Added the Account Dashboard and merged a few account views into it. BREAKING CHANGE: We now use config/config.json instead of config/config.go, be sure to setup one of these files, you can config_default.json as an example of what a config.json should look like. If you don't have an existing installation, you can just rely on the installer to do this for you. CSS Changes (does not include Nox Theme): Sidebar should no longer show up in the account manager in some odd situations or themes. Made a few CSS rules more generic. Forms have a new look in Cosora now. Config Changes: Removed the DefaultRoute config field. Added the DefaultPath config field. Added the MaxRequestSizeStr config field to make it easier for users to input custom max request sizes without having to use a calculator or figure out how many bytes there are in a megabyte. Removed the CacheTopicUser config field. Added the UserCache config field. Added the TopicCache config field Phrases: Removed ten english phrases. Added 21 english phrases. Changed eleven english phrases. Removed some duplicate indices in the english phrase pack. Removed some old benchmark code. Tweaked some things to make the linter happy. Added comments for all the MemoryUserCache and MemoryTopicCache methods. Added a comment for the null caches, consult the other caches for further information on the methods. Added a client-side check to make sure the user doesn't upload too much data in a single post. The server already did this, but it might be a while before feedback arrives from it. Simplified a lot of the control panel route code with the buildBasePage function. Renamed /user/edit/critical/ to /user/edit/password/ Renamed /user/edit/critical/submit/ to /user/edit/password/submit/ Made some small improvements to SEO with a couple of meta tags. Renamed some of the control panel templates so that they use _ instead of -. Fixed a bug where notices were being moved to the wrong place in some areas in Cosora. Added the writeJsonError function to help abstract writing json errors. Moved routePanelUsers to panel.Users Moved routePanelUsersEdit to panel.UsersEdit Moved routePanelUsersEditSubmit to panel.UsersEditSubmit Renamed routes.AccountEditCritical to routes.AccountEditPassword Renamed routes.AccountEditCriticalSubmit to routes.AccountEditPasswordSubmit Removed the routes.AccountEditAvatar and routes.AccountEditUsername routes. Fixed a data race in MemoryTopicCache.Add which could lead to the capacity limit being bypassed. Tweaked MemoryTopicCache.AddUnsafe under the assumption that it's not going to be safe anyway, but we might as-well try in case this call is properly synchronised. Fixed a data race in MemoryTopicCache.Remove which could lead to the length counter being decremented twice. Tweaked the behaviour of MemoryTopicCache.RemoveUnsafe to mirror that of Remove. Fixed a data race in MemoryUserCache.Add which could lead to the capacity limit being bypassed. User can no longer change their usernames to blank. Made a lot of progress on the Nox theme. Added modified FA5 SVGs as a dependency for Nox. Be sure to run the patcher or update script and don't forget to create a customised config/config.json file.
731 lines
20 KiB
731 lines
20 KiB
/* WIP Under Construction */
package main
import (
var routeList []*RouteImpl
var routeGroups []*RouteGroup
type TmplVars struct {
RouteList []*RouteImpl
RouteGroups []*RouteGroup
AllRouteNames []string
AllRouteMap map[string]int
AllAgentNames []string
AllAgentMap map[string]int
AllOSNames []string
AllOSMap map[string]int
func main() {
log.Println("Generating the router...")
// Load all the routes...
