");
//console.log("New Topic Name: ", topicNameInput);
//console.log("New Topic Status: ", topicStatusInput);
//console.log("New Topic Content: ", topicContentInput);
//console.log("Form Action: ", formAction);
url: formAction,
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
error: ajaxError,
data: {
topic_name: topicNameInput,
topic_status: topicStatusInput,
topic_content: topicContentInput,
topic_js: 1
$(".delete_item").click(function(event) {
let blockParent = $(this).closest('.editable_parent');
let block = blockParent.find('.editable_block').eq(0);
block.html("<textarea style='width: 99%;' name='edit_item'>" + block.html() + "</textarea><br /><a href='" + $(this).closest('a').attr("href") + "'><button class='submit_edit' type='submit'>Update</button></a>");
let blockParent = $(this).closest('.editable_parent');
let block = blockParent.find('.editable_block').eq(0);
let newContent = block.find('textarea').eq(0).val();
var formAction = $(this).closest('a').attr("href");
//console.log("Form Action:",formAction);
$.ajax({ url: formAction, type: "POST", error: ajaxError, dataType: "json", data: { isJs: "1", edit_item: newContent }
$(".edit_field").click(function(event) {
let blockParent = $(this).closest('.editable_parent');
let block = blockParent.find('.editable_block').eq(0);
block.html("<input name='edit_field' value='" + block.text() + "' type='text'/><a href='" + $(this).closest('a').attr("href") + "'><button class='submit_edit' type='submit'>Update</button></a>");
$(".submit_edit").click(function(event) {
let blockParent = $(this).closest('.editable_parent');
let block = blockParent.find('.editable_block').eq(0);
let newContent = block.find('input').eq(0).val();
let formAction = $(this).closest('a').attr("href");
//console.log("Form Action:", formAction);
url: formAction + "?session=" + session,
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
error: ajaxError,
data: { isJs: "1", edit_item: newContent }
if($(this).find("input").length !== 0) return;
//console.log("clicked .edit_fields");
var blockParent = $(this).closest('.editable_parent');
var fieldName = this.getAttribute("data-field");
var fieldType = this.getAttribute("data-type");
if(fieldType=="list") {
var fieldValue = this.getAttribute("data-value");
if(fieldName in formVars) var it = formVars[fieldName];
else var it = ['No','Yes'];
var itLen = it.length;
var out = "";
//console.log("Field Name:",fieldName);
//console.log("Field Type:",fieldType);
//console.log("Field Value:",fieldValue);
for (var i = 0; i < itLen; i++) {
var sel = "";
if(fieldValue == i || fieldValue == it[i]) {
sel = "selected ";
this.classList.remove(fieldName + '_' + it[i]);
this.innerHTML = "";
out += "<option "+sel+"value='"+i+"'>"+it[i]+"</option>";
this.innerHTML = "<select data-field='"+fieldName+"' name='"+fieldName+"'>"+out+"</select>";
else if(fieldType=="hidden") {}
else this.innerHTML = "<input name='"+fieldName+"' value='"+this.textContent+"' type='text'/>";
// Remove any handlers already attached to the submitter
//console.log("running .submit_edit event");
var outData = {isJs: "1"}
var blockParent = $(this).closest('.editable_parent');
blockParent.find('.editable_block').each(function() {
var fieldName = this.getAttribute("data-field");
var fieldType = this.getAttribute("data-type");
if(fieldType=="list") {
var newContent = $(this).find('select :selected').text();
this.classList.add(fieldName + '_' + newContent);
this.innerHTML = "";
} else if(fieldType=="hidden") {
var newContent = $(this).val();
} else {
var newContent = $(this).find('input').eq(0).val();
this.innerHTML = newContent;
outData[fieldName] = newContent;
var formAction = $(this).closest('a').attr("href");
//console.log("Form Action:", formAction);
$.ajax({ url: formAction + "?session=" + session, type:"POST", dataType:"json", data: outData, error: ajaxError });
// This one's for Tempra Conflux
// TODO: We might want to use pure JS here
var ip = this.textContent;
if(ip.length > 10){
this.innerHTML = "Show IP";
this.onclick = function(event) {
this.textContent = ip;
$(this).click(() => {
var menuAlerts = $(this).parent();
if(menuAlerts.hasClass("selectedAlert")) {
var alertMenuList = document.getElementsByClassName("menu_alerts");
for(var i = 0; i < alertMenuList.length; i++) {
$(".menu_alerts").click(function(event) {
if($(this).hasClass("selectedAlert")) return;
if(!conn) loadAlerts(this);
this.className += " selectedAlert";
document.getElementById("back").className += " alertActive"
$("input,textarea,select,option").keyup(event => event.stopPropagation())
$(".create_topic_link").click((event) => {
$(".topic_create_form .close_form").click((event) => {
function uploadFileHandler() {
var fileList = this.files;
// Truncate the number of files to 5
let files = [];
for(var i = 0; i < fileList.length && i < 5; i++)
files[i] = fileList[i];
// Iterate over the files
for(let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
console.log("files[" + i + "]",files[i]);
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
var fileDock = document.getElementById("upload_file_dock");
var fileItem = document.createElement("label");
if(!files[i]["name"].indexOf('.' > -1)) {
// TODO: Surely, there's a prettier and more elegant way of doing this?
