Cascade delete replied to topic events for replies properly. Cascade delete likes on topic posts properly. Cascade delete replies and their children properly. Recalculate user stats properly when items are deleted. Users can now unlike topic opening posts. Add a recalculator to fix abnormalities across upgrades. Try fixing a last_ip daily update bug. Add Existable interface. Add Delete method to LikeStore. Add Each, Exists, Create, CountUser, CountMegaUser and CountBigUser methods to ReplyStore. Add CountUser, CountMegaUser, CountBigUser methods to TopicStore. Add Each method to UserStore. Add Add, Delete and DeleteResource methods to SubscriptionStore. Add Delete, DeleteByParams, DeleteByParamsExtra and AidsByParamsExtra methods to ActivityStream. Add Exists method to ProfileReplyStore. Add DropColumn, RenameColumn and ChangeColumn to the database adapters. Shorten ipaddress column names to ip. - topics table. - replies table - users_replies table. - polls_votes table. Add extra column to activity_stream table. Fix an issue upgrading sites to MariaDB 10.3 from older versions of Gosora. Please report any other issues you find. You need to run the updater / patcher for this commit.
1210 lines
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1210 lines
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/* WIP Under Really Heavy Construction */
package qgen
import (
func init() {
Registry = append(Registry,
&MssqlAdapter{Name: "mssql", Buffer: make(map[string]DBStmt)},
type MssqlAdapter struct {
Name string // ? - Do we really need this? Can't we hard-code this?
Buffer map[string]DBStmt
BufferOrder []string // Map iteration order is random, so we need this to track the order, so we don't get huge diffs every commit
keys map[string]string
// GetName gives you the name of the database adapter. In this case, it's Mssql
func (a *MssqlAdapter) GetName() string {
return a.Name
func (a *MssqlAdapter) GetStmt(name string) DBStmt {
return a.Buffer[name]
func (a *MssqlAdapter) GetStmts() map[string]DBStmt {
return a.Buffer
// TODO: Implement this
func (a *MssqlAdapter) BuildConn(config map[string]string) (*sql.DB, error) {
return nil, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) DbVersion() string {
return "SELECT CONCAT(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition'))"
func (a *MssqlAdapter) DropTable(name, table string) (string, error) {
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
q := "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [" + table + "];"
a.pushStatement(name, "drop-table", q)
return q, nil
// TODO: Add support for foreign keys?
// TODO: Convert any remaining stringy types to nvarchar
// We may need to change the CreateTable API to better suit Mssql and the other database drivers which are coming up
func (a *MssqlAdapter) CreateTable(name, table, charset, collation string, columns []DBTableColumn, keys []DBTableKey) (string, error) {
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if len(columns) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("You can't have a table with no columns")
q := "CREATE TABLE [" + table + "] ("
for _, column := range columns {
column, size, end := a.parseColumn(column)
q += "\n\t[" + column.Name + "] " + column.Type + size + end + ","
if len(keys) > 0 {
for _, key := range keys {
q += "\n\t" + key.Type
if key.Type != "unique" {
q += " key"
q += "("
for _, column := range strings.Split(key.Columns, ",") {
q += "[" + column + "],"
q = q[0:len(q)-1] + "),"
q = q[0:len(q)-1] + "\n);"
a.pushStatement(name, "create-table", q)
return q, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) parseColumn(column DBTableColumn) (col DBTableColumn, size string, end string) {
var max, createdAt bool
switch column.Type {
case "createdAt":
column.Type = "datetime"
createdAt = true
case "varchar":
column.Type = "nvarchar"
case "text":
column.Type = "nvarchar"
max = true
case "json":
column.Type = "nvarchar"
max = true
case "boolean":
column.Type = "bit"
if column.Size > 0 {
size = " (" + strconv.Itoa(column.Size) + ")"
if max {
size = " (MAX)"
if column.Default != "" {
end = " DEFAULT "
if createdAt {
end += "GETUTCDATE()" // TODO: Use GETUTCDATE() in updates instead of the neutral format
} else if a.stringyType(column.Type) && column.Default != "''" {
end += "'" + column.Default + "'"
} else {
end += column.Default
if !column.Null {
end += " not null"
// ! Not exactly the meaning of auto increment...