var tmplVars = TmplVars{
RouteList: routeList,
RouteGroups: routeGroups,
var allRouteNames []string
var allRouteMap = make(map[string]int)
var out string
var mapIt = func(name string) {
allRouteNames = append(allRouteNames, name)
allRouteMap[name] = len(allRouteNames) - 1
var countToIndents = func(indent int) (indentor string) {
for i := 0; i < indent; i++ {
indentor += "\t"
return indentor
var runBefore = func(runnables []Runnable, indent int) (out string) {
var indentor = countToIndents(indent)
if len(runnables) > 0 {
for _, runnable := range runnables {
if runnable.Literal {
out += "\n\t" + indentor + runnable.Contents
} else {
out += "\n" + indentor + "err = common." + runnable.Contents + "(w,req,user)\n" +
indentor + "if err != nil {\n" +
indentor + "\trouter.handleError(err,w,req,user)\n" +
indentor + "\treturn\n" +
indentor + "}\n" + indentor
return out
for _, route := range routeList {
var end = len(route.Path) - 1
out += "\n\t\tcase \"" + route.Path[0:end] + "\":"
out += runBefore(route.RunBefore, 4)
out += "\n\t\t\tcounters.RouteViewCounter.Bump(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[route.Name]) + ")"
out += "\n\t\t\terr = " + route.Name + "(w,req,user"
for _, item := range route.Vars {
out += "," + item
out += `)
if err != nil {
for _, group := range routeGroups {
var end = len(group.Path) - 1
out += "\n\t\tcase \"" + group.Path[0:end] + "\":"
out += runBefore(group.RunBefore, 3)
out += "\n\t\t\tswitch(req.URL.Path) {"
var defaultRoute = blankRoute()
for _, route := range group.RouteList {
if group.Path == route.Path {
defaultRoute = route
out += "\n\t\t\t\tcase \"" + route.Path + "\":"
if len(route.RunBefore) > 0 {
for _, runnable := range route.RunBefore {
for _, gRunnable := range group.RunBefore {
if gRunnable.Contents == runnable.Contents {
// TODO: Stop hard-coding these
if gRunnable.Contents == "AdminOnly" && runnable.Contents == "MemberOnly" {
continue skipRunnable
if gRunnable.Contents == "AdminOnly" && runnable.Contents == "SuperModOnly" {
continue skipRunnable
if gRunnable.Contents == "SuperModOnly" && runnable.Contents == "MemberOnly" {
continue skipRunnable
if runnable.Literal {
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\t" + runnable.Contents
} else {
out += `
err = common.` + runnable.Contents + `(w,req,user)
if err != nil {
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\tcounters.RouteViewCounter.Bump(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[route.Name]) + ")"
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\terr = " + route.Name + "(w,req,user"
for _, item := range route.Vars {
out += "," + item
out += ")"
if defaultRoute.Name != "" {
out += "\n\t\t\t\tdefault:"
out += runBefore(defaultRoute.RunBefore, 4)
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\tcounters.RouteViewCounter.Bump(" + strconv.Itoa(allRouteMap[defaultRoute.Name]) + ")"
out += "\n\t\t\t\t\terr = " + defaultRoute.Name + "(w,req,user"
for _, item := range defaultRoute.Vars {
out += ", " + item
out += ")"
out += `
if err != nil {
// Stubs for us to refer to these routes through
tmplVars.AllRouteNames = allRouteNames
tmplVars.AllRouteMap = allRouteMap
tmplVars.AllOSNames = []string{
tmplVars.AllOSMap = make(map[string]int)
for id, os := range tmplVars.AllOSNames {
tmplVars.AllOSMap[os] = id
tmplVars.AllAgentNames = []string{
"trident", // Hack to support IE11
tmplVars.AllAgentMap = make(map[string]int)
for id, agent := range tmplVars.AllAgentNames {
tmplVars.AllAgentMap[agent] = id
var fileData = `// Code generated by. DO NOT EDIT.
/* This file was automatically generated by the software. Please don't edit it as your changes may be overwritten at any moment. */
package main
import (
var ErrNoRoute = errors.New("That route doesn't exist.")
// TODO: What about the /uploads/ route? x.x
var RouteMap = map[string]interface{}{ {{range .AllRouteNames}}
"{{.}}": {{.}},{{end}}
var routeMapEnum = map[string]int{ {{range $index, $element := .AllRouteNames}}
"{{$element}}": {{$index}},{{end}}
var reverseRouteMapEnum = map[int]string{ {{range $index, $element := .AllRouteNames}}
{{$index}}: "{{$element}}",{{end}}
var osMapEnum = map[string]int{ {{range $index, $element := .AllOSNames}}
"{{$element}}": {{$index}},{{end}}
var reverseOSMapEnum = map[int]string{ {{range $index, $element := .AllOSNames}}
{{$index}}: "{{$element}}",{{end}}
var agentMapEnum = map[string]int{ {{range $index, $element := .AllAgentNames}}
"{{$element}}": {{$index}},{{end}}
var reverseAgentMapEnum = map[int]string{ {{range $index, $element := .AllAgentNames}}
{{$index}}: "{{$element}}",{{end}}
var markToAgent = map[string]string{
"Trident":"trident", // Hack to support IE11
"Lynx":"lynx", // There's a rare android variant of lynx which isn't covered by this
"yandex": "yandex", // from the URL
"CloudFlare":"cloudflare", // Track alwayson specifically in case there are other bots?
