Renamed the *Store methods. Added more functionality to some of the DataStores. Added DataCache interfaces in addition to the DataStores to help curb their unrelenting growth and confusing APIs. Fixed a crash bug in the ForumStore getters. Fixed three tests. Added more tests. Temporary Group permissions should now be applied properly. Improved the Tempra Conflux theme. Moved the topic deletion logic into the TopicStore. Tweaked the permission checks on the member routes to make them more sensible.
673 lines
22 KiB
673 lines
22 KiB
package main
import (
var socialgroupsListStmt *sql.Stmt
var socialgroupsMemberListStmt *sql.Stmt
var socialgroupsMemberListJoinStmt *sql.Stmt
var socialgroupsGetMemberStmt *sql.Stmt
var socialgroupsGetGroupStmt *sql.Stmt
var socialgroupsCreateGroupStmt *sql.Stmt
var socialgroupsAttachForumStmt *sql.Stmt
var socialgroupsUnattachForumStmt *sql.Stmt
var socialgroupsAddMemberStmt *sql.Stmt
// TODO: Add a better way of splitting up giant plugins like this
// SocialGroup is a struct representing a social group
type SocialGroup struct {
ID int
Link string
Name string
Desc string
Active bool
Privacy int /* 0: Public, 1: Protected, 2: Private */
// Who should be able to accept applications and create invites? Mods+ or just admins? Mods is a good start, we can ponder over whether we should make this more flexible in the future.
Joinable int /* 0: Private, 1: Anyone can join, 2: Applications, 3: Invite-only */
MemberCount int
Owner int
Backdrop string
CreatedAt string
LastUpdateTime string
MainForumID int
MainForum *Forum
Forums []*Forum
ExtData ExtData
type SocialGroupPage struct {
Title string
CurrentUser User
Header *HeaderVars
ItemList []*TopicsRow
Forum Forum
SocialGroup *SocialGroup
Page int
LastPage int
// SocialGroupListPage is a page struct for constructing a list of every social group
type SocialGroupListPage struct {
Title string
CurrentUser User
Header *HeaderVars
GroupList []*SocialGroup
type SocialGroupMemberListPage struct {
Title string
CurrentUser User
Header *HeaderVars
ItemList []SocialGroupMember
SocialGroup *SocialGroup
Page int
LastPage int
// SocialGroupMember is a struct representing a specific member of a group, not to be confused with the global User struct.
type SocialGroupMember struct {
Link string
Rank int /* 0: Member. 1: Mod. 2: Admin. */
RankString string /* Member, Mod, Admin, Owner */
PostCount int
JoinedAt string
Offline bool // TODO: Need to track the online states of members when WebSockets are enabled
User User
// TODO: Add a plugin interface instead of having a bunch of argument to AddPlugin?
func init() {
plugins["socialgroups"] = NewPlugin("socialgroups", "Social Groups", "Azareal", "", "", "", "", initSocialgroups, nil, deactivateSocialgroups, installSocialgroups, nil)
func initSocialgroups() (err error) {
plugins["socialgroups"].AddHook("intercept_build_widgets", socialgroupsWidgets)
plugins["socialgroups"].AddHook("trow_assign", socialgroupsTrowAssign)
plugins["socialgroups"].AddHook("topic_create_pre_loop", socialgroupsTopicCreatePreLoop)
plugins["socialgroups"].AddHook("pre_render_view_forum", socialgroupsPreRenderViewForum)
plugins["socialgroups"].AddHook("simple_forum_check_pre_perms", socialgroupsForumCheck)
plugins["socialgroups"].AddHook("forum_check_pre_perms", socialgroupsForumCheck)
// TODO: Auto-grant this perm to admins upon installation?