if column.AutoIncrement {
end += " IDENTITY"
return column, size, end
// TODO: Test this, not sure if some things work
// TODO: Add support for keys
func (a *MssqlAdapter) AddColumn(name, table string, column DBTableColumn, key *DBTableKey) (string, error) {
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
column, size, end := a.parseColumn(column)
q := "ALTER TABLE [" + table + "] ADD [" + column.Name + "] " + column.Type + size + end + ";"
a.pushStatement(name, "add-column", q)
return q, nil
// TODO: Implement this
func (a *MssqlAdapter) DropColumn(name, table, colName string) (string, error) {
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
// TODO: Implement this
func (a *MssqlAdapter) RenameColumn(name, table, oldName, newName string) (string, error) {
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
// TODO: Implement this
func (a *MssqlAdapter) ChangeColumn(name, table, colName string, col DBTableColumn) (string, error) {
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
// TODO: Implement this
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SetDefaultColumn(name, table, colName, colType, defaultStr string) (string, error) {
if colType == "text" {
return "", errors.New("text fields cannot have default values")
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
// TODO: Implement this
// TODO: Test to make sure everything works here
func (a *MssqlAdapter) AddIndex(name, table, iname, colname string) (string, error) {
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if iname == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for the index")
if colname == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for the column")
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
// TODO: Implement this
// TODO: Test to make sure everything works here
func (a *MssqlAdapter) AddKey(name string, table string, column string, key DBTableKey) (string, error) {
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if column == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for the column")
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
// TODO: Implement this
// TODO: Test to make sure everything works here
func (a *MssqlAdapter) AddForeignKey(name string, table string, column string, ftable string, fcolumn string, cascade bool) (out string, e error) {
c := func(str string, val bool) {
if e != nil || !val {
e = errors.New("You need a " + str + " for this table")
c("name", table == "")
c("column", column == "")
c("ftable", ftable == "")
c("fcolumn", fcolumn == "")
if e != nil {
return "", e
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleInsert(name, table, cols, fields string) (string, error) {
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
q := "INSERT INTO [" + table + "] ("
if cols == "" {
q += ") VALUES ()"
a.pushStatement(name, "insert", q)
return q, nil
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
for _, col := range processColumns(cols) {
if col.Type == TokenFunc {
q += col.Left + ","
} else {
q += "[" + col.Left + "],"
q = q[0 : len(q)-1]
q += ") VALUES ("
for _, field := range processFields(fields) {
field.Name = strings.Replace(field.Name, "UTC_TIMESTAMP()", "GETUTCDATE()", -1)
//log.Print("field.Name ", field.Name)
nameLen := len(field.Name)
if field.Name[0] == '"' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '"' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + field.Name[1:nameLen-1] + "'"
if field.Name[0] == '\'' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '\'' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + strings.Replace(field.Name[1:nameLen-1], "'", "''", -1) + "'"
q += field.Name + ","
q = q[0:len(q)-1] + ")"
a.pushStatement(name, "insert", q)
return q, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleReplace(name, table, columns, fields string) (string, error) {
log.Print("In SimpleReplace")
key, ok := a.keys[table]
if !ok {
return "", errors.New("Unable to elide key from table '" + table + "', please use SimpleUpsert (coming soon!) instead")
log.Print("After the key check")
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
var keyPosition int
for _, column := range processColumns(columns) {
if column.Left == key {
var keyValue string
for fieldID, field := range processFields(fields) {
field.Name = strings.Replace(field.Name, "UTC_TIMESTAMP()", "GETUTCDATE()", -1)
nameLen := len(field.Name)
if field.Name[0] == '"' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '"' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + field.Name[1:nameLen-1] + "'"
if field.Name[0] == '\'' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '\'' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + strings.Replace(field.Name[1:nameLen-1], "'", "''", -1) + "'"
if keyPosition == fieldID {
keyValue = field.Name
return a.SimpleUpsert(name, table, columns, fields, "key = "+keyValue)
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleUpsert(name, table, columns, fields, where string) (string, error) {
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if len(columns) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No columns found for SimpleInsert")
if len(fields) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No input data found for SimpleInsert")
var fieldCount int
var fieldOutput string
q := "MERGE [" + table + "] WITH(HOLDLOCK) as t1 USING (VALUES("
parsedFields := processFields(fields)
for _, field := range parsedFields {
field.Name = strings.Replace(field.Name, "UTC_TIMESTAMP()", "GETUTCDATE()", -1)
//log.Print("field.Name ", field.Name)
nameLen := len(field.Name)
if field.Name[0] == '"' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '"' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + field.Name[1:nameLen-1] + "'"
if field.Name[0] == '\'' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '\'' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + strings.Replace(field.Name[1:nameLen-1], "'", "''", -1) + "'"
fieldOutput += field.Name + ","
fieldOutput = fieldOutput[0 : len(fieldOutput)-1]
q += fieldOutput + ")) AS updates ("
// nolint The linter wants this to be less readable
for fieldID, _ := range parsedFields {
q += "f" + strconv.Itoa(fieldID) + ","
q = q[0:len(q)-1] + ") ON "
//querystr += "t1.[" + key + "] = "
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case TokenSub:
q += " ?"
