Azareal 91f70d2a4a Add a per-user theme switcher. The CSS might be slightly broken in the themes, that'll be fixed in a follow-up commit.
Added basic support for server sync.

Re-added a few missing defers.
Renamed TO-DO to TODO across the entire codebase.
Renamed StaticForumStore to MemoryForumStore.
The ForumStore is now built on a sync.Map with a view slice for generating /forums rather than a slice.
Renamed many more functions and variables to satisfy the linter.
increase_post_user_stats() and decrease_post_user_stats() are now methods on the User struct. We also fix a bug where they take the moderator's score rather than the target user's into account when recalculating their level after a post / topic is deleted.
Transitioned the topic list to CSS Grid for Tempra Simple, with a float fallback.
Cosmo and Cosmo Conflux are now hidden from the theme list.
Fixed more data races.
Added more debug data to the template compiler logs.
2017-09-10 17:57:22 +01:00

42 lines
2.7 KiB

{{template "header.html" . }}
{{/** TODO: Move this into a CSS file **/}}
{{template "socialgroups_css.html" . }}
{{/** TODO: Port the page template functions to the template interpreter **/}}
{{if gt .Page 1}}<div id="prevFloat" class="prev_button"><a class="prev_link" href="/group/{{.SocialGroup.ID}}?page={{subtract .Page 1}}">&lt;</a></div>{{end}}
{{if ne .LastPage .Page}}<link rel="prerender" href="/group/{{.SocialGroup.ID}}?page={{add .Page 1}}" />
<div id="nextFloat" class="next_button"><a class="next_link" href="/group/{{.SocialGroup.ID}}?page={{add .Page 1}}">&gt;</a></div>{{end}}
<div class="sgBackdrop">
<nav class="miniMenu">
<div class="menuItem"><a href="/group/{{.SocialGroup.ID}}">{{.SocialGroup.Name}}</a></div>
<div class="menuItem"><a href="#">About</a></div>
<div class="menuItem"><a href="/group/members/{{.SocialGroup.ID}}">Members</a></div>
<div class="menuItem rightMenu"><a href="#">Edit</a></div>
<div class="menuItem rightMenu"><a href="/topics/create/{{.Forum.ID}}">Reply</a></div>
<div class="menuItem rightMenu"><a href="/group/join/{{.SocialGroup.ID}}">Join</a></div>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<main id="forum_topic_list" class="rowblock topic_list" style="position: relative;z-index: 50;">
{{range .ItemList}}<div class="rowitem topic_left passive datarow" style="{{if .Creator.Avatar}}background-image: url({{.Creator.Avatar}});background-position: left;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: 64px;padding-left: 72px;{{end}}{{if .Sticky}}background-color: #FFFFCC;{{else if .IsClosed}}background-color: #eaeaea;{{end}}">
<span class="topic_inner_right rowsmall" style="float: right;">
<span class="replyCount">{{.PostCount}} replies</span><br />
<span class="lastReplyAt">{{.LastReplyAt}}</span>
<a class="rowtopic" href="{{.Link}}">{{.Title}}</a>
<br /><a class="rowsmall" href="{{.Creator.Link}}">Starter: {{.Creator.Name}}</a>
{{if .IsClosed}}<span class="rowsmall topic_status_e topic_status_closed" title="Status: Closed"> | &#x1F512;&#xFE0E{{end}}</span>
<div class="rowitem topic_right passive datarow" style="{{if .LastUser.Avatar}}background-image: url({{.LastUser.Avatar}});background-position: left;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: 64px;padding-left: 72px;{{end}}">
<a href="{{.LastUser.Link}}" class="lastName" style="font-size: 14px;">{{.LastUser.Name}}</a><br>
<span class="rowsmall lastReplyAt">Last: {{.LastReplyAt}}</span>
{{else}}<div class="rowitem passive">There aren't any topics in here yet.{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.CreateTopic}} <a href="/topics/create/{{.Forum.ID}}">Start one?</a>{{end}}</div>{{end}}
{{template "footer.html" . }}