router.HandleFunc("/groups/", socialgroupsGroupList)
router.HandleFunc("/group/", socialgroupsViewGroup)
router.HandleFunc("/group/create/", socialgroupsCreateGroup)
router.HandleFunc("/group/create/submit/", socialgroupsCreateGroupSubmit)
router.HandleFunc("/group/members/", socialgroupsMemberList)
socialgroupsListStmt, err = qgen.Builder.SimpleSelect("socialgroups", "sgid, name, desc, active, privacy, joinable, owner, memberCount, createdAt, lastUpdateTime", "", "", "")
if err != nil {
return err
socialgroupsGetGroupStmt, err = qgen.Builder.SimpleSelect("socialgroups", "name, desc, active, privacy, joinable, owner, memberCount, mainForum, backdrop, createdAt, lastUpdateTime", "sgid = ?", "", "")
if err != nil {
return err
socialgroupsMemberListStmt, err = qgen.Builder.SimpleSelect("socialgroups_members", "sgid, uid, rank, posts, joinedAt", "", "", "")
if err != nil {
return err
socialgroupsMemberListJoinStmt, err = qgen.Builder.SimpleLeftJoin("socialgroups_members", "users", "users.uid, socialgroups_members.rank, socialgroups_members.posts, socialgroups_members.joinedAt,, users.avatar", "socialgroups_members.uid = users.uid", "socialgroups_members.sgid = ?", "socialgroups_members.rank DESC, socialgroups_members.joinedat ASC", "")
if err != nil {
return err
socialgroupsGetMemberStmt, err = qgen.Builder.SimpleSelect("socialgroups_members", "rank, posts, joinedAt", "sgid = ? AND uid = ?", "", "")
if err != nil {
return err
socialgroupsCreateGroupStmt, err = qgen.Builder.SimpleInsert("socialgroups", "name, desc, active, privacy, joinable, owner, memberCount, mainForum, backdrop, createdAt, lastUpdateTime", "?,?,?,?,1,?,1,?,'',UTC_TIMESTAMP(),UTC_TIMESTAMP()")
if err != nil {
return err
socialgroupsAttachForumStmt, err = qgen.Builder.SimpleUpdate("forums", "parentID = ?, parentType = 'socialgroup'", "fid = ?")
if err != nil {
return err
socialgroupsUnattachForumStmt, err = qgen.Builder.SimpleUpdate("forums", "parentID = 0, parentType = ''", "fid = ?")
if err != nil {
return err
socialgroupsAddMemberStmt, err = qgen.Builder.SimpleInsert("socialgroups_members", "sgid, uid, rank, posts, joinedAt", "?,?,?,0,UTC_TIMESTAMP()")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func deactivateSocialgroups() {
plugins["socialgroups"].RemoveHook("intercept_build_widgets", socialgroupsWidgets)
plugins["socialgroups"].RemoveHook("trow_assign", socialgroupsTrowAssign)
plugins["socialgroups"].RemoveHook("topic_create_pre_loop", socialgroupsTopicCreatePreLoop)
plugins["socialgroups"].RemoveHook("pre_render_view_forum", socialgroupsPreRenderViewForum)
plugins["socialgroups"].RemoveHook("simple_forum_check_pre_perms", socialgroupsForumCheck)
plugins["socialgroups"].RemoveHook("forum_check_pre_perms", socialgroupsForumCheck)
_ = router.RemoveFunc("/groups/")
_ = router.RemoveFunc("/group/")
_ = router.RemoveFunc("/group/create/")
_ = router.RemoveFunc("/group/create/submit/")
_ = socialgroupsListStmt.Close()
_ = socialgroupsMemberListStmt.Close()
_ = socialgroupsMemberListJoinStmt.Close()
_ = socialgroupsGetMemberStmt.Close()
_ = socialgroupsGetGroupStmt.Close()
_ = socialgroupsCreateGroupStmt.Close()
_ = socialgroupsAttachForumStmt.Close()
_ = socialgroupsUnattachForumStmt.Close()
_ = socialgroupsAddMemberStmt.Close()
// TODO: Stop accessing the query builder directly and add a feature in Gosora which is more easily reversed, if an error comes up during the installation process
func installSocialgroups() error {
sgTableStmt, err := qgen.Builder.CreateTable("socialgroups", "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_general_ci",
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"sgid", "int", 0, false, true, ""},
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"name", "varchar", 100, false, false, ""},
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"desc", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""},
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"active", "boolean", 1, false, false, ""},
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"privacy", "smallint", 0, false, false, ""},
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"joinable", "smallint", 0, false, false, "0"},
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"owner", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"memberCount", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"mainForum", "int", 0, false, false, "0"}, // The board the user lands on when they click on a group, we'll make it possible for group admins to change what users land on
//qgen.DB_Table_Column{"boards","varchar",255,false,false,""}, // Cap the max number of boards at 8 to avoid overflowing the confines of a 64-bit integer?