case TokenFunc, TokenOp, TokenNumber, TokenOr, TokenNot, TokenLike:
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
q += " " + token.Contents
case TokenColumn:
q += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case TokenString:
q += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
var fieldList string
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
for columnID, col := range processColumns(columns) {
fieldList += "f" + strconv.Itoa(columnID) + ","
if col.Type == TokenFunc {
matched += col.Left + " = f" + strconv.Itoa(columnID) + ","
notMatched += col.Left + ","
} else {
matched += "[" + col.Left + "] = f" + strconv.Itoa(columnID) + ","
notMatched += "[" + col.Left + "],"
matched = matched[0 : len(matched)-1]
notMatched = notMatched[0 : len(notMatched)-1]
fieldList = fieldList[0 : len(fieldList)-1]
notMatched += ") VALUES (" + fieldList + ");"
q += matched + " " + notMatched
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' {
log.Print(name+" query: ", q)
a.pushStatement(name, "upsert", q)
return q, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleUpdate(up *updatePrebuilder) (string, error) {
if up.table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if up.set == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need to set data in this update statement")
q := "UPDATE [" + up.table + "] SET "
for _, item := range processSet(up.set) {
q += "[" + item.Column + "]="
for _, token := range item.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case TokenSub:
q += " ?"
case TokenFunc, TokenOp, TokenNumber, TokenOr:
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
q += " " + token.Contents
case TokenColumn:
q += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case TokenString:
q += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
q += ","
q = q[0 : len(q)-1]
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(up.where) != 0 {
q += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(up.where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case TokenFunc, TokenOp, TokenNumber, TokenSub, TokenOr, TokenNot, TokenLike:
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
q += " " + token.Contents
case TokenColumn:
q += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case TokenString:
q += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
q += " AND"
q = q[0 : len(q)-4]
a.pushStatement(, "update", q)
return q, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleUpdateSelect(b *updatePrebuilder) (string, error) {
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleDelete(name string, table string, where string) (string, error) {
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if where == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need to specify what data you want to delete")
q := "DELETE FROM [" + table + "] WHERE"
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case TokenSub:
q += " ?"
case TokenFunc, TokenOp, TokenNumber, TokenOr, TokenNot, TokenLike:
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
q += " " + token.Contents
case TokenColumn:
q += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case TokenString:
q += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
q += " AND"
q = strings.TrimSpace(q[0 : len(q)-4])
a.pushStatement(name, "delete", q)
return q, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) ComplexDelete(b *deletePrebuilder) (string, error) {
return "", errors.New("not implemented")
// We don't want to accidentally wipe tables, so we'll have a separate method for purging tables instead
func (a *MssqlAdapter) Purge(name string, table string) (string, error) {
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
q := "DELETE FROM [" + table + "]"
a.pushStatement(name, "purge", q)
return q, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleSelect(name string, table string, columns string, where string, orderby string, limit string) (string, error) {
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if len(columns) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No columns found for SimpleSelect")
// TODO: Add this to the MySQL adapter in order to make this problem more discoverable?
