The tests and benchmarks now run again. gloinit() is always called prior to the tests and benchmarks now. The tests and benchmarks no longer use hard-coded session strings for admin route tests. Added some new route tests. We now pull the database version into a variable. Fixed an issue with guest perms not applying properly. Tweaked the router to make it a little more efficient. Moved more topic / user parsing logic into CascadeGet Profiles now use the user cache. Added the Set method to the caches. Set is used when you don't know if an item exists in a cache or not. Added the Load method to the caches. Load is used to forcefully reload an item in a cache from the database.
361 lines
7.7 KiB
361 lines
7.7 KiB
package main
import "log"
import "fmt"
import "sync"
import "strconv"
import "encoding/json"
var BlankPerms Perms
var BlankForumPerms ForumPerms
var GuestPerms Perms
var ReadForumPerms ForumPerms
var ReadReplyForumPerms ForumPerms
var ReadWriteForumPerms ForumPerms
var AllPerms Perms
var AllForumPerms ForumPerms
// Permission Structure: ActionComponent[Subcomponent]Flag
type Perms struct
// Global Permissions
BanUsers bool
ActivateUsers bool
EditUser bool
EditUserEmail bool
EditUserPassword bool
EditUserGroup bool
EditUserGroupSuperMod bool
EditUserGroupAdmin bool
ManageForums bool // This could be local, albeit limited for per-forum managers
EditSettings bool
ManageThemes bool
ManagePlugins bool
ViewIPs bool
// Forum permissions
ViewTopic bool
LikeItem bool
CreateTopic bool
EditTopic bool
DeleteTopic bool
CreateReply bool
//CreateReplyToOwn bool
EditReply bool
//EditOwnReply bool
DeleteReply bool
PinTopic bool
CloseTopic bool
//CloseOwnTopic bool
ExtData interface{}
/* Inherit from group permissions for ones we don't have */
type ForumPerms struct
ViewTopic bool
LikeItem bool
CreateTopic bool
EditTopic bool
DeleteTopic bool
CreateReply bool
//CreateReplyToOwn bool
EditReply bool
//EditOwnReply bool
DeleteReply bool
PinTopic bool
CloseTopic bool
//CloseOwnTopic bool
Overrides bool
ExtData map[string]bool
func init() {
BlankPerms = Perms{
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
BlankForumPerms = ForumPerms{
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
GuestPerms = Perms{
ViewTopic: true,
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
AllPerms = Perms{
BanUsers: true,
ActivateUsers: true,
EditUser: true,
EditUserEmail: true,
EditUserPassword: true,
EditUserGroup: true,
EditUserGroupSuperMod: true,
EditUserGroupAdmin: true,
ManageForums: true,
EditSettings: true,
ManageThemes: true,
ManagePlugins: true,
ViewIPs: true,
ViewTopic: true,
LikeItem: true,
CreateTopic: true,
EditTopic: true,
DeleteTopic: true,
CreateReply: true,
EditReply: true,
DeleteReply: true,
PinTopic: true,
CloseTopic: true,
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
AllForumPerms = ForumPerms{
ViewTopic: true,
LikeItem: true,
CreateTopic: true,
EditTopic: true,
DeleteTopic: true,
CreateReply: true,
EditReply: true,
DeleteReply: true,
PinTopic: true,
CloseTopic: true,
Overrides: true,
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
ReadWriteForumPerms = ForumPerms{
ViewTopic: true,
LikeItem: true,
CreateTopic: true,
CreateReply: true,
Overrides: true,
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
ReadReplyForumPerms = ForumPerms{
ViewTopic: true,
LikeItem: true,
CreateReply: true,
Overrides: true,
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
ReadForumPerms = ForumPerms{
ViewTopic: true,
Overrides: true,
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
guest_user.Perms = GuestPerms
if debug {
fmt.Printf("Guest Perms: ")
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", GuestPerms)
fmt.Printf("All Perms: ")
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", AllPerms)
func preset_to_permmap(preset string) (out map[string]ForumPerms) {
out = make(map[string]ForumPerms)
switch(preset) {
case "all":
out["guests"] = ReadForumPerms
out["members"] = ReadWriteForumPerms
out["staff"] = AllForumPerms
out["admins"] = AllForumPerms
case "announce":
out["guests"] = ReadForumPerms
out["members"] = ReadReplyForumPerms
out["staff"] = AllForumPerms
out["admins"] = AllForumPerms
case "members":
out["guests"] = BlankForumPerms
out["members"] = ReadWriteForumPerms
out["staff"] = AllForumPerms
out["admins"] = AllForumPerms
case "staff":
out["guests"] = BlankForumPerms
out["members"] = BlankForumPerms
out["staff"] = ReadWriteForumPerms
out["admins"] = AllForumPerms
case "admins":
out["guests"] = BlankForumPerms
out["members"] = BlankForumPerms
out["staff"] = BlankForumPerms
out["admins"] = AllForumPerms
case "archive":
out["guests"] = ReadForumPerms
out["members"] = ReadForumPerms
out["staff"] = ReadForumPerms
out["admins"] = ReadForumPerms //CurateForumPerms. Delete / Edit but no create?