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"backdrop", "varchar", 200, false, false, ""}, // File extension for the uploaded file, or an external link
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"createdAt", "createdAt", 0, false, false, ""},
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"lastUpdateTime", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
qgen.DB_Table_Key{"sgid", "primary"},
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = sgTableStmt.Exec()
if err != nil {
return err
sgMembersTableStmt, err := qgen.Builder.CreateTable("socialgroups_members", "", "",
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"sgid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"uid", "int", 0, false, false, ""},
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"rank", "int", 0, false, false, "0"}, /* 0: Member. 1: Mod. 2: Admin. */
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"posts", "int", 0, false, false, "0"}, /* Per-Group post count. Should we do some sort of score system? */
qgen.DB_Table_Column{"joinedAt", "datetime", 0, false, false, ""},
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = sgMembersTableStmt.Exec()
return err
// TO-DO; Implement an uninstallation system into Gosora. And a better installation system.
func uninstallSocialgroups() error {
return nil
// TODO: Do this properly via the widget system
func socialgroupsCommonAreaWidgets(headerVars *HeaderVars) {
// TODO: Hot Groups? Featured Groups? Official Groups?
var b bytes.Buffer
var menu = WidgetMenu{"Social Groups", []WidgetMenuItem{
WidgetMenuItem{"Create Group", "/group/create/", false},
err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b, "widget_menu.html", menu)
if err != nil {
if themes[headerVars.ThemeName].Sidebars == "left" {
headerVars.Widgets.LeftSidebar = template.HTML(string(b.Bytes()))
} else if themes[headerVars.ThemeName].Sidebars == "right" || themes[headerVars.ThemeName].Sidebars == "both" {
headerVars.Widgets.RightSidebar = template.HTML(string(b.Bytes()))
// TODO: Do this properly via the widget system
// TODO: Make a better more customisable group widget system
func socialgroupsGroupWidgets(headerVars *HeaderVars, sgItem *SocialGroup) (success bool) {
return false // Disabled until the next commit
/*var b bytes.Buffer
var menu WidgetMenu = WidgetMenu{"Group Options", []WidgetMenuItem{
WidgetMenuItem{"Join", "/group/join/" + strconv.Itoa(sgItem.ID), false},
WidgetMenuItem{"Members", "/group/members/" + strconv.Itoa(sgItem.ID), false},
err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b, "widget_menu.html", menu)
if err != nil {
return false
if themes[headerVars.ThemeName].Sidebars == "left" {
headerVars.Widgets.LeftSidebar = template.HTML(string(b.Bytes()))
} else if themes[headerVars.ThemeName].Sidebars == "right" || themes[headerVars.ThemeName].Sidebars == "both" {
headerVars.Widgets.RightSidebar = template.HTML(string(b.Bytes()))
} else {
return false
return true*/
Custom Pages
func socialgroupsGroupList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) {
headerVars, ok := UserCheck(w, r, &user)
if !ok {
rows, err := socialgroupsListStmt.Query()
if err != nil && err != ErrNoRows {
InternalError(err, w)
var sgList []*SocialGroup
for rows.Next() {
sgItem := &SocialGroup{ID: 0}
err := rows.Scan(&sgItem.ID, &sgItem.Name, &sgItem.Desc, &sgItem.Active, &sgItem.Privacy, &sgItem.Joinable, &sgItem.Owner, &sgItem.MemberCount, &sgItem.CreatedAt, &sgItem.LastUpdateTime)
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
sgItem.Link = socialgroupsBuildGroupURL(nameToSlug(sgItem.Name), sgItem.ID)
sgList = append(sgList, sgItem)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
pi := SocialGroupListPage{"Group List", user, headerVars, sgList}
err = templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "socialgroups_group_list.html", pi)
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
func socialgroupsGetGroup(sgid int) (sgItem *SocialGroup, err error) {
sgItem = &SocialGroup{ID: sgid}
err = socialgroupsGetGroupStmt.QueryRow(sgid).Scan(&sgItem.Name, &sgItem.Desc, &sgItem.Active, &sgItem.Privacy, &sgItem.Joinable, &sgItem.Owner, &sgItem.MemberCount, &sgItem.MainForumID, &sgItem.Backdrop, &sgItem.CreatedAt, &sgItem.LastUpdateTime)
return sgItem, err
func socialgroupsViewGroup(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) {
// SEO URLs...
halves := strings.Split(r.URL.Path[len("/group/"):], ".")