if len(orderby) == 0 && limit != "" {
return "", errors.New("Orderby needs to be set to use limit on Mssql")
subCount := 0
q := ""
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
colslice := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(columns), ",")
for _, column := range colslice {
q += "[" + strings.TrimSpace(column) + "],"
q = q[0:len(q)-1] + " FROM [" + table + "]"
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(where) != 0 {
q += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case TokenSub:
q += " ?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount)
case TokenFunc, TokenOp, TokenNumber, TokenOr, TokenNot, TokenLike:
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
// MSSQL seems to convert the formats? so we'll compare it with a regular date. Do this with the other methods too?
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETDATE()"
q += " " + token.Contents
case TokenColumn:
q += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case TokenString:
q += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
q += " AND"
q = q[0 : len(q)-4]
// TODO: MSSQL requires ORDER BY for LIMIT
if len(orderby) != 0 {
q += " ORDER BY "
for _, column := range processOrderby(orderby) {
// TODO: We might want to escape this column
q += column.Column + " " + strings.ToUpper(column.Order) + ","
q = q[0 : len(q)-1]
if limit != "" {
limiter := processLimit(limit)
log.Printf("limiter: %+v\n", limiter)
if limiter.Offset != "" {
if limiter.Offset == "?" {
q += " OFFSET ?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount) + " ROWS"
} else {
q += " OFFSET " + limiter.Offset + " ROWS"
// ! Does this work without an offset?
if limiter.MaxCount != "" {
if limiter.MaxCount == "?" {
limiter.MaxCount = "?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount)
q += " FETCH NEXT " + limiter.MaxCount + " ROWS ONLY "
q = strings.TrimSpace("SELECT " + q)
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' && limit == "" {
log.Print(name+" query: ", q)
a.pushStatement(name, "select", q)
return q, nil
// TODO: ComplexSelect
func (a *MssqlAdapter) ComplexSelect(preBuilder *selectPrebuilder) (string, error) {
return "", nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleLeftJoin(name string, table1 string, table2 string, columns string, joiners string, where string, orderby string, limit string) (string, error) {
if table1 == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for the left table")
if table2 == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for the right table")
if len(columns) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No columns found for SimpleLeftJoin")
if len(joiners) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No joiners found for SimpleLeftJoin")
// TODO: Add this to the MySQL adapter in order to make this problem more discoverable?
if len(orderby) == 0 && limit != "" {
return "", errors.New("Orderby needs to be set to use limit on Mssql")
subCount := 0
q := ""
for _, col := range processColumns(columns) {
var source, alias string
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
if col.Table != "" {
source = "[" + col.Table + "].[" + col.Left + "]"
} else if col.Type == TokenFunc {
source = col.Left
} else {
source = "[" + col.Left + "]"
if col.Alias != "" {
alias = " AS '" + col.Alias + "'"
q += source + alias + ","
// Remove the trailing comma
q = q[0 : len(q)-1]
q += " FROM [" + table1 + "] LEFT JOIN [" + table2 + "] ON "
for _, j := range processJoiner(joiners) {
q += "[" + j.LeftTable + "].[" + j.LeftColumn + "]" + j.Operator + "[" + j.RightTable + "].[" + j.RightColumn + "] AND "
// Remove the trailing AND
q = q[0 : len(q)-4]
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(where) != 0 {
q += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case TokenSub:
q += " ?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount)
case TokenFunc, TokenOp, TokenNumber, TokenOr, TokenNot, TokenLike:
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
q += " " + token.Contents
case TokenColumn:
halves := strings.Split(token.Contents, ".")
if len(halves) == 2 {
q += " [" + halves[0] + "].[" + halves[1] + "]"
} else {
q += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case TokenString:
q += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
q += " AND"
q = q[0 : len(q)-4]
// TODO: MSSQL requires ORDER BY for LIMIT
if len(orderby) != 0 {
q += " ORDER BY "
for _, column := range processOrderby(orderby) {
log.Print("column: ", column)
// TODO: We might want to escape this column
q += column.Column + " " + strings.ToUpper(column.Order) + ","
q = q[0 : len(q)-1]
} else if limit != "" {
key, ok := a.keys[table1]
if ok {
q += " ORDER BY [" + table1 + "].[" + key + "]"
if limit != "" {
limiter := processLimit(limit)
if limiter.Offset != "" {
if limiter.Offset == "?" {
q += " OFFSET ?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount) + " ROWS"
} else {
q += " OFFSET " + limiter.Offset + " ROWS"
// ! Does this work without an offset?