/*var agentRank = map[string]int{
// TODO: Stop spilling these into the package scope?
func init() {
type WriterIntercept struct {
w http.ResponseWriter
code int
func NewWriterIntercept(w http.ResponseWriter) *WriterIntercept {
return &WriterIntercept{w:w,code:200}
func (writ *WriterIntercept) Header() http.Header {
return writ.w.Header()
func (writ *WriterIntercept) Write(pieces []byte) (int, error) {
return writ.w.Write(pieces)
func (writ *WriterIntercept) WriteHeader(code int) {
writ.code = code
func (writ *WriterIntercept) GetCode() int {
return writ.code
type GenRouter struct {
UploadHandler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
extraRoutes map[string]func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, common.User) common.RouteError
requestLogger *log.Logger
func NewGenRouter(uploads http.Handler) (*GenRouter, error) {
f, err := os.OpenFile("./logs/requests.log", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0755)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &GenRouter{
UploadHandler: func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
writ := NewWriterIntercept(w)
if writ.GetCode() == 200 {
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age=" + strconv.Itoa(int(common.Day)))
w.Header().Set("Vary", "Accept-Encoding")
extraRoutes: make(map[string]func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, common.User) common.RouteError),
requestLogger: log.New(f, "", log.LstdFlags),
}, nil
func (router *GenRouter) handleError(err common.RouteError, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user common.User) {
if err.Handled() {
if err.Type() == "system" {
common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, err.JSON())
common.LocalErrorJSQ(err.Error(), w, r, user,err.JSON())
func (router *GenRouter) Handle(_ string, _ http.Handler) {
func (router *GenRouter) HandleFunc(pattern string, handle func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, common.User) common.RouteError) {
defer router.Unlock()
router.extraRoutes[pattern] = handle
func (router *GenRouter) RemoveFunc(pattern string) error {
defer router.Unlock()
_, ok := router.extraRoutes[pattern]
if !ok {
return ErrNoRoute
delete(router.extraRoutes, pattern)
return nil
func (router *GenRouter) DumpRequest(req *http.Request, prepend string) {
var heads string
for key, value := range req.Header {
for _, vvalue := range value {
heads += "Header '" + common.SanitiseSingleLine(key) + "': " + common.SanitiseSingleLine(vvalue) + "!!\n"
router.requestLogger.Print(prepend +
"\nUA: " + common.SanitiseSingleLine(req.UserAgent()) + "\n" +
"Method: " + common.SanitiseSingleLine(req.Method) + "\n" + heads +
"req.Host: " + common.SanitiseSingleLine(req.Host) + "\n" +
"req.URL.Path: " + common.SanitiseSingleLine(req.URL.Path) + "\n" +
"req.URL.RawQuery: " + common.SanitiseSingleLine(req.URL.RawQuery) + "\n" +
"req.Referer(): " + common.SanitiseSingleLine(req.Referer()) + "\n" +
"req.RemoteAddr: " + req.RemoteAddr + "\n")
func (router *GenRouter) SuspiciousRequest(req *http.Request, prepend string) {
if prepend != "" {
prepend += "\n"
router.DumpRequest(req,prepend+"Suspicious Request")
// TODO: Pass the default path or config struct to the router rather than accessing it via a package global
// TODO: SetDefaultPath
// TODO: GetDefaultPath
func (router *GenRouter) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// Redirect www. requests to the right place
if req.Host == "www." + common.Site.Host {
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
var s string
if common.Site.EnableSsl {
s = "s"
dest := "http"+s+"://" + req.Host + req.URL.Path
if len(req.URL.RawQuery) > 0 {
dest += "?" + req.URL.RawQuery
http.Redirect(w, req, dest, http.StatusMovedPermanently)
// Deflect malformed requests
if len(req.URL.Path) == 0 || req.URL.Path[0] != '/' || req.Host != common.Site.Host {
w.WriteHeader(200) // 400
router.DumpRequest(req,"Malformed Request")
// TODO: Cover more suspicious strings and at a lower layer than this
for _, char := range req.URL.Path {
if char != '&' && !(char > 44 && char < 58) && char != '=' && char != '?' && !(char > 64 && char < 91) && char != '\\' && char != '_' && !(char > 96 && char < 123) {
lowerPath := strings.ToLower(req.URL.Path)
