Azareal 10f4c59cb5 Fixed the Go Version in the Travis file.
Added the Go and Database versions to the Control Panel Debug Page.
Renamed common.TopicsPage to common.TopicListPage.
Renamed *HeaderVars to *Header.
Added the Paginator struct and refactored the code to use it.
io.Writers are now used instead of http.ResponseWriters in transpiled templates for greater flexibility.
Added the alert, menu_alerts, and menu_item templates.
Added support for more integer types in the arithmetic functions for the transpiled templates.
Exported AccSelectBuilder.
Added an Each method to AccSelectBuilder.
Added column quoting to the order by portions of queries for the MySQL Adapter.

Began work on the client side rendering of alerts.
Began work on the Menu Manager and associated functionality.
2018-04-22 13:33:56 +01:00

409 lines
11 KiB

package common
import (
var Menus *DefaultMenuStore
type MenuItemList []MenuItem
type DefaultMenuStore struct {
menus map[int]*atomic.Value
func NewDefaultMenuStore() *DefaultMenuStore {
return &DefaultMenuStore{make(map[int]*atomic.Value)}
func (store *DefaultMenuStore) Get(mid int) *MenuListHolder {
aStore, ok := store.menus[mid]
if ok {
return aStore.Load().(*MenuListHolder)
return nil
type MenuListHolder struct {
List MenuItemList
Variations map[int]menuTmpl // 0 = Guest Menu, 1 = Member Menu, 2 = Super Mod Menu, 3 = Admin Menu
type menuTmpl struct {
RenderBuffer [][]byte
VariableIndices []int
type MenuItem struct {
ID int
HTMLID string
CSSClass string
Position string
Path string
Aria string
Tooltip string
Order int
TmplName string
GuestOnly bool
MemberOnly bool
SuperModOnly bool
AdminOnly bool
func (store *DefaultMenuStore) Load(mid int) error {
var mlist MenuItemList
acc := qgen.Builder.Accumulator()
err := acc.Select("menu_items").Columns("htmlID, cssClass, position, path, aria, tooltip, order, tmplName, guestOnly, memberOnly, staffOnly, adminOnly").Where("mid = " + strconv.Itoa(mid)).Orderby("order ASC").Each(func(rows *sql.Rows) error {
var mitem = MenuItem{ID: 1}
err := rows.Scan(&mitem.HTMLID, &mitem.CSSClass, &mitem.Position, &mitem.Path, &mitem.Aria, &mitem.Tooltip, &mitem.Order, &mitem.TmplName, &mitem.GuestOnly, &mitem.MemberOnly, &mitem.SuperModOnly, &mitem.AdminOnly)
if err != nil {
return err
mlist = append(mlist, mitem)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
hold := &MenuListHolder{mlist, make(map[int]menuTmpl)}
err = hold.Preparse()
if err != nil {
return err
var aStore = &atomic.Value{}
store.menus[mid] = aStore
return nil
// TODO: Run this in main, sync ticks, when the phrase file changes (need to implement the sync for that first), and when the settings are changed
func (hold *MenuListHolder) Preparse() error {
var tmpls = make(map[string]MenuTmpl)
var loadTmpl = func(name string) error {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./templates/" + name + ".html")
if err != nil {
return err
tmpls[name] = hold.Parse(name, data)
return nil
err := loadTmpl("menu_item")
if err != nil {
return err
err = loadTmpl("menu_alerts")
if err != nil {
return err
var addVariation = func(index int, callback func(mitem MenuItem) bool) {
renderBuffer, variableIndices := hold.Scan(tmpls, callback)
hold.Variations[index] = menuTmpl{renderBuffer, variableIndices}
fmt.Print("renderBuffer: ")
fmt.Printf("\nvariableIndices: %+v\n", variableIndices)
// Guest Menu
addVariation(0, func(mitem MenuItem) bool {
return !mitem.MemberOnly
// Member Menu
addVariation(1, func(mitem MenuItem) bool {
return !mitem.SuperModOnly && !mitem.GuestOnly
// Super Mod Menu
addVariation(2, func(mitem MenuItem) bool {
return !mitem.AdminOnly && !mitem.GuestOnly
// Admin Menu
addVariation(3, func(mitem MenuItem) bool {
return !mitem.GuestOnly
return nil
func nextCharIs(tmplData []byte, i int, expects byte) bool {
if len(tmplData) <= (i + 1) {
return false
return tmplData[i+1] == expects