if len(halves) < 2 {
halves = append(halves, halves[0])
sgid, err := strconv.Atoi(halves[1])
if err != nil {
PreError("Not a valid group ID", w, r)
sgItem, err := socialgroupsGetGroup(sgid)
if err != nil {
LocalError("Bad group", w, r, user)
if !sgItem.Active {
NotFound(w, r)
// Re-route the request to routeForums
var ctx = context.WithValue(r.Context(), "socialgroups_current_group", sgItem)
routeForum(w, r.WithContext(ctx), user, strconv.Itoa(sgItem.MainForumID))
func socialgroupsCreateGroup(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) {
headerVars, ok := UserCheck(w, r, &user)
if !ok {
// TODO: Add an approval queue mode for group creation
if !user.Loggedin || !user.PluginPerms["CreateSocialGroup"] {
NoPermissions(w, r, user)
pi := Page{"Create Group", user, headerVars, tList, nil}
err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "socialgroups_create_group.html", pi)
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
func socialgroupsCreateGroupSubmit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) {
// TODO: Add an approval queue mode for group creation
if !user.Loggedin || !user.PluginPerms["CreateSocialGroup"] {
NoPermissions(w, r, user)
var groupActive = true
var groupName = html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("group_name"))
var groupDesc = html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("group_desc"))
var gprivacy = r.PostFormValue("group_privacy")
var groupPrivacy int
switch gprivacy {
case "0":
groupPrivacy = 0 // Public
case "1":
groupPrivacy = 1 // Protected
case "2":
groupPrivacy = 2 // private
groupPrivacy = 0
// Create the backing forum
fid, err := fstore.Create(groupName, "", true, "")
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
res, err := socialgroupsCreateGroupStmt.Exec(groupName, groupDesc, groupActive, groupPrivacy, user.ID, fid)
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
lastID, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
// Add the main backing forum to the forum list
err = socialgroupsAttachForum(int(lastID), fid)
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
_, err = socialgroupsAddMemberStmt.Exec(lastID, user.ID, 2)
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
http.Redirect(w, r, socialgroupsBuildGroupURL(nameToSlug(groupName), int(lastID)), http.StatusSeeOther)
func socialgroupsMemberList(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) {
headerVars, ok := UserCheck(w, r, &user)
if !ok {
// SEO URLs...
halves := strings.Split(r.URL.Path[len("/group/members/"):], ".")
if len(halves) < 2 {
halves = append(halves, halves[0])
sgid, err := strconv.Atoi(halves[1])
if err != nil {
PreError("Not a valid group ID", w, r)
var sgItem = &SocialGroup{ID: sgid}
var mainForum int // Unused
err = socialgroupsGetGroupStmt.QueryRow(sgid).Scan(&sgItem.Name, &sgItem.Desc, &sgItem.Active, &sgItem.Privacy, &sgItem.Joinable, &sgItem.Owner, &sgItem.MemberCount, &mainForum, &sgItem.Backdrop, &sgItem.CreatedAt, &sgItem.LastUpdateTime)
if err != nil {
LocalError("Bad group", w, r, user)
sgItem.Link = socialgroupsBuildGroupURL(nameToSlug(sgItem.Name), sgItem.ID)
socialgroupsGroupWidgets(headerVars, sgItem)
rows, err := socialgroupsMemberListJoinStmt.Query(sgid)
if err != nil && err != ErrNoRows {
InternalError(err, w)
var sgMembers []SocialGroupMember
for rows.Next() {
sgMember := SocialGroupMember{PostCount: 0}
err := rows.Scan(&sgMember.User.ID, &sgMember.Rank, &sgMember.PostCount, &sgMember.JoinedAt, &sgMember.User.Name, &sgMember.User.Avatar)
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
sgMember.Link = buildProfileURL(nameToSlug(sgMember.User.Name), sgMember.User.ID)
if sgMember.User.Avatar != "" {
if sgMember.User.Avatar[0] == '.' {
sgMember.User.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(sgMember.User.ID) + sgMember.User.Avatar
} else {
sgMember.User.Avatar = strings.Replace(config.Noavatar, "{id}", strconv.Itoa(sgMember.User.ID), 1)
sgMember.JoinedAt, _ = relativeTime(sgMember.JoinedAt)
if sgItem.Owner == sgMember.User.ID {
sgMember.RankString = "Owner"
} else {
switch sgMember.Rank {
case 0:
sgMember.RankString = "Member"
case 1:
sgMember.RankString = "Mod"
case 2:
sgMember.RankString = "Admin"
sgMembers = append(sgMembers, sgMember)
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
pi := SocialGroupMemberListPage{"Group Member List", user, headerVars, sgMembers, sgItem, 0, 0}
// A plugin with plugins. Pluginception!