// TODO: Flag any requests which has a dot with anything but a number after that
if strings.Contains(req.URL.Path,"..") || strings.Contains(req.URL.Path,"--") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,".php") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,".asp") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,".cgi") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,".py") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,".sql") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,".action") {
// Indirect the default route onto a different one
if req.URL.Path == "/" {
req.URL.Path = common.Config.DefaultPath
var prefix, extraData string
prefix = req.URL.Path[0:strings.IndexByte(req.URL.Path[1:],'/') + 1]
if req.URL.Path[len(req.URL.Path) - 1] != '/' {
extraData = req.URL.Path[strings.LastIndexByte(req.URL.Path,'/') + 1:]
req.URL.Path = req.URL.Path[:strings.LastIndexByte(req.URL.Path,'/') + 1]
if common.Dev.SuperDebug {
router.DumpRequest(req,"before routes.StaticFile")
// Increment the request counter
if prefix == "/static" {
counters.RouteViewCounter.Bump({{ index .AllRouteMap "routes.StaticFile" }})
req.URL.Path += extraData
routes.StaticFile(w, req)
if common.Dev.SuperDebug {
router.requestLogger.Print("before PreRoute")
// Track the user agents. Unfortunately, everyone pretends to be Mozilla, so this'll be a little less efficient than I would like.
// TODO: Add a setting to disable this?
// TODO: Use a more efficient detector instead of smashing every possible combination in
ua := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(strings.TrimPrefix(req.UserAgent(),"Mozilla/5.0 ")," Safari/537.36","",-1)) // Noise, no one's going to be running this and it would require some sort of agent ranking system to determine which identifier should be prioritised over another
if ua == "" {
if common.Dev.DebugMode {
var prepend string
for _, char := range req.UserAgent() {
prepend += strconv.Itoa(int(char)) + " "
router.DumpRequest(req,"Blank UA: " + prepend)
} else {
var runeEquals = func(a []rune, b []rune) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i, item := range a {
if item != b[i] {
return false
return true
// WIP UA Parser
var indices []int
var items []string
var buffer []rune
for index, item := range ua {
if (item > 64 && item < 91) || (item > 96 && item < 123) {
buffer = append(buffer, item)
} else if item == ' ' || item == '(' || item == ')' || item == '-' || (item > 47 && item < 58) || item == '_' || item == ';' || item == '.' || item == '+' || (item == ':' && (runeEquals(buffer,[]rune("http")) || runeEquals(buffer,[]rune("rv")))) || item == ',' || item == '/' {
if len(buffer) != 0 {
items = append(items, string(buffer))
indices = append(indices, index - 1)
buffer = buffer[:0]
} else {
// TODO: Test this
items = items[:0]
indices = indices[:0]
router.requestLogger.Print("UA Buffer: ", buffer)
router.requestLogger.Print("UA Buffer String: ", string(buffer))
// Iterate over this in reverse as the real UA tends to be on the right side
var agent string
for i := len(items) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
fAgent, ok := markToAgent[items[i]]
if ok {
agent = fAgent
if agent != "safari" {
if common.Dev.SuperDebug {
router.requestLogger.Print("parsed agent: ", agent)
var os string
for _, mark := range items {
switch(mark) {
case "Windows":
os = "windows"
case "Linux":
os = "linux"
case "Mac":
os = "mac"
case "iPhone":
os = "iphone"
case "Android":
os = "android"
if os == "" {
os = "unknown"
if common.Dev.SuperDebug {
router.requestLogger.Print("os: ", os)
router.requestLogger.Printf("items: %+v\n",items)
// Special handling
switch(agent) {
case "chrome":
if os == "android" {
agent = "androidchrome"
case "safari":
if os == "iphone" {
agent = "mobilesafari"
case "trident":
// Hack to support IE11, change this after we start logging versions
if strings.Contains(ua,"rv:11") {
agent = "internetexplorer"
case "zgrab":
router.SuspiciousRequest(req,"Vulnerability Scanner")
if agent == "" {
if common.Dev.DebugMode {
var prepend string
for _, char := range req.UserAgent() {
prepend += strconv.Itoa(int(char)) + " "
router.DumpRequest(req,"Blank UA: " + prepend)
} else {
// TODO: Do we want to track missing language headers too? Maybe as it's own type, e.g. "noheader"?