if limiter.MaxCount != "" {
if limiter.MaxCount == "?" {
limiter.MaxCount = "?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount)
q += " FETCH NEXT " + limiter.MaxCount + " ROWS ONLY "
q = strings.TrimSpace("SELECT " + q)
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' && limit == "" {
log.Print(name+" query: ", q)
a.pushStatement(name, "select", q)
return q, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleInnerJoin(name string, table1 string, table2 string, columns string, joiners string, where string, orderby string, limit string) (string, error) {
if table1 == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for the left table")
if table2 == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for the right table")
if len(columns) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No columns found for SimpleInnerJoin")
if len(joiners) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No joiners found for SimpleInnerJoin")
// TODO: Add this to the MySQL adapter in order to make this problem more discoverable?
if len(orderby) == 0 && limit != "" {
return "", errors.New("Orderby needs to be set to use limit on Mssql")
subCount := 0
q := ""
for _, col := range processColumns(columns) {
var source, alias string
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
if col.Table != "" {
source = "[" + col.Table + "].[" + col.Left + "]"
} else if col.Type == TokenFunc {
source = col.Left
} else {
source = "[" + col.Left + "]"
if col.Alias != "" {
alias = " AS '" + col.Alias + "'"
q += source + alias + ","
// Remove the trailing comma
q = q[0 : len(q)-1]
q += " FROM [" + table1 + "] INNER JOIN [" + table2 + "] ON "
for _, j := range processJoiner(joiners) {
q += "[" + j.LeftTable + "].[" + j.LeftColumn + "]" + j.Operator + "[" + j.RightTable + "].[" + j.RightColumn + "] AND "
// Remove the trailing AND
q = q[0 : len(q)-4]
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(where) != 0 {
q += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case TokenSub:
q += " ?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount)
case TokenFunc, TokenOp, TokenNumber, TokenOr, TokenNot, TokenLike:
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
q += " " + token.Contents
case TokenColumn:
halves := strings.Split(token.Contents, ".")
if len(halves) == 2 {
q += " [" + halves[0] + "].[" + halves[1] + "]"
} else {
q += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case TokenString:
q += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
q += " AND"
q = q[0 : len(q)-4]
// TODO: MSSQL requires ORDER BY for LIMIT
if len(orderby) != 0 {
q += " ORDER BY "
for _, column := range processOrderby(orderby) {
log.Print("column: ", column)
// TODO: We might want to escape this column
q += column.Column + " " + strings.ToUpper(column.Order) + ","
q = q[0 : len(q)-1]
} else if limit != "" {
key, ok := a.keys[table1]
if ok {
log.Print("key: ", key)
q += " ORDER BY [" + table1 + "].[" + key + "]"
if limit != "" {
limiter := processLimit(limit)
if limiter.Offset != "" {
if limiter.Offset == "?" {
q += " OFFSET ?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount) + " ROWS"
} else {
q += " OFFSET " + limiter.Offset + " ROWS"
// ! Does this work without an offset?
if limiter.MaxCount != "" {
if limiter.MaxCount == "?" {
limiter.MaxCount = "?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount)
q += " FETCH NEXT " + limiter.MaxCount + " ROWS ONLY "
q = strings.TrimSpace("SELECT " + q)
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' && limit == "" {
log.Print(name+" query: ", q)
a.pushStatement(name, "select", q)
return q, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleInsertSelect(name string, ins DBInsert, sel DBSelect) (string, error) {
// TODO: More errors.