func skipUntilIfExists(tmplData []byte, i int, expects byte) (newI int, hasIt bool) {
j := i
for ; j < len(tmplData); j++ {
if tmplData[j] == expects {
return j, true
return j, false
func skipUntilCharsExist(tmplData []byte, i int, expects []byte) (newI int, hasIt bool) {
j := i
expectIndex := 0
for ; j < len(tmplData) && expectIndex < len(expects); j++ {
if tmplData[j] != expects[expectIndex] {
return j, false
return j, true
type menuRenderItem struct {
Type int // 0: text, 1: variable
Index int
type MenuTmpl struct {
Name string
TextBuffer [][]byte
VariableBuffer [][]byte
RenderList []menuRenderItem
func menuDumpSlice(outerSlice [][]byte) {
for sliceID, slice := range outerSlice {
fmt.Print(strconv.Itoa(sliceID) + ":[")
for _, char := range slice {
fmt.Print("] ")
func (hold *MenuListHolder) Parse(name string, tmplData []byte) (menuTmpl MenuTmpl) {
//fmt.Println("tmplData: ", string(tmplData))
var textBuffer, variableBuffer [][]byte
var renderList []menuRenderItem
var subBuffer []byte
// ? We only support simple properties on MenuItem right now
var addVariable = func(name []byte) {
//fmt.Println("appending subBuffer: ", string(subBuffer))
textBuffer = append(textBuffer, subBuffer)
subBuffer = nil
//fmt.Println("adding variable: ", string(name))
variableBuffer = append(variableBuffer, name)
renderList = append(renderList, menuRenderItem{0, len(textBuffer) - 1})
renderList = append(renderList, menuRenderItem{1, len(variableBuffer) - 1})
for i := 0; i < len(tmplData); i++ {
char := tmplData[i]
if char == '{' && nextCharIs(tmplData, i, '{') {
dotIndex, hasDot := skipUntilIfExists(tmplData, i, '.')
if !hasDot {
// Template function style
langIndex, hasChars := skipUntilCharsExist(tmplData, i+2, []byte("lang"))
if hasChars {
startIndex, hasStart := skipUntilIfExists(tmplData, langIndex, '"')
endIndex, hasEnd := skipUntilIfExists(tmplData, startIndex+1, '"')
if hasStart && hasEnd {
fenceIndex, hasFence := skipUntilIfExists(tmplData, endIndex, '}')
if !hasFence || !nextCharIs(tmplData, fenceIndex, '}') {
//fmt.Println("tmplData[startIndex:endIndex]: ", tmplData[startIndex+1:endIndex])
prefix := []byte("lang.")
addVariable(append(prefix, tmplData[startIndex+1:endIndex]...))
i = fenceIndex + 1
fenceIndex, hasFence := skipUntilIfExists(tmplData, dotIndex, '}')
if !hasFence || !nextCharIs(tmplData, fenceIndex, '}') {
i = fenceIndex + 1
subBuffer = append(subBuffer, char)
if len(subBuffer) > 0 {
// TODO: Have a property in renderList which holds the byte slice since variableBuffers and textBuffers have the same underlying implementation?
textBuffer = append(textBuffer, subBuffer)
renderList = append(renderList, menuRenderItem{0, len(textBuffer) - 1})
fmt.Println("name: ", name)
fmt.Print("textBuffer: ")
fmt.Print("\nvariableBuffer: ")
fmt.Printf("\nrenderList: %+v\n", renderList)
return MenuTmpl{name, textBuffer, variableBuffer, renderList}
func (hold *MenuListHolder) Scan(menuTmpls map[string]MenuTmpl, showItem func(mitem MenuItem) bool) (renderBuffer [][]byte, variableIndices []int) {
for _, mitem := range hold.List {
// Do we want this item in this variation of the menu?
if !showItem(mitem) {
menuTmpl, ok := menuTmpls[mitem.TmplName]
if !ok {
menuTmpl = menuTmpls["menu_item"]
fmt.Println("menuTmpl: ", menuTmpl)
for _, renderItem := range menuTmpl.RenderList {
if renderItem.Type == 0 {
renderBuffer = append(renderBuffer, menuTmpl.TextBuffer[renderItem.Index])
variable := menuTmpl.VariableBuffer[renderItem.Index]
fmt.Println("initial variable: ", string(variable))
dotAt, hasDot := skipUntilIfExists(variable, 0, '.')
if !hasDot {
fmt.Println("no dot")
if bytes.Equal(variable[:dotAt], []byte("lang")) {
fmt.Println("lang: ", string(bytes.TrimPrefix(variable[dotAt:], []byte("."))))
renderBuffer = append(renderBuffer, []byte(GetTmplPhrase(string(bytes.TrimPrefix(variable[dotAt:], []byte("."))))))