lang := req.Header.Get("Accept-Language")
if lang != "" {
lang = strings.TrimSpace(lang)
lLang := strings.Split(lang,"-")
common.DebugDetail("lLang:", lLang)
} else {
referrer := req.Header.Get("Referer") // Check the 'referrer' header too? :P
if referrer != "" {
// ? Optimise this a little?
referrer = strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(referrer,"http://"),"https://")
referrer = strings.Split(referrer,"/")[0]
portless := strings.Split(referrer,":")[0]
if portless != "localhost" && portless != "" && portless != common.Site.Host {
// Deal with the session stuff, etc.
user, ok := common.PreRoute(w, req)
if !ok {
if common.Dev.SuperDebug {
"after PreRoute\n" +
"routeMapEnum: ", routeMapEnum)
var err common.RouteError
switch(prefix) {` + out + `
/*case "/sitemaps": // TODO: Count these views
req.URL.Path += extraData
err = sitemapSwitch(w,req)
if err != nil {
case "/uploads":
if extraData == "" {
counters.RouteViewCounter.Bump({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.UploadedFile" }})
req.URL.Path += extraData
// TODO: Find a way to propagate errors up from this?
router.UploadHandler(w,req) // TODO: Count these views
case "":
// Stop the favicons, robots.txt file, etc. resolving to the topics list
// TODO: Add support for favicons and robots.txt files
switch(extraData) {
case "robots.txt":
counters.RouteViewCounter.Bump({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.RobotsTxt"}})
err = routes.RobotsTxt(w,req)
if err != nil {
/*case "sitemap.xml":
counters.RouteViewCounter.Bump({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.SitemapXml"}})
err = routes.SitemapXml(w,req)
if err != nil {
// A fallback for the routes which haven't been converted to the new router yet or plugins
handle, ok := router.extraRoutes[req.URL.Path]
if ok {
counters.RouteViewCounter.Bump({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.DynamicRoute" }}) // TODO: Be more specific about *which* dynamic route it is
req.URL.Path += extraData
err = handle(w,req,user)
if err != nil {
lowerPath := strings.ToLower(req.URL.Path)
if strings.Contains(lowerPath,"admin") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,"sql") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,"manage") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,"//") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,"\\\\") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,"wp") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,"wordpress") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,"config") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,"setup") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,"install") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,"update") || strings.Contains(lowerPath,"php") {
router.SuspiciousRequest(req,"Bad Route")
} else {
router.DumpRequest(req,"Bad Route")
counters.RouteViewCounter.Bump({{index .AllRouteMap "routes.BadRoute" }})
var tmpl = template.Must(template.New("router").Parse(fileData))
var b bytes.Buffer
err := tmpl.Execute(&b, tmplVars)
if err != nil {
writeFile("./gen_router.go", string(b.Bytes()))
log.Println("Successfully generated the router")
func writeFile(name string, content string) {
f, err := os.Create(name)
if err != nil {
_, err = f.WriteString(content)
if err != nil {