// TODO: Add this to the MySQL adapter in order to make this problem more discoverable?
if len(sel.Orderby) == 0 && sel.Limit != "" {
return "", errors.New("Orderby needs to be set to use limit on Mssql")
/* Insert */
q := "INSERT INTO [" + ins.Table + "] ("
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
for _, col := range processColumns(ins.Columns) {
if col.Type == TokenFunc {
q += col.Left + ","
} else {
q += "[" + col.Left + "],"
q = q[0:len(q)-1] + ") SELECT "
/* Select */
subCount := 0
for _, col := range processColumns(sel.Columns) {
var source, alias string
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
if col.Type == TokenFunc || col.Type == TokenSub {
source = col.Left
} else {
source = "[" + col.Left + "]"
if col.Alias != "" {
alias = " AS [" + col.Alias + "]"
q += " " + source + alias + ","
q = q[0:len(q)-1] + " FROM [" + sel.Table + "] "
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(sel.Where) != 0 {
q += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(sel.Where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case TokenSub:
q += " ?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount)
case TokenFunc, TokenOp, TokenNumber, TokenOr, TokenNot, TokenLike:
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
q += " " + token.Contents
case TokenColumn:
q += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case TokenString:
q += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
q += " AND"
q = q[0 : len(q)-4]
// TODO: MSSQL requires ORDER BY for LIMIT
if len(sel.Orderby) != 0 {
q += " ORDER BY "
for _, column := range processOrderby(sel.Orderby) {
// TODO: We might want to escape this column
q += column.Column + " " + strings.ToUpper(column.Order) + ","
q = q[0 : len(q)-1]
} else if sel.Limit != "" {
key, ok := a.keys[sel.Table]
if ok {
q += " ORDER BY [" + sel.Table + "].[" + key + "]"
if sel.Limit != "" {
limiter := processLimit(sel.Limit)
if limiter.Offset != "" {
if limiter.Offset == "?" {
q += " OFFSET ?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount) + " ROWS"
} else {
q += " OFFSET " + limiter.Offset + " ROWS"
// ! Does this work without an offset?
if limiter.MaxCount != "" {
if limiter.MaxCount == "?" {
limiter.MaxCount = "?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount)
q += " FETCH NEXT " + limiter.MaxCount + " ROWS ONLY "
q = strings.TrimSpace(q)
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' && sel.Limit == "" {
log.Print(name+" query: ", q)
a.pushStatement(name, "insert", q)
return q, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) simpleJoin(name string, ins DBInsert, sel DBJoin, joinType string) (string, error) {
// TODO: More errors.
// TODO: Add this to the MySQL adapter in order to make this problem more discoverable?
if len(sel.Orderby) == 0 && sel.Limit != "" {
return "", errors.New("Orderby needs to be set to use limit on Mssql")
/* Insert */
q := "INSERT INTO [" + ins.Table + "] ("
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
for _, col := range processColumns(ins.Columns) {
if col.Type == TokenFunc {
q += col.Left + ","
} else {
q += "[" + col.Left + "],"
q = q[0:len(q)-1] + ") SELECT "
/* Select */
subCount := 0
for _, col := range processColumns(sel.Columns) {
var source, alias string
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
if col.Table != "" {
source = "[" + col.Table + "].[" + col.Left + "]"
} else if col.Type == TokenFunc {
source = col.Left
} else {
source = "[" + col.Left + "]"
if col.Alias != "" {
alias = " AS '" + col.Alias + "'"
q += source + alias + ","
q = q[0 : len(q)-1]
q += " FROM [" + sel.Table1 + "] " + joinType + " JOIN [" + sel.Table2 + "] ON "
for _, j := range processJoiner(sel.Joiners) {
q += "[" + j.LeftTable + "].[" + j.LeftColumn + "] " + j.Operator + " [" + j.RightTable + "].[" + j.RightColumn + "] AND "
q = q[0 : len(q)-4]
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(sel.Where) != 0 {
q += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(sel.Where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case TokenSub:
q += " ?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount)
case TokenFunc, TokenOp, TokenNumber, TokenOr, TokenNot, TokenLike:
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
q += " " + token.Contents
case TokenColumn:
halves := strings.Split(token.Contents, ".")