if preRenderHooks["pre_render_socialgroups_member_list"] != nil {
if runPreRenderHook("pre_render_socialgroups_member_list", w, r, &user, &pi) {
err = templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "socialgroups_member_list.html", pi)
if err != nil {
InternalError(err, w)
func socialgroupsAttachForum(sgid int, fid int) error {
_, err := socialgroupsAttachForumStmt.Exec(sgid, fid)
return err
func socialgroupsUnattachForum(fid int) error {
_, err := socialgroupsAttachForumStmt.Exec(fid)
return err
func socialgroupsBuildGroupURL(slug string, id int) string {
if slug == "" {
return "/group/" + slug + "." + strconv.Itoa(id)
return "/group/" + strconv.Itoa(id)
func socialgroupsPreRenderViewForum(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *User, data interface{}) (halt bool) {
pi := data.(*ForumPage)
if pi.Header.ExtData.items != nil {
if sgData, ok := pi.Header.ExtData.items["socialgroups_current_group"]; ok {
sgItem := sgData.(*SocialGroup)
sgpi := SocialGroupPage{pi.Title, pi.CurrentUser, pi.Header, pi.ItemList, pi.Forum, sgItem, pi.Page, pi.LastPage}
err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "socialgroups_view_group.html", sgpi)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
return false
func socialgroupsTrowAssign(args ...interface{}) interface{} {
var forum = args[1].(*Forum)
if forum.ParentType == "socialgroup" {
var topicItem = args[0].(*TopicsRow)
topicItem.ForumLink = "/group/" + strings.TrimPrefix(topicItem.ForumLink, getForumURLPrefix())
return nil
// TODO: It would be nice, if you could select one of the boards in the group from that drop-down rather than just the one you got linked from
func socialgroupsTopicCreatePreLoop(args ...interface{}) interface{} {
var fid = args[2].(int)
if fstore.DirtyGet(fid).ParentType == "socialgroup" {
var strictmode = args[5].(*bool)
*strictmode = true
return nil
// TODO: Add privacy options
// TODO: Add support for multiple boards and add per-board simplified permissions
// TODO: Take isJs into account for routes which expect JSON responses
func socialgroupsForumCheck(args ...interface{}) (skip interface{}) {
var r = args[1].(*http.Request)
var fid = args[3].(*int)
var forum = fstore.DirtyGet(*fid)
if forum.ParentType == "socialgroup" {
var err error
var w = args[0].(http.ResponseWriter)
var success = args[4].(*bool)
sgItem, ok := r.Context().Value("socialgroups_current_group").(*SocialGroup)
if !ok {
sgItem, err = socialgroupsGetGroup(forum.ParentID)
if err != nil {
InternalError(errors.New("Unable to find the parent group for a forum"), w)
*success = false
return false
if !sgItem.Active {
NotFound(w, r)
*success = false
return false
r = r.WithContext(context.WithValue(r.Context(), "socialgroups_current_group", sgItem))
var user = args[2].(*User)
var rank int
var posts int
var joinedAt string
// TODO: Group privacy settings. For now, groups are all globally visible
// Clear the default group permissions
// TODO: Do this more efficiently, doing it quick and dirty for now to get this out quickly
overrideForumPerms(&user.Perms, false)
user.Perms.ViewTopic = true
err = socialgroupsGetMemberStmt.QueryRow(sgItem.ID, user.ID).Scan(&rank, &posts, &joinedAt)
if err != nil && err != ErrNoRows {
*success = false
InternalError(err, w)
return false
} else if err != nil {
return true
// TODO: Implement bans properly by adding the Local Ban API in the next commit
if rank < 0 {
return true
// Basic permissions for members, more complicated permissions coming in the next commit!
if sgItem.Owner == user.ID {
overrideForumPerms(&user.Perms, true)
} else if rank == 0 {
user.Perms.LikeItem = true
user.Perms.CreateTopic = true
user.Perms.CreateReply = true
} else {
overrideForumPerms(&user.Perms, true)
return true
return false
// TODO: Override redirects? I don't think this is needed quite yet
func socialgroupsWidgets(args ...interface{}) interface{} {
var zone = args[0].(string)
var headerVars = args[2].(*HeaderVars)
var request = args[3].(*http.Request)
if zone != "view_forum" {
return false
var forum = args[1].(*Forum)
if forum.ParentType == "socialgroup" {
// This is why I hate using contexts, all the daisy chains and interface casts x.x
sgItem, ok := request.Context().Value("socialgroups_current_group").(*SocialGroup)
if !ok {
LogError(errors.New("Unable to find a parent group in the context data"))
return false
if headerVars.ExtData.items == nil {
headerVars.ExtData.items = make(map[string]interface{})
headerVars.ExtData.items["socialgroups_current_group"] = sgItem
return socialgroupsGroupWidgets(headerVars, sgItem)
return false