alert("This file doesn't have an extension");
var ext = files[i]["name"].split('.').pop();
fileItem.innerText = "." + ext;
fileItem.className = "formbutton uploadItem";
fileItem.style.backgroundImage = "url("+e.target.result+")";
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256',e.target.result).then(function(hash) {
const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hash))
return hashArray.map(b => ('00' + b.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join('')
}).then(function(hash) {
let content = document.getElementById("input_content")
console.log("content.value", content.value);
let attachItem;
if(content.value == "") attachItem = "//" + siteURL + "/attachs/" + hash + "." + ext;
else attachItem = "\r\n//" + siteURL + "/attachs/" + hash + "." + ext;
content.value = content.value + attachItem;
console.log("content.value", content.value);
// For custom / third party text editors
var uploadFiles = document.getElementById("upload_files");
if(uploadFiles != null) {
uploadFiles.addEventListener("change", uploadFileHandler, false);
$(".moderate_link").click(function(event) {
if(selectedTopics.length==1) {
$(".mod_floater_head span").html("What do you want to do with this topic?");
} else {
$(".mod_floater_head span").html("What do you want to do with these "+selectedTopics.length+" topics?");
let bulkActionSender = function(action, selectedTopics, fragBit) {
let url = "/topic/"+action+"/submit/"+fragBit+"?session=" + session;
url: url,
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify(selectedTopics),
contentType: "application/json",
error: ajaxError,
success: () => {
let selectNode = this.form.querySelector(".mod_floater_options");
let optionNode = selectNode.options[selectNode.selectedIndex];
let action = optionNode.getAttribute("val");
//console.log("action", action);
// Handle these specially
switch(action) {
case "move":
console.log("move action");
let modTopicMover = $("#mod_topic_mover");
$("#mod_topic_mover .pane_row").click(function(){
let fid = this.getAttribute("data-fid");
if (fid == null) {
console.log("fid: " + fid);
forumToMoveTo = fid;
console.log("Changing the theme to " + this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute("val"));
url: this.form.getAttribute("action") + "?session=" + session,
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: { "newTheme": this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute("val"), isJs: "1" },
error: ajaxError,
success: function (data, status, xhr) {
console.log("Theme successfully switched");
console.log("data", data);
console.log("status", status);
console.log("xhr", xhr);
// The time range selector for the time graphs in the Control Panel
console.log("Changed the time range to " + this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute("val"));
window.location = this.form.getAttribute("action")+"?timeRange=" + this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute("val"); // Do a redirect as a form submission refuses to work properly
let unixTime = this.innerText;
let date = new Date(unixTime*1000);
console.log("date: ", date);
let minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes();
let formattedTime = date.getHours() + ":" + minutes.substr(-2);
console.log("formattedTime:", formattedTime);
this.innerText = formattedTime;
this.onkeyup = function(event) {
if(event.which == 37) this.querySelectorAll("#prevFloat a")[0].click();
if(event.which == 39) this.querySelectorAll("#nextFloat a")[0].click();
function addPollInput() {
console.log("clicked on pollinputinput");
let dataPollInput = $(this).parent().attr("data-pollinput");
console.log("dataPollInput: ", dataPollInput);
if(dataPollInput == undefined) return;
if(dataPollInput != (pollInputIndex-1)) return;
$(".poll_content_row .formitem").append("<div class='pollinput' data-pollinput='"+pollInputIndex+"'><input type='checkbox' disabled /><label class='pollinputlabel'></label><input form='quick_post_form' name='pollinputitem["+pollInputIndex+"]' class='pollinputinput' type='text' placeholder='Add new poll option' /></div>");
console.log("new pollInputIndex: ", pollInputIndex);
var pollInputIndex = 1;
$("#add_poll_button").click((event) => {
//id="poll_results_{{.Poll.ID}}" class="poll_results auto_hide"
let pollID = $(this).attr("data-poll-id");
$("#poll_results_" + pollID + " .user_content").html("<div id='poll_results_chart_"+pollID+"'></div>");
$("#poll_results_" + pollID).removeClass("auto_hide");
fetch("/poll/results/" + pollID, {
credentials: 'same-origin'
}).then((response) => response.text()).catch((error) => console.error("Error:",error)).then((rawData) => {
// TODO: Make sure the received data is actually a list of integers
let data = JSON.parse(rawData);
console.log("rawData: ", rawData);
console.log("series: ", data);
Chartist.Pie('#poll_results_chart_' + pollID, {
series: data,
}, {
height: '120px',