if len(halves) == 2 {
q += " [" + halves[0] + "].[" + halves[1] + "]"
} else {
q += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case TokenString:
q += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
q += " AND"
q = q[0 : len(q)-4]
// TODO: MSSQL requires ORDER BY for LIMIT
if len(sel.Orderby) != 0 {
q += " ORDER BY "
for _, column := range processOrderby(sel.Orderby) {
log.Print("column: ", column)
// TODO: We might want to escape this column
q += column.Column + " " + strings.ToUpper(column.Order) + ","
q = q[0 : len(q)-1]
} else if sel.Limit != "" {
key, ok := a.keys[sel.Table1]
if ok {
q += " ORDER BY [" + sel.Table1 + "].[" + key + "]"
if sel.Limit != "" {
limiter := processLimit(sel.Limit)
if limiter.Offset != "" {
if limiter.Offset == "?" {
q += " OFFSET ?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount) + " ROWS"
} else {
q += " OFFSET " + limiter.Offset + " ROWS"
// ! Does this work without an offset?
if limiter.MaxCount != "" {
if limiter.MaxCount == "?" {
limiter.MaxCount = "?" + strconv.Itoa(subCount)
q += " FETCH NEXT " + limiter.MaxCount + " ROWS ONLY "
q = strings.TrimSpace(q)
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' && sel.Limit == "" {
log.Print(name+" query: ", q)
a.pushStatement(name, "insert", q)
return q, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleInsertLeftJoin(name string, ins DBInsert, sel DBJoin) (string, error) {
return a.simpleJoin(name, ins, sel, "LEFT")
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleInsertInnerJoin(name string, ins DBInsert, sel DBJoin) (string, error) {
return a.simpleJoin(name, ins, sel, "INNER")
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SimpleCount(name, table, where, limit string) (string, error) {
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
q := "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [" + table + "]"
// TODO: Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(where) != 0 {
q += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case TokenFunc, TokenOp, TokenNumber, TokenSub, TokenOr, TokenNot, TokenLike:
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
q += " " + token.Contents
case TokenColumn:
q += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case TokenString:
q += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
q += " AND"
q = q[0 : len(q)-4]
if limit != "" {
q += " LIMIT " + limit
q = strings.TrimSpace(q)
a.pushStatement(name, "select", q)
return q, nil
func (a *MssqlAdapter) Builder() *prebuilder {
return &prebuilder{a}
func (a *MssqlAdapter) Write() error {
var stmts, body string
for _, name := range a.BufferOrder {
if name == "" {
stmt := a.Buffer[name]
// TODO: Add support for create-table? Table creation might be a little complex for Go to do outside a SQL file :(
if stmt.Type != "create-table" {
stmts += "\t" + name + " *sql.Stmt\n"
body += `
common.DebugLog("Preparing ` + name + ` statement.")
stmts.` + name + `, err = db.Prepare("` + stmt.Contents + `")
if err != nil {
log.Print("Error in ` + name + ` statement.")
log.Print("Bad Query: ","` + stmt.Contents + `")
return err
// TODO: Move these custom queries out of this file
out := `// +build mssql
// This file was generated by Gosora's Query Generator. Please try to avoid modifying this file, as it might change at any time.
package main
import "log"
import "database/sql"
import ""
// nolint
type Stmts struct {
` + stmts + `
getActivityFeedByWatcher *sql.Stmt
getActivityCountByWatcher *sql.Stmt
Mocks bool
// nolint
func _gen_mssql() (err error) {
common.DebugLog("Building the generated statements")
` + body + `
return nil
return writeFile("./gen_mssql.go", out)
// Internal methods, not exposed in the interface
func (a *MssqlAdapter) pushStatement(name, stype, q string) {
if name == "" {
a.Buffer[name] = DBStmt{q, stype}
a.BufferOrder = append(a.BufferOrder, name)
func (a *MssqlAdapter) stringyType(ct string) bool {
ct = strings.ToLower(ct)
return ct == "char" || ct == "varchar" || ct == "datetime" || ct == "text" || ct == "nvarchar"
type SetPrimaryKeys interface {
SetPrimaryKeys(keys map[string]string)
func (a *MssqlAdapter) SetPrimaryKeys(keys map[string]string) {
a.keys = keys