out["guests"] = BlankForumPerms
out["members"] = BlankForumPerms
out["staff"] = BlankForumPerms
out["admins"] = BlankForumPerms
return out
var permupdate_mutex sync.Mutex
func permmap_to_query(permmap map[string]ForumPerms, fid int) error {
defer permupdate_mutex.Unlock()
_, err := delete_forum_perms_by_forum_stmt.Exec(fid)
if err != nil {
return err
perms, err := json.Marshal(permmap["admins"])
_, err = add_forum_perms_to_forum_admins_stmt.Exec(fid,"",perms)
if err != nil {
return err
perms, err = json.Marshal(permmap["staff"])
_, err = add_forum_perms_to_forum_staff_stmt.Exec(fid,"",perms)
if err != nil {
return err
perms, err = json.Marshal(permmap["members"])
_, err = add_forum_perms_to_forum_members_stmt.Exec(fid,"",perms)
if err != nil {
return err
perms, err = json.Marshal(permmap["guests"])
_, err = add_forum_perms_to_forum_guests_stmt.Exec(fid,"",perms)
if err != nil {
return err
return rebuild_forum_permissions(fid)
func rebuild_forum_permissions(fid int) error {
log.Print("Loading the forum permissions")
rows, err := db.Query("select gid, permissions from forums_permissions where fid = ? order by gid asc", fid)
if err != nil {
return err
defer rows.Close()
log.Print("Updating the forum permissions")
for rows.Next() {
var gid int
var perms []byte
var pperms ForumPerms
err := rows.Scan(&gid, &perms)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(perms, &pperms)
if err != nil {
return err
pperms.ExtData = make(map[string]bool)
pperms.Overrides = true
_, ok := forum_perms[gid]
if !ok {
forum_perms[gid] = make(map[int]ForumPerms)
forum_perms[gid][fid] = pperms
for gid, _ := range groups {
log.Print("Updating the forum permissions for Group #" + strconv.Itoa(gid))
var blank_list []ForumPerms
var blank_int_list []int
groups[gid].Forums = blank_list
groups[gid].CanSee = blank_int_list
for ffid, _ := range forums {
forum_perm, ok := forum_perms[gid][ffid]
if ok {
//log.Print("Overriding permissions for forum #" + strconv.Itoa(fid))
groups[gid].Forums = append(groups[gid].Forums,forum_perm)
} else {
//log.Print("Inheriting from default for forum #" + strconv.Itoa(fid))
forum_perm = BlankForumPerms
groups[gid].Forums = append(groups[gid].Forums,forum_perm)
if forum_perm.Overrides {
if forum_perm.ViewTopic {
groups[gid].CanSee = append(groups[gid].CanSee, ffid)
} else if groups[gid].Perms.ViewTopic {
groups[gid].CanSee = append(groups[gid].CanSee, ffid)
//fmt.Printf("%+v\n", groups[gid].CanSee)
//fmt.Printf("%+v\n", groups[gid].Forums)
return nil
func build_forum_permissions() error {
return nil
func strip_invalid_preset(preset string) string {
switch(preset) {
case "all":
case "announce":
case "members":
case "staff":
case "admins":
case "archive":
return ""
return preset
func preset_to_lang(preset string) string {
switch(preset) {
case "all":
return ""//return "Everyone"
case "announce":
return "Announcements"
case "members":
return "Member Only"
case "staff":
return "Staff Only"
case "admins":
return "Admin Only"
case "archive":
return "Archive"
return ""
func preset_to_emoji(preset string) string {
switch(preset) {
case "all":
return ""//return "Everyone"
case "announce":
return "📣"
case "members":
return "👪"
case "staff":
return "👮"
case "admins":
return "👑"
case "archive":
return "☠️"
return ""