} else {
var renderItem []byte
switch string(variable) {
case ".HTMLID":
renderItem = []byte(mitem.HTMLID)
case ".CSSClass":
renderItem = []byte(mitem.CSSClass)
case ".Position":
renderItem = []byte(mitem.Position)
case ".Path":
renderItem = []byte(mitem.Path)
case ".Aria":
renderItem = []byte(mitem.Aria)
case ".Tooltip":
renderItem = []byte(mitem.Tooltip)
_, hasInnerVar := skipUntilIfExists(renderItem, 0, '{')
if hasInnerVar {
fmt.Println("inner var: ", string(renderItem))
dotAt, hasDot := skipUntilIfExists(renderItem, 0, '.')
endFence, hasEndFence := skipUntilIfExists(renderItem, dotAt, '}')
if !hasDot || !hasEndFence || (endFence-dotAt) <= 1 {
renderBuffer = append(renderBuffer, renderItem)
variableIndices = append(variableIndices, len(renderBuffer)-1)
if bytes.Equal(renderItem[1:dotAt], []byte("lang")) {
fmt.Println("lang var: ", string(renderItem[dotAt+1:endFence]))
renderBuffer = append(renderBuffer, []byte(GetTmplPhrase(string(renderItem[dotAt+1:endFence]))))
} else {
fmt.Println("other var: ", string(variable[:dotAt]))
if len(renderItem) > 0 {
renderBuffer = append(renderBuffer, renderItem)
variableIndices = append(variableIndices, len(renderBuffer)-1)
fmt.Println("normal var: ", string(variable[:dotAt]))
if len(renderItem) > 0 {
renderBuffer = append(renderBuffer, renderItem)
// TODO: Need more coalescing in the renderBuffer
return renderBuffer, variableIndices
// TODO: Pre-render the lang stuff
func (hold *MenuListHolder) Build(w io.Writer, user *User) error {
var mTmpl menuTmpl
if !user.Loggedin {
mTmpl = hold.Variations[0]
} else if user.IsAdmin {
mTmpl = hold.Variations[3]
} else if user.IsSuperMod {
mTmpl = hold.Variations[2]
} else {
mTmpl = hold.Variations[1]
if len(mTmpl.VariableIndices) == 0 {
fmt.Println("no variable indices")
for _, renderItem := range mTmpl.RenderBuffer {
fmt.Printf("renderItem: %+v\n", renderItem)
return nil
var nearIndex = 0
for index, renderItem := range mTmpl.RenderBuffer {
if index != mTmpl.VariableIndices[nearIndex] {
fmt.Println("wrote text: ", string(renderItem))
fmt.Println("variable: ", string(renderItem))
variable := renderItem
// ? - I can probably remove this check now that I've kicked it upstream, or we could keep it here for safety's sake?
if len(variable) == 0 {
prevIndex := 0
for i := 0; i < len(renderItem); i++ {
fenceStart, hasFence := skipUntilIfExists(variable, i, '{')
if !hasFence {
i = fenceStart
fenceEnd, hasFence := skipUntilIfExists(variable, fenceStart, '}')
if !hasFence {
i = fenceEnd
dotAt, hasDot := skipUntilIfExists(variable, fenceStart, '.')
if !hasDot {
if bytes.Equal(variable[fenceStart:dotAt], []byte("me")) {
fmt.Println("maybe me variable")
switch string(variable[dotAt:fenceEnd]) {
case "Link":
case "Session":
prevIndex = fenceEnd
fmt.Println("prevIndex: ", prevIndex)
fmt.Println("len(variable)-1: ", len(variable)-1)
w.Write(variable[prevIndex : len(variable)-1])
if len(mTmpl.VariableIndices) > (nearIndex + 1) {
return nil